
VO YATA TUBA slitetom 2012 OTTIAATA PAGE SIX THE WORK KAN SA URDAY MARCH 31 The Debt Which America Owes Great Brilain.
Canadians To Place Bigger Boats on Line JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Card, Woda Good Assortment ably WORKMAN PRINTERY. years YOUR MONEY BACK IF It Not THE BEST to and The main been bowling three rate DAIR MEN Creamy Milk in And the MILK Com CHANGE IN SERVICE PROM MONHUGE LOANS WHICH WERE TREAL TO WEST INDIES WILL MADE YEARS AGO 10 Executions in IreSOON COMMENCE.
Protest Entered Against Io these days when one bears 10 much about Britain indebt FREE STATE DETERMINED TO Renewal of Subslby To cost to the United States of PUT OUT OF WAY ALL THOSE The Royal Mall Company.
America, it is refreshing to read WHO REFUSED AMNESTY.
the telowing which is taken Ituin The Saturday Review. IRRECONCIL 4BLES MOURN.
By Dutch West India Cable We take the opportunity at a from St. John, dated Mareb 16, it is stated 11 at the Cariadian mucent when thoughts are Arrests in England Spread Fear.
Government Merchant Marine ce ed with the onus of our Member 01 Parlament Limitis have announced debt to America, to remind the chang in the Moves In Matter.
Service from Governments of both countris Montreal to the West Indies by of America debt to us. We tirst rom nance with the opening of drew attention to this formidable Direct West India Cable the Montreal season. Pour bosts and re showed then that the March 15 states that the resump Hoancial obligation last maren, des paren from Dabllo dated of 4, 000 tons gross, all considerlark than various states of the Union are con ur ex tc suons by the Free those now used on tbe route will be put in debt. principally to ibe English TO SELECT FROM AT invento. bs a sua little short of State Govera zent is to pu su: THE on this service and will me tain fortnightly sailings. 200, 000 000 sterling. The itish ance of the policy annoucced The steamers to be used will public is probably whole when amnesty was offered. Dur quite unaware of this debt ing the amnesty period all execu be the Canadian Carrier, Squatter, tions were suspended and the which was incurred by loans presumption was ibat all refusRunner, and Outer Tbe creasa in the siz; and number of the yer ago to these various and must take the consequences.
bts is taken as an indication States for the purpose of estabof better trade conditions by The executions have been fisbing banks, railways. etc. mostly continea to those who had many The icans bave Pince been Protest Subsidy Renewal.
made direct attacks on the repudiated, and interest on Government but some were in BRITISH TRADE Montreal, March 15 proulem has consequently beet in ficted for robbery of banks test against the rene val ta 1923 arrear for from forty to seventy which has been frequent. The AND INDUSLRY.
of the Canadian Gyvernment So far, in fact, has the tal number of executions to date subsidy 2, 400, 000 to the Rapat memory of these loans faded Mall Steam Packet Company, to the limbo of bad debts that is sixty seven. By RICHARD LATHARD and a request that instead stepe to day it is impossible in some IRRECONCILABLES IN MOURNING instaice (without the help of Dublin, March 15 Apr.
London, March 1922. om be taken by the Goverument the drsuit parties) to collect clamation by the Government out the mysterious Bast. Bot put additional Canadia, owned Canadian built and manned the emplete ard accurate lacts of the Republic of Ireland has Esst of Suiz as the Doed zings.
concerning thm issued decreasing an inde bat north of it at Para Sard, ta vessels with larger passenger ou lie tu wever, is contained in finite period of national mourning the land of Tutashmen, omnes YOU can buy no Better accom mod tion and refrigeratoa plants on the St John and Halifax the followir table, which is during which spurts and amuse the story of what is believed to to West Indies route printed in the Annual Report of ments are to be suspeuded and be a new recurd in is being Porduct than brought before the Montreal che Corporation of Foreign theatres and moving pictures ship. Into the bankers of the Prades aud Labour council this Perdelers. For the sake of closed, and in particular horse Peninsular and Orient Bianship evening for endorsation by Dis convenience we give the totale racing, hunung, coursing, and all Waldera have been shot dan DAIRYMEN uhousand in sterling instead of dollars as outdoor sports artet badge 631 of lbs Interuahundred and discontinuea.
LION Association of machinists they appear in the Report, This action is taken, it is declar ninety tons of coal in the space reckoning tbe of ed, to view of the present of two hours. Dwelling boving LEAGUE exchange of to tho. national tragedy Causing by ly on this record, it such it be Ho Ro Co Products Aiabans Guarantees to Great Britain threat of war, the the reporter polats out that this CUOI Ruilave ete. dally violation of the usages ou works out at the rate aus War by the tortore, ill treatment hundred ad ninety Gives Contest.
Do reliable data and the execution of Republican per hour. It is added that three Ark. inay prisoners act in consideration hundred and twenty men an 100. 00 TO BE GIVEN AWAY Rai way Guarantees for the bereaved families and employed on the lighters, warten relatives.
twelva chutes.
ost maled a 1, 740. 000 Sweetened Condensed IRISH DEPORTATIONS, one hundred men are CONDENSED London, 21 nde inued to March 15. The gaged in trimmiak the cool January March 1923 Coninto The reporter bunkets.
uneasiness that has followed last saves us the trouble of multing. And establish Books and test Ends March 31st, 1923.
Railways Guarat Sunday Irish ariests in Great in ortugas calculation by Britain bas induced Sir Bings that the averaga per me DARRYMIENSLAUS Iroduced ferd EVAPORATED Rules Governing Contest.
tee. estimated 1, 400 000 ley Wood, member of the House wnd.
Cual he adds.
WHY PAY MORE of Commons for Woolwich West.
Georgia Pinipally Railto dralt a bill wbich he will taken in at Port Said by sa baskets holding aduet FOR INFERIOR BRANDS Etch purchaser of in Cuarantees, tbrer introduce next Tuesday ameodHo Ro Cu Products will be given estimated at 2, 540, 000 lok the restoration of order in quarters of a hundred weige bat coupon.
Prodigious Ireland Act.
Louisiana Baby Foods Agon s: YIDANQUE BROS. SONS All couanns must be placed Yet is that the sort of trond The masure proposes that in in sealed envelope and set to Railway Guarantees, 3440 BRANDON BROS Alexander Sanchez General and Certificates of the event or future deportatiour of which one should be pronul in Rtailer Ho Ri Có under the Act the Home Secre this Twentieth Century! Cole TOLEDANO, Colon Products, Claim irrued under tary be obliged to inform tbe labeur is no dubt cheap and PO, Box 879, Ancon. Z. not Settlen ent of 1874, Advisory Commitue established credit must be given the ship ater that Maren 31st. 1923 Estimated at utficers for their organ saya 1, 200 oco by the Act and that within bo competitors of the week this Committe must con drwick Capacity, but picture the largest number of coupous wili Minimais pi Plaulers stuer welter the deportation is bubbuo; the raisio chuud be awarded the prizes as follows: giunting. Sweatio Dew apparatus is that the coni veloped 10 keote. The vessel bas Bank Bonde 1831 3, just and reasonable. The persot dast; the 1st Prize Al is handled once only wherebs no boilers, all the heiting and 2000 adected would bave the right to men to the wesayua!
Union Bank Bonde, Working being doce Ind 17. 50 1, 400, 000 attend the hearing. Members of beither pleasant nor necessary reducing breakage. Finally and cargoi!
3rd lectrically. The fuel consump1838 1500 Parliament do not believe that the Not to be misunderstood there nur miud goes back to the 4th Carolina Special Tax Bill will bave the least chance, or perhaps requlsite that we explain Waldera again, the coal koos tion works out at under five tope 5th 10. 00 passing the House, but its intro the last remark. What we have straixbt into the hold of the ship per day. or about a quarter that 6th Honde aod Railwry 00 duction will give the Government in mind is the splendid noder and thus the necessity o clein of coal Gred steamer of the 7th 00 Charantee The an opportunity to make clear its contrivances of British englauer jinethe deeks a ter coding is same siz, and equal speed.
8th same firm we may mention, has 00 mated at 2, 320, 000 position which is now rather in venius for bunkering ships. Sobçlared.
9th 50 Obscure.
and, further, the ever creasing just secured an order for a The advantages of the use of twin screw motor ship of eleven 10th 50 Carolina. No details be arrests of of last week end use of oil as a fuel for bother such a plant as the above are ob h2 tons.
Veliabl; estimated To the beating Three competent judges will have given rise to the fear in of both these matters may the passenger liner, but, after consideraton vione. especially in the case of ba appointed There is, however, one draw. coupons on April 5th, and award check the 1, 200, 000 some quarters that persoas mas profitably devote our poca.
be summarily deported withou.
all the days of the coal fuell a back to the use of oil fuel. on the prizes to Anong the many excellent liner appear to be nun bered. ships; that is the polution of the owners. The names of the wii 12, 000, 000 a chance of an appeal.
devices of British firms for the More and more the attrae ions of sea or river in the neighbour rs will be published in this The lears bere tabulated were expeditious bunkering and bond oil burning sbips are hecoming bood of the oil fuelling station paper.
contracted for public works and British Consulate Notice. ing of coal into ships is die apparent, not only by reuon of Besides o her grave obj ctions do not include Confederate to chose. We may. perhaps its cleanliness but by reason of it has be found that the Bords or War Debts.
mention the new type of the greater space that can be do uresence of a film of oil on the IMPORTANT LODGE pound interest at, let us say, Toe Acting British Consul at paratue for loading coal to voted to pas engers or cargo sea close to the coast is most per cent, is calculated on the Colon would be glad of intor inaships NOTICE.
with which the Also, of coure, there is a great lestructv. of a birds and capital sum, the total amount tion as to the present where Clyde Navigation Trustees saving of labour costs in opera ther marine animals, Not many due is seen to reach the remarks abouts of one David Dunbar, a have been recently experiment box an oil fed vessel. Thes uonths a o the British Govern. All Lodges of The Loyal Order able figure if between 190 000. native of Jamaica, who arrived ing, This land consists of a sguments aply to the owing ment pass an Act making it of Ancient Shepherds, Ash.
000 pounds sterlink and 200, 000. here about three years ago, and suost, a turntable, anda enne nun ber of vessels known a llegal for a ship to discharge oil ton Unity Friendly And 000 pounds sterling: For a long is stated to be working between The cual passes down the shoot motor slide. Lately there has into tha sea within the three mile time the State of West Virginia Colon and Panama.
from a hopper and is distributraheen a great advance in the con limit. This prohibition has enApproved Socfety No. 122.
was also in default, but in 1920, over the huld of the massel by true to of vessel driven by in courged dur ber of inventions after protracted negotiations in the outlet of the shooting ternal com usti engines, that to enable ships to continue using CENTRAL AMERICRN DISthe courts, settlement was said Mr. Harvey, is damned moved by the wintables. As is, motor ships in which steun is ollhout running the risk of TRICT. S, PANAMA RP.
made. By that settlement made well out of Europe mess. result of the experiment it is not used as a propulsive power, the oil escaping into the tea by one State it seems to us that Very well, then. la plain claimed that four arths of the tu quite recantly the latter Ole Esglish firm has devised a the moral obligation of the rest business deal between plain coal can be loaded properly with form of propulsion has been way to enable oil tankers and The officers for the long expectto pay was admitted. business men. one party does out the assisiance of trimmere applied mainly to vessels of the other vessels carryinx nil to ed District LO But perbaps it is a wasle of not let the other party of its and th at the remaining af en sneller type, but now British discharge ballast from their oil was elected at a meeting conven time to talk to the United States debts be ause its own debt to be trimmed by te were the yards not infrequently tura out tanks, without offending against ed in the Kinx 01ge Lodge about moral The motor ships of more than ten the Act. barge is used for the Roon, on the 19th March, 1923.
obligations that party is the greater, The those at present required re caption of the oily ballast water, 15 per orders received from the When Mr. Wilson issued his United Statos wants plaia net result is that the leading thousand tons burlhen.
fourteen commandments do we.
with to a business deal: so It time can be halved. Moreovor.
Gen. Society Again, we are confronted with this barge being provided dazed world, America assumed seems to us therefore at the the cual is loaded as it is reosis an embarrased riebess when it separators and filters, which a morawunscendency over other moment we will not put it more edith where the houding the bound to comes to describing the drives charged water is free tron oil. the head of the Order. The They will be installed when retain the oil. The finally dis the new Surance, arrives from peoples which even she, in this stron is that the first step to methods of ronding the ret types of action and all drive while a considerable economy is Oficers elect are.
imperfect world is finding it wards the conclusion of that deal tendencs for small cool sa pet wel. dong the many edihard to live up to. But the man sbould be oficial American towards the catre sed the love een wathi new roots use sot usutulull. ffected by the retention of large Bros. H, Lagran, Peovincial tle of the morate has had to be acknowledgment of these ild cai to remain outside. Tuis aume to cur not ce, we mas me 11Chief Shaphra; Me. Marray, fung off at least by Mr.
Harvey, debts, and their shoulderiog by arrangement of the cool greatls in the very satisfactory triais Creoline Hair Producer is th. 3im Rugless. Provincial Core Provincial Dpty. Chief Shepherd: itie Ambassador in London, the United States Government increases the risk of Rre, which and we see exposed to view what on behalf of these States within generally starts among the ide with a two thousand top Another motor reegals tarnel out by world best hair tonic and wil Treasurer; Bro, Grant, Secty; Geo. Brown, Provincial we bad always known existed its constitution which originally small coal.
bebird the veil. Azeri, incurred them.
aceruing from the e the Clydasid ya. The engines de not soil or stain clothes, Past Provincial Chief Sbopuerd.
va ORCES. UTICA, NY, USA way The 12. 50 ti at It com


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