
HE WOKMAN SATURDAY MARCR 81 1923 PAGE SEVEN 21 There Satisby They Chesterfield Naloristin Host Indian News The best Tonic in the World from page 2)
playing send elass cricket for VIGOR TONIC Governorat Proslog Office Buckett has blossomed out into This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend perbes the best West Indian ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, cricketer is New York to day being a first wicket bat almost Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up inrariably rising to the occasion.
a run down constitution.
It promotes digestion, improves the appeThe Feeling Grows. tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system Awax is the Guardian obDOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or server: times a day.
is andoubtedly strong feeling Krowing more No other cigarette is so JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
and more in favoar of a waited smooth, so aromatic and West Indies Troided bas natur.
so pleasing in every way al adentages wbieb make her the most convenient political and as Chesterfield, That becon marcial capital of the West will be represented in England The 50cts. Middle cause Chesterfield blend Indies sad the years go by, by a very good cricketing team of finest Turkish and prejudice dies and the ability to this year. Those who have seGrade School American tobaccos can have brooder view and a wider lected the team have done their be copied outlook estes into the possession work well, and if th team fuis Try Chesterfields today.
of the many and not of the few the excuse that be tor team IN CONHECTION WITH THE as it is to say barriers will be could have been sent will not be UNITED METHODIST remored and difficulties to closer available. There might be disCHURCH OF THE PANAMA relationship brushed away. The appointment in some local quarDITRICT.
Advantages to be gained by har ters that no star local bat is ininga West Indian Common cluded. but seeing that the popwalte are so numerous and so alar bats did cot come off in the The United Methodist have great that it surprising that the intereslonial tournament in Dem arranged to organiz) a Middle stubborness born of insular erara there is nothing to mur Grade School is worked a theaglet and restricted vision mur about. The preservation of eticency and with like disciplina has been allowed to dominate the the batting honour of the am as those in Jamaie.
situation for so long. However, falls on Barbados, and do not The object is to offer to the much substantial work in the think that it could be desired direction has been done hands. The Birbadians are the colored children of this Isthmus since 1912, and am not without best run getters in the West In. regardless of descent or creed.
hope that the farther stimulus dies The Trinidad representa neans, in the first place) a god whose parents have bat limited CIGARETTES given to thought in this direction tives can be trusted to give and substantial education for by Mr. Narrar presence and good account of themselves in the sum of 503. per month per of finest Turkish and American tobaccos, blended his words will be of decided bowlng, fielding, and in the con child.
advantage to the cause of West tribution of some useful scores, Indias Raderation.
and, with luck, No child will be excluded or two LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
The standard of Jamaica cricket whose parent can only pay 252.
cannot be correoty gauged here, per month until he Good Combination but on paper their representa condition is improved.
tives are good enough for a high Nor will eveu a pour caita be place on a team in the inter colo deated admission intu the school Dial tournamen wnose parents have nothing to WILL GO FROM THE WEST INDIES pay, he ico will be welcomed, TO THE MOTHER COUNTRY This schere seems by some TO PLAY CRICKET.
Preference on Sugar sacrificial, bus tear never. complishes any good. is Baler in the Trinidad benevolence, and it will by IT WILL PAY YOU Guard writes thus:CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE PRES3 amply supported. I think that the West Iodies FOR ADOPTION OF MR. WOOD We have here and abroad RECOMMENDATION. many friends of all classes: hence our funds will be forth The Committee of the Trini coming to pay our teachers to dad Cham ser of Commerce bas thorou zhly instruct our scholars adopted the following resolution: Drawing, Algebra. Mathematics, Science That this Chambar desires Hygiene, English, support warmly the Associated French, Spanish, English HisWest Indian Chembers of Con tory, American History, Geomemerce and the West India Com Botany. Type writing. Booktry. Music Animal Paysiology, Opens mittee in their efforts to urge the keeping, Shorthand, Telegrapby, This Imperial Government to increase Swing Good Disciplin: Gud the rate of Customs Preference Manners, besides tha R.
on British sugar from one sixth to one third of the duty for a We have got the assurance of period of ten years, and further the maintenance of our lib. ary urges an undertaking be given already from good friends.
that should the duties on British The school is already started Sugar be reduced during that but it will not ba on its proper period, that the substantive pref. footing until abuut July nex.
erence be not allowed to fall of this year V, when all the below the present figure, namely equipment are completa.
Al 8: 15:00. per ton in the case of reaty we have the ca oparation 98 degree test Sugar, of thy Scbool. Further this Chamber re. This specifully urges that the various Philantropic, excludes none.
movement being condition, of the Cocoa Industry be also taken into account when ANDERSON, considering this question, with a Pastor Supt view to protecting by preference OSON this industry from undue foreign competition in the Home market. lever paid by any Fruit Company to any fruit grower previous to the War. They were getting back to normal prices. The ST. LUCIA Basis of Purchase of the fruit, AVE you ever lost the cap from your tube of payment at inspection depot.
would be as follows: ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN You Can Lose it!
KOLYNOS ALONE HAS THE Way 211023 CAPTIVE CAP INCH ONT dala KOV Proposal by British Per bunch o bands or upwards Syndicate.
away in the sleeping car or hid under the wall stand at home?
Then you will appreciate the cap that is held cap mitive and which holds the properties of Kolynos secure until you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the tube.
We now furnish you with a package of the same high standard as its contents.
THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn. SA 51 11 with a proposaly in that colony.
KOLYNOS 42 cents; over hands were not conveniently stowable but they would not that account TO DEVELOP BANANA TRADE reject them on solely.
LEEWARD ISLANDS, Per bunch, bands 310 cents The Voice of St. Lucia of recent 21 date states that a short time ago 101 an enthusiastic meeting was With proper cultivation the held at Roseau in connection fruit in Dominica would probably to establish the average and hands. Th330 banana prices were the absolute limit Mr. Stanley, in the course of they were prepared to pay, and his remarks, said he represented the contracts must be for five to grow bananas in St. Lucia, monthly shipping service of 12 islands, and to buy fruit from When conditions warranted they of with.
cultivators, to be transported would consider providing by British ships to British ports seventeen day shipping service for consumption by British with 15 koot boats capable of people.
He had formed the running to England in teu days, impression that Dominica was They would take a limited numan ideal place for fruit growing ber of passengers, but would not the soll and rainfall being suit compete with the passenger able. The one draw back was lines.
internal transportation. Those His company was prepared to whom he represented bad taken commence operations during up large tracts of land in St. 1924.
Lucia for the purpose.
He committee was appointed to would have to be assured by examine the scheme outlined by contract for five years. Reason Mr, Stanley.
able contracts would be given for that period. New ships specially designed for the Banana trade were being conCreoline straightens and structed by his group. He beautifies the hair and prowould pay the highest prices duces hair on bald heads.


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