p. 8


PAGE THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 31 19233 Cut by a SharkPanama Grano Derby Race Merting.
AT JUAN FRANCO PARK La Victoire Winner of the Trophy.
THE TEST Of almost every business is in its ability to repeat.
It cannot go forward unless its customers come back.
And bringing them back is a far greater indication of merit than bringing them in.
There is nothing so convincing as the simple testimony of the customer who returns for MORE OF THE SAME THING. Continued from page 1)
Kennedy tand. It is ertain that according to the description and siz) of the sha k, he could bare carried away the bry in ona stroke but the ber of torturing the by 100 bano been a source of pleasure and amusement rather bau having his tody for food.
Developing this sad oorurence the same paper commerts on to inattention of parents to their children thus: Is is a striking coin zidence that mera accident of this na ure do no, occur more often in this city and in the Province generally. The lack of proper attention of the majority of parents to their children, is sometbing shameful and alarmine to well thinking penpie. Day by day, mothers and ta bers in th city will say to themselves wbere is my daughter or where has iny Pon been for the wbole day. Some of them out three feet high are left to take care of themselves.
They will be seen wandering from one house to the otber, on the streets, and in the chinese shops and store about the city, much to the discredit of parents, If no check is brought to bear on the recklessness of the present situation as regardsto the proper training of the younger olks, the resultere long will be lamentable and unbappy future for this country aud the coming generation.
Buck We have had millions The Prince Emotion.
of encores on VICTOR VICTOR London, Feb. 24. The Daily Mail. story of a visit paid by the Prince of Wales to a hospital in which are 36 men who were so terribly injured in the war that they must remain within its walls until they die, is told in the Children Newspaper.
After Prince had been round the wards he said, was told you After the CIGARETTES only seen 29, 98 patients. have 36 MADE IN USA The Cigarette Without a Fault and 60 OD Sundy last was the most memorable day roted in borse racing at Juan Franco. Over five thousand persons crowded the grand stand and all the enclosures thereto. for the purpose of witnessing Panama first Derhy engagement for pure of 300 and a cup donated by Dr. lisario Porras, President of the Republic who along with his Cabinet bonored the occasion with their presence The race was a classic event ant was won by La Victoire, whicb was entered by Mr Frar cisco Arias Dancer which was supposed to be the most dangerous compe titer in the race, collapsed after the first six furlongs was Teacbed and was completely out classed The winner of the Panama Derby is a native bred borse of Poru and is belonging to the President Stable of that Re public. The distance over which the race wss run is one and a half mile and was done in very slow time, All tbe events came off satisfactorily and the large crowd enjoyed themselves thoroughly.
Results of Racing First Race: National Maiden Hand. cap Distance furlongs.
Purse 110 00 Baby Chagres t. Whisky 2nd, Coilmark 3rd.
This race was won by Capauli.
uut te was disqualified for a foul and the purse and PariMutuel awarded to Baby Cbasee Pool paid 70 on the wioner, place paid 30 and 4, 00. tbe con horse Time 36 Second Race: Jockey Club Hand. cap Distance turlongs Purse 125. 00 Darling Ist.
Plardelli 2nd Pool. paid 600 and 30 in the winner and 60 on the second horse Time 06 Third Race. National Trea sury Bandicap Distance tur Jergs Perse 300 CO Fogede Not 1st: Crusader 2nd, Rhej 3rd. Pool paid 134 10 biler and 850 on the Old horse. Time 19 Fourth Race. Minister of Public Works Handicap fur longs Parse of 875. 00, 12 borses entered of wbich faced the starter Checkers bebaved bad iy breskink the tape twice and causing lengthy delay. When a stari was made, Zipi Zape was tue brst to leave the barrier aud the lead was maintained to the finisb. ZipZape 1st Checkers 2nd, apo Mountain Boy 3rd Pool paid 2820 and 17. 40 ou the winner and 11. 80 un the 2nd horse. Time 115.
Fui act. President Pouras Handicap. Distance furlong: Purse of 300 and Silver Cup given by the Presi is Victoire, Mr. Francisco Arias ridden by Teran; Chilero, Mr. De La Cerda ridden by Aranguiz; Mayaro, Mr.
Tomas Gabriel Duque ridden by Takeaway; Johnny Walker. Mr.
Raul Espinosa ridden by Chy.
stal; Buck Dancer Mr. Arturo Delvalle by Medina; Dad Mr. Arturo Delvalle, scratcbed The borees got off badly with Huck Dancer leaving the barrier last Before the second furlong Teached he was in the bunch and there was a struggle with Mayaru and Chileno when Buck Dancer passed them and was challenged by La Victoire.
On eachiog Ibe five and a half iurlongs, Buck Dancer collapsed completely and was out of the race. The borses came in the following order: Victoire 1st Chile Do 2nd, Mayaro 3rd, Johnny Walker 4th and Buck Dancer last. Pool paid 20 and 10 on the winning borse aud 20 on the 2nd borse. Time 250 Sixth Race: Chesterfield Han dicap Torlongs Purse 200. 00 Capitana 1st, Quien Sabe 2nd, Alta Mae 3rd. Pool paid 70 and 90 on the winner ano 50 on the 2nd horse. Time 511 Seventh Race. Lucky Strike Handicap. Distance furlong.
Purse 300. 00. Avispa 18t, On Pub 2nd. Chagres 8rd. Poel paid 3, 80 and 80 on the winner, and 2, 40 on the 2nd horse.
Time 85.
NERIC. cover AT THE Juan Franco Race Track TO. MORROW Sunday, April 1st at 2:15 GOOD RACES Has been Programmed to entertain the large number dent, It was explained that the other CIGARETTES seven were distigured that the visit of their ward had been purposely omitted. He insisted on being taken to it and spoke to each of the men. Then he said.
There are only six here. Where is the seventh?
He was told that no one could BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACC OCO. Pui ama) Ltd.
see tbis seventh man. Blind, deal, disfigured out of the likeness of bumanity, he lay in a room by himsell. wish to see him.
11 said the Prince. The account Cultinues. One member of the staft British Press accompanied the Prince into that. little darkened room of unutterable tragedy. He relates that (Continued from page 1)
the Prince walked firmly to the bedside, that he turned very a remarkable parliamentary sucwhite, but stood there with bow cess and enbraced her reputaſid head, looking at the man who tion as a member of the British could neither see him or huar ftsla ure.
bim. Toen be stooped down and Most of the newspapers give kissed the man face.
Lady tor front page space this moroing. With scarcely an The Salvation Army.
exception tbey admit that the discussijn of the bill, which would prohibit the sale of intoxi The Young People Songators cants to youths under 18 for con will render musical Easter sumption on the premises where Programme in the Hali at Gus.
they are sold. was on higb plane, cbapali to morrow afternoon at and that her Ladyship showed 30 o clock. We extend a hearty praise se worthy restraint invitation to the general public representiog her case.
to come and bear them It is also pointed oui that the Communs erjyed one of the NOTICE liveliest atid best humored of exciting fans who will attend debates ever held, without losing sight of the serious side Correspondents are requested of the question. It is extremely rare to send in their contribution for the private member bill to bot later than Thursday eveninga get such an overwhelming to ensure publication.
endorsement be seen in action for the first time.
The comment of the bostile Morning Post is certainly perLOST tinent when it asks whether the result would have been the same if the members had not known Between Ancon Post Otice and that the Government had declin No. 55 Calidonia Road a letter ed to give facilities for carrying containing Bank Draft valued the bill through the remaining 400 drawn on the International stages. Toe uewspaper also says Banking Corporation in this city that it may perhas be question favour of RF. Maroh sant td whether the majority would from Boston Mas. Finder have been su large if int will be suitably rewarded on spouso sex and popularity had returning same to March, not been factors at 55 Calidonia Road or to the The Posi condemnation is office of the WORKMAN Printery based on the contention that the Central Avennue.
proposal is impracticable and that if it become law it would be Creoline a dead letter like that absurd beautifies the hair and pria straightens ar ordinatoa prohibitiog boys under 16 from smoking cigarettes.
duces hair on bald heade, The Express, adding that the measure and hopes thas tha the bill bas much in its favour, size of yesterday majority was adds: Approval will b: sternly induce the Government to rne qualided by a determination that consider its refu al to garnt ibe bill shall not be a prelude to facilities. The Chroniclesim. by in temperate casion of the larly expresses approval, mainliberties of citizenTp.
taining that Lady Astot has On the other hånd the Daily made out aa overwhelming case IT WILL PAY YOU News is wholly favourable to for her bill.
rladen few new Thoroughbred and Native Horses will Don miss this another classical meeting that bids fair to rival last Sunday crowd.
USUAL PRICES LADIES FREE ADVERTISE THE WORKMAN IN Crcotite Hälr Producer is the world best hair tonic and will not soll or stain clothes.


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