
THE u RKYAN SIIRRY APRIL 1923 PAGE THRRE Get Steps In Advance BURNTHOUSE AND SENT What Position Do You Want?
woman IO PRISON INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, Mail Address: Box 44, Canal Zone Office 46 Central Avenue The Best of Everything for Everybody. Chemistry CARTERT INSTUCTIONS Clear. Quick and Thorough. 400 COLLEGES buy these Lessons for their Students. VISIT OR WRITR the Schools Office in Panama City.
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CARTURE Tak Ernes CATRICE JUAN ILLUECA sed in the absence of me. Where Name Ago PRODUCTS KINKWIR Address wreatest charm is her hair irit 14 long and Mark the subjeet you wish to study and write your name and Address Mail the coupon to day for freeCotalog.
you en make it vers beautiful with LE DRESSING QIREN removes dandruff, sto falling hair, fee the hair drug store, or at DENTIST HOWELL HOUSE 1073, LA BOCA BEORETARY STATE AGREES CANAL ZONE TO NEW CONSTITUTION FOR BRITISH HONDURAS, Office Hours DAILY (Continued from page 1)
The Jamaica Herald is our Specializes in all tha branches Hober last be heard the accused dance said on the 23rd of hits for stating that of centistty trivate advies were reeed quarreling. He said be had brought Mary Ann Lynch from in Kingston tu ing the pres.
some one bad a este o fathe WILKINSON Induced her to leave mbi me That ba was going to do ber harm Cruncil of nish. Honduras, at and not even the Governor could Bel ze, a week or so ago, sir Contractor prevent him walking with a cutEyre Hutson, Gyernor, 20nou e that he bad been and Builder sing instrument. The fire occurre ed at Roberts yard on the 24th otticially intured tbat the Secte of October last ard the accused tary of State for the Colonies House No. 20 dies ppeared from the district.
bad decided to grant the clony 28th NOV. STREET, James Williams also testified, ri quest for thy in sroduciion of Ropesentative Government in SAN MIGUEL He said on the night of the 23rd of October last he saw the accus that outpost of poire.
SO Box 411, Panama, P od going in the direction The agitation for a new ConRoberts house. He had tot en stitution for Britishy Hondura him since that night in the dia was commenced about two yes. Plans and Specifications Free tiot He next sv the accused ago. During last year, with the on the 22nd of Dezember at tbe information of an association of First Class Workmanship Halfway Tree Court.
taxpayers attention was focused on the matter. Public meetings Guaranteed. CONUNDRUM were convened and a resolution Prisoner (cross examining)
asking that tbe people should be Now sir, in the presence of you accorded the right of saying wto should represeot tbem in their were. Legislative Chamber, was en dorsed, Witness: was in the Attorney. at. Law place CARTER Last year, in the Legislatu e where saw you (renewed No. 65 Central Avenue laughter)
KS. PASTES MUCILAGES a resolution was proposed urk Always in stock at ing that the elective principle TELEPHONE NO. 64. BOX No. 76 Where is that?
BENEDETTI HERMANOS should be introduced in British At the Practices in all Courts of Constant Spring Honduras, for the time wa ripe Water works.
Central Ave 3rd. St. when the people should have a Papam.
voice in the management of their When you saw me PANAMA were affairs, The resolution was in English Spoken Fluently on the inats road or the rail: oad?
the nature of a prayer to the (Lughter. CARTER Home Government that there A, Oa the main road.
Bhoold be a change. This has readily been been granted by the When you saw me bow Duke of Davousbire. ny steps did take to give DIM malinky (Laughter. Therefore, British Honduras is within measurable distance of Witness: don understand baving a igislative Council in you LEBLANC Yected numbers instead of which will five No matter how short ۴۱۷y, QUEEN and wirs your hair is His Hor our: Neither do 18 baviny, 89 has been the case fr Prisoner (surprised) You UNDERTAKER decades, a wholly nominated QUEEN HAIR don understand English?
CORNER AND 16th STREET Council Witness: don understand Member of the To All Concerned.
Universal Negro Improvement roots, and he to make ing silly hal Alexander Sinclair said You can buy a large caso QUEEN he An absolute divoce has been HAIR DRESSING for seat any sood knew the accused as also Mary Association African ConRanted Tona han Medden Ann Lynch, who was employed BREWER HESS: against Adnett Madden in the se. to se STRES to him as a Boor cleaner. On the munities League Wholesale Queen Avents district Court at Ancon by judge 165 Central Avenue, Panama City 23rd of October last the accused his 100 bolivar Street, Colon came to him and complained that Universal Akrican Black Cross Murses Wallingford throuch Resept de Subalitule. Bendre Hair Dressing torney Mary Ano had transferred ber atections to another man He Special Rate for Member MADDEN asked him to discharge Mary Ann but witness did not. He owed the accused some money for work done but he had never come back for it. Edward Thompson said after the fire at Roberts house he went to the hou. e of the accused He was not in his bouse but was sitting on stone hap, abyut three chaios away. As he saw them he began to throw stones at them. Prisoner (cros. xaminior. In your a09cence and in my presence, witbout not ce and in vour experiecce, where were with less than the best you. Laughter) At your placa (renewed laughter. Acting Corporal Williams Lutber Powell said he had been to the accused residence on the 24 of October last after the fire at Roberts residence. He saw the belongings of the accused in his house but he had not been back since. The accused went to the parish of St. Mary.
Detective Egbert Sylvester Duley of the Half wuy Tree police station said on the 21st of December last arrested the accused on a charge of arson He cautioned him and the man said nothlog.
This close the case for the prosecution and the accused related a rambling story to the jury, in which be protested his innocence. His Honour summed up and the jory returned a verdict of guiliy. In passing sentence. His Honour said the offence which the accused had been guilty of W18 serious one, person found guilty of setting fire to a house in wbich people were, was liable to imprisonment for life.
In this house on the night in question were several persons, and they might have lost their lives. There was one previous conviction ugainst the prisoner, Tne sentence of the Court was.
three year penal servitude.
The Court then adjourned unKept in stock at the til 10 30. to day when the 310 last case on the calender will be takea Only the Best Men Farnishings OF carried in stock Walk Over Shoes fine Selection of English Woolens AND ARE THE BEST MADE Then why be satisfied White Linen Drills JUST RECEIVED BUY PAIR TO DAY AND BE SATISFIED ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY SHIRTS TIES COLLARS BTC. BTC. BTC.
At THE PALAIS ROYAL PERREIRA CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA American Bazaar Stores Panama Colon Treat Yourself BY TAKING DR. SANGER CAPSULES WONDERFUL CURE FOR BLADDER IRRITATION It Contains East Indian Oil of Sandal Wood and other ingredients ORDER BOOKS FOR FRIENDLY SOCIETIES Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours WORKMAN PRINTERY BUY BOX TO DAY AT THE CHORRILLO DRUG STORE No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave.
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