
PAGE POUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 1923 THE WORKMAN NTH 11 Advertise EVERY ONE Workman is becoming more discriminating IT PAYS.
every day. That is one reason why Grand Season the differently finer aroma of Lucky Strike Cigarettes makes such an instant appeal to the lover of good cigarettes. Give experience a chance to decide. You will find them GOOD TO THE LAST PUFF.
he was crew Rates for Advertisement on applica Pabilabed on Saturdays by BN WAZROND, ai ibe office Central Ave slon. Correspondence on sil matters Due sad corner of Streol, Params, of public interest invited.
Ride All copy for publication must te Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, ata RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of Ope Year 40 TT Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica Hon but as a mark of good faith.
Baz la 20 Bx Months Three Be.
wo do not undertake to return Obe 250. rejected correspondence. Three Nichte Rhea been planned to comot at tha The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JUNIUS Recreation Hall, Caledonia, commencing on the 12th instand SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1923 closing on the 14ch. The first two Digits admission will be free.
The Bezuar will open with a PANAMA GREATEST NEEDS.
grand entertainment by the school children on the night of the 14th and close with the big The National Government bas recently been spending Luodi Gras dance on the night of the 14th. Con along and large sums of money on a road building programme which, bring your friends, and have a although incomplete, has done a considerable amount of good time.
good and improvement to the country. The incompletion The proceeds is to assist the of the road construction is not due to any other fact than funds for building a West Lician that the appropriations have been exhausted. This is Church in Panama unfortunate as the construction work was just at its height when the cessation of activities became inevitable.
Farewell to Mr. Louis The necessity of good and permanent roads stands Tayate equal with two other preeminent requirements of the country. The other two are schools and reformatories The Mr Louis Tayate was the attention to the road construction was not accidentally (FURTHER DETAILS. guest at vi quet tecdered him the first concern, for in the advancement of a country WAR MEDALS by the fiers and members of (Continued from page 1) the St. Anthony I, UO, Friendly roads must first be made before education or industry can Sociecy No: of which he is thrive. The means of communication always precede the Ex soldiers of the British West Indies Regiment who patrols, six went bebw and men der. 01 Sandiy Maren 25th communication. How could it be otherwise. served overseas, and whose SURNAMES COMMENCE located the liquor storage room thus the The eyes of the whole world bave, of late, been con WITH or to forward to the Officer in Charge, They broke up the Government jobles carino bis leaving the centrated on the Isthmus of Panama. From January until Rgt. Records, Up Park Camp, Jamaica, the soul jompied the door and lower early next week.
ed twenty cases of a week ago, the heaviest tourist season ever known here REGIMENTAL NUMBER, held by them, with their motor boat, Brother Alexander presiwas recorded. Visitors of station, rank and distinction NAME and ADDRESS on a postcard or in a letter (on The three watchmen were det abiebre booking out lined the reason of the occasion have made interesting trips here and have been deeply which postage must be paid. ordered to stand by the rail of in a few well chosen remarks the impressed with the scenery, natural beauty and possibili When the medals are ready for distribution, they will the ship with hands above their procedings were turned over to and till ties of the country. Can these visit be unfruitful. be forwarded by post only.
motor boat was out of sight appointed spokes inn for Bro. Nathaniel, P, Kwbo was the It would be folly to think tbat the cold hard fact of No medals will be delivered to ex soldiers at Up Parx Eleven runs were leveled at them evening and briefly outlined the a depleted treasury could thwart the progress of the as the motor boat speed away life and conduct of the departing nation advancement. Creditable and stable govern Camp and personal applications will only cause delay.
into the night. The watch me brother from the time ments can always procure loans for the carrying out As a number of applications have been made for a fred in the direction of the fl e admitted into the Society four of national programmes on the lines of economic progress. grant of money, with, or in lieu of medals, it is notified ing boat but the fire was not re years ago. pointing out all the offices be held, how faithfully ha If Panamta is now in need of money to execute to a finish that there is no money grant wbatever with or for the turned. While all this was going on the bad performed the duties cona road construction plan, all that is necessary is to seek medals.
the aid of the United States Government.
of the Orbita, numbering nected to those offices and cheed Panama Applications should only show the following particu over 200 men were sound asieep emphesizing the great loss progress and prosperity mean comfort for the United lars:and unaware of what had happen the Siclety by the departure of States interest in this country.
ed until the alarm of the watch the brother.
men awakened them. Tbe robWith the friendly and hospitable relations existing Several other brothers and sie bery was not reported to either between Panama and the United States it seems a possi NAME.
the Police or Federal oficials ters express their regret at the ble conclusion that the necessary finance for the comple.
until several hours later.
departure of the other aad eulogised the good work he bsd tion of the road and other improvements will be readily ADDRESS The thieves, it caught will be done for the Society. Among forthcoming as soon as a practical appeal is made to the subjetted to punishment from these were Brothers Huggins, big Republic. In fact, there is a moral responsibility both the State and Federal Goy Edward Marius, McSwirn, towards Panama from wbich the United States cannot ernments to the State for the Lemiscott, English, Nothing else is necessary. Write clearly.
This responsibility is known more in Washington escape.
theft of the whiskey and to the Charles, Tean Marie, Federal Gevernment for breaking P. Sisters Jerome Emna than at Balboa Heights, although the latter place is withopen a United States seal and the Finton, Priscilla and lines.
in our immediate gaze CHURCH SERVICES jst Barnabas. Empire, there will be uo transportation of whiskey with anes: The roads are not only necessary but indispensable.
Suaday Scho and no Evening prayor out a permit.
Brother Tagale replied witb much feeling thinking the MULCARE Priest in charge But there are other needs which the government also (American Episcopal Church)
Il am Holinese Meeting brothers and sisters for the needs at once. The necessity for good school buildings (The first Sunday after Easter) Panama San Miguel St many kind things said of him and 30 Young people Esster Program me assured them that all he did for in the cities, suburbs and interior. The importance of St. Paul Church, Panama Building 18 7:30 Salvation Meetin the society be felt it a duty in such a need is self evident, An educated people is a a. m, Holy Communion Gospel Sorm yos 11, 30 in 7:30 GEORGE MORRIS cumbent on hiun. He exhorted progressive people, but there can be no educated people 10a. Mating Sunday School pm Commandant. the brothers and sisters stick without an education system, and an education system 10 m Holy Eucharist and sermon Bailey Pastor to the Society, keep themselvss includes as a prime necessity substantial, well ventilated Church School pm Church Of God G St Colon Ebenezer Church Bullding No financial and let brotherly love and modern buildings. Of such we bave now practically 30Choral Evensong sermon.
85, Calidonia Road, Panama characteriz; all their actions.
Proscher Dann Meredith 11. 30 am 7;30 Gospel Sermo none, except the National Institute in Street, and the The function then closed with Sunday School pm.
Sunday, 11 am Morning Forship Normal School in the Exposition Grounds. These build NIGHTENGALE Restor the singing of God ba With You Sis Brewster Pastor p. Sunday School Evang.
St. Alban s, Paralso.
ings are large, commodious and airy. There ought to be 30 Evangelistic, service till We Meet Again.
New Providence Monday 30 Believers meeting three more buildings of their size in Panama for the ac 1mm Mation and address Tuesday 7, 30 Christain Endeavour AGED PROPHET.
commodation of our overwhelming population of children. Sp. me Church School Conflan ition Gospel Sarım ən 11. 30. 30 Class Sunday School pm Wednesday 30 pm comments on a The þuildings now used do not, in the slightest way, 30 pm Eveusonz and address certain portion of the word of God Sis Elliot, Pastor measure up to the requirements modern sanitary school P. NIGA TENGALE Priest in ebaogo elected for that purpose Gatun Thursday 30 Choir practica intense interest in his latest equipments. Bes des, in several cases, it is understood St, Matthias Mission Las Gospel Serma 30 a. 7, 30 Friday p, ca Junior Christian Ea de vuur prophecies, that the government does not own the buildings used as Sabanas Sunday School pm aad 30 Prayer meeting He predicts that America is to school houses.
George Griffith Sanday Sobool pm ba involved in five big wars withRev. Olle, Pastor in ebargº in the next thirty years. Some The government has already shown its recognition of 15 Evensong and address this ned by closing several school buildings that were NIGHTENGALE Priest in chargo Seventh Day Adventist Church Nazarena of these will be civil wars and Christian Church one will be a complication with declared unsafe, unbealthy and inadequate for use as STREET CALIDONTA ROAD, Ghuachapali Panama.
places of instruction; but we know of nothing that has as St. Peter Church La Boca. near Isthmina Park. PANAMA, 11 am Myrning worship He says that about 1925 war yet been done to substitute the abandoned places. Matins and address 11 am Sabbath (Saturday) 945 sm. Sabp. Sunday School will break out between England Right next door on thd Canal Zone there are fine school Sunday School bath School; 11 15 am Gonsal Worship 7:30 pm Evangelistic Service and India, beginnin with buildings constructed on distinctly modern lines at the Chorondbyshower with Samanancia 30 Spanish Class 1:00 pm Monday 530 Suaior Christian Eeden Evlish will be drivea in to the Balievers meeting rising expense of the government of the United States. These son of the Bessed Virgin Mary. There Vespert. h inst, is the o.
vuur, sea and 25, 05) 005 pucsons will buildings are not only attractive and commodious, but are will be a Choral celebration of the Holy parish in tant w11. Dacisive equipped with every modern appliance necessary for school Communion at a. large attendance Claes All are welcoms both young and Wedaseday Prayer meeting Sunday evening at Reading 7, 30 Senior Christisa Eatonyour baitlys will be fouga ai Calcutta work. The results obtained in these schools are creditable, of female communicante is anticipated.
old. 30 Prenoliax Service, Thursday 7:30 Choir practice and Delhi. MULCARE. Rector but they are mainly possible through the adequacy of the Friday 7, 30 Open air meeting Christian Mission of Panama FRANCO SPANIS WAR buildings.
St. Barnabas Church Empire Panama 11 a. Belle 30 B: water Rev. Neal Pastor in charge Egypt and other African clonYet another necesity is the provision of reformatories Matins and Holy Communion 11. Chorillo 11. J. Burke Supt. 7;30 Salem Christian Church 3rd St. ies will follow the example of India in a series of uprising or correctional schools for boys and girls. On several oc Shortened Choral Evensong and Holy Trotman Broadway Colon casions we have called attention to the undesirable condi Confirmation La Boca ll. Trotman 7:30 Sunday Morning Service 11, 30 am In 1930 France and Spaia will tion existing in certain sections of this city among certain and Las Cascadas aro bereby cordially Paraiso 11 7;30J. Rawlins All our members and friends ia Empire Burke Supt.
Le involved in a war.
Sunday Evening Servece 30 pm classes of people. Criminal future stares scores of boys invited to attend, Monday Believers Praise meet ng 30 Garmany will be torn with Gatun 11 am 7;30 Josh Bovee internal dissessions and conflictTuesday young people League 30 and girls in the face. Any body who pays but passing atten TÌMULCARE Priest in charge Calon 11 amd. Das 730 Nichola Wednesday Bible reading 7, 30 ing revolutionary current until tion to the social evils in Panama must be impressed with Rev. BURKE Supt. Thursday Choir practice 800 1953 before the country settles the seriousness of the situation. Boye, apparently cut Bartholomews Church Las Friday Prayer meeting 30 down and becomes rational way from all parental control and influence though not Cascadas The Salvation Army R, WILKINS, Pastor in charge again.
more than twelve or fourteen years old, can be found on Morning Prayer Band Address 11 am Sunday Prayer mooting Johanson forecasts a Frenchthe streets until a late hour at night, oftentimes falling into In view of the Confirmation service at 10 am Sunday School Rassian allianc. and says that Weslyan Methodist in the Summer of 1953. Franca, various kinds of trouble. Not long ago several minors Panims 11 am, Mr. Louie Lindo will invade Sweden, ending less than fifteen years of age were committed to Gamboa tence at all? If there were a few correctional and indus 7, 30 Rov, Kissook Brahom the capitulatioa of the Scandic Penitentiary for robbing a Chinaman. Perhaps the Judge trial schools or even one, much of this evil could be removB.
circumstances, but we doubt, seriously, if a penitentiary is that they have no other visible means of a livelihood, but La Boca 11 a. Rev. Kisock Brabam which there will be surprising who imposed the sentence could do nothing else under the ed. The defense for this experience among drifting girls Colon 10. 000 MSR. Brathwaite France victories will be largest 7, 30 pm Rev. Surgeon ly fl. in is any place for a miscreant youth to be incarcerated. this excuse has long ago exploded. It is rather becaus the developments.
Another wretched condition is that which huddles girls prefer a soft and easy means of living that they find p. Bro Reid The prophet visions picture trafficking girls of the White Slave commerce into a single themselves in this condition. correctional school would New Providence la Bro Martin shows great revolutionary moveT, Walters room. Why should these girls experience such an exis reform their lives and remodel their habits, ments throughout the world, Empiao 11, Bro Headley Gleaner, AGE PROPHET Pain IC navian


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