
THE WORK AN, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1923 PAGE FIVE Walking Race. Laundry LA ESPERANZA. Soap Factory 23. CERT.
agreement walked around NeLAUNDRY SERVICE QUALITY purposes PALOMA SOAP night, 28 Der the Bitig Clearing out! Clearing out!
Notice. SECULAR CON Suo hereby bek to notify the public ia general that my wife Viola Gittens having left my bome and By Lit Law Benevelent The Easter Monday walking protection without my consenti Society Jace in Colon between LOOK will not hold myself responsible Johnny and Eddie Davis, ended THE BEST THE BEST for any debt or debts that she Grand Secular Concert in a win out for Davis.
may contract under the auspices of the Life Long Johnny who according to JOSEPH GITTENS and Law Banevaleat Society will be hold on Tuesday night next two Winners of The Ho Ro Co April 10 in the Liberty Hall times, then around the WashingNo, 14 Chapter Corner of outton Hotel and down Bolivar 8t.
Product Contest SOAP ber and 21st Street Guachapali.
and on to Mindi with Davis lead The bes ing. on the return route led the local talent in latter by about 20 yards when in the city.
The following are the winners of stringed instruments will be in 14th and Bolivar streets were the Ho Co Product Contest attendance to for Laundry dispanse the Absolute satisfacwhich closed 09 the 31st melodious strains of the ancient reached. Butsome freak of cir March:art.
cumstance, after leading along Bolivar Street and turning into tion and Pria Mre, Wilhelmins Guld 20, 00 Doors opo at p. Sharp 11th till Broadway and the last 2nd Priz» Mr. Benj Jones 17. 50 Dime collection at gat.
block of the route to the win3rd PuisMrs. Babbe 15. 00 Toe proceeds will be devoted Use it all the time ning pole was reached fell down Quick Service.
4th Priz (3 entestants (tied) to charity Combining business and out leaving the bala. ce of the prizes divided as follows. with pleasure, Meubers are ad Course free to the smaller mau Mrs, Mair, 17 vised to bring up their regular with the first priz of 200: conMr May Gooding) 417 monthly contributing as the Mrs, Wright, 416 Secretary will be in ofics for that tenuing himselt witb 10; as to.
specific purpose og Tuesday No sooner had this race terTELEPHONE 629 PANAMA. 12. 50 night.
minated when the winner was 5th Prize Mrs. Daisy Mitchel 10 00 cheller ged by Soldier Boy for 6th Pr 29. con estanta tied Christian Mission of another contest to come off at an priare divided as follows. early date.
Mr. Jones. 400 CANAL ZONE Mrs. Judith White, 400 Doings of the Colon Colour DECIDED IMPROVEMENT IN ANY KITCHEN 7th Prize (5 contestants tied)
Service of Song Huge NOTES ed Ladies Auxiliary Club.
prizes divid as follows. Success.
Mre. Adios Ernest 20 We have in stock To The Editor of The Workman.
La Boca.
Dianna Horsford 20 On Monday evening April 2, Mrs Annie Hayne 20 Sir. Permit me space in one Gas Stoves of all Mr Henrietta Benfield 20 1923, The Young Paople Bible of the columns of your valuable LA BOCA ATHENAEUM. Mr Porter 120 Class of the above named church weekly, for the benest of the Sth is: Croker 00 rendered a very successful prosizes. ranging public to make reference to the gramme of Recitations, Songs, doings of The Colun Coloured To Hold Quarterly Debate. Priz (4 contestants tied Dialogue Solos, Anthem, Daet, Ladies Auxiliary Club, This Club prizes divided as followe. etc Tbe Hall in 22 street wij from 12 to burnwas organized in the month of The regular weekly meeting Jorepbine Ernest 089 packerl to its seating capacity, Oct. 1922 by Mies Rose Bowen, Jof the La Bocs Athehaeum was Mr Zsid, Buteber 088 and many had to stand to listen Hudson Lane between 10 and 11 ers, which we sell beld at the Clubhouse last Tues Martins Vergara 087t) what was going on.
Srects No. 146 for pastime, e day night. The President, Mr, Mrs Uriel nge 087 Aith Chirino. nnt a Card parties etc. but as the Reynolds, continued on the Meeting with a 3013 byte)
practically at cost months rolled by, the ladies after tonic parliamentary rules 10. Prize (2 contested tied gregation, eatitled. All th: which he started a few weeks prizne divided as follows. due consultation agreed that 2) var of Ju: Nin their something more dependable, on ago sid in the proper working Adina Porter 25 then. ready to ma ch in as could be achieved from those of the Society. The section Henrietta Prince 25 they re ia the schien hours; and therefore it was deci.
deal with at this meeting was EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS ded that sewing and fancy work Winners are requested to call Decoram in Debate. from at the Office of the Ho ro co next item was an anthem After prayer by the Pastor, 6:52 be substituted. This work gues Roberto Rules of Order, Revis Tonic Products and receive choir entit. Ye choirs on led on at the bome several Ladies in PANAMA. COLON GAS COMPANY their priz s, as stated above, at Jeruzalem which was well rerotary order every Thursday As previously announced, the the earliest opportunity. dered by the strains of WAT YOUR SERVICE mlodi evening at o clock. The regular Society will hold its quarterly ADDRESS Sanchez ous voices. Headed by Supt.
monthly meetings are held at debate st the Clubhouse next 24th, Street Guachapali, Court Mosley and his Assistant Miss Miss Bowen home pro, temp.
Tuesday when the Wallace House No. Down. In regular order. The beauty of Pearl nith, the others followed The follower and members are nomenious question as to stairs)
whether our present civilization the march was the uniform manMiss Rose Bowen, Organizer; hus. as a matter of fact, increascaps were made Miss Surgeon, Directress: ed the happiness of mankind will ston Jamaica of Mrs. Laurie with tassels attached.
Miss Daisy Miller, Asst. Directbe threshed out he subject on Tuesday March 27th ulto.
The program consisted of about rese; The Misses Lilla Belgrave for debate being RESOLVED Mrs, Laurie and her children reIna Vassels, Uralla Migbty, Vera That der Present Civilization quest to be remembered to the 90 piecas and all went through EVEI. ITEM MUST BE SOLD AT COST PRICE Maxwell, Louise Dottin. w, bas Increased the Happiness of good old folks and she hopes that without a hitch, pre entatives from the Panama Baptist Sunday Whittaker, Mabel Grant, Sarah We present, Rings, Mackind. The affirmative will the Girls Reserves are getting on som Watches. Braclets, School. Christia be Mission of by Campbell, Miss Godison and Mr.
William Jump, as when she left them.
Panama. Chorrillo Branch, Cecilia Charles, Miss Dal y La Valliers, Vanity Cases, Links, Broachos, secretary of the Athenaeum, Boca Branch, and they add much Miller was the entertainer Thurs Ear rings, Chains, Fobs, Rosarles, Knives and supported by William DeSousa Middlesex to the success of the metin.
Defeated 20d the arguments for the negaday last. The Club is working The song and recitation given by toward a certain end and in the Forks, Spoons, and numerous other articles Pickwick.
tive will be delivered by the Baptists were excellent, as near future V, intends Customers are requested to call for jobs left in my Fontenelle, supported by Mrs.
also the recitatioa and song by spring a pleasant surprise on the care not later than April 30th, 1928.
Florence Smith. The result will In a cricket match held here the La Boca Branch of the Chris be decided public.
last Sunday to witness the cap tian Missioa, the school offered Thanking you in anticipation JAMES WILLIAMSON, Jeweler, It is expected that all who are match between Pickwick three priz is for the three best Im yours truly interested in the important and Middlesex the latter the but school to do justice would SECRETARY 167 Bolivar Street, Colon.
quantaaas of the day will make it defeated Pick wick. The game have to look fo very many more a point of daty to tara out was commenced at p. m, the prizas as everybody was doing listen to the arguments in this Middlesex winning the toss. his or her bast, anyhow the judge Encampment Installs Sir Krights, preceded by a vocal selection Jone dar leave to 56 boys to Christ Church By The Sea by Mrs. Olga King, Vice Presi wick went to the bit with confi Malvina Niles who is well known the sum of 110 rans. Pick age awarded the first prizato spend the day with their parenta Poem.
dent of the Athenaeum and dence that the score would be for her talent, the second was As is. customary at this season or guardians. The time allowed Assistant Musical Director of the easily wiped off but this they awarded to Miss Louise Franklin, of the year, a special meeting of was from a. to pm. At newly organised Orpbens failed to accomplish as at the and the third was awarded Unity Gratu Christian Encamp roll call, only one boy of the The von is sinking in the West, Musical Club fall of the last wicket they could Master Adolphus Burnett.
ment No. 1, of the Independent number was one hour late, And brd, and beasts are e eking reat, only. muster 74 Special mention is made of the Order of Mechanics was corWhile saintly people wend ther way bowling of Earle and efficient manner in which Mr.
vened on Holy Thursday night lo praising bim who gave the day Gatun. James captain of the league was Alex. Francois, Mr. Vivian Niles March 29, at St. Charles Lodge Sir Knights Received To Christ Church by the ees.
too powerful for the batsmen and Misses Rath Brome, Anita room Tenth and Streets for Grand Degrees.
and they fell one after the other. Brome, Milany Francois. Maud the purpose of conferring the Sir The sexion rings that old Church bell, New Samaritan Lodge De Sousa and Lilla Rose acKnights Degree on eight brothThe people know its message wall Established.
quitted themselves in their sev.
On Good Friday afternoon, and white rob choir busy too ers who had taken their Past Collision of Busses.
eral performa aces, Wa cannot Masters Degree couple of under the same Dispensation, a Fir all have got some part to do.
close without making peation of Sir Knights service was held at At Christ Chutel by the sea, On Sunday night (30th ulto. a Miss Pearl Sanith for her excelBritish Samaritan Lodge was day night an unfortunate acci also for an organ Solo by Mr.
There occurred here on Sun lent Solo, Oaly a cup of Water nisual formalities for open o clock, Again, it was evident established at this town, under dent, a buss was embeded in the Elgar Smith. Masters Fred the Grand Lidge being ob that the conductors of this bat ere you reach the bully place, the served, the lodge was declered in service were alive to the task Atlantic Z3ph, re fan thy face, Mount Gilead IQBS. of The newly received, the driver stated that promises of being our future or Mindi River. From information Cragwell and Alvin Knig bt show session at 10 o clock.
they were called upon to fulfil. The migly waters of the deep!
The following are the names of and performed it without a Sing praises, and God bidding krep. orgenleed Lodge was conducted he was knocked off the road bs canists. Mr. Moslay and Miss Near Christ Church by the rea.
the deserving brothers who bitch.
Geo. Jsmes, under whose another car. On Tuesday night Smith are to be congratulated by Depaty Grand Counsel Bro, installed as Sir Kuights Several of the old Knights Thy walls are covered o er with moss.
were whilst another buss was parked and entrusted with the neces: exhorted the newly made ones Yet thou bearest thy siga, The Craco. elected to serve the rensuing outside the Silver Clubhouse, a for the success achieved in the saries appertaining to the excel to be true to the mandates of And as constant as the Osean.
lent degree: Francis, J, Gordon this Grand Degree.
term Bros, Husband scream was heard and when Holdest heavenly devotion le. Hope Q; Gittens assistance ran in the direction Convocation of Missionary DisG. Lears, Worrel, Brown, Impressive addresses were Yes Christ Church by the ses. F. Grant, Hofman, and S, delivered by Sir. Knights tric, 8ce; Reid Sec; Cox from which o. was heard, Prelate; Thompson it was discovered that the buss Boseph Ward, and A. Allman, This Edifice of sacred rite.
Cond; Gorden e. collided against the lamp post Saturday the 14tb inst, the third There was a good attendance Stands foremost in the Gospel fight oppposite the Clubhouse and Long may thy deeds by men be sung, of Bir Kuigbts present, among Worrell IG; Maitland went down into a deep ditch. It Convocation of the Missionary District Calleader Ins. Master; Sisters of the PanamZone will convene When, on the Angel harps bo rung, them being Bro, Walter Kallman, Daughter; Motike it bout thietyo persons to in St. Peter Chareb, La Boon, The James, and Nel. Special Meeting. Christ Church by the sea, Smith Dot Trust; B, Kirton bring up road.
Convocation will open with a calebration son, of the Isthmian of Rec. Hassock of Finance; of the Holy Communion at am. memDistrict Grand Lodge No. all The good old father loves hie Alok, Call, of Kejs; Taylor, special meeting of the Lily He pöints out shoals and hidden rock, Mr. Dalsly Slightly bersand followers of the American Episof them testified to the impresConductress; Loffete, of copal Church are hereby cordially invited siveness of the ceremony as per of the Atlantic Lodge No. 493. To father, mother, youta and lass, Injured.
Leonone, After the installation formed by those entrusted with of AFG. will be held at He warns of the day Christ shall pare de obicers and membrs repairto attend the opening services, that duty: Gabriel Lodge roomcorner For Christ Church by the sea, ed to the banquet ball where We are very sorry to report Grand Rummage Sale.
Bat the conclusion all Knights sixth Street and Hudson Lane they enjoyed sumptuously that Mr. Dalsly Lock Telerepaired to the bar quet hall and on Saturday, April 7th (to night) Father, mother, sistar, bro her, prepared supper. Several speeb phone Operator met with an acsat down to a real Sir Knights for the purpose of initiation and Friends, comrades and ali together, es were delivered and many cident from which he received held under the auspices of the grand rummage sale will be instruction in the principles of Be ready when the trumpets blow, repast.
good wishes expressed.
Be ready so that you will go, the Order.
several painful bruises. Oo last Altar Guild of St. Luke CatheWith Christ Church by the so Monday night while returning aral, Ancon, in the auditoMrs. Laurie Arrives In home in a bus the bad occurColon Boys Institute Successful pic nic.
LEWYN GIBSON, rence took place. He can be rium of the Bae Clubhouse, Jamaica.
ch Granted one Day Leave.
seen at bis home where he bas SALE will begin at p. and on Thursday the 12 inst. The Boys Institute bad quite a Rent Recelpt Books In Spashown improvement at recovery close at p. Don fail to On Friday 31st last being Good successful pic nice which wawedish and English for sale at hero he received communicaJQ, Laurie, Cathecist If you like beautiful hair use things come and get all sorts of nice Friday, Commander Watson of well attended. Order prevailed The Workman Printry the Oolon Boys Institute granted throughout the day.
Be arrival in King Creoline hale producer.
at phenominally low prices, colonies to Bob Sob ale tasse 3: soqot obtoode Lakes to by judges.
The to Miss runs. The wet ko The 108 name of Were


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