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DAIRYMEN DAIR MEN report Officers elected are. Creamy Milk Bros.
أفيده تا دقاية مية أه OUR LONDON CORRES The Truth About Britain and Honin PONCENCE.
duras. By JOHN GORDON. The publication of officia CENTRAL AMERICAN REPUBLIC reports on the Reparations Con CALLED UPON TO SETTL LONG ference of last December and BRANDING DEBT. London Miracle. January is regarded as a notable step in the direc ion of oper diplomacy. Certainly the reTegucigalon. Honlarna, Ph.
One thing which strikes most ports are historically of greai 13. The old story of the area Visitors to Loodon and which is value and they do throw some un of monay Englind a dever endiog marvel to Lon right on the developement of Honduras owne har, an Edoners themselves who possess later events. It is DO clear zland van efforts to cle. it a ly spark of imagination, is the that Mr. Poincare as early as the isrvive resant day ir mense volume of metropolitan beginning of December wheo be utforts of the British Latation in to this and the smooth regularity visited Londoa was quile dethis city to da svething fo the wil which it is unostentatiously termined to put his Ruhr plaas Cont. bondholders, Haris organised find from statis into operation so determined is aut op dti. tment, es just issued that Isot year on that he declined to corsider the but the two enantias are still London Osses and trame alone British reparations plan submitfar apart to wha cum vetuste ly should be paid. The question over 1573 million passengers ted in Paris a wonth later at the Were e rried Mr. probably will by advance on the previous year formally dissociated this country again to the Honduran Congress of this number the London from the Rohr move.
Buck in th late six le. Hun CLy Council tramways car duras got a loan in Eland to ried cer two million people Incidentally, it was officially each day tbe umber of milis declared in Paris after the Lon.
Good Assortment huild an Inter oceanic railroad.
She issued bonte to the mant run by the 1, 500 trams on the don meeting in December tbt of 899 570. But she alleges syton Leing over sixty millions the Ruhr had not been mention she never reciv this som On the ndon General Onni ed. Yet the off cial report of that TO SELECT FROM AT THE What she did actually get never bus mang bus servi ve the mellor proves that the reve se has bsen made puble ortich, rumber of passengers carried was very much the case. thai but it is wid Is believed to have during 1922 was 847 million, Polncare proposed firstly to ury been about 200, 000 or mughly The average speed of trams and and obtain the good will of 900 000. what coma of the basses shows a tendency to Germany by the pressure of the balance is a local mystery.
increase and the greater pumber occupation of Bochum and Essen The railroad was built only as of travellers is Attributed to and afterwards it Germany, by far as Rotrerillos. 95 kilometers, the unprored facilities and the means of loans or otherwise, did Honduras gave it lower fares that have been in not give him the guarantees he IMPORTANT LODGE assets as security, but sh has troduced and which are much required he would try and ob buua lu Ladouers tain a profit from the Rubr and nerer puid one cent of interest.
NOTICE the whole of the left bank of the Sir Lion Carden in 1909 Tramni buss service are Rhine. 11 they did beicg iu ther projected into the atisfaction by the representing Evland, rencate country and it is possible to bave Germsoy it would be necessary coercion of All Lodges of The Loyal Order basis of settlement with Hodu.
of Ancient Shepharos, Ash bu88 ri o through the delightrae which involved the piment which to draw some proceeds that surrounds ton Unit Friendly And lui Sncy of 000 000 to wipe out the London at the price of a few from the occupation of the Ruhr.
would give appreciable result pproved society No. 122.
debt. At this point the Americoppers. Work is also proc ed can Government took part in the fortie Lardo Underground made by engineers, which showA careful investigation had been negotiations, and ins CENTRAL AMERICAN DISAnduras thereupon Tilways at the extensions ed that this involved the round TRICT, PANAMA told England th YOU can buy no Better Carden agreement Wica e bing made will more WAS Washington proposed the Pare than v jistify London claim up of the occupation of the Rabr.
less Knox settlement, but this to bave the timest underground SANCTIONS AND THE BRITISH The officers for a long expcet.
Porduct than was rejected by Honduras, sine stem of passtger transport ed strict LO SAUFS PLAN Hamp then the whole question has was elected at a moun COOYED stead uue is using continued to Mr. Bonar Lax presented the Room, on the 19. march, 1925.
When mooth, later in Parised in the Knox Go se Ldge been relatively dormant.
Lutilize The British bondholdere nos schimon a considerable scie British plin it w19 howled dowola per orders received iron the LEAGUE claim Hondur29 are be ng undertaken in the die in the press mainly ou the false de socieer owes them, with cumulative interest, fully liitts men the new lice will grounds that it allowed Germany will installed wben 28, 000 000; But the British nup Lordon spreads bein to do what she liked for four the new Surance, arrives iruin Vedone eg 4a makes no such demand uver Oulwara but years and provided ber tbe bead of the Order. The as this it epeaks of a reasonsuturban areas are not being sanctions. The official ablo sum Horae hau sked the conditions under laid out more attractively than shows which Mr. Bonar Law would HIngram Provincial for definite propals, and has was the case of 20 years and have been prepared to agree to Chief Shepdere; Me. Murray, ofered to ttle for 1, 000, 000: the sanctioas. Ho sid: Provincial Dply. Unie! Shepherd; but the legation does not coneven ngà à sau Rugless. Proyincial Cor.
Sweetened Condensed sider this enough. In banking to and from their business is a CONDENSED The British Government is Stcy; Geo. Brown, Provilcial circlee here it is thought that riracle nerformed twice daily prepared to enforce sanctions Treasurer; Bro, P. Grant. 000. 000 pounds sterling or e mir crious speed and com of the most drastic kind (includ Past Provincial Chief Shepherd. And 3, 000, 000 is the limit that E1para ive niort.
ing forcible se zure of Germ from inspected hords EVAPORATED lane can ia all cases claim from revenues and assets, and even DARYTONS LAQUI Honduras. Friend of The Allies military occupation of German Items of Interest.
WHY PAY MORE territory outside the existing FOR INFERIOR BRAND; NEW STEAMERS FOR zone of occupation. in the event There is a strong movement of the Foreign Finance Council The West Tudia Coin millee WEST INDIES.
here to estabnehmeroorial reporting at any time that Ger Circular in its issu: of March percetusting the name and ser many is not taking proper steps publishes the following from the Agen s: FIDANQUE BROS, SONS vices of Walter Bioes Page who to stabilise the mark or reform pen of its British Gulana Cornis French Company Enterprise, years, and during the her budget, and also (apart from pondent:BLANC BRANDON BROS grea o part of the war, was the financial program) in case of The petition of the inhabitants Amerian Ambassador to this the IL TOLEDA NO. Colon any default by Germany on the of Esse que lo praying for countr Two large passenger steamers central Pere was an Ameri: payments due in respect of tbe establishment the can editor n high ideals and new bonds.
sugar ctory by the Government will shortly be placed on its great strenh of character at Plo, Anna gina West Indian routes by the enter hus Dot He cau e to ndon in 1913 and The Fidance Council referred been graced by the Secretary prising Compagnie Générale during the war it was his, which the British plan would of State. who considers te WHAT IS HELL?
duty to bis Government have established, was to sit in scheme to be one Conaition of Quarantine Cubertahant que They are the for private of 850 intormed events and ten den Berlin during the moratorium capital.
Station at Cuba.
gross, built at Newcastle by cies and t, perform the dificult and supervise all German tinaoSwan, Hunter and Wigham Just what is meant by the word hell Richardson, and the Pellerin de task of a tvising them on their ces.
The Gleaner of the 23rd olto. Lalouche, an ex German liner of attitude. While proviny mThe Hon. Nascimento. They suy tim It cold or bell.
Sometio es to say It hot as hell. states that McFarlane 8, 450 tons gross, captured durself a thoroughly patriotic Discover New Cave.
Junior Member for Georgetown, When it csine hard It bel they cry, writes under date 19th instant in the war and recently com American he fully realised tbe has resigned bis seat, which it is in eo hell when it is dry. to the Gleaner complai of the pletely reitted.
true reason for Britain share understood that Mr. Suer.
conditions at the quarantine in the war and in a calm una Both vessels bure speed of luck will contest. Mr. Shepherd They hate like Leli to tre it snow, obtrusive manner he was able Glacier. British Celum bla. and Mr. Nelson are also inention. It hell of a wind ben ir starts to station at santiago de Cuba. He blow.
says that in migrants bave to 15 knots and ample accommoda to drive bome to bis Govern March 10. new cave opening ed is likely cat didates.
Now how in belli che any one tell ment the justice of the Allied up possibilities for exploration sleep on concrete floor with or is tion for presengers, the Pellerin What beli they wan hy ibis a shed overhead, and over 00 having 600 berths.
The Cuba, cause. His services to Anglo wbose extent can be only sarAmerican friendship could bardmised. bas been discovered in At the ball yearly meeting of word bell. men and women have to huddle which will be placed on the of Thie married life is hall they ry. together. There are no sanitary Europe Cuba Mexico run will ly be over estimated.
subterranean the Georgetown Obamber The fact the series of that the Prime Minister and caverns known as the Nakimu Commerce, on January 26th, Mr. When he came in late, there in bell to conveniences, bath, or drinking carry an orchestra, ant will three of bis in mediate predces. Gaver, seven miles from Glacier cock mentioned that the Colony 1 her wb en ho kid you bavo to the 15 days when people cannot ea for the convenience Puf her presiding, pay water; the smell is awful and for have a Store on bvard, while a daily publishsoro. Lad B: Ifour, Mr. Asquith House.
tote; sugar crop bad dropped from their as these and Mr. Lloyd George as well are It is stated to be 435 feet long 115 000 tons in 1921 as Lord Grey of Fallodon, have and from twel ve to sixteen feet 98, 000 tons in 1922, and he beto about when he wants to yell, it a hell of a taken away by the authorities. guests, The food is bait cooked and unfit The Pellerin de Lelouche will signed the appeal in support of wide, with an approximate lieved that this year would be It e bell when the doctor rende bis for boman consumption. Appeals replace the Navarre on the Plg.
the memorial. is most cor vine height of 100 feet, well under 90 000 tons.
bills to the officials are in vain. The mouth West Indies Colon route ing proof of how higbly tbote For a hell of a lot of trip and fille, object of the letter is to warn in May, and the Fiandre, a la ge services continne to be appreAnd when you get this you will know intending passengers from ind more up to date steamer, ciated by those best atle to imperative. The tendency is for tragedy occured on the Jamaica to Cuba. will take the place of the Peron.
appraise their werth.
exploitation to be extended from Muzaruni River on Jacuary 16th Just what is meant by this word belli old and long worked fields to when a boat owned by Mr. Evan Hell, yes. hell and Oh, tell England Undeveloped Coal what may be called concealed Wong, with twenty tive men 00 large board, was swamped below she The hell yuu duo The bal you Reduction In Freight Rates Fields.
coalfield lying south of Berwick Caburi Falls, and thirteen lives FOR SALE da Lon Tweed containing on the lost.
Ard what is hell ad the hell ishThe freight rate on cacan from The vast extent of undeveloped estimate of the Royal Commission The ell with youts and The best the West Ludies to the United One Stuvessant Piano coal fields existing under the on Coal Supply, which Pata with this.
three Kingdom was reduced This and next month promise fair surface of rural England is few years ago, on Feb Oh kuorn to very few Englishmen bandred million tons of coal, to be busy ones in the diamond Now, bia hell sod ruary 22nd from 75s. to 67s. 6d.
in 1 Condition and to still fewer people abroad. and efforts are being made at industry; Several new allowiad And what the ball do you think regarded as the result of ton may be Sir Halford Mackinder, well. the prerent time to develop areas have been opened up, and the No reasonable off ar turned Osre. ons made by The known expert, gave some, in that area. The hidden coal felds says the Argosu) a dine has been But The bell of it is. He cura a West Iodia Committee, down.
teresting information on South Yorkabire and cut from Buck matter in the course of a recent Nottinghamshire mentioned by to the Purumi, where good The Committee also urged the For particulars apoly at reduction of the rate on balata lecture at the London School of Bir Halford Mackinder are ground has been discovered. In We don know What in heil is hell.
from British Guiana, and this WORKMAN PRINTERY Economica. He referred, in par exceedingly rieb, containing as Kurupung district, attention is. Exchange)
bas been conceded. The reducticular, to the rich coalfields in they do, in South Yorkshire, ibe being given to the hills between tion in this case has been from Central Ave Street South Yorkshire and Nottingham great Barnsley bed, and in Not the creaks. where some large shire but there are also others, tinghamshire the top bard stones have been found. MeanNOTICE 110s. to 100s. per ton measurePanama City dlamond and bergh some areas that in seam which is the local name for while La Va re, a ment.
the past bave produced vast the Barnsley bed. Although the operator from New York, has few supply is almost inexhaustible temporarily suspended his ac Correspondents are requested quantities are within Creoline straightens and Creoline Hair Producer is the decades of exhaustion, theso, most British coal is hard to get, tivities in the olony owing to send in beir contributions other sources can and will be and thus its cost at the pit head to the severe slump in the not later than Thursday evenings beautifies the hair and pro world best hair tonle and will duces hair on bald heads, tapped should the need become is proportionately high.
to ensure publication.
not soil or stain e thes. MILK OPASSOU.
to: fou no: real well.
too, where?
the of hella


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