
PE WORK 24URDAY APRIL 1928 PAGE SEVEN VIGOR TONIC DE ALBOA EST EER REWED JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy. Reilly Family And You Can Lose it. the prospect of immigration ato this Oolony seems near, as, unfortunately, not been The best Tonic in the World ustified by events. The above words. however, were written in July of last year, wben no topes still raa high in the exectation of This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend early esults following the visit of the ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Government deputation from Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up India at the beginning of that year.
ve a run down constitution.
Daring 1921, East Indiane, It promotes digestion, improves the appetraders, and others. came and tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system weat as usual in ordinary Passenger abips, 1, 235 arriving and DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or 1, 187 departing during the year. times a day, Moreover, the Sutlej brought back to the Colny 240 immi grants who had exercis:d their rig at of repatriation to India.
Some of these paid their own menu passage money As regards immigration from Government Service in a scheme Movements of th: kiod are the West Indian Islands, 136 Bir for establishment of a Dental calculated to supply the youth of badlane had arrived during the Clinic for the benefit of the the colony with much that they year, when th Stelagency of the children of the poorer classes. need in the matter of moral libre.
times ini artupied the movement. Such sostitutions exist through. But as no race, no people, can Mr. Stewart characterises this out the United States, and ever bope to rise above the suspension as a regrettable Dental surgery bas become so standard of its women wa ask occurrence, since continued ap important a factor that the what about Girls Gaides? 01 lications to the Colony agent Barbadian Government has seen girls, our womepfolk, are too far.
in Barbados for emigration to fit to appoint on the staff of in the rear.
the Colony by returned Barbadi tbeir Hospital a certified Dental ans, even during the island Surgeon, for the benefit of those harvest time, showed that the of their community wbo are islanders were recognizing the unable to pay the high fee ST. LUCIA INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS recente Westeninformed advantages offered by British charged by private practitioners.
that ha: mainconsideration the imsition of lad was losing for them its GRENADA an anu se nant tax in which it is imaginary terrors in the light of (Continued From Page 2)
stated thoratio is of race actual experience.
the Prince of Wales in 1920, that revival of thoroughbred horse clubs and similar clubs will by ship sailed with St. Lucia. His Mujesty súbj :cts are not ownership in Barbados, a Syndi iaclu led. With that end in view 478 returning ina moderanda, wted Accident at Victoria for sale. and they aisure Your cute having oured a fine group. equires are being conducted as to were then made to give e Excellency of the unswerving we hear is others saya niata to the taking of thes, coaceras fect to some sug zestions made loyalty of the Colony to will be brought dwa aod past few years, With the resignation of Mr.
the East Indian Association of young man living at WalThrone and Empire. The sugo disposed of by auction, It is also British Gulana for the increased tham Estate, by the name of Reilly of his appointment gestion of alieniation from the added thnt the Barbados Turf net with a as 4th Revenue Officer Se Encje.
holding comfort of those on board. The Hayward Alexis, contemplates DEMERARA Empire is distasteful to the Club value of remittances and jewelry serious accident while in the sus the St Lyte Volan people of Barbadus aud is another meeting here in Nuvem possessed by them totalled exercise of some fun with bis to be efected the passing of the strongly resented.
ber. I; seems pity that this 12, 469. At the end of 1921 triend John St. John on Tuesday Reilly family from si Lucia see to get About Arty yagiM.
contient that londe bestellenes the annual fixture back to Tune The Colonisation of there were 125, 900 East Indiana hast.
In conclusion the Ouncil are remaining in the Colony, The personal account of Alexis SA Reilly landed in St.
Guiana realises that their earnest tesire or July as ou old. Toose fell ws and St. John is that Altxis (wbo Lancia from tigua as one of is to co operate beartily in sale. knew something about what toy is rather a sickly person) wa: the teachers of the Mico Instiguarding the welfare and pros were doing. idem)
Dental Clinic For Children in quite a jscular aod boxing tution and took hie place in the BARBADI ANS NO LONGER moud from Sunday last and life of the cələdy. For all those pority of this loyal and ancient Colony TRINIDAD SUSPICIOUS.
made several demands his years he ex re sed a beneficie The Demerara Chronicle friends to be engaged with them and benigo influence on the life learns from an authentic source in boxing bouts, He did so to of the commucity, both as The openin. statement by Hon that a prominent dentist in the his friend St. Jobs while the Mico teacher and as Custrie Thoroughbred Horse Amusement Tax. P. Stewart, Acting Immigra community has succeeded in latter was on his way to the Town Clerk. His sons grew and Revival.
11o Agent General of British interesting certain Public field on Tuesday morning. The sought their future in a larger Says the Port of Spain Gazette of Guiana, in his latest report, that Medicos or prominence in the challenge was declined. In the and more flourishing neighbours It is said there will soon be a afternoon he made a similar ing colony where, as their father challenge to Paul, another friend did before them, here, thay are This was also refused. Soon making their mark. With the after he saw St. John again, who notice abve quoted, the last of was now on his way back to bis the family seems to have passed home and, after much persua og from the service of the colony.
sion going as far as pulling bim off the ass which he was riding, her sons and we are sincarely St. Lucia cannot afford to lose Opens the at last succeeded in getting hoping that this passing a vay is him into action with the terrible but a caasient searance of the This result that John first offer lies which will in the near future (with the left hand) caught him be renewed with Imatual benefit, 00 tbe right side of his neck in the junction with the jaw and at (Mr. Railly family has setonce disabled himn. Holding his tled in Trinidad The Hon. chest, Alexis ran into his house Reilly is one of the unosu was ty, and soon prominent figures in that colony, began to pass blood throngh the He and another brother are Bacristers at Law in Trinidad, Doctor Copeland was telephoned for about a couple of bours later and came over from Gouyave La Boca Community about and after attending to Alexis decided to send him House to the Colony Hospital by the Ambulence following morning. Alexis pass The New La Boca Community ed an an awful night, frothing and House No 914, Martinique throwing up bloɔd all the time. Street, bought by Father The trouble, it is believed, was McDonald, M, February 1923 purely accidental inasmuch as for the purpose of educating the these two youag men were Catholic Children.
good friends and there was not The various subjcts taug 15 the slightest ill will between will be as follows: them.
TAVE Piano and Music L958008 Sewing Class dental cream? Has it ever dropped and rolled New Mouthpiece For Singing Class away in the sleeping car or hid under the washGrenada, School, Dialect, etc. eto.
stand at home?
During the Lental Season.
Then you will appreciate the cap that is held capWe understand that another from the Birth of Carist to the religious pictures were shown, tive a which holds the properties of Kolynos secure newspaper will soon make its in the four corners of the Angels until you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the appearance in Grenada. We are world, to be coupled with other tube.
impatient. Judging by the boast pictures after the season ed designs which called it into its teaching as exemplified by with We now furnish you with a package of the same being, it will do us immense Father McDonald, high standard as its contenta.
good and weld our supporters into one conscious, solid body, The formal opening of the hall THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn. Roll on good luck, will take place on the 10th, night of April 1923, with a big dancing party when the doors will be Conference at St. Georges thrown open and a hearty wel.
come will be extended to all concerned. Those who do not The St. George Branch of to make then feel just as happy dance there will be other things the Grenada Literary League as those who dance with the intends inviting officers and latest HITS by the Band delegates from other branches Tickets will be on sale for the to a Conference to be held in St. purpose George on or about the 6th March next. As usual a grand We heartily congratulate opening session will be held.
Father McDonald, for the open.
ing of the Community House for bis people in the Silver SattleBoy Scouts To Be Re. ment in La Boca. Naturally Established.
the parents are very proud of such dologs for their children and would do everything in The Ven. Archdeacon Ingram their power to have Father Johnson is to be congratulated plau faldiled.
on his movement to re establish Boy Scouting in Grenada. PreMiss Casildo Buchanan, bas liminary meetings have been started her sewing class in the beld and at a meeting this week hall under date of March 12cb.
about eight boys attended. 1928 KOLYNOS ALONE HAS THE Way on which close mouth.


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