
PAGE TWCAS THE WORKMAN BATURDAY, APRIL 14 1923 Td Interesting News News from From The West Indian Islands ST. LUCIA xSEXO sexs SEWAS 50. 00 The St. Lucia Electric Company. CY. 50. 00 TO BE GIVEN AWAY IN CASH PRIZES!
Book Binding!
Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN Book Binding Department CENTRAL AVENUE and No. G Street KAL MOL GEHE 19 We are informed that on Enter the KAL MOL word building contest and win a prize.
Thursday last a company with the above cognomen was formContest open to everyone on the Isthmus and is confined to the English ed consisting of Messrs. or Spanish language only.
Salles Miquelle, Monplaisir Devex, Nemsic, From the letters contained in the words:Mallet. Parret. Wells Palmer, and E. Belmar, The Capital of this Company is to be 10, 000 in sbares but is not to be registered until it has attained its objects which are. make as many words as you can. Words must be of known signification, To obtain a contract from the Castries Town Board for CONDITIONS: lighting the streets with either 20 lights of 100 watt and 80 of To enter this contest, the only condition required is that you send in your 50 watt for 750 or 20 lights of list ACCOMPANIED by a label from a tube of KAL MOL Tablets.
100 watt and 60 of 50 watt for 625 for a period of 10 years The list containing the greatest number of words wins the FIRST PRIZE, The Board to grant free right the next highest, the SECOND PRIZE, etc. In case of two or more contestants of way to run and maintain lines either underground or over having the same number of words, precedence will be given the list received head, FIRST. To obtain from the GovernThe following gentlemen will act as judges:Creoline Hair Preparations ment a free right of way outside the town to erect poles and Positively Superior to all others on earth MR. NATHANIEL HILL, SR.
maintain overhead or underTry them ani be convinced.
ground lines and cxca. ption MR. GERALD MARTIN, They are the Master Preparations of the World.
from duty for period of three REVEREND SURGEON Different from all Others years, From what we can gather the Contest closes May 31st, 1923, and names of winners will be announced Prices of all goods in the Uited States of America 50e. offer is a fair one and ought to in the Star Herald.
all Foreign countries, 6e.
meet with a good reception from Creoline Hair Producer the Members of the Board. It The prizes will be divided as follows:is bigb time that the Straightens rough, harsh. koky hair in or without hot combs, lighting system of this town be modern 30. 00 1st prize 3rd prize and without chemicals. NOT ADE OF VASELE Contains 10 00 percent mom oil thaa is possibl. to be put into any other preparation ized and the oil burning lamps of its kind in the world. Patehoi in plases and preveai baldness, that, perhaps once wire quite 2nd 12. 50 4th 50 In ounce tins, suitable but now are getting quite antiquated Creolina Day Dandrut Remedy acd ancient, Mark Envelope KAL MOL CONTEST and mail to: very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandruff, Tetter Abould be replaced EUSTACE LEE and Forena. It is antiseptic. Grows lai kops th seslp healthy In ounce bottles.
On saking enquiry we elicited the following information with Box 338. Colon Jackson Manufacturing Co.
regards to the possible costs of 456 West Tenth St. Manufacturers und Kaportar All Up to date Drug Stores carry stock of Creoline.
Indianapolis Ind. lights: Lamps will be available Sole Agent in the Republic of Panama.
at 25 50, and 100 watt. Metres will be placed and the electricity consumed will be cbarged for KAL MOL at the rate of 25 cents per killopulpit of the Cathedral, Ibe wire TRINIDAD watt. killowatt is equal 1000 cable attached to the clock watt, therefore 25 watt light is the surest and safest remedy for:suddenly broke, disconnecting can be lighted for 40 hours one of the weights attached to for 35 cents or a 50 watt light Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia Rheumatism, Gout, Cold, Influenza, the inner mechanism. This Goverment Not Anxious used for 20 hours for the same La Grippe, Menstrual Colic, Alcoholic Intoxication, Etc.
weight weighing in the vicinity For Labourers To Imigrate amount. The cost works out of 800 and 900 pounds, crashed at a little under one cent per Samples given away and on sale at all drug stores.
through the tower and on the hour per watt.
roof of the porch damaging that The Trinidad Guardian of particular part of the edifice The the 20th ulo. states: The whole matter is to be 30X300313x0 GSXSXSXSXSXSSXOS OS considered by the Tow: Board cannon like boom on the roof For the past week, Mr.
soon and we feel sure they, brougbt the worshippers to their Jose Raphael Hernandez as being level headed men of the and panic agent for an agricultural and world, will give the matter their British subject caanot be pro tionality provides, but they feet in an instant BARBADOS no heed to the stricken some of them rushed to in Cuba, has been recruiting development comploy operating tected in Cuba, If there are any should pay due consideration. Voice.
hardships, the British Consul peopl: who tell them to stay the door and others effected an labour in the colony for work in ought to deal with them But at home to starve.
exit through the windows The Cuba. It is understood that no Murderous Attack.
The Labour Ques there sboud be no interference Sermon was suspended and the fewer than six thousand persons the tion.
sometimes starving people to es Divine Service Suddenly Dean who was present along are required. a small portion of with Revd. Culpan persuaded the as time keepers or drivers.
who will obtain employment On Wednesday the 7th ingt. at Disturbed.
cape being sapported from local Roseau Factory, one Alphonse poor rates. The men who want people to return into the Church The paper says it is underPaul, a labourer made a moat The Barbados Herald says to go to Cuba should make re where the matter was explained stood that the Government is murderous attack on one Maxias the discouragement which the presentation through their re 10th March States The Barbados Standard of the After about minutes interval not anxious to permit emigration that on Paul, a driver with a cutlass Government is giving to would presentatives in the House Wednesday night inflicting two very severe wounds be immigrants to Cuba ought to of Assembly to ensure last while Revd. Culpan again ascended the unless there is a substantial for Reverend Culpan on his left arm. One above the form some grounds for search them the protection their na delivering his sermon from the dismissed the worshippers.
was pulpit finished the Service and guarantee for repatriation, elbow, almost reaching the bone ing enquiry into its motives (Continued on Page 7)
and the other below the elbow with regard to the labouring which severed both bones of the people generally, It cannot be arm leaving the hand and the too often repeated thet it is only lower part of the arm hanging by the patriotic and self sacrion almost by the skin.
ficing efforts of Barbadian Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000. It is alleged by the man in the labourers in foreign countries street that Paul had been in that the present low scale of Leo bad books for some time wages to the stay at homes is and he was continually baving made possible. To discourage his jag docked by the latter. emigration madness. It is through emigration that the On the day in question it is weight of the local taxes is alleged that after an altercation borne, the large sums of money Paul took bls cutlass and fol sent through the post office, and Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Owned by The NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK lowed Leo for about half a mile the still larger sums surreptiand inflicted the wounds. tiously remitted, providing the The offender, who is in the money for all those increases of hands of the Police charged taxation which last year providwith causing dangerous harm, ed the revenue over which His Depository of the PANAMA CANAL has been remanded to the 12th Excellency expressed so much instant. Voice, enjɔyment. If the people get no money from abroad, we are going to have trouble, for it is Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of FATAL MISHAP. certain that there is no chance THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in of living wages being paid in this island without some initial ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN Canoe Capsizes Three ITALY trouble. The Governor and his BELGIUM CHINA advisers are warned of this It is Drowned JAPAN JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES no trifling matter. Bat of course ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE CUBA PERU PORTO RICO the ill treatment of Barbadians URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA The report comes from Labo in foreign countries cannot be rie that about a week ago three passed over. Our opinion is med went out in a canoe, the pro this: that as British subjects, perty of Mr. Gilbert Charles to Barbadians are entitled to the fish. The weather which was protection of the British flag Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World fairly good when they started, wherever they are. The duty of changed and the sea becoming the Government is to make revery boisterous grave fears were presentations to the Colonial entertained for their safety. The Office calling attention to any ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE fears were fully realised for abuses known, and pointing out neither boat nor men have been the need for adequate seen or heard of since it is vision of the conditions onder INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM believed the boat got capsized by which West Indians labour the rough seas and all the occu abroad.
pants got drowned. Voice) We refuse to believe that a International Banking Corporation INDIA super


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