
THA RKMAN SATURDAY APRIL 14 1923 PAGE THRIE British Cars For West Indies.
What Position Do You Want?
Mai. Address: Box 44, Canal Zone Office 46 Central Avenue The st of Everything for Everybody.
ARE THE BEST MADE Then why be satisfied with less than the best BUY PAIR TOAL TO DAY AND BE SATISFIED INSTUCTIONS Clear. Quick and Thorough. 400 COLLEGES buy these Lessons for their Students. VISIT OR WRITE the Schools Office in Panama City.
Technical and Industrial Department. Architect. Automobile Wok Architectural Drafumas Airplane Engine. Blus Prot Reading Plumber and Steam Fitter Building Fremsa Foreman Plumber. Concrete Builder Sbeet Metal Worker. atraetor uad Builder. steam Engineer ectrical Engineering. Marine Engineer. Electric Wiring. Refrigerating Engineer. Electris Ligb inz. Chemistry Eleet ic Car Running Pharmacy Telegraph Engin er. Navigation. Telephone Work Outdoor Siga Palater Meebanical Engineer. Agriculture. Mechanical afteman. Fruit Growing Machine Shop Practies Lave Stock and Dairying Toolmsker Pou try Farming Civil Engiarer. Mathematics Surveying and Mapping Radio. Gas Engine Operating Business Training Department. Salesmanship Business Spanish. Advertising French Banking and sciog Law Porriga Trade Higher Accounting Stenography and Typing Certified Pub, Accountant Teacher. Bookkeeping Common School Subjecta Business English. High School Subjecta Private Secretary And Many Other Courses.
longer American Bazaar Stores Panama Colon The West dia Committee Circular for March 15 states that Sir Graeme Thompson, the nex Governor of British Guiana, Is setting a good example by tak.
ing out to the Coloay a British unc tor car, the type favoured by him being the Sorris Oxiura tour seater.
It is to be boped that this action of Sir Graeme will mark the awakening of British manl.
facturers to the potentialities of as their motor cars, and that res.
dents in those Colonies wil eventually appreciate that though ad English car may cost a litils more in the first instance, its manufacture is far more thorough than that of the foreign ear, and its life consemuch Corlish motor cars only require to be known in the West Iudies to be appreciated, but apart from that there are obvious advantages in West lodians buring their cars from the country which can take the. British tyres should also be pu chased more generally It is Impossible to state with accuracy the amouct spent on motor car types in the British West Indits. as Trinidad is the only Caribbean colony that gives separate classitication for this item in the Customs returns, in the other colonies the rubber tyre being included with the parts of motor cars, trucks. aod vans, 106, Taking, however ope balt the total import of parts as representing tyres, the Commercial Inteliigence Journal estimates that according to the latest available statistics year expenditure on tyres would be:Trinidad. 38, 398; British Guiana 7, 012; Barbados, 15, 049; ward and Windward Islands 6, 140 Mr. H. Flood, the Candian Trade Comunissioner, gives a list of the five principal makes of tyre stocked in Barba dus. Of these, it is regrettable to state that but one comes at present from tactories in the Oid Coustry, pruduce.
Address TSTATIONERYI cycles.
Mark the subject you wish to study and write your name and Address Mail the coupon to day for free Cotalog.
a good assortment can be had at the WORKMAN PRINTERY Lee.
Only the Best OF 10 Wedding Cards, Christening Birthday Cards, Ball Cards and Programs also a choice selection of MENU CARDS Men Furnishings ANTIGUANS TO MEET THURSDAY.
carried in stock At San Miguel Lodge Hall fine Selection of English Woolens AND The members and (non members) of the Antiguan Progres.
sive Society are requested to meet on Thursday, 19th at the Loyal Primrose Lodge Hall San Miguel. The influence of such a gathering cannot belp but leave its mark on all present.
and ba feit even outside of the con thes of our home. White Linen Drills House Reni Receipt Books IN SPANISH ENGLISH AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY JUST RECEIVED Gatun Silver Clubhouse.
At THE PALAIS ROYAL PERREIRA CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner th Street, PANAMA JOB PRINTING Bcca on Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Tb: Mary Church Terrell and the Carolyn Still Anderson Clubs had the pleasure of entertaining som of the Eva Bowles and Phyllis Wheatley Girls of the Gil Reserves of La Saturday April 7th.
apr In the evening Mrs Bondman met the girls in a game of both Volley and Basket balls. The La Boca Girls beat the Gatun Girls in Volley Bill and Basket Bell. The Gatun Girls won one game in Volley Bail.
The Gatun Girls were good sports and gave them three cbeers promising to defeat them in the near future.
On Sunday morning, April 8th the Gatun Girls escorted the La Boca Girls to Church where they enj vyed the service conducted by Me. Larry In the afternoɔn, pictures were made of the Girls taken in group form.
At 30 the La Boca Girls boarded the train for bome after expressing their delight with the Gatun Girls.
Treat Yourself AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY BY TAKING DR. SANGER CAPSULES WONDERFUL CURE FOR BLADDER IRRITATION It Contain: East Indian Oil of Sandal Wood and other ingredients Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours ORDER BOOKS FOR FRENDLY SOCIETIES Kept in stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY British Consulate Notice.
The Acting British Sonsul at Calon would be glad of information ss to the present whereabruts of Samuel Young, a native of Ja naica, wbose last address was istobal. CZ BUY BOX TO DAY AT THE CHORRILLO DRUG STORE No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave.
Creolina straightens and beautifies the hair and proCuces hair on bald heads.


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