
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 14 1923, Advertise World. Wide Witness SUNDAY, APRIL 15th Subject: SATANS EMPIRE FALLING Millions Now Living Will Never Die one side of COURT WALLACE 30 CHORRILLO LODGE 30 GAS The Cheapest Fuel shown THE WORKMAN Work nan Peolisted on Saturdays by Rates for Advertise et op applies WALRUND. the office Central Ave Hon. Correspondence on all matters Due and corner of Street, Padams of publie leterest invited.
All copy for publication must be Box 74, Panama On one of paper only, and RATRS OF SUBSCRIPTIOX must be nocompanied by the name of Brilliant Record Of Oce Year 40 8. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaSuccessful Jockey And Bix Months 20 Hon but as a mark of good faith.
Three 60e. We do not undertake to return Trainer.
Doo 250.
rejected correspondence.
Panama bids farewell to Tu Lberty of the Pross is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS LAT Jock y Murray dorioz the week wbo bas pavere his relationship SATURDAY, APRIL 14 1923 with Riul Epi 1048 table, baving brought to a termination his entrat as jsek A LABOUR TALK TO CAPITAL.
Speaker Evangelist LOUIS ST. HILL er. This is the result of one of those regrettable res which usually com u in be It was rather piquant to discover Mr. Ramsay Macconduct of bu nan alfairs. It was seeking the highest lat Donald, the leader of the Labour Party in the House of bis employer in whit Murray Commons, the guest of honour at a luncheon of the Ald.
regarded as an adequal oppor wich Club and delivering an address to a gathering of unSpeaker Evangelist SEALE tucity to to his mount, Porketquestionable capitalists. That he should have been invited Not) at the racing events on and listened to with great interest and the utmost attenSunday 1st inst, when she was left at the barrier, that his sustion is indicative of a pleasant and sensible tendency ADMISSION FREE THE PUBLIC INVITED increasingly apparent among British employers to find out pension by the Jockey Club and bis final seperation from racing the men point of view on industrial developments.
on tbe Isthmus was brought Macdonald outlined the policy which he said would be put AUSPICES INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION about into operation if ever a Labour Government came to power Murray came here about in Britain, aod though he may have been speaking to the SNEXO SO oooos SSSSSSSSSSS SS SS SS year ago and took charge of the Espinosa stable. sad during unconverted he nevertheless earoed a most complimentary that time le bas undoubtedly ovation. Macdonald is, of course, a very eloquent speakproved himself one of the boss er. He pleaded the Labour case on such contentious Notice. jocks and wainer from Jamaica issues as nationalisation and the capital levy. Though the who bas ever visited nami.
He bas made good in a sober, majority of his hearers undoubtedly disagreed with him, bis contention that it was better tº clear off a debt by hereby bag to notify the pub. honest, punctual and reliable lie ia general that my wife Viola manner; and hai sbwn respect making a direct payment from capital rather tban to go on Gittens having left my home and and cosideration to all Hy is paying a heavy interest every year, tius indefinitely cripprotection without my consent well liked by all classes of the pling one resources, was loudly applauded by many in will not hold mysell responsible community. His separation the audience. They responded also to the idealism of for any debt or debts that she from the turf will leave blank may contract, his appeal. His plea for nationalisation centred rouad the in tha early history of racing phrase Unless you have the heart of your men you will JOZEPH GITTENS in this country which will be bard to fill Never let your Gas brun when not in use, even not get their muscles.
Genial in disposi tion, answerving in confidenca Ramsay Macdonald, according to British political though you may be going to use it again in a few NOTICE in thhorses unda: bis standards is very advanced. But he has some very charg.
Murray career on the fath mu?
minutes Turn off and relight when ready. Gas has been very successful aid hitter things to say about Bolshevism. am not a Attorney David L200 hss above all he bas lighters are cheaper than Gas.
Bolshevik he said, and we of the Labour Party in the bim self opened up temporary offices at a typical West Indian horsema un House of Commons have not the millionth part of symNo 107 Central Avenue upstairs He has succeeded in buying to patby with Bolsbevism.
Learn to Use it Economically. old St. Paul Courcb butlling. bis credit th: secoad place of Telephone number 050.
successful un slace to. op ning of th new bpporong CHURCH SERVICES in Outuber last, having brought home successfully 16 winners LORD BURNHAM IMPRESSION OF PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY 12 dechods and 11 thirds. American Episeopal Church. AT YOUR SERVICE Erery body extend to Murray JAMAICA AND ITS PEOPLE. The Second Sunday after Easter) a robust adieu and anticipates for him further acbievements in St. Peter Church La Boca.
the Isla ot Springt, and the Lord Burnham who quite recently toured the island of Jamaica, returned to London on March 15th, and on being Christian Mission of Panama Holy Communion am upholding of the bighest tradiThe Salvation Army tions of English racing.
Holy Biptism 8, a. in interviewed by a representative of the West India ComMstios and addres, 11 am mittee Circular spoke with obvious enthusiasm regarding Panama 11. Trotman 30 Yerd the island and its people: Chorillo 11. am Wilson B water Sunday em Prayer meeting Sacred Cantata at the La Boca Clubhous certain portion of tha word of God At 3, pm elected for that purpose La Book 11. Moalny 7:30 Belle 10 Sunday School In particular, he singled out for mention Mr. Her Paraiso 112. 7:30. Burkollar Holiace Meeting Choral Evensong with Sermon at 7:30 Thursday 30 pm Choir praction bert de Lisser, whom be described as the 30 Young people Easter Program me Morning Prayer, Monday, Wednesday Friday p, Junior Christian Ea desve Supt.
7:30 pm Salvation Meeting livest of live wires. For the arrangements for the Gatun 11 am 7:30 Neblett and Friday at 7, am sod 30 Prayer meeting GEORGE MORRIS MULCARE. Rector tour, he had nothing but praise, and he referred especially Colon 11 a Sie Thorpe 7:30 Sis Motuloy Rev. A, Ojle, Pastor ia ohang to the advantage which he bad enjoyed as having as his Rev. BURKE Supt.
Commandant. St. Barnabas Church Empire cicerone Mr. Frank Cundall, the cultured Secretary of the Morning Prayer and address 11, a. Nazaren) Christian Church Institute, whose intimate knowledge of the fascinating Sunday School Confirmation Class 3, Ghuachapali Panama.
history of the island had proved most valuable. With the the establishment of a West Indian section of the Empire Evening Prayer and ad from 7pm 11 am ring worship T MULCARE Pries in charge intent earnestness and ability of Mr. Arthur Farquharson Press Union, of which Mr. de Lisser will be chairman, and p. Sunday School he was much also impressed.
Miss Mosley Secretary, and it is possible also that step3 7:30 p, co Evangelistio Service Bartholomews Church Las Monday 30 Bšlievers meeting Lord Burnham said that he was surprised that so may be taken by that body to secare the improvement of Cascadas Tunday 330 Junior Christian Boden few English people seemed to visit Jamaica, which he des the West Indian news service. IC. Morning Prayer and Address 11 am vour, cribed as a true earthly paradise, and be added that he Sunday School 30 pm 7, 80 Senior Christian Endeayour believed that the tourist industry of the island was capable Evening prayer and address 0, Wedgesday Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 Choir practice of great development During his all too short stay, he PANAMA CANAL EFFICIENCY MULCARB Priest in charge Priday 7, 30 Open air meeting made many speeches and listened to still more, and his Panama San Miguel Arostrena Rev. Neal Pastor in charge only fear was that his power to belp the Colony, as it was Strest Bul ding 25 his desire so to do, might be over estimated.
The following Circular Letter by Governor Morrow to Salem Christian Church 3rd St. Asked for his views regarding Mr. Wood recommen the Employees of the Panama Canal, which appeared in Gospel Serm yns 11, 30 a. me 7;30 Broadway Colon dations, Lord Burnham said that be found a widespread the Canal Record of the 4th inst. is full of interest and Sunday School pm Sunday Morniag Servio 11, 30 am Sunday Evening Sarvece 30 pm desire that those relating to Tariff. Preference should be must be appreciated by all concerned especially so as it E, Bailey Pastor carried out.
The demands of the West Indies in this con proves the broadmindedness of the Governor in impressing Church of God G St Colon Tuseday young peoplo League 30 Believers 30 nection seemed to him to be reasonable. The people as a upon them their responsibility in the successful operation 11. 30 a 7;30 Gospel Sermo Wednesday Bible reading 7, 30 whole appeared to approve of the political and constitu of the great water way. The Circular reads thus. Sanday School pm.
Thursday Choir practice 800 tional recommendations, and he was inclined to think that 10 our employees The two successful passages just Sis Brewster Pastor Evang. Foiday Prayer moting 30 those who desire go to farther expressed their own personal completed of the Scouting Fleet through the Canal, com New Providence RevP R, WILKINS, Parlor in eis pe views rather than those of the community as a whole. ing simultaneously with the recent remarkable increase in Gospel Sermo 11. 30 am 30 The franchise was low, and large industrial organisations commercial shipping utilizing our water way, presents Sunday Sebook. 60 Waslyan Methodist would regard with apprehension the possibility of complete fitting opportunity for me to express the great satisfaction Sis Elliot, Pastur.
Panios 11 am. Rav. Surgeos self government being granted.
and pride feel in our organization and in the proven Gitun 7, 30 p, Rev. MC Burgon Nowhere did he find the slightest sympathy with the loyalty and efficiency of all divisions and departments Gospel Sermon 11, 89 7, 30 Colunil am Me Gsorge Layais suggestion that any part of the West Iodies should be of the Canal and railroad, desire particul srly to publicly Sunday School pm 30 pm Mr. Thritt La Boa 11 am Me, Johnson transferred to the United States. This, be considered, was recognize the fine work of the Marine Division and of the Georg Griffith 7, 30 Mr. SK Walters the more significant when it was remembered that the operating forces of the locks under the heavy work of the New Providence 11, Mr. Moodie United States had been mainly responsible for securing months just closing, and the work of the Dredging Seventh Day Adventist Church Paraiso 11 6, Me, Arvalli the restoration of Jamaica prosperity. Proposals for Division as particularly marked by its operation in the STREET CALIDONTÀ ROAD. Empise 11. Me Laynis federation with the Dominion of Canada did not appear to presence of the heavy traffic and in the handling of the (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
receive much support.
December slide. The big increase in the use of the Canal Sabbath (Saturday) 45 sm. SabThe principal need of the West Indies, as far as he by shipping is plain evidence of appreciation of highly bath Sebool 11. 15 am General Worship Colon 11 a, Deacon Biparda Baptist Church could guage it, was better communications, both by steam efficient service. Our organization is a success, and this 30 Spanish Class; 30 pm Thrift er and telegraphically, though Jamaica was well served success is due to the individual and collective efforts of all Young People Meeting; 30. Chorrillo 11 Daacon Linton by the existing cables for news and general purposes. those employees who take a pride in their individual part Vespere Sunday evening at Reading Corossl Road 11 a Pastor Witt 15 Pastor Witt There should be also closer co operation and a greater in the work.
Class. All are welcome both young and linking up of interests, and with a view to securing have been in receipt of many compliments on the old. 30 Pronching Service 15 Stewart Stewart Empire 11 7. 15 Elder Onal greater prominence for the West Indies, he was strongly efficiency of our organization from those whom we have Pueblo Nuevo 11 Dənon Johnson in favour of the appointment of a High Commissioner to served, and it is a great pleasure, as well as a duty. to Ebenezer Church Bullding No 7:25 Deacon Blackburn watch over the interests of those Colonies pass this commendation to the body of loyal men and 85, Calidonia Road, Panama Now Providenos Pastor Thrift Lord Burnham visit to Nassau was brief, but he women who collectively make up the organization in which Sunday. Il am Morning Torship Red Tank 30 Deacon Yearwood was long enough on shore to receive a most favourable our country takes just pride, shall continue in the 18 Sunday School Cativa Supplied New Gatun Thursday 80 Pastor Thrift.
impression of New Providence and its people, by whose future, as in the past, to acclaim publicly such service, and 780 Evangelistic, eervloe generous hospitality he was greatly pleased.
on such occasions as this to express my appreciation Manday 7, 80 Prem Coristain ideavour 30 Believers meeting it you like beautiful hair use One practical result of Lord Burnham visit will be thereof.
Wednesday 7, 30 pm comments on a Creoline hair producer.


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