
THE WORKILAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1923, PAGE FIVE OF COURSE You have one Cigarette you prefer above others. That is the one we want you to compare with LUCKY STRIKE It will interest and surprise you, because you will find them delightfully different and mention.
Grand Sacred ConClearing out!
Clearing out!
CANAL ZONE Resolution of Sympathy Farewell to NOTES ROSE OF SHARON LODGE NO.
La Boca 46 of of Never in the history of the La Boca Athenaeum Ga, in tia prest zidom to take on WHEREAS it be pleseed Almighty Loyal Perseverance Lodge, No.
10105, GU 0, was 80 feve our midst Membership; our much enthusiasm evinced than Diseussed Important Sub Hash who departe this life, April the Wetby Lady and Sister Muy Jane on Thursday night, April 5, 1922 wben a special meting was conJect of Debate, 6:b, 1923.
vened at the Flower of the IstbWHEREAS the Order buelos a tight mus Lodgeroom, for the purpose of considering the best ma per in At Li Boca on last Tuesday screw, from amongst Ware the wb chtbe appreciation of the ser evening at 30 pm. La Boca bənoutable Lady and Sint r; fue ho vices of Bro. Bellon, Per.
Athenaeum held its usual week faithful working in the abiv. Loig manent Secretary, of the above ly meetings, Mr. Reynolds swined the sympathy of all its members presided.
Jodge could be shown before his After the customary and friends departure to the United States.
formalities were dispose of it BE IC RESOLVED, that th entir The lodge being declared open was moved that the Standing Momberebip of this Lodge depare and Orders be suspended and that lament the douth of our sister sol the subject was entered upon the members proceed to discuss friend thos. id Mary Jane sila There was a general exchange the subj ct for debate; Resolved: of thoughts and several mem Ibat our BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Present Civilizbers eulogised the broiber for tion has increased the Happi: his resolution; be record is the minutes of our Lodg: to be preserved the interest he bad exhibited ness of Mankind.
eos a lasting tribune, t, the min) y of tu from time to time in connection Among the distinguisbed visi muid Sister Mary Jane ob hu fil with the Order and bis regular tors from Panama, were Dr. ed the place and Ollies in which sh dies, attendance at the meetings. For G Johnson, AD and left bind to be better the 15 months, Bro. Belfon had GOOD TO THE LAST PUFF.
derson, Mr. A, Hunter, who been Permanent Secretary be were appointed Judges; and BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED, that bad not been absent times other persons too numeous to copy of thi Resolution by forwarded This is highly commendable and Tne audience was to our Worthy Racord ag cretary of should be an example to those very small, but quite an intelli this Lodge, to the deased ither, with aspiring to this position.
gent and appreciative number covarine lester expse ng the end The Noble Graad in replying assisted with their presence, lence and sympathy of the Mm ers of pointed out to the members the advisability of doing their best affirmative was led by Mr, this Lise, with thrie ir ditable look in three the greatest hours of corrow in for the Order and the lodge, so abla manner advanced many toat when the time came for cert.
them to leave these shoree, their strong and forcible points in sup. bor bot, wo give her up; els is at ted port of his contention he was sup. Thanks be to the Almighty Go services would be appreciated ported by Mr. William DeSousa Moved by Brother O Haynes 3also. He was sorry to learn of who rendered all the assistance coaded by Byther Clarks BA Grand Sacred Concert will be he could to the attirmative.
Bro. Bellon departare in tbe EVEI. ITEM MUST BE SOLD AT COST PRICE held at Colon Christian Church.
very near future and wished bim GEORGE SMALLO all that was good and noble.
3rd. Street Broadway Colon on The negative was led by Mr.
We present, Rings, Watches, Braclets, Worthy Cbiet Sunday, April 15. 1923, at p. Fontenelle who in a very It was therefore decided that La Valliers, Vanity Cases, Links, Broaches, in aid of Church Building lucid and RAWLINS ogical manner laid a purse containing the amount of Recording Secretary 50. 00 be presented to the brothFand. Please do not fail to attend down a strenuous force of arguEar rings, Chains, Fobs, Rosarles, Knives and ttis grand Variety entertainment ments against the affirmativa on thu eve of his departure. Jameica Pap? rs Please Copy)
tron Forks, Spoons, and numerous other articles as of the best talent in Cu He quoted many authors in supBro. Belfon thanked the memlon sad Panams will be taking port of his contentions sad was bers for their kind expressions Customers are requested to call for jobs left in murt Admissioa 25 tents Sc supported in a most commend able evening was spent bv the towards him. He also assured care not later than April 30th, 1923.
able by th Scitish them that from the time he beit JAMES WILLIAMSON, Jeweler, preciation the audience bad for smith. who is one of the brigh: icy and invited guests.
came a member of the lodge them: and wore it not for the ladies that are members.
est constellatiou amongst the was always bis intention to do his best for the Order and lodge 167 Bolivar Street, Colon.
nature and length of the operetta the performers would have had Jump rebutted and it and be was pleased to see that Bɔy Scout bataat1 his bit has been appreciated, to answer to the encore demand was then that the oratorical He would always remember the ed, as the seförita bad to do in powers, concise ratiocination and Army Men at Basket Ball.
brothers and their kinduess to complisses to the similar de souod conclusions of that genwards him He wisbed the lodge mad made of her. Tois Miss is teman was heard to advantage surely born It was indeed. very interesting Basket Ball a loog life of usefulness in the field of Oddfellowship.
were she lo follow the indications when Dr. Anderson on behalf game was played here on Monof nature sad bave hersell train the judges in a most humorous day 9b inst. between the Buy ed in the line of her rare talent manner rendered a decision in Scouts and a selected tsan of in five Uaitei States Army men. s Conclave.
she would be sure to become a favour of the Negative.
The Scouts were under the leadDAIRYMEN LEAGUE world figure in the art. Several musical items were ership of Woodman Scoutbe rendered in which Mrs. Olga master, Brossard was the ball special meeting of the above mentioned the recitation of Mr. King in her solo excelled herself, pitcher and his skilful handling STANDS FOR Conclave was called at the Flow Ferreira. Like good wine this very pleasant evening was of the ball, defeated the gentlema aeeds bush. brought to a close with the sing soldiers 24. to giving the Scouts er of the Istbmus Lodgeroom on Sunday afternoon at o clock for His ability as an elocationist is ing of the British National An an easy victory.
the purpose of presenting Bru kao wa tha roughout the Isthmus; tbem.
MA, Belfon with a souvenir it and it is wo exaggeration to say The arguments of Mrs. Smith The Order before his departure.
that bis renditioa of Wendell will be reprodued in our next Installation and Unvellag Napoleon was a issua.
Bros. Allman ia making masterpiece.
of Chart Star of Paradise the presentation expressed his Lodge, pleasure on this occasion in bav.
and is the Gatun ing to perform this duty. In doing bu be stated that he had DAIR MENS Pro Bono Publico To morrow (Sunday) there will the privilege of assisting in the SAFEST MILK Dance At club house be an open installation and on brother icitiation also in con 2018 veiling et Charter of the Star ferring the various degrees, and Transgresses Rules Of of paradise Lodge N3, 14 now the time bas come to bid The Royal King Solomon Lodge Gatun Canal Zone. The Odi for your home Ethics.
No, 11, IUOOS. held a dance him farewell, and to present his cers and members take on last Saturday night at the this souvenir he also had to perform To the Editor of The Workman.
this task. To say Goodbye is not Clubhouse which was a decided opportunity of kindly extending an easy matter wben the circom Sweetened Condensed YOU CAN TRUST THE Sir, la your issue of March success. Mr. Prescott Jazz Band an invitation to kindral societies and to well wishers of the Ordac was in attendance and did very stances are taken into account 31 appears a letter sigoed Fair much to the delight of the dance to be present to assist igm From Brother Belfon entrance BLUE AND WHITE play Educator in reply to one into the lodge his conduct ba.
from Pro Bono Publ co in crers. Quite a brilliant and enjoy. ing the evening, functions success been keeply watched, and he nection with a discussion on the could safely say that the brotber LEAGUS status of the private schools and member he is in a Catholic had so endeared bimselt to all teasbers of Colon, Country; and ignorance can not RALLY TO NIGHT.
oddfellows with whom he came When anonymous writers ap rudeness and impertinence to be accepted as an excuse for his into contact that parting makes pear in print they must be care his superiors.
it ead. He wis bed him success in There will be a grand Rally at his new field of labour.
To be frank Mr. Educator given by the Sint Bernard the Lodge ball, to aight to be Bros Millington, a Guaranteed by 70, 000 Farmers disparagingly to avoid personale ties. Pro Bono Pablico has in letter proves that he understands Lodge 15, LU M. Quite a Baird, C. Stmper Cephus way transgressed bere but clearly how impartially the ex: large attendance is expected and and Isaacs spoke in glowing bis opponent in replying is not aminations are ruo; but is only delicious refreshments will be terms as to the brother sterling Sold by ALL GROCERS so mindfal; not only has he made trying to deceive the public. on sale. Bring your friends with qualities as an oddfellow and a cowardly attack on the teacher All the papers from Catholic and you to enjoy pleasant social hoped that not because he had And PANAMA CANAL COMMISSARIES extolled by his adversary but has non Catholic examiners prove evening almost reached the topmost strayed from the path of recul. the fact that the published round of the ladder in the der that listened to the well got up puga the integrity of gentlemen tude and common decency to im: results are genulne.
and was about to leave us, he this Company is mentioned, CATHOLIC EXAMINER, New Samaritan Lodge Eswould be come indolent but The proceeds will be devoted to programme.
quite outside the pale of the priwould continue to show the real the Church Building Fund and a tablished.
The Atlantic Orchestra and the vate schools and teachers.
spirit of odd fellowsbip and that bumper bouse is anticipated. St. Joseph Boys Band undoubt With regards his attack on the At Home.
of member of the Admission 504 25 cents US edly did credit to themselves, teacher named am not cone The Mount Gilead Lodge of Council. They wished him GodThe orchestra demonstrated that carned that gentleman can take it still merits, and is able to An At Home was held at the Gatua British Independent Order spee. The brotber in replying tback The Grand Easter maintain the high reputation the two cathairs, bat as one of residence of Mr. and Mrs, La of Good Samaritan Daughters the two Catholic Examiners in Lascelles, corner of 14th Street of Samaria was organized on the od them for the souvenir and ashas earned for its ability to ren question wish to tell Mr, and Broadway, on Saturday night night of March 3ist. of 1923 by Sured them that he would never Concert. der classic music to the satisfac Educator that his latter is a just Aprh in honone of mar. Brother Jamos Dapaty faction of even the most critical vindication of the statement by Belfon, who will be leaving for tance of Brother Martin and forget what they had done for Grand assisaudiences; while the band cer his him.
oponent tainly showed that it is making teaching in these private schools sued to selected ones and card lowing members were selected as Certain men the States. Invitations were isOn Sunday afternoon last, the rapid improvment, and so justi bave vo dght to be there.
After refreshment had been Sister Tomlinson, and the folserved the function terminated the long talked of Easter Con Ged the applause and praise it re playing was indulged lo to a late with the singing of God be with cert came off at the America ceived. The performance of this It this man believes that a Theatre, Colon, and the promo band of juvenile musicians must teacher or teachers for the mere ing satisfied with the time spent Alfooz. Gittau hour. The party dispersed feel officers to all the various Offices: Bros. E, Husband Hope you till we meet again ters of it must safelr feel satis: be gratitying to their trainers.
reason that another teacher was Concert by Atlantic fied with the snccess achieved by Rued 7, Allen Cix of a similar religious faith it.
Two items of the program, their own would be so base as to Ragtime Rally Emanuel Cordew ThompOrchestra Long before the time scheduled however, certainly merit special to mark these examination soa Cond; Matelan Outer for the beginning of the concert mention for these were beyond papers partially then pity the held at the Flower of the lat. Sisters. Kellman A Grand Ragtime Rally will be Gaard; Fitz Worrel Inner Guard; high class Sacred Concert many persons presented them at the Stella pieces her the children whose morals he must mus Lodgeroom, near America Smith of Kirton of will be rendered at the Weslyan selves for admission into the afternoon; these were the per train, for his estimate of religion Theatre, on Saturday, April 14. Hall of Trust; Cadet D, of Methodist Church Colon on Sun theatre; and though the spacions, formances of sta. Grimald. and is very very poor.
R90. Hossock of Fin: day Evening 22nd inst, at building was not following no the rendition of the operetta, under the auspices of Royal King If The Gipsy Warning The by fight on, yet it on the other hand, he believes David Temple No. 2, T, 385. Taylor, ot Conds.
tra assisted by local talent. The was a large and very apprecia prolonged applause that both like many people, who will not bumber time is in store read. but speak from limited for all who attend. Come and Mount Gilead Lodge are the The meeting nights of the said Class of Entertainment to be ex. tive audience of Panamanians, piecos received was an unmistak. Knowledge that Catholics are all laugh, and play, and sig. The First and Third pected needs no puding when Americans: and West Indians able testimony of the high ap bad and dishonest let him re public is invited.
Wednesday nights of each month, no Purér, Richer, Creamy Milk Paullips مه MENS LEAGUE UNULIS MILK from sPected herd CO OPERATIOCIATIONING GENERAL OFFICES UTICA, NY, USA INS Dairymen Label e


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