
PAGE SIX THE WORKMANSATTEDAY PRIL 14 193 Brilliant Concert AUDITOR GENERAL OF AT NEW YORK Laundry. LA ESPERANZA. Soap Factory At Palo Seco Last Sunday.
LAUNDRY QUALITY PALOMA SOAP LYNTON горе, Never in the history of Palo Convicted For Larceny Of Funds Of Seco Leper asylu. has there THE BEST THE BEST been such a representatie Organization.
guberia attend the concert, the one which was given by the Christian Mission of LA ca oa News of the Charge was a Surprise and Shock to All Sunday last.
Who Knew Him In the Meantime Steps Have SERVICE Precisely at P. Gorge SOAP Been Taken to have His Books Gone Into with Rchards whi is responsible for.
getting up bese entertainments View of Protecting the Interests of in the city.
in al chosen remarks intro Members of the Society.
for Laundry duc the Chairman for the occaAbsolute satisfacsion in. be person of Eder Burke Supt. of the Christian Mission Work of the Isthmus. wbo, aftur TURNING OF CONFIDENCE TRICK IS PROVEN tion and purposes a brief address of lcome gave out the items on the Program as follows: Tried Before Three Justices, His Handwriting Is TestUse it all the time Quick Service.
1, Sung Hail ujab for the Blood ed, And Magistrates Found No Difficulty In by Chcir Arriving at the Conclusion that He was lavo stira Elder Burke Guilty of the Charge, Vol solo Mr. Moly Remarks Eder Burke TELEPHONE 629 PANAMA. Vest Solo Mra. srbert (From the Negro World. Recitation Miss Melvica Niles Eli Garcia, demissed auditor. 839ociation bad no account any Duet. Uosaswere! Yet. Misc general of the Universal Negro longer with the Crown Saviog Trotan and Edgebill Improvement Asscciation was Bank of Newport and he wanted Assistant District Attor. Addrra la Spinin Mr. Great March found guilty of forging to know who James. oore was ney Appointed (Coon CMG)
a chique the property of the pa It soon transpired how the cbe. Duet and Chorus. Alia, Wib rent brdy of the UN, A, be que crept loto the lodgement God Mrs. Kaicht and Worrell fore Justices John Freschi, wbo extracted the 40 in cash for THE PANAMA CANAL Herbert, Keefe in the scrap of paper and Mr.
WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT CANAL ZONE 10. Recitation. My Neighb Special Session and remained Garcia, the Miss Bowen auditor general.
ur sentence to the 22d inst.
Executive Omoa No. 78, New Market Street found bimself en meshed in the 11. Address Elder Burks Balboa Heights, The rrisener entered a plea of toils of the law.
12, Sjag The Chair not guilty when arraigned and Mr. Garvey told bow Garcia April 1928 RETAIL DEPARTMENT 13. Closing Prayer Me EW presented by cunsel The clandestinely slipped the bogus TO ALL CONCERNED: aidia ion No. 107, Bolivar Street prosecution was directed by a check into an amount of currency For conducting before the pler of the district attor of 140 that was lying on the courts land claims in which it is nes stal, who after outlining Chancellor desk and helped THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY necessary for him to represent Treasures of the Deep.
bis case, cu led on the fun. Mar bimself to the amount the check the United States Government cus Garo y Garvey, president represented in bills.
fereral of the association to de: and The Panama Canal, and for FULL SU Other witnesses for such oher duties as jobin located a wreck on the bottom of the pro TREASURE seekers bare secution were the Hoos. Ulifford Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, assigned to him, Mr. John Mr Garvey evidence was to Bourne, on whom the game was Colins 18 appcinted Assistant the sea just east of Cape Colony, the e tect that on January 8, played, and Puston, Secre.
District Attorney, effeetive this SA, which is believed still t)
Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, Garcis, who had surreptitiously tary General dat; and he will continue his shelter gold and jawels valued at rerned a blank cheque from The prisoner called two witnessdutes as Acting Counsel for the 10, 000, 000 The East Indix men an od reque book that was es. One Anderson, a beef vendor ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES Panama Railroad Company on Grovenor went down in 1782 and kepti sa treasurer drawer, and Charlie Walott, to testify as be Isthmus.
the records show she carried filed it for the amount of to his previous good character.
The regular duties of the great treasures in ber strony 40 and signed fictitious name Ais lawser also endeavored to es Call and see us before purchasing District Attorney will be dis boxes. One hundred and forty. James Moore to it. The tabllstis defenca but the forged charged as at present by Assis years exposure to the action of chach was ou tbe Crown cheque was in evidenre bearing tant District Attorney salt water has not destroyed elsewhere.
DVI, Bank of Newport, silett Vi gills, a banking institution learned Justices in their desire testimony. Then the charge of the office of the Dis has been formed to e indoor with which the organ tion 10 give him the benefit of the trict Attorney until further salvaging operations The Wies kept an account a long time Loubt, if there was any bad Mayor liet the police surveillance WILKINSON notice.
lies close to the land tunnel ago »od and which was closed as called on bin to write what was to which ever since the mu der J, JAY MORROW, has been dug from the shore to far back as 1920.
Governor, The Panama Canal the hull of tbe Grovence and it written on the forged cheque of Dr. Eston, the Garvey or Contractor President, Panama is expected soon to have divers Garcia síter filling up the Both were identical and after nization has been subjected.
Railroad Co.
in the remains of the vessel fn 10 and putting the short consultation the Court CASE AGAINST GARVEY.
and Builder Bearching for name of James Moore to it, went adjudged him guilty the long lost valusbles. Exchange JL. tee of the chancellor.
New York, March 14. The Hon Clifford Bourde, where he Mr. Garcia arrest and appear House No. 20 Easter Services At St.
the found that celcer engaged in ance in ecurt was the source of a Amsterdam News reproduce the Pittsburg 28th NOV. STREET, Rreat deal of suprize and lowing from making up the money for the speculation as to the amount of Peter Church, American:Representative Governday lodg wett to be sent to the defalcations against the associaSAN MIGUEL Some time ago Marcus Gurvey ment For St. Vincent sto ihe credit of the organi tion in which he held such a was indicted by a Federal Grand Box 411, Panama, RP The services at St. Peter zation. Garria engagid Mr.
MT: prominent position, and also in Jury and charged with sing the on Easter Day were all well The following is taken froun the attended, and greatly enjoyed by Barbados Advocate Bunte in a cor. versation ard it which he bad the confidence of United states mails to defraud is said extracted 40 ia caeb his co workers as well as the date was set for his trial. As Plans and Specifications Free members and friends. Nearly from the Loney and slipped the head of the organization.
two In th: St Vincent hundred not yet!
set. Mr Garvey has bogus check in to take the total right.
Mr. Garcia bandled thousands laced the court bis tria having First class Workmanship received the Blessed Sacrament ment Gazette issued on the 15th The instant, puoliet is kiven to the of dollars of the associatiou mo been postponed several times: of the Altar that day.
between the The little game would have peys and it is understood tha What is the cause of this eluc Aniversary service of the Sun correspund des day School was the best Governor and the Secretary that, but it happened an examination of his books is tance on the part of the Govern that Mr Garvey drop beitg made to find out the extens ment to brine Garvey to trial.
attended of all the services. At State for to Colonies on the sub ped into the chancellors office misapropriations for which after having icdicie biu? War the close of the servic: treject of th a peadment of tha exjust detore the clerk left for the there is ground liel, This will be insuthcient Musical Program whico was isting constitutio of the Windannounced in these columns last Islan. is, by extending ti the bank and he looked to see the be don: without prejudice to Mr evidence, and, if so, what was the amount be ng kdged and how it Garcia in order that the associawith gislative Counci week, was carried through with a system reason behind such miscarriage out a bitch, and reflected great orlof elected representation. Th was made up.
tion may be sal guarded in the of justice? It begins to look as credit on the Choir and person mended by Major Wood have constitutional changes recomThe tictitious cheque caught interests be so long had charge though the authorities have no tis eye. He knew good and reasonable grounds for that the lof. 3ponsible for their training, QUEEN proceeding agalost Garvey.
The Anthem. He is Risen beeo, id substance, approved by beautiful with was listened to with breathless Sentry says the suggestions of the Secretary of State. The The Pittsburg American bus no QUEEN HAIR attention, and won the well Garcia Freed On of 40 dollars of the association detence fur Garvey, nor for any merited plaudit of the congregled with the advice of the local the Governor which he forwardmoney. The Magistrate, there of his schemes, so long as he is QUEEN rem wes tlon. But the Dust entitled com nittees, constituted of repCharge Laid By fore, wished to know why this opposed in gal manner Stratos manera teeds the hair Hope Beyond. rendered by other charge was just now being and on constitutional and staMessrs. Bascombe and resentative men in each colony, Marcus Garvey made. Garvey replied that the tutory grounds. But we do have Williams, was certainly he have been accepted and, subject checks were recently discovered a defence for him or any man hit of the afternoon Thеве to some sligbt modifications, will following an investigation of when the proceedings against Be. to 10, SNYRES two choristers Were well be acted upon in the drafting of Wholesale Queen Agents Garvey account. He further him are and institutional WAS the instru nents for the insugu.
matcbed and they have won a ration of the New Council.
DITOR GENERAL OF UNIVERSAL declared tha the defendent had individual or group of individuals 100 Bolivar Street, Colon high place on the scale of com embezzled over 10, 000 dollars has has a right to oppose another in Ascept No Substitute. Deud unes Hairdressing, munity appreciation, The solo ASSOCIATION.
of the money that had been en dividual or group of individuals. Shining Light. rendered by trusted to him.
but the government has to right Mr. B. Hunter, was also well Panama Bananas.
ANGER IN THE SOUTH Counc for Garcia, in making to indiet man for other than received. This gentleman is wotion for dismissal, replied offences against steadily building up a reputation JUAN ILLUECA as a soloist and bids fair to win Experimental shipments of By Letter Sent to a Mayor. tbat Garcia was suing Garvey for statutes, the law and the Tha Cherge Laid Against 300 dullars for salary, and that It Marcus Garvey has broken the baritone laurel of the Silver Panamanian bananas under res Mr. Garvey. the case would be beard in the no law, he has 20 business to be Attorney. at. Law City some day. The other solos frigeration to West Coast porti Supreme Court the following day waiting trial by any court. It and duets were all nicely sung of the United States, says the No. 65 Central Avenue and appreciated. Toe ser inoa New World Review for He also said that Garvey inust matters not what may be anyThe Amsterdam News of New have known that the checks were one personal opinion concern TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 preached by Bishop Morris at inaugurates what promises to York of the 14 March gives the bad all along, and declared that ing him, so long as be has not une Evening Service will be develop into a new wade following account in connec ion Garvey had done nothing about viulated the law If the govertPractiees in all Couris of remembered for many for Istbutan a loog with the same case;Two steamers of the dollaod fit until his client had brought went bas a case against tuis mat day.
Papama. Eli Garcia former Auditor suit to recover his wages.
American Line, the Moerdyt aud he should be tried. If there is no Eemdyk, sailing from Cristobal ou Ganeral of the Universal Negro English Spoken Fluently UPROAR IN SCUTH, case against bļa, the whole wat WIU Visit Canada To October 30:h and November 21st lmprovement Association, was ter should be thruwa out and last respectively, each carried arranged before Study Immigration.
Magistrate New Orleans, La. March 12 closed up.
Forthingham in the Washington All sell respecting cit zens of FOR SALE few thousand bunches of banana for discharge at 19 Augelts aná Heights Court last Monday, on colour here are up in arms the complaint of Marcus Garvey, against the local branch of the One Stuvessant Piano despatched states that the linement, going forward on the. Direct India Cable San DENTIST HOWELL issu bad checks. The case Association, Marcus Garvey or w, Ormsby Gore, British Under Moerdyk, was reported is prima in Condition Secretary for the Colonies is condition upon toe vessel arriwas dismissed.
ganization, as the result of the HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA planning to visit Canada for the val at San Francisco. Garvey presented a number infamous letter to Mayor Mc.
No reas nable offer turned purpose of making a study of the Heretofore bacanas for West of cocks which, he said, Garcia Shane, ia which a group of down.
Immigration conditons. Tols wis Coast consumption have bee had drawn to his personal ac women members of the NI rev aled to day by Mr. Frederick shipped to the Gali or Atlantis count ard then cash them on the went on record se upholding and Office Hours to pm. For particulars aply at Yorston, President and Manageports of the United states, an!
UN at a time when Garcia endorsing Jim Crow law, eDAILY Montreal then for arded by raii ia reitt ing Director of the ihad no rulds in the bank.
claring that we like your Jim WORKMAN PRINTERY Standard who arrived the gerated cars The new service Garea was held two mouths. Crow laws in that they defend Central Ave Street Lapland encoute hone from aa promises not only to expedie ago in 500 dollars bail for General the parity of racer.
Specializes in all the branches extended visit to England acd delivery, but also eduus Session, charged with the theft The letter pleaded that the of Dentistty Panama City France, charges. WIC) dicted on KINKAIR e womans createst charm is her tair irit is long and WAVY.
No matter how short and wirs your you can make it is, very DRESSING roots, and he to make lonx, sily hai You can buy a large can ol QURAN HAIR DRESSING for 25e, at any good drug store, or at BREWER HESS 165 Central Avenue, Panama City products. te opening on


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