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Teacher at School. Monday, Wednesday and Friday JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
following resolution. That His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government of the Excellency bad clony appoint a representative recommended Britain War Debt.
committee to seriously consider the prayer of th. petitioners for and report on the question of an the most favoured consideration export fruit industry, and the by the Home ofice.
PAYING INCREDIBLE SUMS posDicts of such an industry being successful or otherwise. Banana Industry.
At a Committee Meeting held cable despatch from Now DOMINICA at the Court House on Friday that the Wall Street Journal York dated March afternoon, the prospect of estab.
pe lishing the Banana Industry in rasterday published a special Retrenchment Measures Dominica was further discuss: dent in wbich high tribuie is corroanined, and it was decided that it paid to Britishers for this and Necessary.
Interesting West Indian News. dishonest pursuits of certain sitting of the Supreme Court on would be impossible to accept individuals who have by the use Thesday before their Honou a five year contract for planting in regard to the payment of the of high sounding Dames and Mr, de Freitas acting Chit Doninica has taken seriously bananas anles a price of 2, 61, debt to the United Stats. The fict tious standing, Justic. Mr. Justice HI financial (Continued from page 21 debt, The de ha says, is a much more succeeded in fleecing American Brown, and Mr. Justica o pen to the idea of reducing their was paid per buoch.
burdes th17 any Bigliskinan will admit. and The Register of Business and other business firms have Messrs. Bernard Vendryes, expenses, At the last meeting cision was commusicated to Mr.
the Legislative Council Stanley who was a passenger on gives some rather spectacular Names.
created a menace to legitimate Noel Fraser, and Arthur extert de Lindo who passed tbe Retrenchment Committee con the RMS. Chaudiere then in statistics to sbnw just what it trade operations. The these practices attained and tbe Anal examination short time sisting of Hons. A. Bascume, port. Mr. Stanley replied that means to the Old Country. He saye: The Trinidad Guardtan says coupled the indignant as solicitors. The acting Chief Rose and Rawle, were appointed and telegraph final results on It is 500, 000 a day for 62 The Bill to enforce the ricom protest of the detrauded firms Justice conveyed the congratu to enquire into the question of his arrival in London. Guardian Trinidad years, Chamber of Commerce for the brought about an imperative lations of the Beach to the retrenchment in the public ex.
It is a three par c? ax 07 HONDURAS registration of business names pecessity for legislation to pre successful students and wished penditure.
all whe puy an incom. tix and has been drafted by th Attorney. rent the anntinuance of these them succes in the practice of The new sclicitors of the the law.
upon their children and grandThe frauds at the expense General and will engage Administrator Calls For repled in suitable terms.
children attention of the Legislative culoby reputation.
Popular Representations. British Honduras Civil Council at its meeting It is a grand total of 11, 000, Servants.
000. 000 for which no Valu has This is very desirable legislation DEMERARA JAMAICA and its need has been apparent In his address to the Council been received by Great Britain for long while, It bar, bowever His Hon. tbd Acting Administra At a recent meeting of the except satisfaction of having come at a time wben its drastic Demerara Desire.
for announced that as regards Legislative Council of British been loyal to the Allies and of provisions and measures will be New Solicitors For Jamaica ta call for a greater measure Honduras, a petition from ibe having broren tha pwer of the of great use towards restoring ut Popular Representation in Civil Service Association of the Germon Empire.
the fair commercial rames of the The Combined Court of British the Council, his last advice from colony was read at the Bar of Th9 yearly payment of 150, that His the House.
The Herald states that at a Guiana recently adoptd the the Governor was colony in markets abroad. The 000, 000 is more than half the The petitioners urged that total amount spent in Britain on steps should be taken without education.
delay to improve the financial It is one third as much as the position of civil servants. Taey war pensions. It is twice the cost did Lot hesitate to site in the of all the foreign and colonial ser document the names of bead vices. It is three times the cost of departments whose salaries of all the prisons and polica in the had been increased by the addi British Isles.
Opens tion of substantial amoucts within the past few years. It is a staggering load, even This Those increases were of a per to those strong British shoulders: manent charcter, as against a and it comes at a time when system of bonus to juniors. 000. 000 a week is being spent un Last year the bonus was discondoles for the unemployed.
tinued. The association prays for a readjustment of the salar Notes of Interest.
ies of junior members; and it is hopeful that the Council will grants its prayer.
Toe embargo on the exportation of female cattle from British since July, 1918 lifted.
next You Can Lose it!
KOLYNOS ALONE Way HAS THE FIONALE CAPTIVE CAP America Halts Warship Guiany which bas been in force Improvement.
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We now furnish you with a perkage of the same high standard as its contenta.
THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn.
am from the DO The French Güvernment has re imposed as from February By direct West India Cable 18th. the prob! bition on the exdespatch from Washington dated port and re export of sugar March 26, it is stated that owing from France.
to the attitude of the British Government that alteration on armaments on battleships at the 400, 000, 000 lbs of bananas and New York consumes annually present time would constitute a 50, 000, 000 lbs of grape fruit.
violation in the spirit of the Wasbington treaty, the United States navy modernization Canada imported sugar valued plans it was intended to sterling in 1922.
increase the range of the armament on United States Grand Sacred Concert.
battleships, naval officers asse ing that this was necessary to bring the United States ships to Eastertide activities at La Boa parity with the fleet of Great ca have not ceased. at least not Britain and Japan but a contro at St. Peter by the Sea. The versy has arise as to whethar young people and many of the turrets is privileged under the are still as busy as ever. Reproposed elevation of gun adult members of this Church terms of the Naval Treaty.
cently they decided to stage a When Congress appropriated Cantata entitled The Victor 500, 000 dollars for this work of King in the auditorium of the modernizition it stipulated that famous Boca clubhouse on the navy department should def. Sunday the 15th inst, it is the nately establish its right under first this Cantata will be staged the treaty to embark on its pro on the Zone, and nothing short of gramme, Navy officers replied real intellectual treat is promisby asserting that as Great Bri ed all who attend it. The price tain was. lengthening its older of admission is placed within the ships there would be no violation reach of every body 25 cents of ibə treaty in the plans of the US, C, for adults, and 10 cents nayy department. Now, however, USC for children. Doors that Great Britain has denied the open at p. tremendous modernizatian work attributed to rush is anticipated, you had betber navy, strong Congressional ter be first at the door, opposition has developed against spending any part of the 500, 000 dollars until the correct interpre British Consulate Notice.
tation of the Treaty is decided The Acting British Consul at upon, Meanwhile the work of Colon would be glad of informamodernizing the United Stales tigar as to the present wherebattleships has been abandoned abouts of Eustace French a nauntil the matter is threshed out. tive of Jamaica who left the island in 1908, and who is stated If you like beautiful hair use to be working at the Cristobal Creoline Hair Producer.


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