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VOL. 10 No. 87 STRIKE OF RAILWAY EMPLOYEES AT JAMAICA NEW YORK PREACH HELL NEWSPAPER SAYS CLERIC BALMING OVERDONE WHEN WOMAN TOOK GOLD DIED Cause Inconvenience to Shipping care poate. Lloboard and Then Body Taken Out And Beaten TUH Companies. 2009 is AD Governor.
plece of SO sleeve Says Garvey Is Going Into The World Must Harken Eclipse in the United Back To Horrors of States.
Eternal Punishment.
terrain கற No Running Of Freight Trains Victim Let Down Dark Hole.
Under the carton Cha Pass. CHICAGO, Fey. 24 Assertir Nəws of New York, publishes desn knw it, Latheran mini the following integreed the church must go back to ma ters of liino and Wisconsin Until Bleed. at ware Marcus Garvey passing more to tb, uld fashioned beli The Gleaner of the 16th there is an order in connaction With the theatre darkened, and are and damnation type of SA Jamaica Tiaes reporter fittates that owing to Strike with the present situation. It with a strong spotlight throw a ser mons conditions at the railway th: in dated 16th March, 1923. aba mbolea beh si pelayed his card. The world is fooling itsel carning a stringe becurrence.
ban cathered informatima National Assembly it is a definite from aod give away to an. woman, who said to Owo 1st week caused a good deal of Government to the effect that other actor, His has playedo his into the beliet there says Ru L Fitmestag.
inconvenience to the compuies steps would be taken, CLOSED ITS LEGISLATIVE after trump card sod lost.
property in the Westera part of La this plasure chasing time tbe island, estimat at about LABOURS.
shipplag fruit, and must hive April 1st to have the findings of Vader indictment for using the we must harken the world back to 1, 500, pounds sterllog and who maleant material loss to the the Rsgrading Committee car msils to defraud, arrested for an the horrors of eternal punish suffered from Lx Grippe, decided railway ried into effect.
The Honourabla National 1o to Saturday the 14th inst The Real issue at stake. illeged attempt to evade his just pont the Bible decree, says the go to the anointing centre at income tax, with several of his en. Rv. Brandt, McFar Thompson Town, efter vainly Assembly closed its legislativo the men appeared reluctaat to 150 men from the Locomo terprises dispossessed from ber. Wis consulting over seven doctors. 1s5jura on Taursday 12th inst, accept the advic: Riven to return tive Department, including driv. buildings for failure to pay rent. The church has been appealing She changed her mind, how.
The Assembly bad been sitto work and unless the freighters, fi remen, and labourers, left with judgements eatered against to the sinner with the beauty of ever, and on the morning of 21th cinsince 1st September trains are seen this week the the service atier two weeks bis association for failure u tebe th a love of God and eternal lite in March her relatives found her format At the early beginEreit trade will again the notice wbich expired on the up bis notes, with numbers of his Heaven. But the people have bed empty, and she was traced ning of the sessions the member materially affected.
night of Sunday last inst. omployees forced to sue him in forgotten hell.
to Hannah Town where, it is said of the opposition rendered quite One company, it is understood The notice was contained in open court for failure to pay Dala doctrine of borrible she was balmed by Man of an uneasy situation to the Govhas cancelled the loading of a circular attached to a petition overdue salaries, with tha punishment is a Biblical doc God.
ernment, due to the suspension ind which contained a sort of publication of the daily Nogroteine. asserts the Rev. Dr. Steamer this week as it was bu The balming took place at e. abd3r Dualangal of Hon, Deputies Francisca Arias prepared to hire motor truck brest; Some of signatures to Times suspended, we do not see Biljan. Madison, Wis. The again.
this circular were type written how he will ever be able to world must be brought back to me be cand could stand that she Alvarador contracted cold which caused reached with the Government compromisa wa Os receiving this document withstand the onslaught.
the realization of the wages of bur death.
THE SITUATION AT THEbe Director paesed it on to the sia and the hopelessness of hell and the two members took their RAILWAY. After the balmiok process, it seats, Ende Marcus Garvey has lost a great li is the same thing as a judge (It is worthy of mention that opportunity to serve the cat ured warning bie prisoner at bis drei blesaid that she was put upona During the many sessions of True Facts of the Case their workobod ma also seat a races of the world; possibly the outcs of the awfulness of a lira ropas into a dark hola where she the Assembly quite large numnotice to resiga. but did in prison, Dt. Ginmestad says stayed all night ber of administrative and social carry this ou. althaugh they had greatest opportunity the race Th, churen must point out the way lawa projected threagh.
MEN MUST RESUME WORK TO nore to lose than anyone. Both has bad in recent tipes. He has wages of sia after daath is the next morning the balmera and the great question of the not believe that she was dead, 56. 000. 000 held in Trust to the DAY OR LOJE THEIR JOBS. Buy and, the permanent way buen weighed and found wanting judge in this life.
nen who have notice are still at Sado it work.
Jumping operation, striking at Jangth and Under the above caption th her with their and other du conCareful The notice embodying the clusjons reached, Jamaica Times of the 144 government orders were given DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT PORT paraphernalia until the body laan of 1, 000, 000 for the building law tor inst gives the following concret Started to bloed. In the Mission of roads was successiully passed each man, and stp were account of the whole affair: ANTONIO.
taken to see that each man was House the press was repeated and will be raised in the United How far is the Director of possessed of a kaowledge of the and other form of trumping were States. The educational system the Railway responsible for contents of the circular.
carried on until daylight when it what is taking place there?
sounder is alleged that she was taken to bas been placed on Destroys Property Valued at 70, 000 Pounds Sterilng.
to basis, and various works of imgully and buried.
This was the question tha REGARDING WAGES OF provement were budgeted and was agitatiog the The police, we understand, successfully passed. Bocas del micd of th ERNMENT EMPLOYEES. Jamatca Times. Representa This set out that the Govern of the disastrous fire wnien des Ioan a iron drum in the truth of what is here written, The following detailed accouat Sireetwas drawing gasolene are endeavouring to fiad out the Tyro received fair amount of tive who sought information went would, on the 1st, April troyed over three score buildings premises at o clock on Satura consideration in the works of regarding the situation at the definitely introduce the modified The deceased was a married improvement wbieb must be Railway which led to 150 mer scale of wages.
an caused damage to other worning to fill up a motor car, woman, and resided in Kingston. credited to the foresight and resigaing their posts at the In addition to tha petition property bestimated to cover usiax luns in the operation political tactfullaess of Honorbeginning of the week.
seventy thousaad Pounds his jacket PANAMA CISTRICT ables Eu sebiɔ Herrera and inentioned above, further peti ling at Port Antonio, Jamaica caught tire, and in a pinie, and From information received, tions were seat to the Goveroor, on the morning of the 7ch iasin azony, Henry dropped his Order of Druids Friendly Society Frederick Rise.
the Pressman found that there direct The Government e propssais ds nothing done but what is lamand dashed to a water the d Abril the Gov6. is. taken from the Gleaner. knowaw the Governor and eromont faancial reply AC tank.
The Yearly Meeting of the were successfully carried throuh The gasolone drum was Port Antonin, Saaday, April Still open, and the inflamable District anagement Committee by th: splendid spirit or chivalry the Advisory Board. Further knowledged receipt of these that no steps are taken without petitions three in nnmber. trom, busy seaport wwa bagan, after eating the wood work berehe 21st 1923, at the Druids Asll 2016 Minceurs Pancehende Nacion tha approval of the Colonia tne Traffic. Loco notive ant slooping 09 the eventto take building on fra Tha alarm was Street Central Among the al reauty in Secretary O tice, the final and Workshop staffs.
full stock to siztrue ex deficite ruling resting with that Difesteretioa, was given to the foar hoarse yesterday whicoring started to run pell melt with the confecting at the Past Noble Bustietyn Gwernment and tent the disaster which fahy given, and the towns people business for the evening, will be scaace by De Ricardo Alfaro. Grand Arch is only to suggest or to recommend and to tell them that the Gov. metropolis, off the map The Director function isot tais ceply to the employ es to wipe Port Antonio the banan, Tne bakery was abl zy inside Asia Ruod standing are cordially tits; the Minister of Panada and out, and when the towa invited. Delegates are requested aud Don Ridollo Chiari who His recommenda. erar and fb: Reading a Girenen tarned up succeeds Alfaro to the above with heir to ba present at 30 ma, sharp, their vatice Taere is also a new law intions or sugg stions can be mission, having fully considered Pre was the agency that equipmont voted where this is considered the matter, decided to introduce caused the destruction The cou possible chance for them to savo British Consulate Notice for having in possession cocaine Aliction two years imprisoament necessary, the changes which bave already tagation that had its origin from, the place, even if thay could The British Consulate Genera of any other poraicious drugs.
been conveyed to the staff in it is said, an accident in a bakery, bave the water put on right be glad ot As an instance that the Direc detail on April 1st, and that this caused alons roughly computed away wa. ca did not happen. In at Panama would IMPORTANT to be between 60000 pounds fact it took tally half an hour information respecting the where for does not act of his owa bat. Continued on Paje 4) sterling aud 70000 ponnds to make the connections, and the abouts of Shirley Alexander sterling the disaster being the hose was not, all of Banson who is said to have left Correspondents are requested greatest of its nature in the serviceble as it should have been. Jamaica for Panama ia the year to send in their contribution not later than Thuraday evening was 1918 Appointments Of Goverr Honouring Science and Parish of Portland.
the wholesale All the buildings around were Invention, con inercial area trat suffered in the tosin. Up to of wood. close up to each other, ers of the Provinees.
Dow It is not possiyle to get the and although the wind was slight Pour scenerations munis. iedereen die eerste boere het moet over indirection. British Petrol Electric Rice Booze Puzzles Johoson cent have been Soepbard that forced to Triumph.
made by wealsy men in Great chants are ibe hunviest sufferers, of Caines mer on the dex: structure. Hundreds of workers His Excellency Dr. Belisario Brleat to the those of scientific bundings and stocks Guing entire: Inboucios with might and malo, Great Britain is the bom of Porras, President of this Repub research The latest addition to Lic bas ssued decree No. 52 gift of one buodred thousand many cases, to even locale where Oridges were formed, when the this shiela tha petrol engine is Sacremants, Fab. 21 Tae this Hilustrious catalogue iso the ly consumed. It is thi vult in conquer the times bucket the patrol electric vehicle, la the present year in which the were bay aose waldo wori bus all to used to drive an electric genera encyclopedia of Federal prohibiGovercors of the Provinces are pounds by the famous sbipbuild hele foundativas Among them we are er Bir Alfred Yarrow to the Rsy were all of wood. Over a score of so avaul third building caught tor which in turn supplies Lion agants, sstti ag forth what is possed to find that Governor al Society of Great Britain. This such building, weat down before and now it was a csrflagration carrent to motors geared on the illicit liqar aad wait is u st, fails Rodolto Estri peaat bas been re sum is tor the endowment of re the wee pollube filmes, and por commercial acea in that section system acts really us a charge ayatecy of several thousand caland a great minace to the whole drivieg axle. Toe elactric to throw aay light on the battling appointed and Don Eusebio search in sclence and indus hapellid many more two of the town it not to the Herrera Deputy of the Province try. Recently some notable dwelling buases, town speed gear and introduces many loas of liquid confiscated this pincipalis, of the back Variety, which were secondary advantages ia ecgo week by Fadaral Oficer of Bocas who left here a couple awards have been nade by smoota operation, Green and his deputies.
British of weeks ago Under the spur of the menace, my and scientido institutions to the back of the larger strucin recognition of distinguishing tures. The loss is partly cover mea worked like Trojans in their large numbers of motor omni laboratory tsst shows that To the above two gentlemen work in various directions. The ed by Insuranna, Some of the battle with the raging element, busses and commercial Vehicle the liquid, taken from Fugita, Great as worthy sons of this Republic Bessemer Gold Medal of the Brit business establishments carried but the newly painted wooden are being constructed in Britain on this system, and par cant alcohol, This Is admitJapanese chemist, contains 16 the Workman tenders its con isb Iron and Steel Institute has fuff insurades on their buildings buildings was splendid fuel.
gratulations. Don Rodolfo is been awarded their success is illustrated by ted by the owner, who mauutac.
aad Dr. Maw. majority of cases the full values but in the FIRE CROSSES STREET the fact that the city or Madrid tured the article, in wholesale well known in this city and has LL. who is 85 years of age were alway discharged the duties of and is now President of the not covered, and at a Just about this time about has chosen Bitish petrol elec. quantities, using rice as a pridel his responsible office with care Institution of Civil Engineers rough compilation. it is ex 30, the wind shifted and the ric vehicles for its motor omotpal ingredient.
and caution and has always The Institution of Electrical have to hear about two thirds bola of a building on the north trials with other formsco The declares the Japanese chania.
peoted that the tire ofices will. Asmes jumped the road. takiog bus service after competitive But this is not rice whiskey, demonstrated a kindly feelings Faraday medal to str Charles Engineers has awarded the of the foss by the giant blaze.
side, Tha place burnt with terri vehicles performed 1800 mila We are naketag vinegar towards foreigners here.
fic speed, and then Port Antonio juraey through France and Parson for his pioneer work in HOW FIRE STARTED saw a sight only once balore wit Spalo on their way from Great The probibition law permits The opinion is expressed that connection with the inveation of According to the accepted neased by the oldest lahebitaate. Brital. to Madrid. Even the manufacture of vinegar and the the appointments of the above the steam turbine which revole report the origin of this fice is Oa the south of the street, the Pyrenees, where the roads have Federal officers are unable to mentioned gentlemen deserves tionised the production of elec. accidenter a young man named buildi after building. some in 15 and where the surface in ander which they can prosecute no mystery Its cause was aa fir bised and crackled, as gradient in many places of fad aay provision of the statua the confidence shown by Dr. tric power and tho propulsion et Hamego un employee oto caprind big, som. Wale wapt into oxtremely bad, were negotiated Pagita for the use of rice in his Bellearlo Porras.
to preparation; howevur great its large vessels.
Bonnett Battery on West (Continued on Page Continued on page 8) Klcoholle content oto de sobtad: tootillar He toodete 1009 se pitao oftice.
so and so.
there was TO OO It 16 HIN volua ceer were United States named ol litseli.
to stocks,


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