
PAGE TWC THE WORKMAN BATURDAY, APRIL 21 1923 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands JAMAICA SSSSSSS 50. 00 CY. 50. 00 Book Binding!
Des ructive Fire Breaks Out at Frankfield TO BE GIVEN AWAY IN CASH PRIZES!
Enter the KAL MOL word building contest and win a prize.
Contest open to everyone on the Isthmus and is confined to the English or Spanish language only.
From the letters contained in the words:Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN.
BUILDINGS BURNT Cause Of The Fire Is Unknown, Places and Goods That Are Insured.
KAL MOL GEHE make as many words as you can. Words must be of kaowa sigaification, Book Binding Department had Sopty 2nd 90 Distirea Colony Gonstitution Frankfield, April The sun CONDITIONS: went down on Sunday the 1st CENTRAL AVENUE April upon a jolly crowd paradTo enter this contest, the only condition required is that you send in your ing the streets of Frankfield, list ACCOMPANIED by a label from a tube of KAL MOL Tablets.
all merry rollicking enjoying and No. G Street themselves innocently. At about The list containing the greatest number of words wins the FIRST PRIZE, 30 pm the streets were the next highest, the SECOND PRIZE, etc. In case of two or more contestants and everybody retired to take the rest so well having the same number of words, precedence will be given the list received earned except a few stragglers FIRST.
who lingered here and there until tired of waiting for no The following gentlemen will act as judges:Creoline Hair Preparations thing, the streets were com MR. NATHANIEL HILL, SR.
Positively Saparior to all others on earth.
pletely deserted, But a little after midnight there was the MR. GERALD MARTIN, Try them and be convinced.
clamorous pealing of tbe church bell and the blowing of shells; REVEREND SURGEON They are the Master Preparations of the World.
Different from all others and the hurrying of feet, and the sbrieking of women and Contest closes May 31st, 1923, and names of winners will be announced Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. children as buge flames of fire in the Star Herald.
all Foreign Countries, 60e.
were seen to leap from a shop oocupied by Hue Yen, who is The prizes will be divided as follows:Creoline Hair Producer also known as Phillip Hue, a Straightens rough, harsh. kinky hair with or without hot combs, 1st prize. 30. 00 3rd prize 00 building owned by Mr. Percy and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELIVE, Contains 10 percent mom oil than is possibllo be put into any other preparation Junor of Spaldings. In less time 12. 50 4th 50 of its kind in too world. Patehst in places and preveni baldness, tbad it takes to relate, the shop In ounce tins, of Mr, Wallace caught fire, Willing bands helped in every Mark Envelope KAL MOL CONTEST and mail to:Creoline Day Dandruff Remedy direction, for while some people very good scalp treatmen positively removes Dandruff, Tether EUSTACE LEE and Fozema. It is antiseptie. Grows lar. kosps the scalp healthy buby removing articles In ounce bottles.
from the shops, to a place of Box 338. Colon safety, others were engaged Jackson Manufacturing Co, Sole Agent in the Republic of Panama.
456 West Tenth St. Manufacturers Exportes Indianapolis Ind. helping themselves to sun dry All Up to date Drug Stores carry stock of Creoline.
articles as a result of which some found a resting place in the lock up for the balance of KAL MOL tbe night. But the fire fiend creases must be approached had not yet finisbed its fell with great caution.
work, for the shop of Chin Ion is the surest and safest remedy for: prevailed in the Island; that dissoon caught fire, and be had to run out in his night clothes and Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia Rheumatism, Gout, Cold, Influenza, tress would be intensified if the drought were to continue. NO NEED FOR DEPUTATION OF take bis wife and children to a La Grippe, Menstrual Colic, Alcoholic Intoxication, Etc.
People in various parts of Manplace of tafety. Then the shop LEGISLATORS TO VISIT THE chester were without the means of Changah Ace also owned by Samples given away and on sale at all drug stores, of sustenance They were 10COLONIAL OFFICE, Mr. Junor, took fire and next to able to pay their taxes; and the nothing was saved.
FOUR BUILDINGS WERE DOOMED Government must not lose sight StococxOGSXSSXSXSEXOSKONS of the fact that these were the state that the Governor does not The Herald is in a position to and were reduced to ashes. Atpeople who were called upon intend to agree to a deputation tention was then directed to to pay taxes the the to carry on would have, saying of Excelsior House cll has thrown overboard the speech; stated that the Civil Ser ernment before Government from the Legislature proceeding to London, at the colony ex belonging to Thomas Abrahams recommendations of the Regrad vice Association was responsible long, to reconstruct the Civil The elected wembers, by a pense, to present at the Colonial and Co. and Sunbeam douse ing Commission wbich, last year for a good deal of trouble in con Service of the colony. Unless vote, throw out the first pro Office memorial in support of Men went into the financial position nection with officail salaries. To this was done there would posal to provide a double incre the colony prayer, for a change be leased by the same firm.
the Governor credit, he would serious trouble. Indeed, be saw ment for a civil servant.
blamereand the root of Sun of civil servants.
in Ethe political Constitusion, kept it Last November, the Legisla say if it were not for the stand trouble in the distance (hear, which the of the The people representatives except His Grace the Duke of with water and by the ture, instead of considering the real the association wonld seek to civil servants obtained increases are using the pruning knife in Devonshire inti nates that such as flames ceased, having nothing to report of the Commission, voted get the whole of the colony rev others go: none, with the result with the estimates.
connection step is necessary.
feed upon. The building occu on the motion of the Members enue for distribution among civil that there was dissatisfactian ia ber for St. Ann has been urging The Mem.
pied by Chin Tom is owned by for St. Thomas, Hon.
The Government the retirement of old members Secretary It is hardly likely that the of State for the sured while the stock of Chin ing of a bonus to those members ing more than it was receiving Loooked at one side only: it did of the service.
Mr. Brenton Lopez and is in Phillipps, 16. 000 for the grant servants. The colony was spend the service, Colonies will call for visit to Tom is loured in the Company of the service who came under in the shape of revenue, and this not remember the adverse conLondon of the deputation apof Mr. dec. Myers for 500 the purview of the above named was not good for the country, ditions which obtained in the If you like beautiful hair use pointed by the Legislature last Clarendon House owned by The bonus will Commission Mr. Nash felt that the Gov. country.
Messrs. Thomas Abrabams The question of io Creoline Hair Producer.
Continuoi on Page 7)
and cease to day; as no increCo. is insured for 200, an ments have been, granted amount for which the building to civil servants year cannot be replaced, wbile the presenta stock owned by Mrs. Wal tion ago, pending the of the Commission Jace is said to be insured for report the Jamaica Civil Ser Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000. 600 and is under insured. vice Association took up the Changan Nee was at Spalding question at its annual meellor.
having left Saturday night 1or it was decided that that as the 1923 24 estimates provided for Messrs. Manley Lopez and but one increment for members Tim Abrabams of Retreat motor of the servicet the Governor to an etfort should ed up a little after to see after be made to get their interest. In the morning Mr ask the Council to give a double Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Lopez accompanied by Inspector increment to each worker. Owned by The NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK Field again motored to the deputation from the Association scene. Up to the time of writ Interviewed the Governor at Ing. it is not known as to wheth King House a fortnight ago er the goods belonging to Philip on the subject, Sir Leslie Depository of the PANAMA CANAL Hue have been insured, but it Probyn promised to refer the is believed that the goods of question to the Council.
Changah Nee are insured.
On Tuesday the majority of the Detective Darnells of Chaptle elected members declined to enDirect Representations through our own Branches and those of ton has arrived and is quite tertain anything like a double in.
buby taking statements. Up to crement. Toe Governor, as Pres.
THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in the time of writing the origin of ident of the Council, in reply to the fire is not known. As usual remarks from the Hons. H.
ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM there is much speculation as to Phillips and Guy Ewen said, CHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES how the fire originated, but it that the position of civil servants broke out in the shop occupied was ditferent from that of emARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE CUBA PERU PORTO RICO by Philip Hue, and owned by ployees of the railway. In the URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA Mr. Percy Junor. Gleaner. latter place, employees had been increased to a considerable exNO DOUBLE IN croase was over 100 percent of tent; in almost every case the inCorrespondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World CREMENT come whhn an effort would have to be made to get railway salaFOR MEMBERS OF THE CIVIL ries back to a scale which would ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE saye the country from bankrupt.
SERVICE; BTAND TAKEN BY cy. With civil servants, however ELECTED MEMBERS, the position was different. Not INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM Soos one member of the seryice had The Herald of the 31st March reached 60 above pre war waxes.
states that the Legislative Coun Mr. Smith in the course of bls ed H place, International Banking Corporation


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