
080 DAIRYMEN LEAGUE Athenaeum. Purer, Richer, Creamy Milk YSGWUA the lastbonus made application mat brace furlongs bet veen and is the DAİRZAMEN for your home HT 00 CARMEN SU UOLI These we MILK GENERAL OFRCES. UTICA, NY, USA OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION Dairymen Labels mu Clearing out! Clearing out!
Calendr Profesor to Choir ATLANTIC SIDE. CANAL ZONE NOTES.
The rumour relative to the Grand Sacred Reverend Tylerbest and his RACES AT GUABITO.
Concert La Boca.
being in Jamaica is misleading And by no means was this intend os by, those who made the an The Rice Meeting at Guabito BRILLIANT SU ESS, Debate by La Boca STANDS FOR tleman is still in the United success from start to flash, States of America and in the in Special trains from Coen, Las The Gand Sacred Concert terest of his work bere io Pana Dacias, and Almirante was run which was scheduled to be held 01. By this we do not infer and brought down numerous on Sunday the 15th, at Salem hat tbuse who made the an passengers to the course. There Christian Church, 3rd Street APRIL 14th 1923.
nouncement willfully did so. Rev. were between 4000 to 5000 preColon, came off without a hitch, Tyler some time. The event a and a more pleasing and enjoy.
atle time could not be had else. Arguments of Mrs. Smith.
to the Weslyan Metbodist and it Mr. Josiah Gordoc Powhutan where. Every thing was up to was decided at the last confer. and Mr. Mine Wild Fire date. The program was as fol In the debite which was held ecce that he be asked to go to for a side bet of 300 00 gold.
at La Bica Ulubbonse on Tu Lucea Jamaica. But he has de At the fall of the Vislin Salo Melody in Rubin day 10th inst. Wa reproduce SAFEST MILK dded to stay in the for Wild Fire took the lead and stien) Mr. Joseph Nocompanid a synopsis of the arguments of League some time yet and therefore bas maintained same to the winning Mrs. Smith supporter of the Congratulations decided not to accept the ap post.
by Mr. HK Lawn were negative that modern civil zition Anthem Sing aloud ond rejoice has not increased the happiness polntment in Jamalce.
heaped on Mr. Le who is a Choir we have received from resident of Barranco on his of mankind is to hin victory. Pan Solo Morning Dewdropa own peo; Mr. Cbaimen, ll u surable Judges, First race: furlongs. Rosults (Bydpey Smith) Mi Violet Jes Sweetened Condensed YOU CAN TRUST THE all right hat the world is OK, and Lee, Star Prince 181. R citation The Negro Creed Ladies and Gen tema.
Mr, A, B, Kionimouth take the tor for the purpose of 50 on, but we must not allow ourselves Spark Plug 2nd: Farm Girl 3rd defending th frition that civiliation Vocal Silo heard the voice of has not increasd the happiness of man BLUE AND WHITE to be deceived by such hypocrties, Second race: Pride of North from inspected herds They are writing in the interest of list; Silver Streak 2nd.
Jesus sy Mr. Cowdy kind.
CO OP VRYMLINS LAOUR pirtfeular ela e and we should be careful Quartett Always with us Miss how we quote from their writing and Third race: EM. Lze. Milly The speakers for the affirmative bave Williams and others. Mald 1st; Scott Farm Girl vaid lot of things about civil zutionP. Solo Toe Angelo Miss Luoile what it is what it can do ought to We do not way that civiliz tior is not 2nd; Sweep Pepper 3rd. Jeppe do, and even what it has done in some gocd in many way that it does not Special Match: Surgeon Bros.
Recita ion Elegy in a country phares of human affirs atand for progres, which may be good Fiden water by Sea Tater oat Churchyard Miss Inn Edwards But such talk, though useful in or Guaranteed by 70, 000 Farmers of bad (there is such a thing as baid of Black Agnes, Jawatcan bred Anthem Praise yo the Father Choir dinary conversation will not do for this progters, but we call it retrogression. allowed Spark Plug and GinNor that we should go back to former ger furlong out of furlong, Vocal So o The Song the Angel Sing di bate. The point to night is whether Mirs Bairy civilisation has increased the bappiness conditions of civilisation all these but was unable to catch bis opSold by ALL GROCERS of mankind and we must be careful points are outside the argument. But ponents, in so short a distance Recitation The Burial of Mosco Mr.
to stick to the wording of the resolution And PANAMA CANAL COMMISSARIES we do say and hold as an indisputable He was close on them at the Parker fact that our civilvastion is such that tinish, and it the race was a In arriving at a proper decision, we Pisoo Solo Moonlight on the Hudit is well nigh impossible for us to furlong more would have won.
take son Mise Lily Wilkins known facte of to day And ecmpare them wiib the facts of the enjoy sy amount of real happens. Result: Spark Plug ist; Ginger Trio (Violin, Cello, Piana. Deisico post no known to, be deducible by us.
much less an inerente upon the amount 2nd; Fideration 3rd.
Bet dix Messrs. Joseph, Lawrence, previously enjoyed.
Fifth race: Spoil Sport 1st.
The chief words around which the and Lawson Vocal Solo The Holy City Mr. Ress, and increase have already been When safe in your dwellinge so cheerful Silver Streak d.
a bate revolves Civilization, Happiand warm xth race: ML Wild explained, and with the exorption of Ye bear in ite wailingo, the cold winter Fire Is. Gordua, Ps whata Antbem God is our Refugo Choir que or two additional commen I will EVELY ITEM MUST BE SOLD AT COST PRICE 2nd; Paddy ipot, Spark Plug 1.
storm IR citation Salo to land Miss Esther not deal with them to say extent.
We present, Rings, Wilkios Watcines, When loved ones around you are Happiness, according to Braclets, galbend over more Wintrop In Bocis.
Selection Mr. Sharpe and others Alexander Bain. noted authority on La Valliers, Vanity Cases, Links, Broaches, Then us for moment, remember Vooal Solo Mise Weekes paychology, is in the briefest and most Ear rings, Chains, Fabs, Rosaries, Knives and the poor.
logical Recitatica Regulus before the Ro excese of pleasure over pain. that is definition Mr. Cholan Winttrop lately of The surplus or Forks, Spoons, and numerous other articles Colon is now a resident of this ma Benste Mr. Seth Edwards town, and has op? a Tailoring Piono solo. Composed by Rev. Odlewo wyrafter balancing and comparing Customers are requested to call for jobs left in my Gatun.
estrablishment, with a cleaning our health, wealth, one, joys, pleasures Performed by Rev. Oslo care not later than April 30th, 1923. HARROZAWA and comforts of all kinds against our pressing and dying department at 52 Third st. We wish bim Anthem o be joyful in the Lord pains, waste, suffering, and uneasines JAMES WILLIAMSON, Jeweler, INSTALLATION AND UNVEIL success of all kinds, both of body and mind ING OF CHARTER.
Recitation The Last Hym Mr, R, if the former seems more, we bave a bet 167 Bolivar Street, Colon. bwalls Millington balance of happiness; if lees, then we Cricket Team For Colon.
Mount Glload of and Cello Solo (Sulut Amour. Elgar) are unhappy.
Mr. Lawrence accompanied by Me Happiness is called the summum of Mr. Liyne fomally the Lawaon.
bonum or fioal aim the final total good star bat of the West End It is to be stated with great rought by all wen. Wo, ourselves, are On Sunday 29th Inst. Mount of Colon but now a resident of patisfaction, that every one of living witnesses to testify to that fact, Gilead Lodge of British Order of Almirante and plays for the those mentioned above did their and all the arious changes, develop Good Samaritan and Daughters Almirante would like to very best, and according to the counts and activities brought about by of Samaria will hold their public bring over a tean to play in remasks of the Chairman, each civiliz tin, should make us, happier.
installation and unvelling of char Colon against the Sucess, person did their part so well tha: But if we are not really happy, then ter at the St, Bernards Lodge Wanderers Victoria and OF THE PANAMA BUREAU Weat it would be difficult to say which they have not increasod our happiness, Room. The ceremony will com End C, in June, Any person was the best. It must also be Civilization bas affected (a) our politi.
mence at p.
interested in the proposal can stated, that the Church was filled clond civil life in the matter of the It Sister Lodges and other frater communicate with Mr. Layne.
to its utmost seating capacity would not be bad idea it the government and management of puble nal orders are bereby invited and Almirante The Almirante affairs; Rev. Wilkins would in the very Commander Guizado, Head of this Depart are requested to send a represen C. is the winners of the Cup. b) our industrial life in public tative.
and would be a bard nut to crack near future put on another con part of that same description for activities and the acquisition bf woslib; ment says: Up to the present there has on Chlon wickets. The line up the benefit of the populace of that (s) our personal and social life by been no fire caused by faulty Gas installaSTAR OF PARADISE LODGE A9 follows: Barker (Capt.
Thorpe, Thorpe, R, Sealer, city, would welcome the hour secciation, customs and mano, UNVEILS CHARTER, Warner, Brown, Browa, with pleasure.
Carbion, taste and desires.
Johnson, Motatt. Powell, Carr, Now, Iben, bsve all or any of these The installation and unveiling Layne, extra Wibley, IN SEVEN YEARS OF OPERATION THIS IS Sacred Concert really inereased our happ beso? Toy of Charter of the Star of Paradise no! For to be really bappy, we must MOST SATISFACTORY, Lodge No. 14, Was be be more contented than in the brought to a successful termina early depature of Mr. HouLITE To morrow, Sunday 22nd inst. past. We may have the whole world tion on last Sunday.
na ston who will be leaving on May 1st. As carpenter foreman he at to, the Atlantic Orchestra may know everything. may be able to tistellt The Lodge Room was crowded has been very kiod and consider.
glves one of its high class do everything, vet it all these rule of PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY to its entirety with the officers ate and will be very much missed.
Concerts at the Colon Wesley AT YOUR SBRVICE and representa. It is requested to tender to Mr.
and me serious orders from Pa Houston and wife our best wishes 18 tives of The prices of admission are by the boys of The Evening Bri: were given to Georgle and Wife pams and Colon. Sir J, Laurle, with the anticipations of fature popular 50 cents for gade of which Georgie is an acBeribe; was the musicial director success and a pleasa it trip home.
adults 25 cents for live member, to which Mr, Henand a very minors. The whole of netedate will be devoted the pothe (Snr) responded da will fit civilisati o bore not made me more in the uparity and greatral condition was rendered by the choir under ting manner on behalf of his son. contented, then it has pot ineressed our when load bangles discontent and disaatisfac.
Girls Guide Chaplain to Buildir Fund of the new Special mention must be made of happiness, for contsutmam: is the pełne tihe foows in an orgy of blood. Worthy Legate Sir W, Clarke, and The presentation was made by Church. Attend.
Miss Martin who stimulated test of bappiness.
hed. The islas Were they contented the ceremony carried through All are cordially invited.
the party (especially the boys. copoede that citing open two esto may not with two keep wake Songs efieiently and satisfactory. To the Editor of The Work man.
which were beautifully rendered.
of unhppine nt pufficient to win! Til shoot health and improv menta our case, but also el sim that a similar due to modern medical and sanitary present tendered their greetings a short space in your valuable The reprsentatives of Orders This brought the functioned number of cases of Dear Mr. Editor. beg of you Wedding Bells cerenony to a close, all leaving affirmative will by no means give them the water and variety of dieseses as we ner which was very much appre the public concerning an article of happines cited by the come Who did the world ever know in a sincere and impressive man: paper for the purpose of advising in fine spirits victory; the argument relates to the Colop de know them to day, Savage never knowciated. At the conclusion of the bappiness of the race as a whole and not been the infast. And mødern science various items in connection with appearing in your columos some April 18, 1922 to a comparati vely few individuale, quiet Title wedding was sol Mrs. Leathem Evangelist have thus far been dealing with argue et during the yery evila whłoh our officers. Members and invited Guide Movement. operating wooly be forced to discover the the unveiling and installation of weeks ago, referring to the Girls emnleed on Tuesday evening of ment, now for facis, hard facts, and town intemperance and deb uchery bad guests repaired to the banqueting under the auspices of St. Peter the above dale, at Christ Church by the Sea in Colon, the Rev. Silver Clubhouse to morrow Suo Will speak at the Christobal dely contradiction.
beendetenek modern civilisatlon room where a very pleasant and Church, La Bocs, of which was Mankind in their primitive site, aims Bien that is leading. dollar Cooper oficiating, when a Matri majori y of a close. erally known that owing to pres.
omike. enjoyable evening was brought to appointed chaplain. hereby beg to make it genmonial Contract was entered into ay at 30 on the subject lived in simplicity, their wants were fewewe though he may na Love, Courtship and Marriage between Mr. George Henry and sure of busines were unable Sives of Jamaica, BW. Mlexperience, Mrs, Leatbem gives after luxury, they lived close to afure, ble for many aviatim of some seriou, MIDDLESEX AND SPORTS IN to fulfil the position to which CUP COMPETITION.
Miss Rachael Burke, both Da she will also give part of her or just the bare necessitie no craving yet fuck offian make it all, was appointed, and uspecially Henry is the son Mr. William her services to the pnblio free of they wire not worried and di contented defe obtin eure, Don ruch diesdor the collection. She is bere on account of this that and the other, happier? Lidide and meetings of the Gtb and 13th Henry popular corpenter of in the interests of the people and Therefore, having need and, sem again may no, Tomorrow. Sunday) Middlesex which were unavoidably postthis city: well appreciated function ben willing to speak anywhere. Mrs therefore, less dissatisfaction, they were Withers wote, yashings, crime will have the ungaestionable plea poned. beg however to followed at the of landing of all porte unsatiafiod sure of contesting with Sports that a great change bas perience of which she will be Civilization to day in complex, com ambition and kexisting staring in the St. Clair Cup Compe effected which it is huped contracting parties, mot glad to give the public here. She plicated confundit is all craving and was of menkind in the faetition at the Aerial Park great work to the satisfactioa of all Those who constituted the con wants the public to know she is desires unsatisfied for lack of means vivial Party were Mr. Herd worshipping a God who hears asking us anything but happy.
from day day (day nothing of deal of confidence has been ex concerned.
injustice oppression) in this great pressed as to the results of the Our next meeting will be beld man, as best man, Miss and answers prayer. And a Sa Martin as bridesmade. Messrs. vior who is real. Come and your The question is not the civilisation is alwol Bumanity content game and it conclusion of all the on Monday 23. and it is re.
William Henry father of the better sell will be stirred. Pas not good (many good things are mix vd up and Twy NOH in capital fans that Middlesex will be quested tbat a full gathering will bridegroom, LewisClarke Thanking you very much for Albert Prince. Joe Gordon se torna mot the diferent churches with bad na trial) or that it does not mature was Chairman Ladies and the victorious team. De la presenta missions please dous of. Geet MR. HOUSTON SAILS ON space Mr, Editor.
Halg Mitchel, Jones, Seals, services earlier to give your indifferent, but that he not increased writers who foeling MAY 1st Martin, Mrs. Thorpe, members a chance to attend the our happines, and that it in a fnet.
Misses Dymitt Holder, Tavour will be much appreciated Civilisation took us up to the point dat die diela all right. Young respectfully, Jones, and others.
if pastors willannounce at the when we thought the nations of Europe interest of their own The colored employees in this EDITA OOLE, that everybody is town regret to be informed of the Many welcomed addresses close of their prening services and the world ware contented and happy La Boca un testosteca toa islamo BR los dos anos OST bests notabilita ons 501 se le tebou. sen to borgodilow: a wide rano been at hawaja wao.
In the 1922 Report OF SAFETY tion.
be charge residence am,


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