
P CE SIX TE WORY VAN STIPDAY APRIL 21 103 Lady Elizabeth To Batting Strength of the West Indian Team.
Laundry. LA ESPERANZA. Soap Factory Wear Silver Bri QUALITY SOAP PALOMA SOAP should OL LYNTON a ruaning to are Tas latter bas been TRINIDAD CRITICION JAMAI cay our successes were very QUEEN MARY TO LE HIC. CA CONTRIBUTION TO neagre by reason of our limited THE BEST THE BEST TORIC LACE FOR DUKE OF THE COMBINATION batting strength. The question is: YORK WEDDING IN does the proposed team consist of WESTMINSTER.
greater batting ability than the LAUNDRY The following criticism anen lasi? To be cardid, it does not in BRIDESMAID GOWN.
the batting strerg of the hest wy humble opinion, but go Indian Cricket Team to visit further and say the batting SERVICE England this month advanced power is not sufficient to justify Bride Father To Sacrifice by Googlie, writing in the reasonable success about 89 per Trinidad Guardian, should Herloom to Meet Cost be cent of the total match to be in the city.
read with interest:played. As foresbadowed in for Laundry of Royal Ceremoney. In dealing with the batting 15 bound up with other factors.
Absolute satisfacopening this question intimatestrengtool the proposed team especially as the tour is to be purposes London, March 23 Toe World tion and which will tour England from to night is abla to giv: the fist next month must state frank made by a limited number of authentie details of Lady Birsy that, batring ability must men playing frequently, and for number of Quick Service Use it all the time beib Bowen Lyon wedding be calculated to some extent Lollmonths.
dress and those of the brides with a general all round cricket maids for her marriage to the perfora, a Que; and while do not The next question to be examDuke of York at Westminster lay claim to the experience of ined is the batting merit of the Abbey, April 26.
the heavy headed exponents or proposed team and if it is constLady Elizabeth will wear chifadmirers of the game in this dered to sufficient, in what partiTBLBPHONE 629 PANAMA.
fon moire, with silver thread priory criminly think their culars it may be improved withand pearls. Special lace. just etusions not be accepted out detracting from the general made in the famous Ntungeir De dixit without all round ability of the tean lo ham factories, will torn picture.
careful analysis in sight of the the present team it is generally esque sleeves reaching to th present day conditions. In or admitted that the batsmen to be ground. Queen Mary is to lend der to form an idea as to the depended on are Challenor, England Classic some bauufat old lace, of great batting strength of the proposed Ince, Tarilton. Barbahistorie interest, which mounted eleven, it will be necessary to do. Swall (Trividad. and Races on tulle. will form a bag trala consider even briefly the inerits Holt, and Nunes (Jamai The veil also wili ba of tulla aud of the proposed team with that ca. It may be noted that make clasped with a wreath of orange or 1906. it will be remembered no mention of Dias of DemerWHOLESALE DEPARTMENT AND THEIR VAST INFLUENCE NN blossoms The simple going that on that occasion G, Smith ara, who has been nominated to No. 78, New Market Street BREEDING, away dress will be ot dove gray Major A, Harrigan, Con take the place of Mr. Fernandes.
crepe roumai te, embroidered la stantine Sor, Challenor, have not had the pleasure of the same colour.
Goodman carried off the batting seeing this young cricketer in RETAN DEPARTMENT The so called classic races of The bridesmaids will were honours.
The first named by match cricket but from all re.
his consistant exhibitions was ports to band am certainly not No. 107, Bolivar Street the Exlish turf ara the Two cream coloured chidon, erabroldT:nuand Zuineas, the One ered with leaves of silver lue.
easily the best player of the convinced that he can be looke True he did not secure upon as a representative bats THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY side.
Thousand Guiness, the Derby. Their beaddresses will og silvar the Oals and the St Leger, to leaves and silver coses.
the best ayerage ju the first man, Again Small is the only class matches, and honour wbich Trinidad bat selected. faccy naine them in the order of their touch of colour will be given by fell All are for three the train of lily leat green tale FULL SUEL) CF Goodman, but un that he will be much tasked with year olds. Two of them are for caught at tbe waist with a white queetlonably bis performance bowling and outfield work and in Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, allies exclusively, was bead and shoulders above consequeoce unless he is reservwhile the rose for Egland and silver other three are open to both thistle for Botland the next batsman who played a ed in these departments to a cuits ud Gillies but not to gold number of innlogs.
Cabbage, Dairymen utter, TO SACRIFICE HEIRLOV Major great extent, bis battlog powers, ing each race all starters Harrigan the runner up, in the WILL BE AT DISCOUNT London, March 25 lettre must carry the uniform scale signed by Mary, Queen of Scots, ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES batting average was handicapped weights, without The well knowa H, GB.
by illness and played only a penaltier allowance or any of tne other while she was imprisoned, is limited number of games, Aus:in is not anywhere near his modern devices for bIping slow among the historic sessions Apart from the above mentioned best though a capable batsman Call and see us before purchasing quintette, the only other players whose experience is worth him horses to beat faster obes, which the Earl of Strathmo e These races called the is being forced to sell in order who deserved mention, 90 far as bls place in the field and the elsewhere.
is classic because they have for to mee: tas expenses of tris batting ability concerned, are leadership of the side. Holt. more than a Austin and Layne, believe, will make good, and wedding to the Duke century afforded daughter Others, on occasions, came to Nunes will prove useful addi a series of supreme tests at dis of York.
the rescue with tances from one mile up to one in the Bw. stapil os tor 040.
tew runs tion, but frankly is that sutti up ciert batting milo quarters for. bave nentioned the most dang real trat class bowling side DENTIST HOWELL beste anabe ubacription of thoroughbredare on Wheter arribat asserted that the high cost or private capital Ueless there was at that age which foi retender kes the marrying his daughwr in tte erous and most successful bais especially when two or probably ul that tour as a whole. What three of the best batsmen bie amount of private capital zith of thuir poners. The Royal Family bsa bren ta muca HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA behind the undertaking, there sequence of events is so arreng regarded as large.
may third match was the results obtained by the be absent every for even his fortune, always would be added, to developed that the shorter races comes CANAL ZONE.
1906 batting combination? En. say no! propose therefore ment and no incentive to pro earliest and the distance visage the situation from wbat to supplement batting strength gress. It is to be hoped that these increases as the sea on advances. George Bowes on June 7, 1579, The letter was written to Sir point of view you like. say by the conclusion of St, an Office Hours to 6pm plans for ensuring a sourd future WE FAILED IN BATTING POWER who despite all detracting coun The influenc these five tix amending her screto to ments is a brilliant batsman of DAILY vices will speedily materializ. events in improving the Baglish his care. It is in an excellent and the successes wbich came quality and experience. Fur collection of of bowalio were were the hermende defensive cricket Wiles deserves Specializes in all the branches where one burds from the pro. ishe borse but only in the Brit state of preservation. There is Isles also a powers. Trinidad consideration He more profitably aeriai transGuardian in a series of articles as the equal of Dias and the only world tas been incalculable: lotters dealing with the sup of Dentistt port to the purely engineering Jorg. go as the Spring of 1921, consideration therefore is that her pechada greater than that of all pression of the 1589 rebllion.
as pec of the question one is lett other stake races in England. To 009 of which was written by the in no doubt is to the solid dealt ixPaustively with the per of all round ability. am ol Sir of British mana factaers. During the war many Er gland in 1906 when the ques posed should possess one or two year ago by forty two per cent British makers of many in the filtest to perpetuate their bat too slowly.
er looks for his guide in select George Bowes complaining that executions were being carried ton of an English team visiting additional mel picked for but in quantity and twelva per controduced in large numbe gara them is made as sire il be motor cars cars kind. The winner of any one of do tolfeel called upon to reiterate sequence see no virtue in the there seems small doubt that the gins o! economy and reliab:lity has merit as a stock borse. The William Blackston These colonies was mooted, and ting ability maialy, and in coa in value. As in the case of contro Another is a letter written by disturbance of the The double experienc: thu the facts or the arguments used selection of Phillips of Jamaica recent Bywgs to ck that can sweep the Two his mother declining to give up on torse ccasions. Generally, and Hacter of Demerara.
leading naonea con le ineren ved Bluetog arme so voduce new voeg of Thousand, the Derby and the St. London for a dull countrieure economic equilibriun of Bereve gained bas of Continental ordera commercial.
fashion follows performance to the father girl BRITISH TRADE The difference in price levels now British steel firms.
and a year ago are sufficient to. worth a king ransom tog) to hand be sought on condition connection with British the stud.
It was only to be expected that com a suds from that 30, 000 pounds is handed AND INDUSTRY. account for vore apparent small the present sean try of Santo interesting to in aviation it is the start a servise fee equal to over forth with and decline in export.
note that the that of th tried and successful pounds for each of the first two 3, 000 for Air should be well diapedrrangements made by means of sire, and the best. ot marec flock children bora. Ếy RICHARD LATH porta is that one half of the raw aviation. Sir Samuel floare de licht lielumeed wireless tele: to his courte bainong nire of oble feature of last months in to the development of commercial All the historic letters are to London, March, 1923. When matori sis Imported occurred in long been known to the commar de regn medio with night ist century that we foundbe Channel have deu be sold at Sothebr March 23.
proved successful.
baaker. In his capacity of Air Night we the progenitors of present day must not forget sis of exports reveals one or two Minister be bas it in bis journeys have already that, with its 23 days, it must features taken place under conditions Asurishes there are comparativepower winoers wberever nuke but poor show against factory; the drop of over three the rest of the mer ths of the and a halt miilioas in manutse ever present claims of conocy. lola regular night service, which the list of classic winners, and year. This reflec ion is promptured goods, for instance, cannot to foster the civil side of lying will lead to easiderable develop the exoeptions may almost ba by the recent issue of the be considered from an industrial incends so to do. Eitherto.
and all the evidence is that he ment in Cross Channel air said to prove the rule Board of Trade returns of point of view to be off set by the service foreign trade for the last month. greatly increased exports of coal. must be admitted, Great Brittian QUEEN In imports and exports with those nearly two million tons more of that one would not hanterally coi trasting the figures for As compared with February 1922 has not occupled that place in the of realm of commercial aviation JUAN ILLUECA Mrs. Kaurah (Gadridzo In Ancon Hospital.
for the month of January we cool were exported in February Whose Attorney. at. Law must keep in mind those missing this year (roughly six millions expect from country No. 65 Central Avenue three days. Having said this as against four millions. and in engineers had made such c00The siderable contributions to this dandruff, stops falling many friends of 847. 000 we may with profit proceed to payment to an examination of the state of pounds sterling was received newest form of transit. Now, is TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 Keturab Goodridge will regret to know that she is at HAIR DRESSING for 35e. at any good Britain overseas trade as this year as against 446, 000 would seem, there is growing Practices in all Courts of present a patient in the Ancon revealid by these latest returns year These consider recognition of this fact and Panama Bospital for the past three First, we may make a compariable increases cannot, of course. steps are to be taken to make up in part least, something of this but have been occasioned, in weeks satering with a very bad English Spoken Fluently cold, It is reported that her Imports are less by about six disturbances arising from the Minister expressed in Neliel WILKINSON Bodrer der errangements in the son with January of this year. part at least, by the economic leeway. Speaking in the House of Commons the other day the sickoess is the result of the very teen pounds sterling, or Ruhr imbroglio.
fourteen percent; while that civil aviation could ia falare Bilver.
exports show a slight increase, Although we have said, be very valuable come to Contractor being per cent op on the pre there has been falling of last country. In the premeent state of Appeal to Municipal Englinser Automatic Telephone Pravious month. If we take the daily month in the total value of this industry it is of course, and Builder For Better Roads.
average of exports, we find that manufactured goods exported possible to expect resultatet gress.
in January the average was (ships belng a considerable item resorting to a Goverament shal 368 000 pounds sterling whilst in this. it is good to note dy, as is the case in other com House No. 20 We have, unfortunately, to call 28th NOV, STREET, 10 February this bad increased increases in two most important trles. The Minister stated that Rapid progress is baing me the attention of the inaptcipal in the intallation of automstic to 396. 000; which shows that branches of British industry, that the Government vous propia SAN MIGUBL Eagineer to the unsatisface public telephone excha 1g British export trade is continu vz: textiles and iron and steeled to find the sum of one con tory and almost non passablo British towns. Alrandy there are ing its upward movement, Con Cotton piece goods exported polods, to be spread over of the roads at sixtean of the reexan 93 at trasting with Febauary of last show an Box 411, Panama, Picondition inerense of about perkud of ten years, for the sap Gaton, Especially ent, exports aldrei xputts this thirty six per cent in quantity port of civil sviation. prasided at High work in Great Britain with an Street where it is well year shows a small drop, being and orer sixteen per cent in that scompany should be lormas Plans and Specifications Froo impossible. It is hoped taat Now exchanges are balontai nign nitim ite of 5907)
respectively and 4 per cent value compared with year ago, with a private capital of not look less, wbile, ou the other hand, im Even greater this sppent will reach toso ed in several towas and rearincreases so than a million pounds. The bes Fiest class Workmanship in sathority and that somethinx tions are being made for sinilar ports are, in the same compari shown in the case of woollen to the problem of commercial thywill be done to improve the pres installations la mura thai a to aon, up by over twenty per cent, goods. Iron and steel exported tog was to be found, the Minister Guaranteed. ent wadesirable situation of to us.
blem of has por congine specially designed the by the and whose racing KINKAIR xreatest charm is her hair fit Is long and wavy.
No matter how short and wir your hair is, you can make it vers beautiful with QITEEN HAIR DRESSING SUREN remote hair, feeds the hair roots, and helps to make long. SURT AT You can buy is large can ol QUEEN e. or at BREWERHESS Se. to se, SNS ale Queen Agents Avenue, Panama City 100 dolivar Street, Os Ascept to Sabolite. Dom Boleh thereof ago.


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