
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY APRIL 21 1928 PAGE SEVEN ALBOA EST EER REWED Interesting est ladian Wews in the right on reto by nito ang mga tao atendidos el lugar ore Codice propone Terms MODERATE Blank en leben You Can Lose it!
TRINIDAD The best Tonic in the World The Colonial Bank VIGOR TONIC AND THE PROPOSED STATE BANK This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend.
ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up Mr. Charles Wood, Chairman a run down constitution.
of the Colonial Bank was on a It promotes digestion, improves the appevisit to Trinidad a few weeks ago tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system as the guest of the Governor of the colony. In the course of an DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or interwou with Mr Wood, times a day.
representative of the Guardian informed the gentleman that a section of the community is JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
making free use of a statement that the Colonial Bank bus used its influence in London to prevent the Secretary of State for the Colenice from granting the pray Evening School cautions were taken to isolate the er of the people of Trinidad for the entablishment of an AgriculAll the same the disease was teral Bunk.
spreading On Jan. 26 CHRISTIAN MISSION SCHOOL nine farther Cases from Mr. Wood mid: think there six bouses were discovered in has been some contusion in this CALIDONIA the Village of Liberty, in the water. What the Bank. opposed south of the islaod, said to be was the suggestion that the introduced there by Constable Grerament should take over English, French, Spanish, thither upon finding that his sie Bartley brother, who bu fed vosot existing mortgages which no anne government could be er. Latin, Geometry, Algebra. ter in law had the disease, case pected to do at present prices was Dext discovered at Bikin, Neither the local Government small settlement, the pauent their number financial propos to hospital as result of alleged. hu ever andertake such a ber meals in Bartley house at als by the Government; and tab whish, it is tion. We opposed. Mortage Liberia. her cases are metithan the Duke of Devonshire wil rec ived from Harold Kerr: Bank net Agricultural Bank Teacher at School, Monday, tioned. Patients have been sent (Con. nued from page 21 What thren, is really the attito guarantine stationand a year after a jesolution bas been have to say that he desires to chauteur, in George Lane.
coafer with the deputation on Thompson became involved in tude of the Bank with respect Wednesday and Friday vaccination crusade was an adopted by the House that the this particular question before a dispute with Kerr over the t) agriculture. No fees to the vaccinators. Wo colony memorial for a new the Governor will ask the Council treatment which ha accorded a sympathise with Antigua, and Constirution should be presented to vote the money to defray the young woman, Isabel Graha.
The reply cand swift and belp them. We prefe to belp trust that the precautionary at Downing Street by represen cost of the members of the House people who help themselves by measures taken will stop the The in Town Street by Goorge Lane definita tatives of the gislature.
to London and back.
Che young men went up the lane, Two atitude of the Bank cultivating their estate proper spread of the disease there colony is to get a step in at Vance as the result of Mr. Wood In the meantime, the Goveror Af er Thomson had taken Kerr with regard to Agriculture is y, and not those who have no betore long, visit, and, therefore, Sir Loslie has decidid to send the Colonial to tisk for kicking Graham. Oa that we shallways do what we cultivating their lands. We have ides of paying their debts and Green Strant and Probyn sees no reason why a Office the resolution which we bearing East every pasible way, but our deputation should be sent to adopt by the Legislature set souffle ensuid during which rr Co to assist in any way to look after ourselves. There is stabbed the prinsiples are like those of too much of a tendency to credit BARBADOS London by the colony merely to ting out the lines on wbich tb is alleged to have Support a memorial which has new Constitution should be other party in the chest with a Providan se veshold help those re which permeates the whole knife. Thompson died a few that help themselves. There commercial life of th country.
minutes after he had been ad are a great muy estate owners not only by the Banks, but by Credit has been to freely ven already been transmitted to the granted.
Albert Phillips Fou ndi Imperial authorities.
mitted to the hospital and farmers who, when they Dead.
well and then It will only be necessary to Held on Murder Charge.
Kerr however, apprehended on Tues partage danse debto sad morgage their debts which accu ulato.
disappeared He was, esterey spend it without the stores as people become unable to pay Last Wednesday movning thr send the deputation if the Secre.
sad whide the bad times comes, dead body of Albert Phillips 56 tary of State for the Colonies is The Herald States that on day at loan in St Elzabeth, and there is money left, Then years of age of Charles Rowe unable to agree to the ptoposal Saturday evening the 24th ulto. was brought over t) Kingston on they want Providence the DOMINICA Bridge, St. George, was found in that elected members should re Thomas Thompson, about 28 Wednesday.
Government or the Bank to a well in the district. Pnillips left his bomd on Saturday and New Barrister. nothing was seen or heard of him until his body was discovered in the well. The finding was reporWe are pleased to welcome to ed to the Police at District Dominics another young Barris by Emily Butcher sister of the ter at law in the person of Mr. deceased, and an inquest was Randall Hippolyte Lockhart, the b:ld later in the afternoon.
Opens Bon of our esteemed friend, Mr.
A, Lockbart, proprietor of This Castle Comfort Estate, Mr. Lock England Cricket 14th inst by the S Guiada. This young gentleman education Victory.
was carried out mainly at the Lycee Schoelcher, Fort de France.
and Clapham College, Englend The English cricket team Be then proceeded to eat his din managed to win the odd Test ners at the Middle Ten, ple, and watch out of five in the series was called to Bar on the 17th against South Africa. This is November last. We wish our the most encouraging event that youor friend fair share of the has occurred in English cricket professional plumes which yet re since before the was all the. hoped that he will never have caused conditions in South Africa were regret having thrown bis Jot English visitors. Russell, the at times distinctly trying to the with us.
young Essex batsman, although the unquestioned hero of the last ANTIGUA match was a sick man through out the games. All the more credit belongs to him by virtue of his 140 in the first innings Report on the Epidemic of and bis 111 in the second. His Alastrim in Antigua, signed by Winess necessitated his return the Colonial Secretary, has been to England immediately after published as a Supplement of the match. The interest in the dental cream? Has it ever dropped and rolled the L, Gazette, According to last game was intense, two of the facts published on Jan. 22nd. the previous Teste having away in the sleeping car or hid under the week one Paulina Christian who was been drawn and each side stand at home?
attending the Police Court, in having won one game. The Then you will appreciate the cap that is held cap St. Johns, was perceived by Sub. South Africans were left with tive and which holds the properties of Kolynos secure Inspector Lindrop to have spots 343 runs to obtain for a win, and in on ber which looked suspicious, in spite of a stubborn effort by until you have enjoyed the last bit of créam from the She was put aside and Dr, Mc. their captalo, Mr. Taylor, who tube.
Donald sent for, who, on seeing obtained a century on a pitch the woman. diagnosed the case which had been damaged by We now furnish you with a package of the same as one of Alastrim.
The next heavy rain, all the home team high standard as its contenta.
case was that of a man named were dismissed giving the Eng.
Kirwan, who has been board lishmen the pictory by 109 runs THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn.
log the fruit boat from Domini The South Africans gåve their third, woman conquerors a magnificent ovation named Jane Richards, who lived at the end of the game.
in the yard of the house of Constable Bartley, on going to search for this Richards, the England Expects Bond to discovery was made that Mrs.
Bartley herself had suspici: Break Whiskey Running ous looking dark spots or stains on her face. She bad recently been to Dominica with In order to prevent American her husband, who is a constable bootleggers and British firms and returned to Antigua by from shipping liquor for consailing vessel on Dec. 2nd last, sumption in the United States, This woman had duly reported tha British Government has imberselt to Dr, Coulter for the posed a bond of on every case 12 day surveillance. as order of whiskey leaving a British port.
ed but about the 15:h day she The bond will be forfeited if the had come out with the rash and designated in the bill of lading.
is not delivered to the port refrained from visiting the doctor Her husband knowing what the As whiskey costs 55 sbilliggs disease was, and through fear of (between 13 and 14 dollars) and catching it, at once left the bouse sells at the three mile limit at five and went to sleep in the Police pounds the case. It is believed barracks. When seen, on Jan. that the order will break the back 22nd, ber attack was Anisbed, of the rum runnlng from Bag ace the same as the woman Janeland, as it will no longer Richards. The necesary pre profitable. Exchange KOLYNOS ALONE HAS THE Way GJOBS CAPTIVE CAP INCH ONT HAVE you ever lost the cap from your tube of KOV Then KOLYNOS DENTAL CREAM be LO


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