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TUTE SE THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, APRIL 21 19239 PAGE EIGHT VICTOR CIGARETTES 2 ponta prin Maloney, residing at 12 havida M o dor, that suits his taqbe bet 200 Close of the Carnival offices up to and Live Onasin cluding Captain Bente bakery wa Ismol stb but excluding Ohinese shop at Racing Programme DRY the corner. This area has depth of at least schsin. Oa tha nother side of West Btrert AT JUAN FRANCO TOP from the United Froit Co De MORROW.
offices, up to Kerr Co. whart.
and down to the sea, save one We come to the last lap of small building to the rear of the Three Star Bakery.
be program in the Carnival races, to crrow. Uoreserved The telephone service of the ly, the arrangements made have Isaac residing at 19th Robinson, of Grenada towa Was put out of commission concluded in a satisfactory, Home Street, Gue chapali, respect pleasant and jovial with all for some buurs; but although the social and financial success, his iends and acquaintances, electric light poles la West Strert Entusiasm and excitement, ed and genial lo ll wbom were burnt dowa, torn and were the distinguisblok features he comes in con ack with, works out at the cattle inresidencs were lighted last night throughout the fine program; 570 Ssays he smokes Victor Ciga du try: he claims that since an indication of what energy and although there were some rrettes and that no e other he began smoking. Victor Cibacked up by capital can do.
Licor disatisfactions with The United Fruit Co. runs the suits his taste so wel. garettes e cannot do without The handicapping and startlag, ligting system.
happily nothing serious occuribem especially when on the red to ar le pleasant revelry joli.
The Glaner correspondent bas already told those who rendered of the patrons at Juan Franco.
October Street, honest and outstanding belo to Part tonio The attendance at all the meet upright in all his dealings, a Rig by, of Jamaica, in her time of afft etion, but most inge was markedly gocd. The constant worker is also a first class plumber, residing every able bodied man did bis conduct of the many thousands a Si Mku is a at his job little bit.
in tbe grand stand Sunday after constant smoker of Vic or tisfies his employer smokes Sunday, were good humoured Cigarettes and says their Inspector General Clark of the and pleasant. It is Victor Cigare tes anl says Constabulary visited the town lo to tbe mildness appeals to wis tas e Jockey Club that public apprehe is always sati fied with day. It is understood te was their mildness and flavour.
duwn to ind, out about the ciation and thanks must be given bomeless, a requisizion for having promoted such a fine been seet to program the Governor with the Cromwell Blanchard, a St.
healthy Lucian residing in Panama Walcott, Barbadian yesterday and promising future horse for tent. The Inspector. nsral residing at No 16 reet, was taken racing in this country City, is well thought of by his around by the Hon. French It would be superfluous to countrymen.
He smokes up to date tailor, is punctual MB Meinber for the Parish state, that every means must in Victor Cigaret es, and dewith his customers, smokes who also gava material assistanc the future be adupted to foster clares they are the only cigarVictor Cigarettes and says he the success achieved and to mainin fighting the tire, and lett ta likes them very much.
the afternoon for the city, tald the social relations bip et es for him.
establisbed, THE WATER SUPPLY. White, of Jamaica, The public is expecting that J, Grant of the Medical The water supply was said to the old reliable, Jeweller at next year Caroival race will be ample, but due to the lack of surpass in brilliancy and interHall, at Central Avenue. Street who has gained experience of those who were est, the season which closes tocareful aud reliable druggist the good will of his custombastily called on to manipulate morrow; no doubt a big crowd respected and loved by all his ers for the past many years, the hose, tbere was considerably will be there as a mark of apcustomers: he Smokes Victor trouble, entailing long delay, preciation for the pleasant says he is always happy and in making stand pipa eoneeCigarettes and says they evenings speat in the enjoyment jocular at the crucible when tions and putting on the buzzles of the most dignified and noblest are a delightful smoke.
smoking a Victor Cigarette to the hose. As a matter of fact of all sportt.
the fire had reached coc flagraFortunately no serious acciLeslie Fearon, Jam ica Samuel Warner, a Barbation stage before the water was dent has been recorded and this pat on, but it is doubtful, owing dian, runs a tailoring estabis und cubiedly a sellsa:isfying a one time noted featherto the extremely rapid spread ut xralitication when no buman life weight boxer, a good athlet lishment at No 25 17 Street, the fire, even if the bose bad bas been lost norway limb smokes Victor Cigaretten is successful in his business worked well from the beginning.
fractured in order to provide states there is no smoke because helis punetual, smokes it much could bave been done to amustinents for those who itVictor Cigarettes and speaks stay the progress of the time, dulg in ippocent pastime.
An up to date towaliise Pors ter. highly of their mildaegs and Antonio, however, should have a very good programme has flavour.
competent and properly been arranged for to morrow equipped fire department.
and it is anticipated that su me nerve racking surprises are in Licnel Ooeal, Barbadian a, Morgan Jamaican, WILL BE REBUILT.
store for turtites.
competent cabaret waiter, quiet and unassuming sucattentive and business like With the exception of Messrs. Johnston ww) buildioksin his duties says be stockes business because be is the Baziar (retail) and the Beautiful Day Of Victor Cigarettes and re aticker He smokes Vietor wholesale department and office Sunshine commends them to all his Cigarettes and says he will. all the other places destroyed.
always stick to them.
probably about 40 in Lumbe: and comprising shops residences were on Titchfield JUAN FRANCO THE MECCA Trust lande, and OF PANAMANIAN SPORTS.
erected under a lease wbich provided that on each lot a building of a certain value must The Carnival reces is near to b, erecud and maintained conclusion. To morrow will be alost of them were owned by the isst. On last Sunday, the thriving Chinese merchants, who a tendance was all that could be bave shown themselves ten of desired. The arrangements for tbe na ive ponies worked eplenDestructive Fire. progressive business ideas. It is didly and the handicapping gave safe to say that buildings of an no end of excitement to the improved ciass will be erected furfi es in spotting the winner. Continued from page 1) on the pitts in the very early The track was in first class conthe fiery vortex, an on the south, future the trade of the town needs them. It is even more dition, and though the first part wholesale stores and dwelling certain that Messrs. E Joht of the afternoon was usually houses were be coming bontires. Istun Co, and Mr. Shep warm as the sbado we ot evening as the fames took them east berd wilt speedily rebuild, aad flot kradually became cooler.
and west. More than a score of the anticiptions are that at no The ráce program was suc buildings were burning at one distant date that action of Port cestnlly carried through in and the same time!
The Aquonio will be foked on either sp te of the many delays at the OF THE hire covered several acres, and side of the main street, by starting point. The racing on the heat was so territie that the mudero struc:ures.
the whole was fairly good bringtighters and spectators were ing to a close a most pleasant TO Gleaner reporter yelforced back a considen ble disand enjoyable evening.
tance. Pouring water on was to. terday, prominent resident of Badt zo groot tan The Pari Mutuel paid well in tile. More drastic steps were the town said: We are relying needed in the effort to stop the on the Titefield Trust to many of the races and this fames, and added a great deal of satisfae dynamite was see that an improved class buildings brought into use. Some small of wit tion to the ladies who were the taka lucky supporters of the winning structures near to the Colonial the place of those that bave been horses Bank building were blown up, destroyed. There is building after C, Johnson Co. bast: Las in the town which th: ness places went, and this, and parochtal Bjard should 800 Baptist Chucrh Activit es.
fortunately placed open space carried out in its eptirety.
beavily treed, served as a barrier to the wall of tire, that was rapidAMONG THE BUFFERERS, Baptismal service will be ly eating its way. in ever increas, La addition to the buildinga held at Pueble Nuevo on Sunday ring dimensions, towards the cen fronting the streel, a number of at a ut. when Pastor Wits will tral commercial area towards small shacks, also on Titeb titid immerse a cumber of candidates.
the heart of Port Antonio. Crust lands were burnt down, depriving a few score of peo, la The Colon CE. will celebrate STOPPED AT OTHER END.
of shelter. good many of its anniversary on Sunday after Before the battle was won at them were, however, able sava noon at the Baptist Church An this end, dynamite, and heroie some of their household belong interesting programme has been work of a bucket brigade had iogs, aod as far as could prepared Pastor Witt is preacbbe stopped the tire which on the ascertained yusterday very littl ing very serious sermon on Women and Home. The sub BRINGING OUT GOOD FIELD OF HORSES south side had been working destitution has been caused by down toward the Railway when the fire. May of the sulterer ject for Sunday night at the Chr.
it reached to the United Fruit in the humbler walks of life left rillo Church will be Marriage.
Co. hospital. the former old the town on Saturday afternoon The U, at the Chorrillo ottices of the company. Raptor points in, and outside Church is doing splendid work was made, the building saved and parish, and some more lets ard creating considerable enthu the fire stopped on that side. On yesterday. Those who remain are sriasm among the young people.
the north the flames swept right being taken care of by their The group captain to lead the up against the United Fruit Co. Camily or friends, meeting on Tuesday night is Mr.
big re enforced concrete ofices, Albert Barth, Come and see what we are doing. Last week LADIES FREE which acted as an impassable bar to further progress on that British Petrol Electric series of rallys were held in the side of the road.
Baptist Churches on the Pacific side. All were well attended and Shortiy before am, the conRagration was under control, but (Continued from page 1)
in every way a success. At Em up to today some of the cobris with ense. The streets of Madpire it was in aid of the Sunday School, at Chorrillo for the boneis still smoking.
rld are very narrow and tor fit of the Boy Seout, at Correi THE BURNT AREA.
tuous and are therefo. Vu well situated to display the easy to help pay the organist and at The burnt area runs on the bandilag and smooth and rapid Pueblo NUOTO to secure the labd souther side of West Street sipping and traing of the on which the Church but! ding from the United Fruit Co, old British petrol electric vehicle.
stands, ap1 The Cigarette Without a Fault ant VE had been THE LAST BIG RO RACE MEETING CARNIVAL SEASON Juan Franco Race Track TO. MORROW SUNDAY, APRIL 22nd Commencing at 2:15 Sharp ANOTHER EXCITING PROGRAMME DON MISS IT!


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