p. 1


Price Crs. Cy.
RIOTOUS SCENES IN THE HOUSE OF GOMMONS BRITAIN CONDITION OF JAMAICANS IN QUARANTINE STATION John sorts il you gations th veen pacify HUSBAND GREAT CHARGED With Plotting Wife Death Will Get Her Money Back With Friend After Insur From American Tourists Ing Her Life, This Year.
a trou th: King down to the Government Sustains Surprise de la perdered one operace they had in the Pletu to Brilhante Haitian Labourers Favoured In friend to impersonat could collect insurance was the gold now in nerica.
Defeat By Small Majority On abassador revealed in Polic Court to day Harvey Preference To West Indian WAS chiered by ona of the most inTechnical Points. The Prosecutor charged that portant members of the GoveraWorkers.
Kersie last August, meat at luncheoa to day when 18ured his wite and later be predicted that more than London despatch dated April Apie stick to wield against the suggested to Frank Connolly, 200, 000 American pilgrims com.
Under the above headlines the in e. Jamaica Weekly Herald of a recen: Man Received, Fatal days of Paraelite obstruction has ef servicemen which was the bedroom ant appearsaddenly gyənd three times as much data reports the following Tbe such a scene of violent uproar question originzily before the tasheetMrs. Kərsin was Britio will on the inte attitude the coming oube tairo Mba bdr Walt: Britanie eles terreo on her debt to condition of large number of been witnessed in the House of use.
Blow Fracturing Jamaicans in the republic of Commons as that wbich to day Labour members are likely to sba was purelyzed with frig it, Cranstormed the ordinarily placid receive the support ot the whole the ghosts to sera berbagi of the opinioa that it will Klingoton who are acquainted Ambassador, Cubs is the subj et of consideraHarvey it is said ble commeat dy persons la Skull.
and digoid, chamber into an ab Labour electorate.
and tip bor over th solate bdiam. The disorders AU of threatening at crease in the hops she would only be question of time when with more true state of sound arone primarily out of the defest break her neck.
America and Brain will act to ou last Sunday mornia, st subtained gather It is allegad, that by the Government by Bastares against the Treasu y bench cama trom the Libur The Prosecutor said Connolly debtors to pay up. The Ambasa caas in the neighbouring repub the result of na overnight amall majority of a mere tech members, especially from this was amuggled into the house cador is impressed by the man llc ta large. It appears that in carousing and too free indulnical last night small extremo groups. The Housa and told by Korsie: If the fall ner in wbich Romania, Oxecbo some centres of the island there genca in alcoholic beverages To das Mr. Stanley Balwa ia striking contrast with yoste desn kill her, eta bun per salvakni and other small powers is not that readiness on the port Emeterio Romero, Colombino introduced motion tramed to day sceno. was crowded and from the coal house and give bar are following the example of ol managers of suger states to a clubbed to death at this only the two benches a blow oa head. When wo England in honouring their bobl provide work for natives of this Street and Central.
meet with a storm dexampled uncomfortablo so. Excitement 3t the lasurance oney island as was the case up to a In present day Parliamentary as was fever and the are game. We ll go to Ireland and Eliseo Delgado, a Panamanian few years ago. They want Hai There is no question but he fans, and this class of labourets andere aanale, in the face of which Sponker from time to time vainly make bags of money.
woman named Antonio division, declared the motion of the membars, bat was unabia whole dair a jore, then discine dreat powers to make a gesture bundreds daily. Bundreds of cause by which the fight came to the Connolly, who at. carried under closure, and the to stan the disorder, Jynes bis prasanca to Mrs Kerse. The towards settllox up, but he does men and women about and are both under arrest bave Hous adjournea uatil to. mor that United rehamently expounded tow.
grievances of ex serviceman, day be pleaded not guiltey.
tb. husband arrest followed. Tull ever be forced to send war. transported to Santiago from a tbe Central Potise Station, Barbados, and the other islands awaiting judicial investigation Amid the general aproar from sad was repetadly called to ships or troops to collect its the Labour benches was heard order by the speaker, who by the Webster Steamship Co. Albarto Coatraves Mlers who Jamaicans are at Santiago interaed at the Santo Tomas was also a party to the fight was the singing of Ine Rd Flag. declared the question could not Friendship Lodge No. 2349 ading statesmen bare agree unable to obtain work. They are Hospital, It was the first time the be debated until tomorron.
with bi: view that it neccessary stranded; but what makes the cash in the head which had to Ha received a long Order of Dru ds Chamber of the Mother of Par aytd ment can be compelled by situation more acute is that be given several stitches.
All the Speaker efforts to llaments over echoed with its conomic presure.
the recalcitrants only ThCelebration of familiar words and tuae, conse appeared to totine th:m sti the 2nd The ambassador discussed rival of more men and women at almost every week sees the ar Romero it is stated had been quently it was somewhat further. The speaker tested Angiverens at der Friendship with a smite the reported propo Santiago from this island. The drinking, excessively on eBatur seemed to attach special sigaid toing it the members should prisadly Society in take placa French states man who visited into a compound under the condition stated that he was startitog innovation, but nobody that it would be a very bad bread No. ostei, ordar coke bude le credited to Luis Loucboim, new arrivals are simply dumped day night and in his inebriato ance to it as the song has become force an adjpurnment on account Sunday April 20ch 1923, at the Brush off cials this week that with a concrete Hvor, where they going to clean up some one tamiliarized oventry by repetition at countrrave disorder and begged Druids Lodge Ball 20th street te United States agree to join in are kept in quarantine for from before daylight. He went to the throughout the of them to refrain. All to no pur Central, at 39 co.
pulung pressure on Germany to seven to fourteen days.
Each byuse of Antonia Valencia and less meetings and demonstra pose we demand cu aos war.
Brethren of Kindred Societies pay Farce debts to America. day upkept in the quarantine kaocked at her door The sions, and is recognised as was shouted on every side by and Friends are erdially invited. sits only comment was that.
station coets each man or woman woman was sitting and talking Labours. National Anthem. the angry Liboue members.
two shillings per diem. It the to two other friends with whom While the members of the party is without the necessary she was well acquainted DelLabour Party were contributing the use to morrow resolve Mr. Baldwindemption was the THE BALMIST OF LEITH HALL. amount then he or she must seek adorand: Mierdoor Abter beartage each in bis own way to increas. itselt into a committe, of supply help. tha at the she inquired ing the bubbub, a solitary mem so that the di ticulty ia which the or go without food The condi who was there, Romero replied ber started Che Rad Flax. This Gyvernment has fou. itsell Patients Undergo Trumping And Duty tion of hundreds of these and then sha opened the door, evidently came as a welcome would be adjusted, but the op people in the dumpound is des as she did so Rowery envered suggestion, for it was taken npo.
position decided to take part in The parish of St. Thomas is THEN COMES THE BALMING cribed by repu able persons who the room and seeing the two quickly and within a few minute: divisioa wava closure was un ve all the Labour members except Tuading toally to the Speake noted for other things to dd Thu patient is now delivered passed through Santiago recent men inside the house he fought with them tion to th: famous Morant Bay into other hands and is passed ly as appalling.
when Rmero was given a tatai the front bench leaders joined in declaring both closure inutio Rebellion. Two week ag) in small enclosure. Male The local Government bas blow fracturing his bend. the song.
and Oa. nc. llor carried.
Twice during the evening this ute of Prophe: sdcDonald of patients are balmed by male done all loat it can possible de wooden bar was used. De Romero happened. None of the Loudon The Government, coastraiaed Whitehall.
the of Today a Travelling papere refer to the singing of to buy before the storm bad to Timesite tells of the Cath Hai ants attend to those of their own cans of ene conditions wbica au was rushed to the Santo Isinas having the importiot ag Balmist those wbo travel as deckers to Hospital but died abɔut hall sa he healing balm is prepared Santiago must face in the way of bjur after he was admitted.
special significance, and the Litoral debates set down for day bour organ, the Herald, gives it and also th: expec ed statement Leith Hall is about miles fure hand, from certain herba quarantine restrictions. Oa two have been or three occasions the authorino more prominence than the from the Miaster of Agricul from Morant Buy on the road that were said to ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO others.
ture concerning Gyvern to Golden Grove.
dividely revealed to Mammy ties have published an official JUAN FRANCO TO MORROW, Labour clearly felt that is bad (Continued on page 8)
The present Bilmists is not ws00. These are boiled in large warning on this subject.
the founder of the institution: recapiacles, and the concoction is Brother Liwson (cəm analy used as a bath well as Interesting Race Popular cantata To Be knowa as Papy Lawson. is draught.
Paris Ds. Get Rich By Corbin Found Dead only the apɔstolio successoc ofl Esch patient pays 3d, for a bath Staged Again.
Treating Inebrlates of Program.
In Fishing Boat.
his late spouse, who departed this and the charge for each bottle of life some months ago.
draught is also 31. except that In view of the fact that numeAt Juan Franco To. morrow She used to ste visions, dd for each succeeding bottle after On Monday morning at about rus patrons of the ever popular Mammyi she used to drean tas tiest the charge is only ltd.
a. Nathaniel Corbin a BarbaThe raciog public will be pre cantata COMING OF RUTH drea. ns.
Soma notable cares have been Paris. March 10. By Uai aian, 58 years old, fisberuan; sented with a first class program nave expressed their desire to reported to the writer as having versal Service. am stad left his home in a boat. He was at Juan Franco to morrow (Sun again witness the rendition of name by which the placa is No visitors to Marble 11. th, been elected, doctor at at a hotel and my duties seen fishing between Fort Amaday. There will be some classic this beautiful and pathetic song known. who practised the Black the police made tutile attempts Amoicans and English.
During Mra. Lawson lifetime are to give first ald to inebriated dor and the forvided islands at faces in habich some of the best drama, it has been decided to As, escaped nec prophetic vigi: he running here in under the It was observed by imported thoroughbreds will try present it to the public soma lance. Tae e(act of the presence Medical Laws.
conclusions under favourable time in tue month of June next of such a visiwe upon ber, would This was the declaration o: pro. some one that the boat was drittconditions for good and satisfac with a full and powerful cast. of fession of Dr. Pierre Lenaud in ing and that Corbin was sitting The movement is not as strong the witness box at a tu casa render her incapable of action, Paris in peculiar position appearing There will be a tory purses As this is likely to be the last no heali could be done. She to day as when Mrs. Lawson tribunal.
match race which will be one time it will be seen in these parts, would be seized with crainps, lived, bas het successors are do mile event and will be the due notice is given so that any and the oleading visitor would lng their bust to carry on.
It revealed a new and rapidly of Erwin Grifith passing during Another fishing craft in charge cream of the program for theday. who failed to witness past rendi than be burried from Marble Ho. Times, growing profession. Inquiries at Dad, and LA Victoire. This tions will avail themselves of the and often after a good whipping.
the principal hotels revealed that the afternoon went beside the beitg first time the regular stad doctors had re boat la wbich Corbin was fishing Vad present opportunity. Exact date will meet La Victoire over and place will be announced later.
and to the surprise of the boatsTHE PROCESS OF HEALING.
PRO BONO PUBLICO. fused to bandle Montmartitis waln be found the man dend. The distance which will test the casos because there was too boat with the lifeless body was Taose who visit Marble Hill go stamiss and demonstrate the much work.
Satisfactory Decision by to get heal of some malady ſever towed into Balboa and the sad better of the two borses; this Thomas Does Well.
paralysis, rheumatism, pain in Panama Joekey Club, Americans on their arrival in circumstance reported to the Po.
race will be witnessed with breathless excitement and enthu the chest ulcers, etc Paris, according to the hotel au lice Department On medical exAt the Race Meeting on last thorities plunged immediately amination it was discovered that siasm The match will be for Evans Assang Thomas a native First comes Duty. This con Sunday at Juan Franco. the into a round of night life gaieties, the unfortunate man must have 1000.
There will be another match is land home some three years kind of parging or purifying was won by Liandro with. May week they are so fatigued and mains was rescued from a watery of Trinidad W. who left his sists of fasting and prayer: fine National Handicap of Furlongs with the result that at the end of died several hours before his re14 Mr. Delvalle ago for Martinique, thenca Be for 2nd place. On the Field ill from the result of liquor grave, Buck Dancer carrying 125 lbs Isthmus wbere he was employed Then follows what is known as Pool tickets were sold on the that they are near collapse. This and Mr. Duque Clemenci by Messrs Antonio Rosania and winding horse. At the conclu is where the doctor comes in, TRUMPING.
carrying 115 lbs for 500. Dis Co. as butler left these shores sion of the race the British Consulate Notice!
tance furlongs some years ago for New York The patient is taken to a large arose He puts them to bed, insists on whether the Panama where he joined the Croon borg booth, built specially for the Jockey Club should pay on the cold baths and complete rest, for The Acting British Consul at British Consulate Notice, Satorial Academy and passed purpose. The workers press second borse. Representations bus visitors, limits the thirsts of Tae British Cupsulate General in the art of de igning Men clapping hands, worla song are interested and the Jockey Ciab champagne lehed on their veition as to the present wherewith distinction an examination round him, some singing some were made by one of the parties bis patients to one glass of good Colon would be glad of informaat Pazama would be glad of in garments.
specially detained to work has decided that one of the tually puts them feut abouts of Herbert Russel Atkintarmation respeting the whereupoa the patient. These turns tickets sold og each horse will go abouts of Adina Walters who is twists him around and around, to the racing fund and the Severe cases of Montma, titis son, a native of Jamaica, who said to bave left Jamaica for ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO hit him on his chest and shoulder balance of 64 00 will be it is said take as much as two was last heard of in Bocas del Papama in the year 152, JUAN FRANCE TO MORROW, with a bible, distributed to public charity, weeks to cure.
Jamaica the 8S 10 a.
the Dad race between the process.
question again.


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