
PAGE TWC THE WORKMAN BATURDAY, APRIL 28 1923 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands SSSSSS JAMAICA The Proposed Municipal Lottery For Jamaica DD Book Bindin TO BE GIVEN AWAY IN CASH PRIZES. 50. 00 CY. 50. 00 TO BE Contest open to everyone on the lathmus and is confined to the English a There seems to be a great deal of forceful opposition to the Municipal Lottery suggested for Jamaica as the following extract from the Jamaica Timss will showAGAINST ALL FORMS OF GAMBLING.
Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN or Spanish language only.
From the letters contained in the words:KAL MOL GEHE Minister Council Protest make as many words as you can. Words must be of kaowa signification, Book Binding Department latest We stayed Weert to the Police.
motor car where to the auBy means of large placards CONDITIONS: CENTRAL AVENUE displayed in prominent places of the City a protest bas been regis To enter this contest, the only condition required is that you send in your tered and a warning issued list ACCOMPANIED by a label from a tube of KAL MOL Tablets.
and No. G Street against gambling raftling and a Public Lottery The placard is The list containing the greatest number of words wins the FIRST PRIZE, published under the auspices ot the next highest, the SECOND PRIZE, etc. In case of two or more contestants the Council of Christian dian Church es, and is directed against all having the same number of words, precedence will be given the list received forms of gambling. whether in FIRST.
connection with horse racir Creoline Hair Preparatione or garden party rafiling or in its The same letter cannot be used twice in one word except the letter appears In the Positively Superior to all others on earth.
test insidious and obnoxious word more than once; for instance, the letter appears twice, and it can therefore pbase of a proposed Public be used twice in the building of any one word.
Try them and be convi aced.
Municipal Lottery, following gentlemen will act as judges:They are the Master Preparations of the World.
The following names have Different from all Others been afixed to the placards as MR. NATHANIEL HILL, SR.
Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. representing the Council.
MR. GERALD MARTIN, all Foreign countrios, 60e. Armstrong. Bartlett Bentley (Bishop)
REVEREND SURGEON Creoline Hair Producer Blandford, Garrsbore, Straightens rough, harsh, kinky hair with or without bot combs, Gibson, Harrison, Percy Contest closes May 31st. 1923, and names of winners will be announced and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELISE. Contains 10 Heyworth, George Hic Hicks.
in the Star Herald.
percent more oil than is possibl to be put into any other preparation Armon Jones, Seymour King of its kind in toe world. Pateh in places and preveni, baldness, In ounce tins, Arthur Kirby. Ormsby.
The prizes will be divided as follows:Ernest Price, Ramson, Inc.
Creoline Day Dandruff Remedy Reinke, Geo. Thompson.
1st prize. 30. 00 3rd prize 00 very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandruff, Tetter Tucker.
Thornton, Leonard and Fezema. It is antiseptie. Grows hair. keeps the scalp healthy Robert Wade, Walter 2nd 12. 50 4th 50 In ounce bottles.
John T, alllary, and George Jackson Manufacturing Co.
Mark Envelope KAL MOL CONTEST and mail to:456 West Tenth St. Manufacturers and Exportes Indianapolis Ind. All Up to date Drug Stores carry a stock of Creoline.
In a letter to us Mr Bunting Box 338. Colon Kingston, commends the action of the Ministers and adds: Sole Agent in the Republic of Panama.
aod the treatment meted out to tinued, the Captain saying he them at Jamaica, would lead us at Jamaica woich great deal of this gambling goes on at borse races all over tbe KAL MOL We left La Brea at o clock was the nearest port on the in the morning on the 21st small port, whence we took our route. We Island. When was a boy we had ware taken 10 only two race meeting in the March to fish in the Gulf of Paria: owa boat and headed for White year, and so much gambling was we were not long on the water River going from there to not encouraged. The Ministers is the surest and safest, remedy for:when a gale stuck our bat, another small port, and thence are the leaders of the people, and which capsized. When this hap to St. Ann where we reported if the authorities do not help Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia Rheumatism, Gout, Cold, Influenza, pened we saw the Germs them, there will be more crimis La Grippe, Menstrual Colic, Alcoholic Intoxication, Etc. CIM masted schooner, the next day, als than the prison can hold, Samples given away and on sale at all drug stores.
leaving Trinidad and we waved St. Ann till and this is one cause of so much distressed signals, which were wherr we took wone Kingston stealing see by those on board.
Our we reported Durlourselves Custon de Soossexocs fears were somewhat relieved thoriti SOISEKSSSSSSSSSSS when we observed a boat lower Sailors eved thorities who sent us to the ed from the schooner. heading sou Home, whence TRINIDAD we shelter, at toward us. We were then in the the Army Hotel, remaining there at the Salvation carlier. Nevertheless, the position Lampkins (natives of St. Vin upon the Harbour Master. Com water tive hours, clinging to OUR DEPARTING as it is to day, must be realised and cent but who have been residing mander Oldershaw) at the Har craft while our bodies were to the 14th inst, to a wait the overcome. We say so because of in Trinidad for some years) re bour Master Office; and after lashed by the angry waves.
The arst available steamer leaving for CRICKETERS.
the faith we have in the sporting turned from Jamaica by the wards left the city by train for boat trom the German vessel atrived the same day, all the loan.
instinct of Trinidad public to baving whom we Government secured for us a Elders and Fyffe steamer Patu La Brea where they reside.
we avere almost exhausted by free passage to Trinidad, arriva ANJAPPARENT IMPASSE le expected to sail on Thursday ca, they having been given a free Seen at the Harbour Master this time. we were helped oning this (Tuesday) morning, 12 instant and so there is hard passage by the Jamaica authori. Ofice yesterday morning, the board and taken to the schooner ly time for anything but action. ties.
men furnished a Gazette reporter with our boat. Oace on board Ask. how they were treated An Appeal to the Trinidad prompt Soon after laoding they called with the story of their mishap the vessel the voyage was con Continued on Page 7)
are we understand Private lists for the benefit of some of the respectivemen.
Writing under the above cap With these however we do not tion the Port of Spain Gazette mean to interfere, but they are makes a torceful appeal for hardly likely to reach the amount Capitai and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 008 funds to assist some of their required and we ask the generrepresentatives in the English ous public, in spite of the time Cricket tournament:and for the aske of the reputation As the result of some of the island to give and give genuine misunderstanding quickly and as literally as they sort of impasse has arisen over can.
departure of some of the Island We shall gladly acknowledge representatives on the West subscriptions, to be apportioned Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Indian XI. among them, according to the wishes of the Owned by The NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK Messrs. Constantine Jor. donors.
and ask intending Pascall and we are informed donors not to delay but to come While those forward quickly, whatever the representatives will be provided amount may be. Depository of the PANAMA CANAL for in England to the tune we are informed of 30 (thirty pounds)
they will, nevertheless require to provide themselves with Distressed Trinidad Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of certain necessaries which must be obtained by tomorrow after Fishermen THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in noon As it is hardly secessary to PICKED UP ON HIGH SEA BY ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM point out, the making of this CHINA GERMAN SCHOONER JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES trip involves substantial expendi ture (calculated on minimum ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE PERU PORTO RICO basis at 150 each) on the URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA of these cricketers who are all The Men Return From men of slender means, some Jamaica.
possessing domestic responsi bilities.
In the public telegrams reCorrespondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World An unfortunate result of this cently mention was made of the genuine misunderstanding that they are not able to meet men who were rescued at sea by is mishap to two Trinidad fisher this expenditure and in conse the German masted schooner quence the probability of their Weert while on the run from Ls ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE being able to sail is imminent. Brea with a cargo of pitch for UNLESS PURLIC SUBSCRIPTION New York, and taken to Jamaica INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM IS FORTHCOMING. the nearest port.
It is unfortunate that the real The men whose names are position was not understood Christopher Ross, and Gabriel action There International Banking Corporation Mr.


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