
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SAT JRDAY, APRIL 28 1923 SOSSESSSSSSS Wanted Advertise THE WORKMAN LUCKY STRIKE One extra process It toasted GTRN to duplicate responsible o dan servant TH Must sleep. Gooi wages Apply between and 12 Morn.
Rases for Advertisement on applies JL Shurdays by ings to Workmin WALROND, AS she office Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters MRS. ERIC BARHAM nue sad corner of Street, Panama, of publle interest invited.
IT PAY de All copy for publication Busi te Box 74, Panama Lodge Luz Del Istmo No.
written on one side of paper only, and RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION Do scompanied by the name of 27, Sunday Scho 3. um Ope Year 40 S. Cy bo writer, not Bessarily for publies.
Evening Pruger ail addrew p to Bix Months 20 Hon but as a mark of good faith.
Pana na, April 21 1923. T, MULOARE Prise.
Thre 60e Wo do not underlak 10 return 25e.
Ooo rejected correspondence CIGARETTE Pana na San Miguel Arostence WORD OF CAUTION Street Bului 13 23 Baptism by the res 30m The Liberty of the Pross is the palladium of our rigts JUNIUS TO ALL OUR BRETHREN OF Sunday School THE UO.
Hoy Cymninin 5:30 a Bailey Pasar BE IT OWN. Church of S)1 i St Colon BACK TO THE SOIL.
11. 30 7;30 Gol Sarma That according to informativa Salay School p a.
In the last issue of this paper we commented edituria.
obtained yesterday in the city of ly on a letter from a correspondeat at David, in the PruSie Breast Pastor Eve Colon by our PIG. Cecilio Flax and our present G. Tomás Now Pravid, vince of Chirigui, dealing with agricultural developments Arauz of the Luz del Istmo. as the only means of relieving to some great measure, if Lodge 27, we have discover Sp Ser all 30. 30 3andisy Sch! pa not entirely, the present dearth of employment in the ed that the spurious Lodge Sis Elliot, Petit.
local labour rank which has brought about a crisis in the Pathenon 30, which the two capital cities of this Republic, not experienced since Gituacz principal founders are Balbino Delgado, and Domingo Robeto, Gpel Saron 1, 3). 7, 30 its cessation from the mother Republic, Columbia.
is not, nor will ever be legally Saadav sah pa Since the publication of our last issue we have receiv constituted in the city of Panama Georg iffith ed many expressions of satisfaction from readers of this as a Mechanic Lodge; owing to the fact that the Grand atlantic Salem Christian Church 3rd St.
journal both among the labouring classes and others, urging District No. which they us to keep the flame of back to the soil which has been claimed bave installed them is Broadway Colon lighted up in the columos of this paper, over and again due form bave declared empathi blazing, so that all those who have deserted agriculture cally that they have not commit Voroint Servie: 11 3). and neglected the farms for the more easy and gay ted such an absurd act Aad Sunday rvas) 73) city life, may read as they run and eventually see the haye proved so by the trial and Malay Believers Pesis west ag 30 blazing signal back to the soil and stop and consider.
suspension of the Sub Past Grand Taiwan pople Loveu Master Anderson, a member of Wodno day bt: reading 30 that regular body who was the Fridy Praver myrting 73 There is a saying which is as old as the hills, Thursday Choir prastis 800 that God made the country and man made the city. and responsible party that illegally established and installed the ot v R, WILKIN 3, Pastor ia obargo it does appear that the real significance of this statement has not yet been grasped by most of us. The late world ficers of the spurious Loise Pathenon No. 30 in the city of war has brought about a condition in which the violent Panama; without the consent and E5n? zer Cure 3 ill111; N)
rush of events bave transformed the industrial life of approval of the said Grand At 85, Calidonia Road, Panama nations, and it is about time that everybody begin to lantic District No realise the importance of the slogan back to the soil In consequence of the illegal pm Sunliy Sohol Sunday Il Morning Forship There are vast tracts of land going waste in the manner in which this Lodge Pathenon No. 39 exists 30 pm Evin geliatic, rervise we interior of this beautiful and bountiful republic, begging feel it our duty to inform this Tuesday 30 o un Christaia Endesvos Monday 30 pm Believers meeting for the hoe and the rake to break its virgin soil so that it procedure to every Mechanic may yield forth abundantly. And except for a few sporathroughout the world by this certain portion of the of G, Wednesd y 30 pm com neots on medium, wbich will prevent dic squatters who dot the hill sides and who in their serious disturbances in the local for that pun pecuniary, way cultivate small patches here and there, do This gives future, in connection with the Thursday 3) Choir practics visible signs of agriculture is noticed inthese regions.
a delightful principles laid down in our Pridsy 5p, a m. Crisin Es levar Nothing has been done to rouse tbe owners of these lands Noble Order.
and 30 pm Priyat etiae TU into a sober attitude of rational thought which might make qualityTherefore we request all our Rev. Olle, Partor in them remember that the great storehouse of natural impossible Bretozen a solid fraternal union wealth is in the soil.
as to thair duty to debar these Nazaren) Christian Church irregularly made members to In all the big countries of Europe and America agriGhuachapall Panama.
enter (in) our sacred retreat.
culture is the sinew that gives life and existence to all 11 am ring worship In this manner we are sure of p. un Sunday Seba!
other branches of industry. Farmers owning the smallest doing our duty behalf of our 7:30 on Evgelistio Service of land holdings in the country would not think of neglect.
obligation in making it known Monday 30 Baliovers meeting to our Brethren by these oppor Turday 530 pm. Junior Christian Eados ing the hoe the spade, and the rake and become absorbed in tuned words of caution.
the noisyl and bustling activities of the fast and frenzied vour, cities where men work barder with their bead than with Fraternally yours, 7, 30 Senior Christian Ea dosyour TOMÁS ARAÚZ, Wadonday Prayer meeting their hands and treat more with the pen than with the Thursday 7:30 Choir practice hoe.
VINCENTE E, RACEDO Priday 7, 30 Open air meeting As we have repeatedly expressed in these columns KESKSS SS ossos R Naal Pastor in charge there is dignity in labour, and the most digoified of all JUAN REINA, labour is that which sends men to the earth with its vasts Seventh Day Adventist Church Io charge of Corredondence.
stores of vegetable wealth to find the exacting sustenance STREET CALEDONIA ROAD, which the human body demands. But the time is IT INSPIRES CONFIDENCE OBITUARY (nour lath nisa Park. PANAVA.
expedient when attention be directed to the large agricul8. bhxth (stary) 45 a. Sabtural districts of the country with their acres of arable land; when fields sbould be ploughed and the good seed We regret to record the death 30 m. Spanish Class; 30 pa.
bath soal; 11. 15 am Gooral Worabip of Mr. James Buttler who Young People Mating: 30 scattered on the land to bring forth abundantly.
breathed his last on Saturday Vespero.
Then will civilization follow in the wake of agriculture the 21st inst, at St Thomas and cities and towns will spring up along the blazed ESTATE Hospital Butler had been alling Sunday evening at Ruading trails whether io the forest, through the jungles, over hills for some month, and was taken Class. All are waloon both young so and dales, or along the banks of winding rivers, and will to the hospital about a month old. 30 m, Preaching Sarvis.
ago after being treated he introduce with them new modes, of life changing the rallied somewhat and it was Weslan Methodist rustic and primitive unconventionalities to the more thought by his friends that he fashionable and fixed conventionalities for established was getting better, but he took Posma 11 am. Walters centres of commercial life.
relapse for the worst early last Colon il a, Mr. Moodie 7, 30 p, Rev. Surgeon week and died on Saturday The question of agricultu al development, as an outlet night at about 30.
7, 30 Mr, Jas, Williamson for the unemployed labourers in the cities of Panama and It does your cooking without a slip or mistake Butler was a native of Jamai La Bocall am Mr. Louis Lindo Colon, is too important a matter to be associated with the p. Mr. Alfred Huris of any kind.
ca and bad lived on the Isthmus for over thirty years. He was Paraíso 11 mRev. C. Surgeon New Providence 11 long list of things stamped manana and shelved for a mMr. Geo Layi more convenient opportunity. start made now will be much respected and was a mem: Empite 11 a, in Mt. Headley worth more than all the efforts put forth later. The longer PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY ber of Star of the Isthmus Lodge, G, F, where bis pm R:v. Surgeon the delay the greater the suffering. Let those who own AT YOUR SERVICE body was taken on Sunday morn the lands untie their purse strings, and start the agriculning, and after receiving the Christian Mission of Paname tural ball a rolling in the interior and prosperity will rites of the order his remains Paasm Il a. Bremsar 7;30: reward their venture as surely as the night follows the day, were on Sunday afternoon taken to St. Paul Churco and from Wilson The West Indian the regiment moing through there to the English Cemetery Chorillo 11. am Taylor 30 Afries and West Indies where it was in terred.
Mingo Sentenced tary General, who was recently Band.
The following is the program to be Butler lesves a wife and five La Boda 11 D, Me Collin 7;30 J, rendered to morrow children at Jamaica to mourn Paraiso II a. 7. 30, Wilen Rawlins President of the Association.
their logs.
AND AFTERWARDS SET AT few months ago. Mingo was WILL RESUME REGULAR SUN1 March Two Step Blass of Honor Gatun 11 am 7:30 Sis Mottley brought to trial before the Judge Lincola Con 11 am Nablett 7:30 Jones LIBERTY of the Sixth Circuit of this DAY NIGHT CONCERTS, CHURCH SERVICES Overture 3003 Weiserborn Rev. W, BURKE Supt.
Province. The trial was con3 The Hanting Soane P, Buplossi (American Episoopal Church)
Notice of Appeal Given.
cluded and decision reserved. To morrow night, Sunday The sentence of the Court was April 29th the West Indjan Band The Me ry wido Frank Labor (The Third Sunday after Easter)
The Salvation Army St. Pater Church La Boca.
handed down a few days ago, will resume its regular Sunday Twiligh: Serea de Mackie Beyer em Prayer mseting James Edward Mingo who to months and to page a fine of park. com mencing at 30 sharp, that the accused be sentenced Nights Concert at the de Lisseps March. Old Grey Mare Frank Mitin; and Haly Com punion Il a. in 10 a. Sunday School was for the past eight months in 325. 00 to the National Treasury The band bas been re Pinilla Children Sarvice 30 11, a. Holiness meeting carcerated at the Chiriqui Prison to cover jadicial expenses and to and now has a organized D, ALKINSON. Dlrotor. Choral Evensong with Sermon at 7:30 p. SunPay School Tueeday is St. Philip and St. James charged by the officers and new musical 50 pm Salvation meeting members of the Universal Negro make restitution of the amount director who is an experienced Day Holy Communion at pm Improvement Association Chap of money defauicated. Mingo musician and well known among Grizzle Returns.
ter No. 14, with the embezzle. having served months in prison Colon. Director Atkinson was in who arrived fron Kingston, Ja: Moraing Prayer and address 11, West Indians both in Panama and nong the many passengers St. Barnabas Church Empire ment of funds in his pocas seting at the time the sentence was England many years attached to maica the past week, are Mr. Sunday School 3, Pane Seventh Day Adventist Church At the time the property of the banded down, was set at liberty to the Queen Victoria Regiment Mrs. A. Grizzle, of the Choral Evens yng and address 3rd Street Broadway Calon Association, was on Wednesday It is stated that he has appealed. of soldiers and beld many posl. Church. After a vacation of about JT MULCARE Priest in charge Babbath (Saturday) 45 sm Sabbak of this week set at liberty. He tion in the band of that regiment three months in their native land.
was charged with having misBartholomws Church Las School; 11. 15 am General Worship If you like beautiful hair use is a native of Jamaica and left ture of good health and say they as a professional musician. He Mr. Mrs. Grizzle, look the pie.
appropriated 529, 88 which be Cascadas 4, 30 pm Young people meeting 30 in Veepers received from Grant, the Secre Creoline Hair Producer. that island when quite a lad with spent a plex int tima.
Morniag Prayer and ad lras, 11n Sunday evening 7, 30 Preaching Service 17 night:


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