
THE WORK LAN, BATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1923, PAGE FIVB ATLANTIC SIDE. SAFETY FIRST. Colon Teachers Association Held Meating. DAIRYMEN LEAGUE Now smoked by a million men who love a superior cigarette Purer, Richer, Creamy Milk DAIRAMEN 111 cussed in a train from innected herds PER AVENSTUE ASSOCIATION Dairymen Label sed ZONE formed was and had an Clearing out! Clearing out!
It was further to day?
Quite livels STAR OF ISTHMUS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN LODGE No. 2165 letter from Cuba addressed Granited Order of Oddfelto Henry Bruce who it is said worded for the Quarter master lous, lendly Society.
Department. Causl Zone, bas been sent to the Executive Office RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY.
Balboa Heights for delivery, The monthly meeting of the STANDS FOR Baid letter has been forward.
WHERBAS is pleased the Almighty ed to the ofice of The Workwao Coloa Teachers Association Goli Hin infinite wied to call from Printery where Bruce can ob cime off on Saturday 21st Inst.
oor to his et roul rew rd, cubetain same upon identification at These were present five loved Brother James Baler, Mteachers only z: Messrs A Karr, Drunmonds Exia. G and furnished by Prescott newly WHEREAS, through his derth thie Johnson and Mrs. Roseinan organized Jizz Band which renLodge has lost one of its most devoted dered some of the newest and The Secretary (Mrs. Me Paermembers who undying yalty and liveliest airs beard in this town 10) being absent, the Treasurer and is the devotion to the cause of the Order bare fer a long time. The members of Mr. Kerr su gested that, the Contacted much towarde our sucos the Lodge desire to express their regular order on the Agenda be and have endeared him to every memappreciation an to return waived, and that all items be dis SAFEST MILK but at the leader thanks to those who so ably in a general manner. Ol assisted in bringing abou: the course.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, all this was done after satisfactory succes, the opening exe exercises.
for your home others Lodge No. 2166 extend to bi that we the members of the Sarf the The amendment of the title beared fimily our heartfelt sympathy Gatun Boy Scouts on Hike. Colon Teachers Association to cigarettes and condolence in their hour of deepeet Uoder the command of Scout.
Calon and Cristobal Teachers Association for the porpose of Sweet:ned Condensed YOU CAN TRUST THE TO, and offer our prayers that God, master Brossard and Rio aurry and kindness, will console admitting the Teachers of the them in their rad office job, d, Woodman, the 1st tun Boy Cristobal Coloured school was Scouts took the 419 pm brought up, but it was submitted BLUE AND WHITE BB IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that on a hike to Paraiso. Three days that as the Teachers were few, it. hereby exprom our deep and sin ere were spent in that vicinity Mr.
would be better to postpone same appreciation and gratitude for his bool Neely Secretary of the Clabuntil next meeting, which was elforta in behalf of the Order in general, house in his usual genial manner ORICES. UTICA, NYU agreed. The suggestion of the may kind sets and lasting serthe strenean Race accomodated the scouts with making this A330ciation a Bane.
vices that had faithfully rendered to sleeping equipments and selectvolent Society was also deferred thie Lodge, and, ed the spot for camping. Scouttill text meeting IT YURTHER RESOLVED, CANAL Guaranteed by 70, 000 Farmers copy of this Resolution be spread on the master Walford, on being inthe of the arrival et.
As to question of Eximinput scbolar it ation for face of our minutes, copy sent to the bethe Gatun Scouts NOTES.
ia his reared family, copy to the Oldf. llows pointed out by Mr. Kerr that ex appearance interview Magascar, the Official Organ of the aminations would be yearly and Sold by ALL GROCERS with thotti not bi yearly as it bas been for.
Order of in of mally, and that two more sub And PANAMA CANAL COMMISSARIES America, copy to local papers, and our Activities of La Boca were invited to his headquarters jacts were added to the syllabus Dispensation be draped in mourning for where they were sbown interest viz: Geography with Incidental period of sixty (60) days Athenaeum ing pictures on scouteraft and History, and Scripture also that Pada ragular meeting of the well entertained at Red Tank the Examiners will be asked to above samel Lodgothie 24th day of The troop returned to Paraiso at set eight questions instead of the April 1973.
Last Tuesday, being the fourth to their temporary camp.
former ten and that the scholars Tuesday in the month, the They retired at about 11 o clock would be allowed to answer any Athenaeum held a round table and at a. reveille was sound tive out of the eight, each answer tions is an Inspiration to all discussion in accordance with ed and all the scouts aas werud averaging 20 marks.
EVEI. ITEM MUST BE SOLD AT COST PRICE young men who have observed its moothly working plan, the roll call.
his life of 14 years lived in the subject discussed being. Whai ous arranged in vitation, with the At 11 a. according to a presi pointed out by We present, Rings, that gentleman that the New Watches, Braclets, City of Colon.
is the chief trouble with the Syllabus was now being type Rd Tank Souti th: med La Valliers, Vanity Cases, Links, Broaches, Mr. Williamson occupies th world a written in pamphlet form and pulpit for the last time to mor exchange of opinions to church and assisted at the ser: Ear rings, Chains, Fobs, Rosaries, Knives and that a copy will be sent to each row night at 30 wa: vice. Mr. and Mrs Nely relrendered following King teacher, whether he be in the Forks, Spoons, and numerous other articles statement that increased uneasidered very kind service for Association or not and that any ATLANTIC ORCHESTRA cess was the main trouble and it which the troop expressed their teacher may send a pupil or pu Customers are requested to call for jobs left in my was caused chiefly by what be satisfaction and sincere apprepils to the examination providing care not later than Apriu 30:h, 1923 Wesleyan Methodist Church. termed the motopoly of labor clation, they all the requirement of 50 by a few on account of the inven 01 Monday evening the Scouts JAMES LLIAMSON, Jeweler, tion of various labour saving Gatun after having enj»yed cents for pupils fees and that took the evening train back to The Concert last Sunday machineries and also the vast jastice will be given them as 167 Bolivar Street, Colon.
those who are in the Association.
staged by this nopalar Orchestra amount of money belng spent on three dine days of fua, extogether the Wesley Choir was a machines for the destruction of The President and Treasurer, hoge success. Messrs Drummonds and Kerr)
An the contributions by the activities, which amounts could Cricket Match Ended Unmankind and their legitimate respectively their Company were well received and be directed to the betterment of plea:ure of seeing Teacher the Choir did exceptionally well the lower classes of people. satisfactorily Johnson present at the meetand trust will con Where all were top notchers it Jumy thought that although tinue with them. Kaowing RUDGE WHITWORTH GYCLE AGENCY, COLON would be invidious to make any modern labor saving machine Middlesex were very they do that he is a lover of edu speg cial mention but the large and ries would seem. in a certain much disappointed at the scans cation. Mr. Johnson suitably re.
AGENTS FOR RUDGE WHITWORTH, COVENTRY, enthusiastic audience seemed to respect, to deprive those who courtesy shown by Spər: at have plied thanking them for ibeir solos of Mrs. Llewelyn and Mr. means of living. statistics have Sunday at Aerial Park, It is been good wishes of him, but assured Haghe Jones and Miss Louis shown that the employment of not customary for cricketers to them of the fact that, be does We are expecting a large shipment of recitation not intend to continue in the prothese machineries has made it show an ungeatlemanly spirit He doeth his alms to be seen possible for the employment in to the other contestants fession long 1t least not bere He (Mr. Johnson) also drew Rudgeof men took tb) cake in that some other stations of more per Middlesex were at the Park, their attention to an article in line sons than were originally affect at the hour named but Sports the Workwan of the 11 Whithworth He did not put in their appearance The proceeds go towards the ed by their installation.
March. written by a Chareb Building Fund and believed that the main trouble before 45 p, Sports batted Bono Publico as well as that of from the large audience it is cer with the world was the unsettled first and scored 53 runs. Mid Fairplay Ed cator. reply Path Racers tain that a substantial amount economic condition brooght dlesex went to the bat and will be realised, about as a reaction of the world wer bowled out wbile be was away on the Costa for 48 can Boundary and pointed out war and polrted out where these It It was decided to play the the Slack, Narrow. Minded concep SPORTING MODEL, SPEED IRON conditions follow after every second innings when Middlesex tious of the former wbilst, with a 20 Evangelist Speaks ROADSTERS, great war, Mr. Waller thought bɔwled down Sports for rons, LADIES BICYCLES, very few exceptions, he courteously that the main cause was the and went to the bat. After 25 admired and endorsed the frank BOYS AND GIRLS BICYCLES Dess of the latter.
lack of brotherly love while Mr. was registered on the tins, the Lady Evangelist from America Oragwell believed that the captain and members of Sports We shall be pleased to know your requirements so will speak at the band stand monopoly and unfair distribution pulled the wickets up ealling After a few remarks by the Treasurer (Mr. Kerr) the meetthat we can reserve one of BRITAIN BEST Clubhouse Cristobal Tuesday of money by the superior Intel time in spite of the protest of ing ended with prayer. Thus for BICYCLES for you.
evening at All Welcome. lectuals is responsible. Mo8878. tbe Umpire. The game concluded the first time during a hundred DeSouza and Bynoe and Mrs. in a very unsatisfactory manner, Smith spoke along lines of meetings of the kind an enjoyaA LARGE SUPPLY OF BICYCLE ACCESSORIES KEPT IN STOCK SINGING CONTEST AT the prevailing discontentment ble and pleasant eveniog was Unveiling of Charter which they belieyed has been spent.
Pay us a visit, 3rd and Bolivar Streets, or writa through LIBERY HALL COLON Box 1116, Cristobal, Canal Zone.
brought about more or less by the reaction from the world Tomorrow will be the unveilEnded In Draw.
the the Charter of Boys Institution Planning war, The President, Mr, Rey ing of Lodge of nolds thought that the chief newly organized For Anniversary The Primrose Choral Union trouble was selfishness man the British Independent Ortotal of 300. The public are re the traditions ye the Wesleyan or Colon for the first time met kind is growing to state of dor bl. Good Samaritans and The Colon Boys Institute is at spectfully asked to contribute Methodist Community. the Rosebud Choir in a Singing atter selfishness hence it is the Daughters of Samaria. at the present making arrangements to the upkeeps and maintenance Methodist from all the West Contest which took place at desire of nearly everyone to try St. Bernard Lodge Hall. The and perfecting plans for a big of the Institute.
Indian Idends are expected to No. 18, of the Joiversal Negro without proper regard for the sharp. An invitationes extended Liberty Hall, Colon. Chapter to amass as much for himself ceremony will commence at p.
day on the occasion of the anni Names of the many gentlemen take pride in seeing that to all to a very this Improvement Association on last welfare of his fellowmen.
versary wbich will take place on that are donating monthly Venture is successfully carried Sunday at 30 beneficial afternoon. Kindred SoMay 13 14 and 15. Government Mr. Neely 100 through Mr. Cragwell contributed cieties representatives are reofficiale, Ministers of the church The British Pharmacy 00 The program was very inter: Aute solo with piano acccompaniquested to be early in attendenes in Colon City and represeats Mr, Lawrence 00 esting and to lovers of musical ment by Mrs. King.
tive gentleman in the community Mr. Jas. Williamson Snore. Salas 250 renditions it was a first class Next Tuesday night will be are expected to take part in the Brotowang Elec. Square 00 and Camp Blerd Mission functions, Dr. Gomers 00 At an early date in the coming treat the members of the con with the poet, John Milton, when members will contribute readUp to the present 50, 00 bas testing choirs did their part ings, papers, short addresses,. 50 Mr. Nathan Jackson month Mr. Jas, Williamson the satisfactorily and were given a etc. on the birth, education, po Sunday School at Week nights Services Sunday! 11 7, 30 been received towards the anni Mr. A. Devaux 00 popular young jaweler of Bolivar meed of praise after the Judges litical lite and works of the great Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday: Street Colon will be leaving to declared they had both scorad poet. Quotations by members at Street meetings, Monday, Wedsettle in Jamaica.
an equal number of points of 90 roll call will also be from works nesday, and Friday. All welcome.
Colon Boys Institute To Foundation Stone of New Ha will be residing at his beau each. Laure was the Visit Panama on May 30th Wesley Chapel. tiful at home, Linhurst Road Chairman, while she judges of Milton.
Lower St. Andrew.
were: Hamlett, Esq. Turkey and Chicken Mr. Williamson has been ac A: Gilles. Private School GATUN At the concert on Sunday last tively engaged in Christian work Teacher, and Professor Dean.
Dinner Dance Commander Watson has arranged that on May 30th, 5022nd inst, the Rey. Sur.
connection with the Weslgan Mr. Morrisson, Musical boys of the Institute will be geon announced that the founda Church in Colon Director of the Primrose Choral Successful Dance At Club Among the several activities of taken to Panama on a visit when tion Stone of the new Church the La Boca Clubhouse for th3 As Circuit Steward, Sunday Union, and Mr. Williams, house.
they will make a public demon will be laid on the fourth Sunday School Superintendent and LoMusical Director Rosebud of month of May will be a Turkey stration at De Lessep park in in June next.
and Chicken dinner ball on Satthe afternoon.
After much difficulty the cal Preacher he has contributed Chole. The Primrose will be The spacious hall of the Silver urday night the 12th. Dinner Church authorities succeeded in much towards the healthy state pleased to accept invitations for securing an ideal spot Corner of of the Church in this city and musical contest with any of Clubhouse was tastefully de will be served on the tennis couer the corated for a grand dance which and Martin full orchestra will Contributions Solicited 7th and street at the cost of his place in the several depart the organised Choirs on was held under the auspices of furnish the music. 800. and it is hopediments of usefulness will be bard Isthmus.
King Solomon Lodge on last From the several preparations The institution 13 At present to be able to erect by the end of to Gli.
If you like beautiful hair uso came over from Colon into cars looks as if it will be the biggest Saturday night. Many guests made by the management, it feeding 80 boys. The monthly the year a 12 00 Concrete struc His success in his business expenses has reached the high ture on the lot in keeping with and bis social and christian rela Croolimehele producer. and coaches The music was event of the season.
expressed one Pro.
Ruto Whirworth co.
very Doch enjoyed versary fund.


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