
PICE SIX THE WARMANSETIDAY APPI 28 1993 Foto The Building of The New Railway at Jamaica.
Laundry. LA ESPERANZA Soap Factory KIN KITAIR. ועם QUALITY createst charm is ber air fit Is long and FSV No matter how and wits your horis short QUEEN you can make it vers beautiful with QUREN HAIR DRESSING QUREN rem ves dandruff, stops falling hair feeds the hair.
root bad heps to loske kong, kha You caa buy large can ol QURAN HAIR DRESSING for le at any food drug store, or at BREWER RESS se. to se. STORES Wholesale Queen 16 Cetral Avenue, CHY var sirsa Bolos Recept to substitute. Doard me kar trusting PALOMA SOAP NO. LYNTON recent rethe war considerable there segleimamen bei uns abone WILKINSON OL WORK IS FAR ADVANCED AND two before pay day each man THE BEST slip showing the THE BEST QUITE LIKELY WILL BE COM is harded a amount he is to receive; be is thus PLETED IN OCTOBER an apportunity of seeing whether the amount is correct LAUNDRY BRIDGES TUNNEL. or not, and it incorrect to have it set right before the pay day.
On the pay day he goes to the SERVICE BEDFORD CONSTRUCTION co pay table, hands in his slip, signe SOAP SATISFIED WITH JAMAICA LA bis receipt and gets his money in the city.
with out any row. The labour BOUR: THEIR METHODS.
ers bave not got to go a distance for Laundry for their pay, because the Absolute satisfac have handled labour of all company take their pay to them tion and purposes description for thirty years, and going Over the wbole line. In sy it at the Jamaica labourer this way, they pay 100 labour.
NOTICE ji piod as any elsewhere. If ers in bours going over ten Quick Service.
Use it all the time The Jamaica labrurer in treated miles on the Chapelton section.
well and properly there is no The ray roll at the Frank field Attorney Divid La ht trouble about him.
portion numbers about 300, not Opened up noorary offices at The words were spoken by including stone breakers. Every No. 107 Ceitral Avenu: u stairs Mr. Carvicchi, vice presi man must work for his money.
ol! St Paui Church building dent and inanyger of the Bedford It be works he gets paid, if he Tslephone nu her 1050.
TELEPHONE 629 PANAMA, Construction Coy. the Car adian does not work he gets no pay.
umpal y utoart Luilding the No man can walk over the line naturally wald not absolve brauch railway from Chapel with his hands idle and draw a the authorities of the ton to Fraokfield, to a Gleaner penny.
sity for including on the or Te porter who went over the line NO COMPLAINTS MADE dinary stiff of the contracting on Satu, day last.
As already said, perfect peace BRITISH TRADE departmeat officials capable of appreciating and giving etfect to The reporter left Kirg top and order reigos at the pay th for Chapelton by the first train tables. The labourers make no AND INDUSTRY. the advice received on When the work to committee.
the complaints see for himself how It will be noted that certain ad.
work was progressing. Luckily started first at Chapelton, before WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT Mr. Cavicchi bimself was at the the Bedford Construction Co. By RICHARD LATHAM. visory committees hive elrendy station and bel very willingly came, there used to be disputes No. 78, New Market Street been established in connection London, March 1923. The as with a few departments, Tha acd courteously agreed to go over money for labourers paid to 1he over line with local contractors. But the few him.
sociation of art with industry report refers ia terms of warm RETAIL DEPARTMENT They were accompanied by Mr. disgruntled ones were men who Is as old as the history of man, commend stion to the recent acU, Tbeo. McKay, and men came and got contracts, or subNo. 107, Bolivar Street but looking back over the last tion of the Royal Miat, whica DO hundred years or 80 20 ber of the Parochial Board of contracts, and yet bad of the bas established a tecanicii advi Olareoden.
experience in rail roading. The industrial revolution in Great sory committee on cotosani company labour saving plans THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY Britain and other countries one medals. It recommends the The work is far more ad. are unknown to the local men vanced than any body would have and they were unable to do the is bound to admit that there Pustmaster General to consider expected There is not one work efficiently, and it was dis FULL SUPFLY OF have been periods when almost the advisability of coastitutiok cutting on the whole line on all that was asked of an indus sa analigous committee, while which work has not been done. covered after or weeks where trial product wasIs the Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, and is being pusbed.
money was being lost, it baving Nearly able and above all. Is it cheap to co station et office is adjared its to been demonstrated that liesi If it cannot yet be said that we the general adoption of the reone and a balt miles of rails Cabbage, Dairymen utter, have cbanged all that, we can, com unendations of have already been actually laid, we could not do the job, the at any rate, record a growing port on type and dis hy in Gyvfive of the eight bridges to be company dispensed with the services after, however, et ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES realization of the very real need ernment prouay. Also gether erected are under construction. iling with them, paying out all the calverts 68 in number varying sums of surrouading ourselves with an interesting and useful report of money, in been completed, ard order to make them feel satistied so far as may be, obj:cts of May the Institute furish and. have work will soon be started on the pointing out at the same time Call and see us before purchasing beauty as well as of utility. The belp to bring more bauty into other three bridges on psychological reactions of man all branches of British industry.
the elsewhere.
to his surroundings are being viaduct and on the tunnel is bow necessary it was for the During explored more and reasonable to expect that the line work to be carried on without more by use was nad of ain ferries trouble. Wherever the comBriusb men of science. It is between Great itsia tu which started in the middle of being borne in on us that for Catinent, ansialy under cond.
Jatuary last, to be nearly twelve pany found a competent labour miles long, will be carried to er, they made him foreman our social welfare it is as neces. tions whicb although exellent comel. liou sume time in October increasing bis wages according men and women, going abou: sary to surround ourselves with for war purpose. did out oder this year.
oppo tunities There is no depletion of the innocently enjoying themselves, it is vital, to our health to have prolisablo use for ordinary comTUE PROGRESS MADE.
labour market as bad been pre. There are general signs a Contractor plenty of fresh air and sunshine. mercial purposes. Now, bowFrom what he reporter gather dictec. On the contrary, there is prosperity. Motor tratie bas To this real zation was due the over, a company has been formincreased considerably. About ed, the work of grading will be a superabundance of labour.
and Builder creation a few years ago ol tae od which purposes, in junccompleted in July, it the weather Mr. Cavicchi is highly satisfied cars pls continually för hure five inotor trucks and several tion the Lindon House No. 20 continues good. The five bridges with bis labourers, He Art, and it is to a recent report North Eastern Railway and under construction should be them as good as any he had between Frankfeld and Kink28th NOV. STREET, ot a committee of the Institute une Belgian State Railways, to finished by the latter part of May to deal with in his wide travels laking supples.
ibat we may devote little operate a train terry service Since Thomas River Bridge, the first and in the big construction the starting of the rail SAN MIGUEL Harwich in Eng and on the new line, bas already been works bebas undertaken and way the unber of Chinese Box 411, Panama, R, In October, 1921, the Institute somewhat rem ir kablu inat until and Zeburge in Bayu in. It is completed. Minbo River Bridge is put through railway work, docxs shops lave icoreased largely; appointed a special committee the late hall completed the foundation steamships building plants, dams where bstore there were no hoteli male tee concrete, has been escales and heavy sewer works where are now. muca as eight Plans and Specifications Free exercised by the varlous Gore material ose transporta to report on the influence war, tha traia tartj.
which is extensively used Jaid and there is very little lelt to Mr. Cavicchi bas.
Le done to bring it to a tinish. personality, his blue eyes smiling The Parochi il Fatbeis tare First class workmanship their contracts or otherwise of Scandinavia, should never have ia Ader ernment Departments, through ca. and to a lesser ex eat in The abutment with the wings kindly all the time. He is strict not been slow to see the possiia abote 90 feet long and but just. He believes in fairclay bilities and are erecting marGuaranteed.
Indu trial art Tou comittea place in the transport 38 feet high was inforWith him, a man must either do ket at Frankield, Iped by 0, said Mr. Cavicchi, ve his work or quit, and no man is generosity of Mr. Gre The Result of The operate with the authorities con ovipate and in the case of the iba also asked to state how the system of Great Britaia.
Institute Advantages of such a systew are fore startink excavations who kave the land free, also the Micho Bridge that the worth, while he is given every the site for a pound. The erec Easter Races est we would have to go down opportunity of showing himself tion of the unarket wil be comcerned in projected is anticipatand would be 18 feet. The information and is protected.
strengthening that in genca, ed unat the traffic la fruit and was incorrect. Not only did we pleted about the end of April, due regard being had to the veputables and otaer parishable koods will be greatly assisted.
not go down 18 feet but we said mm. Prove the 25th of March ilting function by the Parochial Mr. Cavicchi laughing, scat Board will mark the opening AT KNUTSFORD PARK, JA. Dends of oational economy. The Tals tradic, indeed, forms no found a good and solid rock bed.
committee, which consisted ed in his shack as he calls it, at MAICA.
Another bridge at Morgan Crooked River, celebrate msmunity are boping that before Thoughtful people of the combusiness men and departmental small part of Britain imports caiets bas DOW presented its froin the Cootinent.
River is hall way through the thirtieth Auniversary of col long they will see a better buildfoundations of the Stony River struction work.
report. and, it acted upon, the Jamaica Gaineas, won by Glad eects must be not only good only because Harwich has been chosen not ing serving as Church and Knight, Distance one mile and but far reaching.
the considerble Bridge are and work is going on on the Orange River Bridge continued, there is to job in nomination In answer to the reporter, be school house of the Anglican de one bundred vards (1 100) value trattic to the Continent already Work on the other three bridges Jama ca that is difficult to any Pranktield now, building that Desmond 2ad and Gibs third work called for by the Govero small and there is ampled pth of than the one at of rurse 300 Time 1, Capt.
located there but also because With regard to tenders for the tidal rise and tall is very to be constructed will start with practical construction engiteer. will be in keeping with the be wionar was ridden in a few days. The viaduct to be by ment Dupartments, the com watar at all states of the tid, built at Crooked River will be 460 Your country is a beautiful one growth and progress of the con Dunbar.
inistee is of opinion that Tae train ferry boats to be feet long by 100 feet high: work. The atmosphere is delightful. Of munity The Champion Pony Handicap where articles are required utilizid are those which are will be started here this week course, we do not know anything The people are very much in Furlongs Purse 125 won in which elment employed purposes, and it will take eicht wecks for about your beau bicamera web have want of land for cultivation, by Dancing Girl ridden by Duc deden not craftmanship is of thon, we believe, plying between construction. The only tunnel will bhexperience that. But this is is understood that the Frank bar; May B2ad and Adonis importance, a model pattern of Southampton and Havre. These also be at Crooked River, to be what think of your country: It Geld Citizens Associa:ion, back. 3rd. Time 30.
dasiga, worked out in consulation bjaus are three in number, and the tunnel should be completed than it is, there would be no place influence both inside and outsidel kaotsford Park Handicap wherever practicable attached train ef fifty four two con TEO feet long. With no dificulty Jamaica was more developed edu) by several gentlemen of with technical advisers, should, each is capable of transporting the weeks. The cutver te are we have travelled such as Florida the parish, are making great bundred yards (1 100) won by should be indicated clearly that were built on the Nɔrth Eist 125.
trona we feet to ten feet in widih, Califonia. Western Canada, that eforts to get the Government to Virgins Bower ridden by Per competing arms are permitted coast and one on the Clyde.
Distance one mile and one to the.
Two of these vessels and as said before, the 63 of woula qual it. The climate and Datuaal resources are on the acquire one of the properties in Xina: Lonely Molly 2аd and Gibs and, indeed, encourage to deviate They them have been completed.
ground! It is a beautiful country and sold to peasantry. In fact, Upper Clarendon to ba cut ap 3rd. Time 50. 5 tine examples of HOW LABOURERS ARE PAID.
from the above mentioned model British engineering skill in only get out and work, the feeling is that the fall benefit Pure M40. Puance of tredicanes by sub nitting also niternative new department of shiptuilding.
The work from the Frankfield end, along about a mile anda ably expect. that the extension not be secured untess a schiume Silent Lady Gasteridden aby be subjec: to the proviso that the and they are propelled by tripleAs stated before, it is reason of the railway exten ion woula Purse 100. Distance Furlongs designs. This, of course, would their long the about 350 feet quarter is being supervised by Mr. Herbert and Mr. line will be put through some like this was carried out by Bidair; Ludy George 2nd and variation suggested did not expansion engines at a sp sed olio involve any increase in price. 29twelve knots.
Carlo Carniel, who came out with time in October, if there are no whiclı more people would be set Small Puy d. Time 5 5.
the company.
But the system setbacks or The Jamaica Handicap Parse bad weather. tled on lands of their own.
this 125 Distance one mile and one more striking recommend oxperimect is expected to be of paying the labourers and The line is nearly 12 miles long, Speaking to a gentleman in full operation bafore the end denline with them is the same the feran ketesa. belongheright down matters the reportera was told bundred yards (1 100 yds. Won Gover the compittee is that all of the presenti pedal There will be that eyes were turned on Peck by Water Rock, ridden by Mc call for tenders of articles of the Departments which on the whole about or sidings.
han property as the most suita Milan Wild Life 2d Younx kind to which the report relates ers are satisfied with the contractors and the contractors FRANKFIELD ALIVE. ble for a land settlement scheme. Starlight 3rd. Time 150 5.
FOR SALE should make arrangements under are eagerly The Pony Produce Handicap which they can rely on obtaining being made by the quently, there is absolutely no towards the day when the fron people both bere and at Crooked Parse 125 Distance. Pour the boste available experkte telebe One Stuvassant Piano men and women work consistp. Already there are signs tion, and in other ways, so that ridden by Bod sir; Calkin 2аd specitication and judging of the dispute over the pay table, and borse will ride into the town River, increasing their cultiva to longs win by Flying Daches, nical advic) both in awing up In 1 Condition tently. The contractors and indicate a new outlook on the none of the advantages of rail and Day Break 2rd. Time 52 tenders received. To secure this No reasɔnable offerſ turned og sub er tractors are Cara dans part of the people, owing to the way extension to these parts seeds 200 schuss his own section prospects of the railway. Life may be lost.
The New Handicap Purse for simul advisory en mittees down.
of the line to work. The com bas become more active. The 125 Distance. Seven fu longs, on the lines of the arrangements For particulars apply atzi pany pay themselves all work pensantry is more hopelul Creoline Halr Producer is in won by Sea Cest, ridden by already made batweed some ers. whether he be contractor and cheerful, On and Government Departments and WORKMAN PRIN CERY or labourer, twice per month night the streets were able world best hair tonic and will Perkins; Comrade 2nd Khave Diamonds third. the British Institute of Indus Central Ave Street od the 5th and 20th, day or with a large numbers of young not soll or stain clothes. Time 81 5 trial Art These committees, Panina Oity stace between un for able to improving the are fois interesting of


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