
Instead of the BENTIST HOWELL The best Tonic in the World HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA CANAL ZONE VIGOR TONIC Office Hours. to pm This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, DAILY Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up Specializes in all the branches a run down constitution.
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op. who concluded his record with feeling reference to the Is e Relor RBCHowell, whoja Ines they all deplored.
though they felt deeply thankful for the witness of his saintly life Evening School Ex Zulu King Dead Body Found in Well, TURNS WAITER.
CHRISTIAN MISSION SCHOOL With regard to the death of CALIDONIA Albert Phillips whose corpse Chicago, March 10 Prince Ballewa Uetawayo, one time powas found in a well at Charles tentate in Zululand, bas discarded Rowe Bridge, St. George on the the swallow tail coat with the vese morning of the 21st instant, the English, French, Spanish, cotton rose in the lapel, which he Police careful wore vestigations under the conduct Latin, Geometry, Algebra. pearance on lecture platform bere of Inspector Goddard. have recently for the white apron of His remains were took place in St. George arrived at the conclusion that it TERMS MODERATE waiter in an Aurora luach room.
lateresting est Indian WewsMarch last.
declaiming to audiintered the same afternoon inburch on the 22nd inst. when was the result of an accident.
the family vs ult at St Leonard the new Chancel was dedicated. They found that Phillips was Apply to ences that Zulu savages. are in the locality. Connied from page Church yard, Tee service started at 30 a m, general favourite with Pealm 122 which was sung and think that be must have Teacher at School. Monday, he is more moral thao Americans on board and abile in Jamaica in processios, the Rev. Dash fallen into the dry well, which is Wednesday and Friday Pry two over, in the Oral the rescued men expressed loudThere passed away on Satur. acting rector) and the Choir 110 feet deep, while on his way lunchroom ly their appreciation of the kind day list at her residence Via with Cross bearer heading same, home late on Saturday night.
GOES BROKE ON TOUR ness shown then by the Captain Mede Röckley Mrs. Rosa Cox. followed by members of the Ves. After some evidence had been as their Consular Representa The princa lecture, you see and the crew and the authorities and the people at Jamalea who Earle at the advanced age of 86 try and a large number of the taken at the inquest it was ad tive bere.
Clerky. The usual prayere, dedi. Jourued doul Wednesday next.
were not financially successful It is not long since we repro and ha went broke. The otber gave therp monetary aid. The years, Deceased who was a Christian various sacred uses, were then cating the new building to its duced in this Columns part of day he appeared at the Iliiquis Customs authorities in addition ST. LUCIA the report of supplied them with new suits. and took an active part in foreign recited and the Sentence of Cons the Consular Free Employment bureau and meston at one time filled a prom cration was read befor the con.
General eulogising Mr. Peter op asked for. Purl of Spaint Gazette.
inent part in the social and musi gregation by Ror. A. Ferrer, his long and faithful service to the American Government and clerk. royal prince, once ruler Your Occupation?
ask cal life of this Towo.
step be (From The Voice)
Was then cited Her remains were interred at Rad sigord on the Coane BARBADOS the Westbury Cemetery on the th: Bishop. His Lordship of tw million souls, said Consular On Tarsday the 20th lost. the longest service.
Representative with next pro weded to dedicate five next day followed by ber many hand son stained glass win. seeing the America fly flying Yeah, quit kidding, cirfriends.
OBITUARY, dows which had been presented over th: Consular Agancy, we Peter on his Jubilee and on this But assure you, sir. am not We heartily congratulate Mc. mended the clerk. to the Church, twc in memory of eaquired the cause and ware Purther mark of appreciation what you call kidding, said the Dedication Of New Lorna Carlotte Liarie Pile and told it was meant to calebrate and hope he will long be spared applicant. To prove which he The death is announced of Mr.
the Church American produced letters from the British Smith late Provost Marsball and Inspector or Prisons, Agnes Pile, The Order of Boy aged Mr, Petar on the com. of the North in this Colboy. embassy at Washington, showing he was an African prino which occurred on the 27th very interesting function Conmunion was then proceeded pletica of his 60 years service graduate of Eton, doctor of The new Bridge that the medicene, a graduate of school Town Board is building over of philosophy and a linguist who the drain across the Chaussee is spoke fourteen languages.
progressing rapidly. In the He also told of baving been an mean time all traffic is diverted untatored savage until he was 28.
to the Anglican Church road or when he was taken to England by through Gardens. Owners Cecil Rhodes and educated Ha and Drivers of motor cars who gave bis age as 75.
Opens are forced to pass the former The clerk decided that he simpway often have cause to bless ly bad to find a job for an appleant This the Board for the very rugged so notable He looked through bis state of the road.
Way Ah, be exclaimed, just the We are informed that there thing. Here a man at Aurora is another offer about to be made who runs a workingman resto the Town Board to light Cas taurant who wants a bash tries by Electricity by a com sliager, Guess you ll do as well pany that is yet in embrgo with as any body.
some of the latest English Well, said the prince, one Machinery which will burn must eat.
wood and the towns refuse. He began his new duties yesterIt is averted that the cost of day.
production will be very low.
We are informed that at a meeting of the St. Lucia Elec. hereby beg to notify the pubtric Company Limited held on lic that my wife Beatrice Hinds Monday, it was decided that the baving left my home and protecCompany be immediately regis tion without my consent do tered, The following Directors not hold myselt responsible for were also elected: Mr. Salles any debt or debts she may conMiquelle Chairman, Mr. tract.
Monplaisir Secretary, and Signed, Messrs. Hull and Mallet WALTER HINDS, TAVE you ever lost the cap from your tube of Paret.
for a libel alleged to be contatoaway in the sleeping car or hid under the war ed in a statement made by Mr.
Three fishermen, Joinville alias Webber during the election stand at home. Bordia Calse, Roach alias Then you will appreciate the cap that is held cap Boucan Naigre, and Walter, Daily Chronicle. The second campaign and published in the tive and which holds the properties of Kolynos secure left town on a fisbing expedition action has been started by Mr.
on Monday morning and up do Hubert Criteblow Secretaryuntil you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the the time of golng to press Treasurer of the Labour Union nothing had been heard or seen who tube.
of them or of the boat they damages for libel alleged to be is claiming We now furnish you with a package of the same were in. It is presumed that they lost their lives through the by the Chronicle and in cercontained high standard as its contents.
a cartoon published beavy weather that prevailed tai THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn. SA during the greater part of the tain statements appearing in the afternoon.
paper. Proceedings of a similar coa chaaacter were also threatened against Mr. Bruyning barrister at law but in connec DEMERARA tion there with well known Solicitor who was consulted declined to proceed.
The Solicitors engaged in the QIV two actions at the present time Sued For Libel.
are Mr. F, Dias, for Mr. Percy Wright; Mr. Dinzey for Mr Critchlow; and Mr.
RESULT OF BY ELECTION, Ltd. In the first action Mr.
King for. The Daily Chronicle. Webber entered appearance on MR. CRITCHLOW CLAIMS 6, 000 bis own beball.
You Can Lose it!
Erne CAPTIVE CAP EINCH ON KOV DE 6, 000 in ORTOX TOU KOLYNOS Demerara Chronicle DENTAL CREAM ण second libel action says the His Excellency the Officer Demerara Argosy has been Administering the Goverment of started against Mr. RF. Demerara has appointed a Com.
Webber, Editor and manager of mittee to consider and report on the Daily Chronicle Ltd. in the question of an export fruit connection with the recent industry and the possibility of Court of Policy by election, such an industry being successThe first was instituted by Mr, ful or otherwise. Sir John Har Peroy Wight, Auctioneer and rison, Director of Sciences Broker for 5, 000 as damages and Agriculture, is chairman.


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