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THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, APRIL 28 19231 PAGE EIGHT Big Carnaval Races Program Riotous Scene TERMINATED SATI FACTORILY VICTOR CIGARETTES best. Continued from page 1)
ment policy on the recent recommendations of the Agri le altural Tribunal During the belgbt of the die order, the Prime inister. some of the other Ministers leit the House amid Labourites shout ot derision HON. OR MSBY GORE ATTACKED.
Accounts are couting concerning the actual scrimmage in tbe Hope, and eye witaesers are hopelessly at variance. Libour.
ites assert that one of their members was struck accidentally or by desigo, and that this precipitated an attack on the An.
William Ormsby Gore, VaderSecretary for the Colonies, by a Sentch member, with whom the Uader Secretary imeediately came to kilps.
Both Ramsay MacDonald and Chancellor Bald win intervened to separate the contestants, and several angry members were seen rushing behind the Speaker, chair, apparently with the intention of attacking some of the Ministers, but were prevented by their colleagues.
The Government has issued Strong whip for the attendance of all its supporters to morrow, when the first business will be to get the Speaker out of the chair.
Christening of King First Grandchild.
Cried Lustlly During the Greater Part of the Care mony.
The races at Juan Franco last Sunday completed the Carnival Program which commenced on tbe 11th March last and conJ. Morais, second hand Copeland, lately from tinued every succeeding Sunday furniture dealer on Central Costa Rica, is a good carThe events during the season were well contested and infused Avenue, is a keen business penter gives satisfaction to a spirit of enthusiasm. zeal, and man, well known and re all bis employees. He states sportmanship, never witnessed spected, who by dint of perse that he has smoked several before in any sports started in verance and determination brands of Cigarettes but Papams. The results obtained has built up a thrivine furVictor is the brand he likes bot) financial and otherwise throughout were all to be desirniture business. He spokes ed ard the Jockey Club, will Victor Cigarettes and claims doub ss seek to foster and they are a good smoke at a Bernard Anderson from maintain tbe interest and en reasonable price.
Bocas del Toro, captain of a thusiam manifested by turite gasoline launch, has a quiet of late at these classy eveots.
and genial disposition. He Johnson, a native of haThe excitement and enthumokes Victor Cigarettes and siasm manifested last Sunday maica, runs a very successful declares that those who have were none the less than at the tailoring establishment at inaugural meet.
The Grand not smoked themøyet should No. 16 Street, He is sucStand as fairly patrontzed by cessful because he is ever begin at once.
a good sel cuon of the airer sez greatly supplemented by the willing and ready to please his customers, He Emokes Caiphas Sterling of Jamai regular turfites, who are ever in aa well known and much evidence at the track Victor Cigarettes and de cared for by his friends, clares them to be fine.
Enthusiasm and excitement smokes Victor Cigarettes and waxed bigh as each event on the Program rolled by this was Victor Moesa, who hails says he believes that these cigreatly manifested in the race garettes are gradually taking from Martinique French, between Roflej) and Certez, the market among West InWest Indies, a tailor and outwhich was the most exciting dians here.
event of the day. The contest fitter at No. 52, 16 Street, up be houe stretch belog so pays strict attention to his even that it was only by being bus ir es. He smokos Victor David Ballin, native of in line with the winning post Cigarettes atd also pays British Guiana quite self resibat ore could be certain of the strict attention to see that to pecting and well thought of winner.
gets Lo other brand.
by his friends and associates In the first race there could says smoke Victor Cigabe no uncertainty as to the rettes, and when run out mander Caupauli defoxted his Messrs Willis oras Ar deld. On the previous Sunday, o them, will walk any dissirong, Jem: icars, por ular bis backers were very much tance to get one.
disgusted over his performance Anny Navy tailors who and much disatisfied with the aliy on a et cettelul Lusinen Alexander Smith, Jamaican manner the horse was bundled aj Shert mohe Victori wbo carries on a tailoring by the jockey; but in this event, yattitts uno in nikly oeclara establisbment at No. Caupalli turned the table and wat its cigoletes suit romped home an easy winner.
Street, commands a large their taste best of all, number of customers, because In the second race, Lipac springing a surprise on his field he always pleases their taste.
with 90 lbs up. be won a fine Altxander Smith, a native He smokes Victor Cigarettes race rewarding those who took of Jamaica is quite popular and says they are alright.
the outside cbance with 70 among bis many friends and for the straigbt pool, and 20 on the place pool, patrons who visit his tailoring James Ferguson, who hails Eetablishment at No. 3 from Nicaragua says smoke In the third race of seven Street, state that he smokes furlongs this was too much work Victor Cigarettes and will for Chagres over such a distance Victor Cigarettes and does eont nue 10 smoke them as not fail to recomend them.
more se, when it is considered prefer then to all others.
must be bas been doing quite a great deal of work for the past three weeks, Reflejo made the running from the start, and although Cortez put up a game and plucky fight the black borse carried his lead to the winning post, by a mere head.
Ein the fourth race, Delfin beld the first place from the lifting The 50c. Middle of the tape. Inglaterra made serious attempt to snatob the Grade School priz but there was no mistake Delfin was in excellent form and renched the wiuning post first.
The tifth race of seven fur The United Methodist Chu ch LAT THE lor gs was the supprise of the Isthmian 50e. Middle Grade meeting. At the lifting of tbe School organiz. for the upliit of tare Liard u ard Zipi pe went Colored Children here and placed to the froat with May Be follow witbin the easy reach of all coning closely. After the fourth ditions, which is opened at 21st farlong was reached adre Street Guuchapali Panama under went a ead at a lattling pace, the direction of the Rev.
May B: challenged bis position Anderson, and efficiently taught from third making a strenous by his three teachers, bas been efort to reach Liandro, but it fairly started.
was impossible.
Much has been recently ex.
The sixth race was won by pended to provide suitable seats Clemencia with Save Your and desks and sufficient toilet Money for second place. Son accomodations for the school risa was altogether out of it.
Between May and July next.
we will be stocked with our THE SALVATION ARMY grade of the school will be reSpecial books, when the higher solved into technical studies.
This being a faltbful philantro ANDA Friends of Commandant and phic Institution appreciates aby Mrs. Morris will be pleased to donations towards its upkeep bear that Mre, Morris is admit made to the superintendent Service Order addressed to Ancon Box Mrs. Morris has done twenty 1100, six years of unbreken service as ANDERSON, a Salvation Army Officer, and she is the tirst woman Officer in the West Indies admitted to the THERE WILL BE FIGHTOrder. The War Cry.
Official Gazette of the Salvation ING NEXT WEEK.
IN THE CRARTER OF HELL It is with pleasure we annunce Mrs Commandant Morris as a member of the Long Service At last it has come, The tight Order. As far as we are aware we long expected. sharp rifle Mrs. Morris is the first West shot ran out a cry followed, the Indian woman Officer to be ad involuntary human sbreik of LADIES FREE mitted, and this comrade togetb destb from the lady, furp!
er with her husband, also a mem a hail of steel bullets, for God ber of the Long Service Order sake. Gale. shoot. Mercedes are falthful, trustworthy and tighting like a trapped she wolf successful Officers, eommanding Down into the crater of hell.
the larges! Corps in the West iedies Territory. At present All this and more await you in they are in charge of Panama the next instalment of Desert City, and from reports to hand Gold, our Seriel Story, which cvery section of the Corps is in wc day appear on page 26.
splendid condition, and progress Begin there with the synopsis evident everywhere.
hen read on. The Cigarette Without a Fault RACES! RACES! RACES. Juan Franco Race Track TO. MORROW SUNDAY, APRIL 29th Commencing at 2:15 Sharp Classical Events. BABY SHOWS LUNGS London. Princess Mary first baby, first grandchild of the King and Queen, was christened this morning in the small village church of Goldsborough, which the Yorkshire home of Viscount Lascelles and Princess Mary. 16. Ktog and een were present and tbe Archbishop of York of ficiated at the ceremony, which was simple The baby, who kot the name George Henry Hubert Lascelles, cried lustily during the greater part of it; to the delight of the villagers present, who believe it to be lucky.
Elaborate precautions were taken to keep visiting strangers away from the charch. Its aecommodation is very limited and the intentions was to invite inside as many of the Golds borough villagers and the tenantry from the Harewood estates as space would allow. Yesterday the police, who bad been is creased to forty, were stopping motorists on th: outskirts of th village and demanding their busiDess, but to day th:re were no obstacles to their entry.
The consequence was that automobiles and charabanes from the surround! ng towas brought so many people that Goldsborough Devor bzfore had seen such a big gathering Sɔme seven thousand persons were estimated to be massed on either side of the village street while the christening was in progress, but not a siogle inhabitant of Guldabɔrouga was to be found ia the throng; all of them had seats in the church.
At the close of the morning service, the King and 1ee, Princess Mary, Viscount Lascle les and the sponsors and prox es took their place for the christening. ceremony and Master Lascelles promptly started to cry and his voice gradually gatbered strength uatil the congregation could not bear the words of the baptismal ceremony. Prince 88 Mary and her husband at Grat looked somewhat uncomtortable, but soon resigned themselves what could not be helped.
The baby cries were stilled for a moment when the Queen took her little grandson into her arms, and when she oamed him George Henry Habert her volce could be distinctly heard in every part of the church. But the baby made another vociferous protest the touch of he fels the cold water, and the Archbishop words were drowned until he In order that with a full heart said, we may singly and collectively outs mend tuts child to the love of God let there he silenca for one minute. when as the congregation knelt in silence the troubled cries of the little one died away also.


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