p. 1


PRICE Cts. Cy.
next message price!
to the of Honduras Coast th Will Be Improved 400, 000 71 Passengers.
To Be Expended.
OF NAVAL, MILITARY, AND RELIGIOUS PAGEAN. The Clarion of Beliz. British Announcement was made in ON THEIR VISIT TO ITALY TO MORROW SUNDE TRY IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY Honduras, in its issue of the the Gleaner on Thursday that His MAY 6th.
14th inst. pubisbes a graphic Excellency the Governor has deAccount of the baking of the cided to introduce a Street InKing Confers Dignity Of Princess Northern Mail boat oli the transporter on Bill whereby the content Reception To Be Most Elaborat duran 71 400, 000 is to expended for Upon Bride of His Second Son. Among them being die be improvement of KingsLördship, Bishop Hopkins, head ton streets, Altair Since The Great Wa.
The prposal is of the Roman Catholic Church in that hall the amount is to be Queen British Honduras Direct West India Cable des Queen, followed by was given by General Revenue whilst Direct West Iodia Cable and escorted by the King tot the remaining 200, 000 is to be despatch from London states guard and court oficial Arri patch from London dated April Alexandra, escorted 26 describes the marriage of the Duke of Connaught, The Clarton gives the following raised by loan by the new Muni the visit of the King and Queen ing at the Palace it is expecte Duke of York to Lady Bowes The of England to Italy early this King George and acer as Lyon as follows: principal clergy for the description inter alia of the sad cipal Corporation Yesterday a reoresentative of month will be the most elaborate will appear on the balcsay wu ceremony, garbed in their most occurrence: Amid scenes of extra ordin resplendent robes, then proceed There were 71 souls crowded three montaglish and American war.
learnt that two or affair of its charcter since the the Italian Rogut femtis The Italians are planning acknowledge the greetings at tt ary br Biance and Naval, Wiled to their places After on this vessel. describeds: firms have decided to tender, in to outdo any previous efforts al Roman people. state of at tars and religious pageantry, puuse, the bridal procession veritable death trap, with a rot.
another Bitish Royal lovematch followed, headed by the minor ten. leaky hull. among them due course for the work of street entertaining ite Royalty. This be paid to the Dowage Gees was consumated to day, when clergy of the Abbey and the belng.
improvement American Is said to be largely due to the Margherita, prior to the privat the Duke of You led to the altar choir in their scarlet cassocks. Hopkins, three Religious Sisters and to allow the contract price to the splendour of this visit with three kedalous Bisters fron is prepared to do the work Fascitis, who wish to contrast luncheon at the Quirinal.
Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, Lady Elizabeth, passed through and a barge number of we non remain over for a fixed term of the rather cold reception given in the Palaca at sight The staba dinner will be younger daughter of the Earl and the nave with her father. her and children. News Countess of Strathmore and train carried by two brides unfortunate passengers of where years provided the Government by the Italian Government to guests will include og Kingboro member of one of the maids, and behind them the eagerly sought on all sides, the guarantee the payment of the the Belgian King and Quen. last Princess and sits and Caur The Italian royal train oficials. brilaiaat most famous and ancient of Scor other six attendants in pairs.
wait for the Feel land feudal families.
seeming interminable. The It might be stated that the will be sent to the frontier on the magnicen, but como SPECIAL SERVICE.
The Prince of Wales acted as depressing new, hung beavy Street Improvement Law will May 6th in charge of Count best man.
The opening senter eas for the over the town, business was make provision for the levyin of Carlo Machi de celeri, the Mes Quiralal will collox tha diena Toe service From an early bour. vast for the occasion, and read by the cartoon specialis written almost brought to a stand still. a special tax in Kingston for the ter of Caremonies of the Italian Pie dining room has been bus interest and Sinking fund for the Court and other officia to meet ings and other works of art se with ss tapestries. pale crowds thronged the streets and Dean of Westminister Thr The Government made a loan which is to be raised.
th, King and his paciy. The will be lightelelctrically for the nelghborhood of the Abbey. Archbishop of Canterbury de. belated at empt to preserve the Practically the whole of the Brit livered his charge to the bride lives of those citiz os compelled obliged to move from their the Ryal visitors time dire ish Royal family, including Vis and bridegroom. and the ring to travel on these boats by des British Consulate Notice private car wille they travel in the Pantheoni to by Wrathis count Lascelles, with many for having been Italy as it will be attached to sign Royalties and members of of the bride, the blessing follow Masson, the Assistant Harboe Jolor would be glad it Abraham Italian train will carry tae Arme Later thay will rec ira the wester placed on the finger patching she Atri Kali and the PantherMr K The Azting British Consul at the alian royal train. The tombs of the late King Vio the British pol le families were Emmanuel ad king Habari present. Premier Bonar Law and ing.
Master, to render any assistance Myers of Jamaica would call at of Great Britain besides those ans of the war of Independent and the whole of tbe Cabinet When the responses and (Continued from page 3) the Consulate as soon as possible. of Italy.
Royal were also there, together with prayers were done, the principals Standard will be down from the. They will pass throud ise oli representative delegatious neleet in the ceremony went lines of members of Fascis: nd from the House of Lords, and chapel of Biomas de the confuge LABOUR DAY FITTINGLY CELE The Rome railway station and from the Pantheon to the seas engine, dressed in thir black sa Com mors, including Mr. Asquith to sign the register a the Lloyd George, Earl of Birwen table of ancient oak under BRATED.
the route of the royal guest to of the unknowa soldier, wher head, Viscount Grey, and Labour Con essor tomb.
Without furthe Qnirinal will be decorated anothe worth will be wide Leaders, all with their wives.
ther delay the wedding party with British and Italian flags and During the afternoon a trip wi Buckingham Duke of York and his bride were going first, so as Emerging into the street the drove back 10 Palace, the King and Queen Last Tuesday being the 1st of, and Municipal band, escorted arms. Special flower beds laid be made to the athletit sa a peal of the Abbey formally to May Kerally kowe tarach by the mounted police, marched out to represent the arms of the where old and new Romu kue as two been set out be. The vistt erinted byniols the signal tor Kreet tha ide and bridegroom om en Aunericours pour Double rou en central Aventure to Cath. Huge arches and pillara bave reach ita di max on Wedeesda, chiefen Tigie swoudhenien halion at the head of the grande taiat Panana Labour Oxanization odral Plaza, President Luzzando been built all along the route when e State visit wil be ead.
universary of Acre from from tilty aousand throats as case.
shat has bacone universally ack an old man of over sixty yours King Victor Emanual, Queen from the Quirinal to the Vatice.
the Castle (to Pope Pious XL The more che multitude outside the Abbey CRIMSON AND GOLD.
craning their necks and standnowledged as the rights of the song of the oldest representa: Her na and the neyall Princes, will be decorated and diged wit Crimsan and gl brightened ing on tipoe to catch a glimpse the interite dim olubhep borgdolse to the proiuct of their love of organiz:d labour on the Signor Mussolini and bis entire troops. Fron tba atraoce to of the couple saw them stp on the wall en aning Bight engaged in polities, t) dsin and accord lected by all the chan is nate and Chamber of Deputes, audienca chambar, the boys labur; whilə not wo be actively isthma: by was u nauimuos cabinet, the Presidents of the Vatican grounds to the Pope drite from fron ters.
to Buckingham Palace, west door to the WEDLING CEREMONY, where the actual ceremony took economic conditions of the work lonour was conferred on him. the Court will be at the station famous Sviss Gauds te ette sacrarium, of such laws a will improve thandsut Tuesday celebration the wembers of the British Embassy party will be a se irted by and all the high Dignitaries of Papal Court oflici di wis te Three processions marched place. In thu saj. arium itselt the Mug people.
mosaic down the anciens aisle of West wanderful pavement, a crus recurd of faithful services on the morning of May 7th to dance. This will be the first the Precisely at p. the various greet the Britisb visitors. The since 1870 that such meine mloster Abbey at the wedding more than 700 years old. upon Taere were over two thousad grades representing the Labour the first that of the Royal which the bride and bridegroom Organization had assembled at a persons marched in the proces drive to the Palace will be made display for a Stata scenie be Family, led by the King and (Continued on Page point near the Calidonia Govern sion which was very orderly and in state in the royal carriages been made by the Vallcare ment School. With their red tugs organizulɔn.
truly representative of labour.
gathered as Next Saturday Night At Wedding Prese Secretary Will Mr. Thoma Graduates At plot of land granted by The congratulations of this Satorial Academy.
government, and there the cor Press is hereby extended to the La Boca Visit Panama.
ner store of a building which is to officers and members for the of 2, 500 Pound be the future home of the united euccess achieved, and with Evans Assang Thomas a native Unions called Casa del Pueblo optimistic faith anticipates for ner Ball which comes off at the The Tarkey and Chicken Dinfof Irinidad who left his was laid.
the labouring people of this Boca Clubhouse bext Satur writes that among the London Corten Island home some three years Before another issue of this agn for Martinque and thence to med assisted by the National future.
At p. ma procession was for country a bright and prosperous day night the 12th inst. seems to presents given to Dale paper makes its be gripping the dancing public York is one of 2, 500 Discogs Secretary Weeks. bead of the he Isthmus, where he was emjust like the carnival season, And Highness does not donice United States War Department ployed by Messers. Antonio will have paid visit to tha Rosapia Co. as Cutter for a pe Firemen Benefit Fund. Mr. Thomas Sails To around the Silver City are doing his own purposes. He has the dressmakers ply a money gift of this kind Isthmus and gone. He is expect riod of about two years left some a hustling business getting the fore ed to arrive bere next Monday nine months ago for New York addressed commune tbe 7th inst. on board the 8. Saterial Academy and passed Firemen fund and the Orphan the Saxophonist at Dorothy where he joined the Croonborg numerous dresses of the ladies to the chief magistrales The Benefit Show in aid of the Mr Albert Thomas (Pumpy) in time for this novel function, big cities asking esca Transport Grant bd during his sbort stay will inspect and with distinction an examination Asylum takes place to night at Cabaret, sailed on Thursday Jazz, till Jazz can done, and as money shali be used to provides soce There is going to be Jazz, Jazz, 600 and to arrange that the Cecilia Theatre. The man 3rd. on the Ebro for the United to the Ests well put is said. treat for the children in het te study the fortifications of the in designing mer garments.
Panama Canal, which the naval Middlesex vs. Wanderers Hector Downe, who is indefatiga found it dossible to see him oft And just think of it all this for spective areas on April the the.
who attack vers here in sarch last bas bla in the line of Entertainments were at Balboa Docks to give, 75 cents gentlemen and 50 cents day of bis marriage to Lady demonstrated to be lacking in Middlesex will be up and with his one score and five him hearty band shake and ladies. Can you beat! Indeed Elizabeth Bowee Lyon. Some against one of the strongest entertainers, it is predicted tbat say Au Revoir with expresit. the Lord Mayor already accepter adequate defenes against any clubs in the St. Clair Cup Com a real treat is in store for all who sions of best wishes in his exthe offer, and the Dale ettnet to morrow (Sunday) attend. The popular prices of pected field of labor, ly hopes that the whole of During his brief stay it is from what can be gathered 00 for any part of the theatre With residence on this Isthmus Labor Shortage 2, 500 will be used in the expected that Secretary Freeks around the Lock City the boys and 50 cents, Gallery should for will bold a ner be bas indicated. The conference with are holding much confidence that command a bumper bouse. over eighteen years Mr Thomas has made himself a Panama Oanal labour representa they will give Wanderers the Haboken, April 16. Judge Lord Mayors of London, Cardire authorities addressed are the ceqtre art und which all who Elbert Gray, Chairman of the York and Belfast, so the Lord tives on the Canal Zone. It is also bardest time of their lives since CORRECTION know him gəz? with pride, for Board of Directors of the United Provost of Glasgow.
likely that the War Secretary the opening of the season. Our in his musical and social activities States Steel Corporation told the will discuss with His Excellency Home Captain Esrle only want President Porras, the revision of his team mates to be guided by In our last issue dated April he has been found just as stockholders at the annual meetLeft Fer Jasatea the treaty between Panama and him and Wanderere will know 28th, relative to the final dis pleasant as the music he dis ing to day that the restricted Among the passager Whe the United States before hof where they get off at when time position of the charge against penses from bis tenor saxaphone. immigration law was one of the is called leaves.
James Elward Mingo the The WORKMAN joins with worst things the United States left Panama on Thuceday printer devil stated Chapter bisco friends in wishing him has ever done for itself economi: for Jamaica on board these It is needless to state that See British Consulate Notice No 14 of the Universal Nagro success.
cally. He declared that there was Oropesa were Mrs. Cele retary Weeks like ail diftinguis Improvement Association please a great abundance of labour on bell and children; Jocelyn. Der ed Volted States Siatthies vis The Acting British Consal at read Chapter 17. We have been IMPORTANT the other side of the ocean that and LR. y. It is ex. ee iting the Isthmus will to the re colon would be glad of informa. requested to make this correction would be glad to come here and Mrs. Campbell will be cipient of lavish hospitality by Lion regardining Mrs. Constantia so as to remove any wicked imCorrespondents are requested work, bus is restricted by thesa from the Isthmus face Panama and Canal Zone officials Weir who is reported to have pression which may be enter to send in their contribution laws and that labour in the time in the interese and Social Circles.
die recently tained against the former not later than Thursday evening United States is scarce. children who go to sch the don forget petition


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