
DAGB NC JOAN SATURDAY, MAY 1003 WOT Interesting News from The West Indian Islands 50. 00 S. CY. 50. 00 Book Binding!
KAL MOL GEHE Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN Book Binding Department CENTRAL AVENUE and No. G Street. voor. com 2nd 79 DEMERARA HON. HECTOR JOSEPHS TO BE GIVEN AWAY IN CASH PRIZES!. eave Taking at Demerara ERVICES HIGHLY APPRECIATED Enter the KAL MOL word but contest and win a prize.
Contest open to overyone on the latus and is confined to the English At the conclusion of the or Spanish language only, pusiness of the Demerara Legis ature on Wednesday afternoon From the lotters contained the words:ast, opportunity was taken by he members to pay fitting ribute to the service rendered y the Hon. Hector Josephr, who vill be leaviog ibe colony follow ng the termination of his apmake as many words as you can. Werds must be of known signification, pointment as Acting Attorney General.
Addressing the Court, the CONDITIONS: Acting Colonial Secretary said: To enter this contest, the only condition required is that you send in your As the will be the last occaslun in which think the Hon. Hector list ACCOMPANIED by a label from a tube of KAL MOL Tablets.
osephs will be present 88 The list containing the greatest umber of words wins the FIRST PRIZE, gember of this Court, the Court will agree with me that we the next highest, the SECOND PRIZE, etc la case of two or more contestants hould say a few words in re having the same number of words, precedence will be given the list received pect to his service in this colony.
le came down bere to relieve an Creoline Hair Preparations ficer who made for himself a The same letter cannot be used twice in one word except the letter appears in the big reputation in the colony, and word more than once; for instance, the letter appears twice, and it can therefore Positively Superior to all others on earth.
take it that coming bere to act be used twice in the building of any one word.
Try them and be convinced. Attorney General is an under aking of some magnitude, He The following gentlemen will act as judges :They are the Master Preparations of the World, has come down and was strong Different from all Others with his work. He bas not spared MR. NATHANIEL HILL, SR.
himself and think that in the Prics of all goods in the United States of America 50e; MR. GERALD MARTIN, kay in which he conducted the all Foreign Countries, 60c.
Government work, both in this REVEREND SURGEON Creoline Hair Producer Court and elsewhere, is all to bis redit and the good of the colony.
Contest closes May 31st, 1923, and names of winners will be announced Straightens rough, harsh. kinky hair with or without hot combs, and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 10 am sure all, members of the in the Star Herald.
percent mon oil thaa is possibly to be put into any other preparation Pourt wish bim, when he leaves of its kind is the world. Patch in plaas ani praveai baldness, bs to enjoy a holiday in the Old The prizes will be divided as follows:lo ounce tins, Dountry, ibat health would Creolina Day Dandruff Remedy recuperate and he would be 1st prize. 30. 00 3rd prize 00 very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandruff, Tetter Strengthened to return to dury.
and Eazen, ind that in whatever sphere he It is antiseptic. Grows baie kos in scaipatay 12. 50 4th 50 In ounce bottles.
is called, he would be able to arry on for very many years Mark Envelope KAL MOL CONTEST and mail to. Jackson Manufacturing Co, 455 West Tenth St. Manufacturers Exporters Indianapolis Ind, nore.
All Up to daw Drug Stores carry a stock of Creoline.
Mr. Brassington: On bebalf of Box 338. Colon he Elective members wish to Associate myself with the re.
Sole Agent in the Republic of Panama.
derstands that a petition bas ist action was expressed by those narks that have fallen from the been sent to the Stewards of the who put wuney on the horse the cting Colonial Secretary of Bel Air Park Club askiog for a teelung being that Worrell deltbcurse, ihe con gal members of KAL MOL consideration of their decision in erately allowed Prima Donna to he Elective section are probably suspending Jockey Worrell until win.
ot able to offer such a fine judg.
October for pulling Sea Breez: WHIP DROPPED nent on the legal capabilities of is the surest and safest remedy for:in order to allow Prima Donato win the Creole Encouragement Gorrell explanation of the inbe Attorney General as the se.
Gior member for Georgetown, Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia Rheumatism, Gout, Cold, Influenza, Handicap on the second day of cidant is that his whip dropped Ind the Hon, member for Berbice La Grippe, Menstrual Colic, Alcoholic Intoxication, Etc.
the races at Bel Air Park. The from his hand just as he was nd other legal members of the decision of th: Stewards was about to make a tinal effort to Court, but think am speaking Samples given away and on sale at all drug stores.
mado ou a complaint ada overtake Primi Donna and he for all sides of this Court when did the best be ejuld without the by Mr. Peranzul the whip.
owner of Molecule the other Hill also says that his ay that we have been struck 50x50se OGSSSSSSSSSSSS with the very capable mai ner in Borse in the race which was sub whip dropped opposite the tive hich the Attorney General has sianciated by Dr. Massian. The stilling stand and is sanguine handled all the bls which came concensus ut opinion of those that Worrell could not have over before the Court of Poliey are this colony. anord. was astonished wandered. die ahe he tenidor of your The Pulling of Sea Wher Wpinsessed race was that blandet med slide wade Prima now as as concerned, at the extraordinary culonyof most pleasing Molecule on tue Donna for all worth always thought he got through which find Josepba bad things which happen to use in Breeze nome stretch Worrell deliberate down the back stretch taking Jwith them with the ininimum of over his material the colony life, as His Excelleney has said, ed Hal to win un Palma Dua, as the winning post. With the ly held up Sea Breeze and allow every advabtage of her light weigat and regarding eyery post riction and greatest celerity, laws and legal history, without is to realise that tboellorts nd am certain that promotion which am sure toe Government Sea Breeze and Prima Donna are marked out for the Attorney would have been ia great disticul which you put forward to serve a PETITION TO THE STEWARDS both owned by Mr. Caubon wbupache set on Prima Donnait General in some other country, ty. think it is only right that community have met with tavour.
worell Explanations as usual made no declaration as was impossible for sea Bien; to and that when he leaves here, be should tell the Court what my am grateful indeed for the to which was to be the winner. Wo wita the impost of 133 lbs.
Sea Brez over a mile.
will carry with him, very happy experience has been. It is not kind things you have said was very heavily fe collections of this colony, and every body who can rise to such me which shall never forget. The Demerara Argosy un backed and considerable dissat. Continued on Page 6)
of this Ocurl think there is occasion, in two years service in hardly an 020ssion on which apy a new colony as he has done.
member came in conflict with him Mr. JOSEPHS GRATITUDE Duce or twice there was just a Replying the Attoroey General sin all bret ze but it was very con passed over. On both sides said: am gratelul indeed to Capitai and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 900, 000 tue relation was very happy inYour Excelleacy and members deed, am sure the Attorney kindness to me, it is an unusual of the Court for your words of General when he leaves here incident in the history of this will also be a missionary for British Guiana as well as for Ja the high office that happen to, colony that the officer holding muica, will do his best for us hold, should make a mporary when he gets any wortby client sojurn of two years and am who has some money to spend glad to have had the opportunity, Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City and wants to know where he can Owned by The NATIONAL Crry BANK OF NEW YORK came with some degree of invest it. Although he would trepidation and fear. didn probably think of Jamaica first as it is his homeland, he would, quite know what was going to hope, advise then that after Ja happen. was however reassured maica, there was no better place the outside. Amongst those who bv the kindness which got from Depository of the PANAMA CANAL than British Guiana. wish bim a safe voyage, an er joyable holi came to meet me at the stelling day, long life, and very suostan member of Georgetown was my old friend, the senior with tial promotion. Hear, bear)Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of whom have pleasant recolleeHIS EXCELLENCY APPRETHE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in tion of peaceful and quiet student CIATION days in Eagland. also found ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM His Excellency: have only many members of this Court CHINA JAPAN JAVA been here three months, but who were amoung the stuuects STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES am certainly going to add my in my day the hon, member for ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE CUBA PERU PORTO RICO word. The Attorney General New Amsterdam and the hon.
must feel with pride these trit member for Berbice: 80 was URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA utes which have been publicly not altogether a stranger in the paid to him, and can only tell Court. shall look back with a the Court what my experience great deal of happiness at my of him is, and that is, can never very pleasant experienec bere Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World want to find anyone who was am very glad came to British more courteous, good natured Guiana. am a convert of the and bad readines to oblige excellency and the great realities than fond in Mr. Josephs. dont call them possibilities or ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE There is a vast amount of work probabilities but realities of and responsibilties which lie on this colony and can aseure you i les al adviser to the Govern if was a younger man, and INTEREST PAD ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM ment, when is little realised out did not give hostages tu for:uae, side the Government service It should have been strengiy is a very heavy one especially in inclined to become a Settler and Sooss International Banking Corporation INDIA


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