
STUDIS La Vie THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MAY 1928 SE The West Indian Cricket Tour.
Walk Over Shoes What Position Do You Want?
INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDE ACE SCHAL Mail Address: Box 44, Canal Zone 01 16 Co Avand The Best of Everything for Every ARE THE BEST MADE. Then why be satisfied with less than the best Mr Av 28 BUY PAIR TO DAY AND BE SATISFIED Runcios INSTUCTIONS Clear. Quick and Thorough. COLEGES be these lessons for their students. VISITOR WTS Office in Panama City.
Technical and Industrial Dp it ne. Architect Aumbi. Wyk. Architectural Draftamsa. Airple Engine ue Pt nt Resding Plumber und steen. Building Poremsa For Plumber. Concrete Builder Shoot Metal Worker Contractor and Builder Steam Raciale Electrical Engineering Mana Beirer Electric Wiring Refrigera ing Bagian Electris Lighting Oheistry Eleobio Car Herale Telegraph Engineer Navigation Tolophie Work Outdoor Sia Plates Mechanical Engineer. Agritur Mecbraical Iman Prut Gering. Machine Shop Practice Live Books and Diy Toolmaker Poulty Pries Civil Engineer Were. Surveying and Mapping Radio Gas Engine Operating Business Training Department Saleem snehip. aasai. Advertising. Banking and Banking Law Foreign Trade Higher Accounting Semography and Eyping Certified Pub, Accountant Toucher Bookkeeping. Common School Subjecte Business English. High School Subjecte Private Secretary And Many Other Courses.
28 American Bazaar Stores Panama Colon COV Years Captain of Name.
Address Mark the subject you wish to study and write your name an Adlere Mail the coupon to day for free CotalogLUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE Only the Best Men Furnishings OF Lodge No. 27, we have discover the fund. Exchange Mr, HB Austin has now been desinitely selected Captain of the West Ind an Cricket XI.
The ream will arrive in London at the end of April. Three mere bel from Jamaica should reach Avon mouth in the ss Camito on April 30th, Messrs Elders and Fyffes baving generousiy placed at their disposal passage to England and back as their coa tributions towards the Fund The remainder of the men for whose passages Messrs Thos Jas Har rison have also made valuable concession, are due to reach the West India ck in the ss Intaba 01 April 28th.
Austin was, it will be remembered. Captain of a team wbicb came over in 1896 and won seven out of nineteen matches played Son of Mr.
Gardianer Austin, of Eamore, Barbados, he is properly regarded as one of the rising men in the West Indies, being member of the Barbados House of Asembly and president of the local Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. RH, Mallet, hae, alrerady stated, kindly under taken to act as Manager of the team as be did in 1906 Chairman of the Minor Counties Association, and for many Durham County Eleven, his wide experience of cricket should prove particularly useful.
The fund opened by the West Indian Club with the object of ensuring the financial success of the tour has met with good Lodge Luz Del Istmo No. support. among recent contributions received being the 27, following: The British American Tobacco Company, 50; The Earl of Ellesmere, 26 53. Panama, April 21. 1923. Messrs. Furnees, Withy Co. 25; Mr. Allan Messer, 121; Messrs. James Buchanan Co.
Ltd. 10 10s; Messrs. John Dewar Sons Ltd. 10 pounds TO ALL OUR) BRETHREN OF 103. Messrs. Morton Ltd THE M. FS pounds 5s. and the Tunnel Portland Cement Co. Ltd. BE IT KNOWN. pounds sterling It is hoped that all concerned will appreciate the advantages That according to information which must be derived from the obtained yesterday in the city of tour through publicity which it Colon by our PIG, Cecilio wi will give to the British West Flax and our present G, Tomás Indies, and will liberally support Arauz of the Luz del Istmo ed that the spurious Lodge Chinese Willle Who Fought Pathenon No 30, which the principal founders are Balbino Girl. Delgado, and Domingo Robeto, is not, nor will ever be legally Willig Wing, are you guilty?
constituted in the city of Panama No guilty, meno do nothing. Lodge; to the fact that the Grenadilantic answered Willie laughingly. District No. 5, which they Wait sir, thundered a policeclaimed have installed them in man, you are charged with disdue form, have declared empathi orderly conduct.
cally that they have not commit Yes sir, me no guilty, ted such an absurd act The arresting constable told the baye proved so by the trial and court of Willie behaviour in Suspension of the sub Past Grand Luke Lane, Master Anderson, a member of Willie went into the witness that regular body who was the box and thus deponed: Me no responsible party that illegally do anything, one gal come ask established and installed the of me for money, me no gleber ficers of the spurious Lodde and she tight me.
Pathe non No. 30 in the city of His Hon. You tight her back?
Panama; without the consent and approval of the said Grand At Wilie: Sure, me lick her in lantic District No her bead and run His Hon, And the policeman In consequence of the illegal arrested you?
manner in which this Lodge Pathenon No, 30 exists, we Willie: Sure.
feel it our duty to inform this fiod you gullty, 103. 5d. or procedure to every Mechanic dayo.
throughout the world by this medium, wbich will prevent serious disturbances in the The 50c. Middle future, in connection with the principles laid down in our Grade School Noble Order.
Therefore we request all our Bretben a solid fraternal union The United Methodist Church as to thair duty to debar these Isthmian 50c. Middle Grade irregularly made members to School organized for the uplitt of enter (in) our sacred retreat. Colored Children here and placed within the easy reach of all conIn this manner we are sure of ditione, which is opened at 21st doing our duty on behalf of our Street Gauchapali Panama under obligation in making it known the direction of the Rev.
to our Brethren by these oppor Anderson, and efficiently taught tuned words of caution.
by his three teachers, bas been Fraternally yours, fairly started.
TOMÁS ARAÚZ, Much has been recently ex. pended to provide suitable seats VINCENTE RACEDO and desks and sufficient toilet I, accomodations for the school.
JUAN REINA, Between May and July next.
we will be stocked with our In charge of Corresdondence special books, when the higher grade of the school will be reTO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN solved into technical studies.
This being a faltbful philantrophic Institution appreciates any letter from Cuba addressed donations towards its upkeep to Henry Bruce who it is said made to the superintendent worded for the Quartermaster addressed to Ancon Box Department, Canal Zone, bas 1100, been to Executive Office ANDERSON, Said letter bas been forward.
ed to the office of The Workman Creoline straightens and Printery where Bruce can ob beautifies the hair and pretain same upon ideatification. duces hair on bald heads.
carried in stock One extra process fine Selection of English Woolens And AND White Linen Drills JUST RECEIVEO It toasted ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY SHIRTS TIES COLLABS BTC, BTC. BTC At THE PALAIS ROYAL PERREIRA CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, Man This gives a delightful qualityimpossible to duplicate Treat Yourse BY TAKING DR. SANGER CAPSU WONDERFUL CURE FOR BLADDER IRRITATIO It Contains East Indian Oil of Sande and other ingredients Gives Positiye Relief in 24 Advertise in the Workman Balboa Heights for delivery It pays BUY BOX TO DA AT THB CHORRILLO DRUG STO No: 48 Street Carner


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