
productor HEROES, UTICA, NV, USA Farmers (Dr, sca arr SSSSSSS FaxdWorth he Pablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies ALBUND, the office Central Ave ton. Correspondence on all matters and dorar of Street. Pansms of publie interest invited.
HP All copy for publlestion must be STANDS FOR Box 74, Panama One Eleven INK written on one side of paper only, atd RATES OP SUBSCRIPTIOS must be accompanied by the name of e Year 40 18. Oy. the writer, not Ossarily for publies1. 20 Hon but as a mark of good faith.
80e, We do not undertake to return 250.
rejected correspondeuse AT THE ER and is the TLAberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS WORKMAN PRINTERY AI usi SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1923 Central Avenue and Cornar Slui SAFEST MILK League Street, Panama City.
he mbi BRITISH ARMAMENT EXPENPHONE 454 for your home Incomparable y0 vill DITURE.
Salem Christian Church 3rd St.
og Coin Sweetened Condensed Broadway Colon YOU CAN TRUST THE Jockey Club Stewards Sen The estimates of expenditure on the British Navy, Sunday Morning Sersie 11, 30 Army and Air Force show that very substantial economies BLUE AND WHITE Fined Two Trainers se bedry Briting Service 7:30 PM Monday Believers Praise meet op As Ive been practised. In the words of one minister, from inspected herds Tunday young people Leagu Lo British expenditure on armaments has been cut to the CO OPERATIONS LATION, Wednesday Bible reading 30 The amount is still tremendous and people are Dairymen Label The Gleaner of recent date Thursday Choir practice 80 genxious to see developments in policy which would make Stewards of Friday Prayer moeting 72 will Il further drastic reductions possible. But that really the Jamalea Jockey Club held an enquiry into certain Incidents Rev WILKINS, Pastor in share pecpends more upon other nations policy, rather than on at the recent Easter Races at de citish policy Anyhow, it is claimed that, compared Guaranteed by 70, 000 Farmers Koutsford Park.
dioth several other countries, Britain effort is by no Ebenezer Charch Building Na The first enquiry had reference big ans discreditable. The figures on armament expenditure to James Ramsing, the trainer of 85, Calidonia Road, Panama tale Navy 58 million; Army 52 million; Air Force 15 sold by ALL GROCERs la White Rose, Mr. Keeling Sunday Il am Morning Forship akiillion. Total 125 million. Compared with the pre war And PANAMA CANAL COMMISSARIES Glly, which was stopped from p. Sunday Schol has ars 1913 14, there is an increase of million on the starting in the last race on the 30 pm Evangelistie, service first dev of the meeting the re Monday 30 to Believers meeting witbuvy and of 24 million on the Army. This is entirely port of the Veterinary Surgeon Tuesday 7, 30 in Christain Endoskou nim tributable, however, to financial improvements in pay, Socotes Rushie Grey) was consid Wedneday 30 pm comments on and the increased cost of material. It is fairer to ered and after hearing the expla certain portion of the word of Gji Housut out that in the last twelve months expenditure on RUDGE WHITWORTH GYCFE AGENCY. COLON nation of Ramsing, the Stewards elected for that pur nose came to the conclusion that the Thursday 30 pm Choir practica re de Navy has been reduced by. 25 millions and on the AGENTS FOR RUDGE WHITWORTH, COVENTRY, evidence as to the abnormal co. Friday p, mn Junior Christisna to sue ammy by 10 millions. Of course, there are upendous dition of the filly was conclusive and 30 Prayer retiaz Pculuctions from expenditure at the conclusion of th war.
and as the trainer, under the ho to Doul. Britain, for instance, bas very great commitments We are expecting a large shipment of rules of the Jockey, Club is reRov. Olle, Pastor in charge sponsible for the condition of his Secuich make demands upon her military force, Neve thehorse the Stewards inposed a trets, her wartime army of over five millions has been re.
Rudgetine of 25 pounds.
Nazareno Christian Church ind. ced to a personnel of 171, 000. It is interesting to comThe same decision was arrived Ghuachapali Panama.
care this figure with that of other countries. France, for Whithworth at in respect to Blights, Mrs.
noritance. has approximately 713, 000 men and Italy Sherwood horse which was also 11 am raing wombip T2, 000. As for the Navy, Britain before the war insisted Path Racers prevented from starting in the 3p. Sunday School a two power standard; now her strength is equivalent same race as White Rose. Mr. 7:30 pm Evangelistic Service hat of the United States. She has already begun to Sherwood the trainer of Blighty Monday 30 Believers meeting SPORTING MODEL, was fined 25 pounds.
Turday 530 Junior Christina Bados Assot upon the Washington Pack (Limitation of Naval SPEED TRON vour, was maments) although the signature of France to that ROADSTERS. On the second day of the meet. 7, 30 Senior Christisa Eadeavour LADIES BICYCLES, ing Sea Weed was also prevented Wedaraday Prayer meeting betireement is still awaited.
BOYS AND GIRLS BICYCLES from starting, the Veterioary Thursday 7:30 Choir practica hel in the debates on the estimates particular attention We shall be pleased to know your requirements so Surgeon holding that tba animal Friday 7, 30 Open air meeting sot been directed to the fact that the number of service was in an abnormal condition, that we can reserve one of BRITAIN BEST nenoplanes which was 3, 300 at the end of the war is now This being the case the groom, Rev. Neal Pastor in chatta be BICYCLES for you. Morris who was in charge of Story 371. Some people thought this was overdoing the the animal the cnse of Rim Seventh Day Adventist Church And sting process and it was pointed out tha: France still LARGE SUPPLY OF BICYCLE ACCESSORIES KEPT IN STOCK sing trainer bing under suspanod ssesses 1, 260.
siou was fined 10 pounds. STREET CALIDONIA ROAD, Pou This economy is not designed primarily to sive the Pry us a visit, 3rd and Bolivar Streets, or write through (near Isthmisa Park. PANAMA.
for payers pockets It is, in the main, instigated by the Box 1116, Cristobal, Canal Zone.
CHURCH SERVICES bbath (Sturdy) 45 am ay withsire to free Britain from her war debt to America. As Venkata 45 (American Epi copal Church)
bath School; 11 15 um General Worship 30 pm. Spanish Class; 30 pm.
whic indication of this, figures of comparative taxation. The Fifth Suvly after Easter) Young People Meeting; 530 o.
anden in reply to a recent question in the House of St. Pater Church La Boca, Veapers.
pefommons, are sufficiently significant These show Sunday evening at Reading nos Blat the amount per head of the population paid annually Choral celebration of Holy Com nua ion Class All are welcome bith yo ing and 6:30 a. withtax is, in Britain, 16. 128. compared with 178. 4d.
old. 30 Preschiar Service.
rici France and 185. in the United States. By such Holy ptisin 30 a. Matins and address 11 am na kation, Britain is enabled to meet her war debt of 1920 Sunday Sehool p.
Christian Mission Of Panama ions to America. Her Allies on whose behalf Britain EVERY ITEM MUST BE SOLD AT COST PRICE Choral Evensong with Sarmon at 7:30 narrowed this huge sum from America bave, so far, made Weekly services Morning prayer, Paasma 11 am. Joo. Rawlins 7;30.
Tratman trily noticeable efforts to pay any of the money they owe We present, Rings, Watches, Braclets, Monday ad Wednesbay m recoitai. And the French debt to Britain is 5584 million La Valliers, Vanity Cases, Links, Broaches, Thursday (Ascension Duy Holy Com Chorillo 11. am Wilson 30 Belle bt the Ital an 503 million. Naturally, some people wish munioast 7, Choral Evensong with Boon 11. Brewster 7:30 Ear rings, Chalns, Fobs, Rosarles, Knives and sermon 30 pm Taylor har at the policy of less expenditure on armaments and bebayment of debts were more generally practised Forks, Spoons, and numerous other articles Priday Morning Prayer and Litany Paraiso II. 7. 30. J, Yard am Gatub 11 am Jw Boyo 7:30 Mills Colon 11 am 7:30 W Burto OTEN Customers are requested to call for jobs ft in my MULCARE. Rector (are not later than April 30th, 1928.
Rev. BURKE Supt.
Все JAMES LLIAMSON, Jeweler, Matias ad Hly Com bunian 10, 45 am Gen PARTNERSHIP AND PROFITSnaday School 3, The Salvation Army 167 Bolivar Street, Colon.
will Choral Evensing and address 7, 30 em Prayer meeting Bril ISHARING Sim Thurrday (Awen ion Day) Choral UVAJANTY30 10 am Sunday Sch mai evensong with address 30 11. Holiness meeting wht JT MULOARS Pris in charge pm SunPay School shi of the many schemes now being put forward to Bartholomews Church Las 30 Salvation meeting an deure greater harmony in the relations of capital and of the business or the economy of production. 2) that Cascadas GEORGE MORRIS in your that of co partnership, or profit sharing, is at the they shall accumulate their share of profit, or part thereCommandant propment the one wh ch is making greatest headway in of, in the capital of the business. 3) that they shall Morning Pea er and address II a. Sunday Schol hopeat Britain. There are many reasons why the propa: acquire some share in the control of the business by Evening Prayer and address 6pm mainda of co partnership should have entered on an inten. acquiring share capital, and thus obtain the rights and Seventh Day Adventist Church MULCARE Priest in shung thaize activity since the war. But whether one sees in this responsibilities of shareholders.
a screased interest in a doctrine of social partnership, a Panama San Miguel Arosemena 3rd STREET PRO ADWAY, COLON The principle of co partnership, Mr. Williams conStreet Bulding 25 Sabbath (Saturday) 45 bbstle das nuine concern for raising the status of the workers, de tends, may be worked out in a variety of ways, and in School; 11. 16 sm Geral Worship whether, on the other hand, one regards it as an astute formulating a scheme the conditions and circumstances of Baption by the es 80 mm 430 Young people mosting ove to counter the rising tide of Socialism, there is no the business in question should be taken into account. Holy Communion 8:30 5. 30 pm Veapers Pubt that the subject is being seriously considered in The general application of the system, says this able and Sunday evening 30 Prese ing Service Bailey Pastor Edustrial circles in Great Britain. Many schemes are optimistic protagonist, would go far to barmonise the Church of God G St Colon and bring a friend.
Al are invited to attead thos, service, bee aming elaborated by large firms whereby their workers can interests of employer and employed, would gradually exworare in their prosperity, and it is to one of the most tend the ownership of capital to every worker of character Sunday School pm.
41 30 7:30 Gospel Sermon muriking of these plans that we propose to give a little con throughout the country, and would transform the present Sis Brewstar Pastor Evang Baptist Church utederation. Before doing so it will perhaps be well to New Providence Colon 11 sm 15 Peator Thrift pod ake the assumption that all our readers are not conver capitalistic form of industry; as representative governLord Supper sfter each servie of int with even the broader principles of this social experi ment bas transformed autoeracy into democracy.
Mr. Williams remark about representative govern Sunday School pm Gospel Sorm ja 11. 30a. 7. 30 Chorrillo 11 m. Pastor Win Lord waient. We give, therefore, a brief summary of these ment and democracy naturally reveals him as a Liberal Sis Elliot, Pastar, morinciples by a recognised exponent. 15 Mr. Morris politician; and it is significant. The scheme we are about end. Co partnership, or more fully labour co partner to consider is also linked up with latter day Liberalism: Coroaul Rond 11 a Dasson Melatoda Gitun 715 Doronn Linton th ip, wries Me Aneurin Williams, for some years a for Messrs. Rowntrer, ule well known masufactucers Gorpel Seran Ju 11, 3). 7, 30 Pueblo Nuevo Ilam Descon Linton andember of the House of Commons, is a system of organi of cocoa and chocolates, are reputed to be the fiuancial Sunday School p a 715 Descoa Blackburn 11. ation in industry which aims at bringing about a perma power behind a large section of the Liberal Press in Great George Griffith Empire 11 at Doren Browa ment improvement in the relations of capital and labour, Britain. It is this fact that makes the scheme, of greater 7:15 Dracon Cummings sidad a definite change in the status of the workers. It Creoline straightens and d Tank 30 pm Deacon Yearwood aims for all workers (1) that they shall receive, in addi importance, for it may not unfairly be regarded as the con beautifies the hair and pro Cativa Supplied New Providence Decon Broom ins 2005 on to their standard wages, some share in the final profit (Continurd on Page 8)
ducos hair on bald heads. New Gatun Thunday 30 Pastor Thai Demo SabClearing out! Clearing out!
32. Watabes Church Empleo the Supper tovb


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