
Answers To Ambiguous!
Questions hesterfield TIGARETTES hended Bole which putting it SJA straight 62. it the best 10 dista cigarette ever made!
stranden any of Get to the heart of this which help Ahesterfiche quality Durely Professor Joly. Pia bek to modify his patrons the Publie generals that he removed his residence and present located at OBJ. Str Car de extreme Herint by the Director May 1st 1928.
marehed are the to the ton Dear Mr Editor. shall be beautiful played on the Hix bis in de tied to you, when by Me, Arthur in the through your crurtesy you perhoune Burbe, after which the mit me a little space in your wor.
halied is the staking thy columns for this publication entire length of Gdelland of tbis wee information, which through their dalle is calleat am sure will be bighly beneficial to wala nad xx dine presenti to tbe general publie, End those beau ilul spectacle within, especially the Fraternal Nort in turn the By So circle. want to more to call by Sri Watford the attention of those so called took them chiangle ska de son tra Officere and Members of the of scouting wetivities inclelis BLOG on the Istbfiremna tits, the improvi ed erats us of Panama, and through healing an answers, e.
wbose instrumentalities the poblie at large are being led to beAt the dose of this is the gram Director Do Bargietroduced lieve that the Mount Gilead Lodge to the sadnes to in turo in rewly of the B1 DO has been illegally put througb. That duoed Me. Seste delivered a ch assertion tends very much inspiring adele te for men ard to to costa gloomy impression on eulagising the fine art en la Dire ibe Distriet Deputy of Colon viz or is doing and entrarsped the son to Walter James.
all support posible to mch.
My answers to those ambimovement for by me dele they guous Inquiries are: CU be bewusted gresele de spoke of great necesity of the girls and we That the Mount Gilead joining in th: Neal Aesivities. H: spoke very highly the Baden Po and formally the Bethel TaberBoy Scouts of the oldest nacle No 28. and of under the National Grand organisation for boys. It them the Commons of th) Am Lodge, has been legally obligationa Boy Soule on the time he ed under the British Rule.
preciated be work ay mach II. That the Mount Gilead Next in turn wwe Me, B)
Lodge of the above Order, wbile upoke very highly of the Dirvebar holding the name of Betbel work with and for the Conwalty Tabernsele No. 28. under the mid that he oppe eisted very highly National Grand Lodge bad not that is being done to che ci do been suspended for of the distriot. healzby sed hop chce or offences committed.
people. Hi complimed III. That the officers and Patrick for his time members of the said body which ed wasic al on the pian was formally the Bethel Taber.
the class is grag trag bacie, having just cause, have their exercises Had th independently and without he was very pleased with the exc malice. prejudice pre pelsed, ditions of the Cablusend the ab Ciesolved their relationship minsken at of Mr Sail, 8: IV. They have applied to the retary who is work as had to te mite eto Supreme Council No. B. IO.
people comfortab!
widias the of in Jamaica I. for with the necessary facilities of lada a British Charter, which applica.
gency in cloan sport irdadlag a ten tior was drafted under court now und entrustion. legil knowledge. swings, bars, ets. Had tos pop The condition of the applica to be truthful to exchothese bohm tion having proved satisfactory to women, boys, cal girls Protect yo the Supreme Council No. in girls. Proteat your wance, le seo ak the boy and girle te puell pomis that. There were no elements attention to their edete and existing to the prejudice of either laws, a British Dispensation was truthful to their pee teeber legally granted.
Me, D, Brurg in it at the old VI. The Sup eme Council No. and those present there the sake for has invested the power in its the way kind te made direct represer tative in Calon to the timely advice given te To complete the progra carry out its orders; thus, the boxing was indelad sad wall dictations of the subordir ate joyed by the crowd patent, lodges on the Istb mug and under the jurisdiction of the said Supreme Council No. still Gatvn.
remains subordinate.
VII. The Supreme Deputy of Colon WR James, under the WEDDING BELLS.
vestment of the Supreme Council No. of Jamaica quiet and pretty weddie (Wes absolutely no apology to ceremony at one or need po sympatby from those Balvation Army Ballith and aforesaid officers and members Btreet Color who are orly common enemies (4 col. 12) 48 la Serie Appe. 1923 Req. L15463 Job 6406 April lat, the cont of the Order.
ties were reaberto, Note The burden of proof and Miss My and definition on those second daagliate persons ubing the term Ilegal the time to me where it was seen CANAL ZONE LA Division No. 17 sad Me back on Ais principles. The Mnk Christopher that Mrs. Althe Geinmores Tate at world neds and will follow the island of was written thereon. Tbº matThe Mourt Gilead Lodge ter was reported to the Police de.
meetir Caled up by the President, fearless workers, Mr. Reynolds, Mt Sewart in behalf of Shall to soothe the unholy throng, formed by Nagar and of is now partment. veral hundred bimselt and his colleagues expressed satsaften Thy truth, and smooth my under the jurisdiction of the people gathered to see the unexisf etion of having been propeat and Supreme Council No. of Jaspected curiosity.
La Boca Atehen bought that the work that is being done to gaia carth silded toys, or fee. The but maica under the British by the Asben seun is very commeadable ber father Flag and safely registered aeum The crou, endered, my God, by Thoot tower Me Cragwell again entertained those under the Friendly Societies Act, Delegate Arrive From mony brid present wi one of his select: flute Give me Thy strength. God of power; Vic. Chapter, 27 ard Law 28 Jamaica.
the la bo.
Then, let the winds blow or thunder parents remidesse The monthly working plan ct the La where roer Thanking you for space Mr.
Buca Athenaeum is as follows: feast was eagged Editor, beg to ren. bin yours in Among the passengers who The now 1st Tuesday night Report from Com.
The Proposed Municipal Thy faithful witaras will be. Tis fixed; can do all things through bave the sth the bond of Justice arrived on the steamship Meta mittees Lottery For Jamaica. Thee. OVDE HAIG MITCHELL, pan from Jimaica, BW. on Ba ing of short excerpclipplings ole.
at Hd Street, Gate Wednesday, May 2, was Mr, or nigh: with so me standard suthor, May these sentiments domi2) Colon Hospital, Ci isto balc. James Reid, Soprema Gana Date the souls of all of our Victoria Co.
To the Editor of The Workman.
Scribe of the Grand Temple of Tuesday night Addresse: previthe British United Order of only darmoined or impromtu from the Mr. litor. In a recent issue spiritual leaders.
Yours for the Master service Middiidse to scrap basker.
the of your paper you published an BOYS INSTITUTE COLON Mosaic Templars. He is HINDS, Cortes guest of tie ipembers of Royal 3rd Tuesday night Sories, fab es anec account of the proposal to start Municipal lottery in Kingston, La Boca, King David Temple No. 2, work dates and papere, Jamale. and of the stand certain Canal Zone, An interesting An Appeal For Ald.
ing under his jurisdiction, and Tuasday night Round table die ministers took against it as a game of cratet has come be in the interest aussija.
form of gambliox, read the the Middless The kind consideration of the of the oder and the other 5b Turad night Debate of literary matter with much pleasure. I: Red Tank Club Sandaluate thee Public is hereby solicited by lodges connected, both in Colon eri icisms in English and Composi ion was a source of great gratifiand the ho Bastia Commander Watson. The use of and Bocas del Toro, Two months ago the scio:y had a cation to me to see these gentle house Activities. being span was reading books, copy books, exer: During his stay he can be pleas iot evening with Shakespare, the mea spak out so clearly. Racle, we cise books, and bibles bymn found at the Commercial Hotel Bard of von and last Thursday have always admired, men Sdn wicket stige books and slates are urgently between 7th and 8th Bolivar eveniag was sy cat with Jabo Milton the lof the typ)
of John the Baptist. On Saturday night April 23th. the pain.
Middlese needed for the tuition of the Street, Colon. He will sail restes: English epic poet Mitoa works diel. Paul men boys. donation in cash or sop for Bocas del Toro next week en bains eo well known as Sh keep sar not afraid to stand by their falth Buy Scouts of this District under the distort was too who were members of the Health Club and the in what it dificult plies will be thankfully received. We extend hearty welcome to probably acounted for the erasse in and says need of such Physical Director for the Clabhouse and able leadership of Mr. DeBburg, with the except the visitor atleadinė at at this mesting from the There is Shakespearean evening man: the world is made batter dr, Walfort, Soutier, made 13, 14, a Phillips Hunian Skuil With Name Taera were, however, several interest by their lives.
tively, presented the with a the other Written found in Colon. Loyal Persever once Lodge items contribud by members, Mr. waen these workers in fao program of Physical Activitio, To Meet.
Geo. Smith rand a hort surmarv of God vioyard spoke out agaiast Mr. Boa, General Secretary of took their are double figurer Mton life after wh eh Mr. Ceagwell, this in siduous, alluring and the Bureau of Clubs and Playgrounds could wips o Much to the surprise and astonishment of this comThe Loyal Perseverance Loige strinued with no. doc Ko tu da val za evil it seemed to and Mr. Scott, Director of but Ride and munity, last Thursday, No. 10105 0. Colon alltone, lite Alesa Go Pianie, ma tha thay aute lika real Physisal Education paid an official ed like dewan while Gerald Cousin and will hold its regular general Juu) and Bayne guve very comprehen sohards.
visit to the Cubhouse for the purpop hielders parface Albert Sealy boys of the meeting on Tuesday night, May, evo readings daling with the poet and Weak Knee workers are not of seeing tho Healk Club and Boy efficiently. Vict Colon Boys Institute were dig 8, 1928, at the Flower of the nis wel knowo Paradise Lost, Mr. likely to accomplish much. Scouts go through their exercises.
59 ruas, after ging earth some distance from Isthinus lodgeroom at o clock Pierre contribution teing his original There is always danger of our At o clock the Gym Clase number two chances and the home, they discovered a bu. All members denying Christ from timidity or ing a fewer than 60 men and boy thus an exciting man skull which was taken to to attend.
Mossere Hector Connor and Stewart of self interest, and turning four lined up for fregular body building by Victoria The extra enjoyment you get from Chesterfield is due to just one thing finer tobaccos of better taste than in any other cigarette at the price.
Ad 448 lity.
serrat The of 1886.
Sato on are requested produc. in.


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