
PACE SIX THE WORKAN SATURDAY MAY 1923 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS. WILKINSON Laundry. LA ESPERANZA. Soap Factory Contractor Seal is in the interest of the Lada LAUNDRY SERVICE QUALITY SOAP and PALOMA SOAP ED. LYNTON down. Call and see us before purchasing money that (Continued From Page 3)
JAMAICA (cil on Tuesday, on the motion of and Builder the acting Colonial Secretary passed a resolution au borising House No. 2C Will Fill Great Privy Councilot Spring Garden the purchase by the Governor in THE BEST THE BEST 28th NOV. STREET, Need Estate in St. Thomas, from Mr.
SAN MIGUEL B. The P:0. Box 411, Panama, RP.
INTELLSING COMPANY WILL Settlement Scheme the property ERECT BLIP DOCK AT EAST is of 745 acres, there are 110 tenPlans and Specifications Free nants on the lands, all of whom END OF KINGSTON have signified their intention of First Class Workmanship acquiring the boldings into in the city.
For soue time past the need which Spring Garden will be difor Laundry Guaranteed.
of a dock at Kingston to facill vided tate repairs to small vessels bas Absolute satisfacThe Colonial Secretary stated been keenly felt.
Ship owners that as soon as the tendants that have been visiting Barbados, in the island have been com were given notice to leave the tion and purposes Trinidad and some of the other West Indian Islands. It is also pelled to send their boats to Cuba and elsewhere when they lands which they had occupied a lot that cannot be dealed Use it all the time Quick Service.
for years, the owner baving dethis state require dock; of cided to put it into the market, that some colonies. notably ad airs has been the subject of Jamaica, Bermuda and thg good deal of unfavourable come 1200 othey showed some amount of reBahamas, have been spending matter Was nent in and around Kingston, peatment. The brought to the notice of the Gov large sums of money to ads tise It can now be stated that a ernor with the result that it was themselves and attr et tourists to their abores, por cua company walch has been operat decided to acquire the property.
ng in the island for upwards of The Hon. Phillips, Mr H, it be concealed that we have bere in St. Lucia an asset bleh quarter of a century ago Williams, and Mr. Light any other colony would have concern which is koown for the bourn will form a committee in made very much of and which terprise its management bao connection with the distribution we do oot always displayed in the conduct of the blodings.
appreciate the FOR SALE Sulphur Springs. it it were the particular line in which cvertised and made known to the is engaged has made arrangenents to put downdock camo Build Up Large tourist world that it were page able of lifting Vessels up to 400 One Stuvessant Piano aible to leave a steamer in Coetries at or o clock in th ons displacement. The comPeasantry.
any in question is the West WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT In 1 Condition morning and proceed to the sulphur sprlogs one of the most Indian Chemical Works Ltd. No reasonable offer turned wonderful picturesque, which operates the largest dye No. 78. New Market Street Writing editorially under the aad The dock above caption, the Herald ampidactory in Jamaica.
grand sights that it is given to will be located on the Belmont verts thus:RETAIL DEPARTMENT man to see, bathe in the Ballection of Kingston barbour.
For particulars apɔly at the ubur baths get a close look at The Legislative Council did a The West Indian Chemical good day work on Tuesday No. 107, Bolivar Street WORKMAN PRINTERY Pitons, rest in a good hotel.
Works own and operates a fleet when it unanimously approved of Central Ave Street and get back to the steamer by echooners in THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY connection the expenditure by the Govern or o clock in the afternoon Panama City there is not, we warrant, one Gith the transportation of log ment of 5, 000 to acquire a prop Steamship Co. or tourist boat vood to the factory at Spanish erty of upwards of 100 acres in own; and so it will not be neces St. Thomas, in the interest of FULL SUL that could afford to eat out Bt.
TRINIDAD Lucis. and all this can only be pary for the company to send its the Land Settlement Scheme: vessels to Cuba to be overhauled The property on which are 110 Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, possible it there is a good motor Conference On road between Castries Jad repaired; for it will have its tennants, was offered for sale: and wn repair plant in Jamcica, and men and women who had Cabbage, Dairymen Butter Soufriere.
Question The dock is being built in rented lands there, which lands We are quits aware that the America. It will be sent to they bad bought under cultiva.
ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES exchequer is pretty well empty.
Kingston and erected. In the tion, were given notice to qui.
CONTRIBUTING WITH JAMAIA Capital. to get people to come but to make money to attract neantime an engineer, Mr. Not unnaturally, such an order TO TAKE PART IN EMPIRE EXSrandal, has arrived here from created a good deal of unrest in and spend their money here the States to superintend the the ranks of the 110 tegnants HIBITION must be spent. Only vork. Herald.
The Goverument stepped in and a few days ago the Honourelsewhere.
proposed the State The Guardian of March 31st. is able Fisher told us responsible for the information how New Zealand first obpirit of Co opera which will be sold to individuals that the unofficial Members of jected to the spending of 2, 000 who have settled on the holdings.
the Legislature had an informal per annum in advertising and tion.
It is a safe investment; for the has been very fortunate and has meeting with the Hon. F. how after seeing the advantages Survey. Generala gentleman reason to be proud of its record Fisher in the Council Chamber accrued from it they now spend who is an authority on a matter in the matter, having provided on Saturday, when, we ander more than 70, 000 AMAICA LEAGUE PEOPLE BANK of this kind, has report:d to the at least four colonies in the west stand the question of Trinidad It is only 28 miles from CasDECLARES SUBSTANTIAL DIVI the Governor that the lands in Indies with Chief Justices from participation in the Britisb tries to Soutriere. The road as DEND ON YEAR WORKING. present conditon will be worth time to time T) British Guiana Empire Exhibition was further far as Anse la Raye is motor8. 000 pounds sterling as soon we gave Sir Henry Bovell; to discussed.
able. Toe only part that will QUEEN Grenada the Hon. O Donell. It was further suggested that have to be done is from Ause The Jamaica League People they have been divided into hold ings.
you can make it very waltor, and now the Leeward Trinidad should undertake an ex la Raye a distance of 18 miles o. Ltd. was Islands we have given Mr. penditure of 20 000 pounds ster which would cost about 6, 000 fie of the first institutions What would happen if the QUEEN HAIR Justice Deane. As to our own ling for this purpose or alterna to put bridges and make it unded by the Jamaica Leagu Governor had not decided to the 25th March last at the acquire Spring Garden in coned a son of the soil as our Chief Waici in the occupation of jigolorable, or if the authorities Bench we have invariably provid tively should combine with Ja.
extension of to level road of nection with the anual general meeting rools, and helps to make long, sky hal Judicial office, and not many pavillion, each colony to be re along the sea shore, 20, 000.
pareholders the eight annual the Land Settlement Scheme?
It is sale to say that the estate years ago had the pleasure of eponsible for 10, 000 pounds ster which ever the Goveramente port was submitted.
would have been acquired by a seeing Sir Gerald Aubrey Good ling this sum having already might see fit to do taderadran The society has not grown single ind. vidual or a compaoy; man raised to the eminent posi been voted by Jamaica tagas would be such as to glaenomenalls, but it has grown and 110 peasants mighi bave of Chief Judicial officer of The Unofficial members made warrant the expenditure.
Leadily, showing a membership been turned of, with a deeper one of the biggest and most, it clear, howevar, that they could agaia invite the consider31st December last of 207 discontent in their breast than important of Great Britain not agree to any expenditureation of the Guvernment to the embers holding 2, 216 share one would care to imagine. The Colonial possessions. the Strait being taken from general rev matter. Operations are contined to Government, having in mind Settlements. At his death the enue and suggested that toe sum anking business, and besides the fact that Lindsattlamaat London Tw did bis memory might be taken from the unexII discourting, the Bank rana Sebemes, we within the past houeur by reproducing his pended balance of the Million Ircraft In Mall Service posit branch which paya few years, achieved excellent vention held in the Coureil photograph capped with the fine Pound Loan.
positorz per ceot.
results in various sections o Chamber on Wednesday after tribute expressed in the words A dividend al 10 per cent on the country, has decided to noon, at which were present. Distinguished Empire State Aeroplanes are already being declared, used to considerable extent INTER COLONIAL hich is an index of the native collow policy which will in the Hon. Dr. John Howson, Public man.
for certain mail services and for representcourse of a few years add a Health Inspector, business of the least 110 men and women of ing Barbados De Brielle BODY FOUND IN WELL.
CRICKET. general commercial parponere ciety. The origioal intention very moderate means the of British but there is a touch of originelthe promoters was that this roll of land owners of St. Guiana. Dr. Wise, Surgeon ty about the proposal made by clety should cover very Thomas. Instead of remaining General of Trinidad. Dr. The Trinidad Guardian of Ad eminent British naval architA woman of advanced years the 25th alt States that emos, tect for the regalar use of ida. is that in. or into Lucia; and Is organization thon sands of aritters when they become dis Dr. R. Branch, Acting M, mine de Rebecca Beacelet rote Thement is on foot among the local aeroplanes in connection with Mile Hill, wandered from her professional cricketers to pay a large vessels on long voynkea.
ople in Kingston at least, manausded with conditions which St. Kitts.
Sir William Chandler Et, polohould be builpoms enero home at about 30 o clock on visit to Damerara some time at He ad safe place to put their exist in their districts, this parthat passenger vings out on profitable ticular class of persons on President, occupied the not been seea up to Monday. for the purpose of playing the the same lines as the aeroplane terest, and build up also for Spring Garden will come a Obair.
The saggestion that she was emselves, even with small true asset to the country. And ginning. coro petence in the this is what Jamaica requires.
nestion Mr King, Hoa Secre wently the Bridsb Nive old sound investment. To We are not advocating the cou at the request of certain Gor: while prosecuting his search in Club has been comunicated the upperin ust dok of tae The meeting was summoned visiting to relative in Black Rock portion of the colors. In this con carrier wbich figurod ne place to out to be groundless, and tary of the Georgetown Cricket towards the end of the war.
y clerks, artisans, house location of large properties ornments who were parties to quarters frequented by the with by letter. In the event of vessel provides a fit expanse îders, small traders, and for the benefit of this class of the West Indian Sunita Con missing woman her body was the reply being favourable. up which the aeroplane can ery sort of person whatsoever Jamaicans; but we desire to en vention certain discovered by a nephew in a Nathaniel Dickson, best known alight and trop which it may e attractions of this society dorso what the Hon. Wm Mor recommendations with record welt about 200 feet deep on Pine on the Savannah as Natty will take off. With a vessel of this ould appeai.
rison said in the House on Tues to an extension of the period chill on Monday morning. The most likely by the Captain of the type it will be possible for shares of el each are still today that whenever the Goveros al cobrar vertoon Hero malings and Police was notited and the body team, Pe. Healey was the origina eroplanes to convey mulle and had, and it beboves good alastrim from 12 to 14 days conveyod discovers that the Public passengers to the ship long after it has lets port, The put by. little to communi barm can come to the colony it Port Health Officer over passen, held by the acting Coroner and rson who values the ability property is offered for sale. Od to increase tbe power of the Mortuary where an icquest Was tor of the challenge.
de sigo has been worked out in te with the Secretary, Mr.
8, such a property is acquired and gers, arriving from Infetes adjpurned, great detail and shows a 24. 000 Kitchen at the office of the divided into holdings, not only places who were intransit 10 ST. LUCIA vessel with a speed of mpany. 187 Tower Street. for the benefit of the country, some other port wenty one kaots on ordinary ingston The fiftieth anniversary of the but for the fartherance of agrirunning. Water tuba erection of the Dalkeith Weslyan Very Great with oil burning are suggested.
boilers development. Those cultural The Executive for the twelve valable examples that have Mr. Justice Dean At at p.
onth include Milbourn, followed the introduction of yesterday. Mr. Haynes and electricity is to for all Antigma, q, Chairman Barke. Land Settlement at Brown Necessity. occupled the chair and ventilating, pumping, cooking.
easurer; Messrs. Me Town and Gayle certainly justify Mr. John Maughin, and other services. The whole dla, Jones, Cross the step which the Government worked out ail, Hepburn, In a recent issue of the Domin. unveiled a photograph of the under the above caption the mercial lines; and one of the has taken in St Thomas.
swart; Wright, EN Ica Guardian there is recorded the pastor in charge at the time.
Voice of March 14th comments chief advantages sogested is arrival at Antigua of His Bonor, editorily thaz: arper, R, MacMillan, that on a voyage, say from Grast BARBADOS arke, Mrs. McOalls The Mr. Justice Deane, the new Chief The resolution passed at the Britain to Australia th: vessel Wanted Justice of the Leeward Island Mr.
aditor is Mr. Parkinson.
last meeting of the Agricultural could run to Port Said without svald, Justice Deane is a Barbadian. and and Commercial Society is one stop passengers and mails beQuarantine Convention in the course of welcoming him responsible woman seryant. and serious consideration of that various ports on tua ran.
that deserves the most careful ing taken off by aeroplane at the our contempoary states: BarbaHold Seslon Land Settlement.
dos is to be congratulated upon Must sleep. Good wages.
Administration. It is well baving thi slast addition of her Apply between and 12 Morr. known fact that during the few weeks passed tuere bare beea If you like beautiful hair use Thu raid of the 21st ulio. There was a meeting of the sons among Obiet Jostices in ings to stes that the Legislative CJUL West Indian Quarantine Con these parts. Certainly the cabay MRS. ERIC BARHAM Iquite a number of tourist sbips Creoline Hair Producer.
KINKAIR kreatest charm is her hair if is long and wavy.
No matter how short and wiry your hair beautiful with DRESSING QUEEN removes dandruff, stops falling hair, feeds the hair You can buy large can QUEEN HAIR DRESSING for eat any rood drug store, or at BREWER. Lo Be, SNORIN Wholesale Queen Agents 165 Central Avenue, Panama City 100 bolivar Street, Colon Recept Belitung tion We iares tisfactory every mont toa


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