
19981 THE WORKMÁN, SATURDAY MAY Prohibition Mea.
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JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy VOTING WAS 236 TO 14.
Mover Successfully Evades Trap Set By Students of Dundee to Kidnap Him ALBOA EST EER REWED VIEWS OF OPPOSER.
DE of the STATIONERY (By Cable Co)
London, April 20. the best time froite bistory to Evening School Critics Seize Ugar Honse of Commons day debated a liquor prohibition bill, and Hughes Retracker the expiration of the argo: CHRISTIAN MISSION SCHOOL ments on it, defeated the TWO IN LONDON HEIKE URE measure by rejecting its second CALIDONIA to CA AMENDR MONORGE reading, 236 14.
BASIS OF CAUTIC CONEXE duced by Scrymgeour this morn: English, French, Spanish, RESENT BAD FARZAN The bill was recently introing successfully evaded the carrying out of the plot, which Latin, Geometry, Algebra.
according to the newspapsrs, a Ono Suggests New at number of Dundee students had experienced in treating leprosy masses hate jed, with the intention of TERMS MODERATB Checking Leprosy. Spaintbe fact that victims pliment wy Ressen for They have opened public kidnapptog bim to prevnt bim Calling Arras Pada long as possible concealed their school in Pink Lane having from arguing for his measure. Apply to complaint, knowing that its iden teachers. They supply the hil. He appeared in the House this Teacher at School, Monday, Londou despeich Modern medical research would lification meant complete segre. dren with fres lunch every day afternoon smiling. On moving seem to be on the eve of remov gation and banishment to leper The average attendance at this the second reading of the bill, he Wednesday and Friday New York Times dated 31st ways that lead ing the terrible scourge of leprosylums which were in effect lit school for the past weeks was 160 observed that it was the first beaded Washingto sy, which, although much more tle more than prisons. Now there They feed 150 children daily, and measure of the kind introduced common in the Orient, is never is a treatment, and a successful have 216 on the roll.
in the House. He read extracts Bill have been paid for their the Sunday Times theless found in many parts of treatment, to which they may be Mr. Taylor is President from the speeches of such emi opposition caused a sensation Twice within the fut in Europe and South America. The subjected, people who suffer of the Chapter and Mr. Te Aaron experiments carried out with from the scourge no longer e cno Secretary.
Lord Randolpn, Churchill, the the Commons Committee which ment found it necessary te with chaulmoogra oil and other similar ceal the fact. As a consequence, is considering the measure, draw charges it had se bo olls, such as c»d iver oil and soy she spread of leprosy by infectThe money for the up keep of Earl of Balford. Lord Roseberry Lady Astor Bill would probi lessly circalated against Gede bit boys and girls under eighteen Britain.
bean oil, have been extraordinari tion is being effectively checked the schools is collected at meet and others on the evils of liquor ings kept by the Chapter He concluded with an impas. in saloons and other public places tion was made that is the from purchasing alcoholic drinks In the first plac the Zen means, by des roying many of sioned appeal for the bacilli, almust entirely eradi GOOD FOR THE Notice. When he resumed his seat, there and Sir George Hamilton, Chair Washington treaties the rise cates the danger of infection and has indeed a positive curative efI hereby beg to notify the pub was some applause from the pub. man of thn committee, lightly an Admiralty had allerede lic gallery, which was covered, sounced that the opposing mem tion of guns on capitakse fect Sir Leonard Rogers, the LIBERTARIAN CHAPTER FORMED. lic that my wife Beatrice Hinds but the attendants quickly sup bers had received letters from 80 as to give them greaser prominent British expert on this having left my home and protec disease has treated many early There is a change in the tion without my consent do pressed this. Dr, Alfred Salter the Temperance League charg, and power. In the secas Labour member for Bermondsey ing that they had been induced an official report issues cases of leprosy which, be is now branch of the Federal Gware able to state, have now remained. in Kingston Certain mem. not hold myself responsible for st, seconded the bill on scien by monetary consideration sociological grounds. Other members then voiced ment mide u zapada free from all traces of the disease Chesplore Portes da Libertarian in debt or debts she may con tific and Registered tract.
Sir Arthur Holbrook, Conserva loud protests while Lady Astor forgeries to juzify Excenter Signed main objet is to look a ter the tive member for Hampshire, in rose to her feet and denied that tion that it was part of Get 1e great difficulty hitherto education of the children of the WALTER HINDS, moving the rection of bill, she had anything to do with cir. Britain policy to diserte deprecated what he claimed was culating the charges. Graves againts Aneric an oil in secrets an interference with the freedom Lord, P, then moved that the in developing the Buite of the individual, Far more people age be increased to twenty years, resources.
died from over eating, he said, addiog, that there are no real drinking beer drunkards. In both instvice the enten has been fully thought and Prohibition, he declared, had Tois statement was greeted led to more corruption in the with a loud laugh from Lady and not over bunde United States than any previous Astor and Mc. Lord retorted interested us in these knowledged.
But wach law, and even the public were was not a laughing matter that they show that we conniving at the illicit traffic. He Sir George Hamilton declared ciousness of Great Britain claimed there had been more beer wes not a real danger in the old igaorance Bc a good assortment can be had at the drunkness in that country since Britain, but there was real evil in character to be stil sole prohibition than before and the growing habit among young and malignity. meriezus said, it had been estimated that people in drinking cocktails, a seen able to persuadet 90 per cent of the we as wis involved in attempts to imported from the United States and practiti vaere at all the Break the law. In one case of prosecution for illteit traffic, he ped from indulging in cock are not always on the les aut Young people must de stop arts of diplomaey and to added, it was cecessary to dis tatls, he saarted.
to damage their charge a jury because the fore man was drunk when the court Oh, oh. yelled Lady Astor interests.
with mock anxiety. It is carios that itse LADY ASTOR BILL The opposition forces having of bad faith an tas ce fored through the word know. comercial hogger London, April 10 Consider ingly, which largely relieves bar two vices from water een abl o position to Lads Astor lenders of responsibility, Lapy most like to take care bill to persons under 18 develop Astor to day demanded that immune be brought also a choice selection of ed today when, amid lively young people be penalized for by the Government of a cie scenes, the measure was again non observance of the bill. people wbo readily suglay considered by the Standing Committee of the House of Com. try to meet this new demand.
The committee will sit again to time to understand und It is curious and it is di Lady Astor received an early rebuke from the Chairman, who Curing Noise In Macninery after pointing out at a This week Saturday Be bappened to be the Labourite Thomas, a recent guest at the been almost the only piger Astor home. Walter Greaves Noise is not only distracting to has steadily and deter: Lord, Conservative. moved an the ear; it represents a waste of opposed the Washington cos amendment exempting beer and energy. Therefore it is to the proceeds: cider irom the operations of the interest of machine marks to We had good reason to bill Lady Astor opposed this design their machines so that that the origin of these tree vigorously, saying the amend they run as quickly as possible. was to b: found not se IN SPANISH ENGLISH ment was intended to wreck the aspect of engineering duction is 80 widely and caufidiogle bas received very careful posed, la the Pacilie eluz All the amendments, she went investigation by British engineers of the American Govtaker AT THE discover ments, excapt those in the name apparatus for tracking the noises the United States tavate of Remer, Conservative to their sources.
The apparatus ties that new ships which who she asserted. seemed to resembles a telephone receiver being built in accord sace be the village donkey. On being and is connected by thick rubber their program of exige called to order for this remark, tubing to a pair of ear tubes. would have to be secusge she withdrew it.
steel rod is connected cause of the faultiness Sir Geooge Hamilton, Con to the diaphragm of the tele design. This being so, te servative, protested against the phone so that sounds transmit ous thing to do was to continual reference to those ted through the rod are heard. ships of other sea pe opposing the bill as being inter By applying the end of the rod pecially of Great Britai, ested in the trade. He said Lady it is possible to locate noises very iy what America scom to different parts of the machine ped to match. This was Astor own organization was so much as the doctor located at Washington.
Of every description it had influenced the sending of hun wheeezes and murmurs in our As we have recenti dreds of letters to the members breathing and blood pumping out, the late Government DONE WITH NEATNESS AND of the House virtually threaten machinery, By using two rods mirality were far tos keen ing if they did not vote for her and two telephones, comp risons rying out the Washingti bili, the writers would not again can be made between two noises: gram with the result vote for them.
thus the running of a machine nayy is now below the tw deu DESPATCH In spite of the strength of the may be compared with the run standard.
opposition Lady Asto: won the chine kept in perfect order, Anning of a standard similar ma till, the amendment being rejee other development of the appar.
AT THE ted by a vote of 27 to 19.
NOTICE CHARGE OPPOSITION BROUGHT. sounds to be accurately measur atus enables the intensity of London, April 12. Charges by ed, One of the most useful ap. Attorney David ESE the British Temperance League plications of the instrument is in opened up te sporery that Liberal and Libour Mem detecting faulty portions of ma: No. 107 Central Avente bers of Parliament who are oppo chinery before serious mischief jold St. Paul Chute de sing Lady Astor Prohibition has been set up.
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