p. 8


IO VICTOR VICTOR CIGARETTES of speed the ever his and bava PÅGE EIGHT THE WORKILAN SATURDAY MAY ár 1923, cam Last Sunday Races Important Notice.
Sinot taseen grand and remarkable day in Administrator of Bata es Office racing circles were the various Plymouth events on the program at Juan Montserrat BWI Fracco race track last Sunday.
The day was an ideal one for 8th Januu 1923 what is fast becoming an interIn the Matter of the Extata ot national pleasure at the gateway George Skerret late of Panana of the two hemispheres. The sun dccessed shone in all its brillancy, pretty (Unrepresented)
women mingled in the crowd of L, Sergeant, Panamanian Take Notice that you are to pleasure seeking men with such Wright Wilson, both Jacome in and prove your debts gayiety and smilnog attractive.
a good cricketer one of the maicans well known Dyers against the above Estate on or ness that the goddess of pleasand Renovators of garments neliable players of the Jamaibefore the 28th day of July.
ure and revelrý must have mes at No. 11 Street, are suc ca smokes Vietor Ciga1923. And Further take not ce graced the race track with her cessful in their line of busirettes and says that no one that in default of your so doing most winsome coquetry.
ness becau e they are careful can successfully contradict you will be excluded from any It was a day of days in the and attentive to their work.
the fact that the Victor Cigabenefits from any benefit arising racing calendar of this country.
from such estat. All communiThe fast and popular Jamaica They state that rettes is not a most delightthey cations concerning any debts thoroughbred Buck Dancer, was smoke Victor Cigarettes ful and refreshing smoke.
must be sent in to me at the to demonstrate her superiority and find them an excellent above ofice.
and blood pedigree over ooria pr brand for the mid smoker.
Charles Emmanuel, a (Sgd. AGAR, the Peruvian mare Clemencia native of British Guiana, Administrator of Estates.
which has come down to this Daniel Webster, Jamaica, country with a record almost is known among his friends as To all and singular the Creditors of the above Estate, comparable. But she failed to ac artistic sigo painter whose Sporting Charlie always complish this herculean task of services are generally in degenial and agreeable. He running in front of Buck Dancer mand because he knows bis smokes Victor Cigarettes Mail Boat.
over six furlongs, and the latter job and does it well. He and is loud in his praises horse again maintaine her repusmokes Victor Cigarettes and of their mildness and flavour. Continued from Page 1)
Lation as the fastest flier on the dan says he knows a good cigaisthus over that distance.
possible. Messrs. Melhido Buck Dancer, and Sons sent their boat the on being rette when he gets it.
Richard Morrison, JamaiMilton and Mr. Tarton brought to starting can, a very reliable stone post ebower more Nathaniel Williams, of Bo seat two of his boats to the vim and cutter, smokes Victor Cigacas del Toro engineer on a scene of the disaster.
racing form than he did on rettes, and states that they THOSE WHO WERE LOST.
the previous occasion when meet o gasoline launch, says smoke IDR Victoire over one and a have a most pleasant flavour.
Victor Cigarettes and cerAs far as we can gather ose half mile. The ovation given from not rescued are: His Lordship the grand stand must have made tainly find them a rost deWilfred Colquehun, resides Bisbop Hopkins, two Sisters Mrs lightful smoke.
Mr, Delvalle satisfied at the bigh at No. 47 Ancon Avenue, is Lawrence and children, Mrs.
standard of public support and Daisy woods and children, one sympathy extended him when George Bromley, St. Lua high class shoemaker and child of Mrs. Lucio Marchand, stable is in the contest, cian, a careful and reliable pleases his customers because and two children of Mr.
At the Pari Mutuel the betting chauffeur, smokes Victor Cihe makes shoes Foller. What a beavy toll of buthat fit was keen and much to the surman life! And the disaster could garettes and says its a cigathem. He smokes Victor have been averted bad tbe prise of the tur fites Buck dancer rette that never makes one Cigarettes, and says he Government lived up to thelr was favourite with 818 tickets feel badly after smoking.
recommends them to all his responsibility enforced out of the 1312, Excitement and friends, Ordinance No, 14 of 1951. Therein enthusiasm went wild wben the Wilfred Hinds, Trinidadian lies the cruelty of the tragedy.
barrier was released by Mr. De La Cerda to a fairly good start, good musician, always sought As we write this no authentic Thomas Wellington Carr, Buck Dancer took the lead and for because he gives satisfacdetails Trinidadian, very reached us throwing reliable he made each furlong a winning tion, smokes Victo: Cigarettes light on the immediate cause of post. At no time was any serious electrician smokes Victor the occurrence or the manner challenge made by Clemencia.
and says do not go withCigarettes aod says if you and mothod of rescue of the The distance was covered in out them when playing at doubt their mildness and survivors. But what concerns us 17 5, nights as they help me to now is the fixing of responsibiflavour just try one.
lity for this alarming calamity.
The seventh race was of usual keep awake.
Who is to blame? We uobesitatinterest as a large number of Arthur Campbell of JaD Osborne, Barbadian, ingly point the finger of guilt to people visited the track for the maica, an up to date upholwatch repairer and jeweller the owner and captain of the first time, bearing of the bril.
liant performances of the two boat and to the Government of sterer resides at 20th Street at 185 Central Avenue, is of the Colony horses which were to meet in West, smokes Victor Cigaa quiet disposition and atten We charge Mr. Carabajal, the this event. match rac for a rettes and records his appre.
tive to his business, says he owner, and Mr. Emmanuel thousand dollars. 1000) SO.
ciation of their mildness and smoke Victor Cigarettes and distance of one mile.
Trapp, th; captain of the vessel.
over The interest was all the finds them excellent.
with inviting human beings.
more with a reckless disregard for keen when it is remembered the safety of human life, to that Mr. Delvalle horse defeattravel on a vessel that they ed La Victoire during The Car knew, or ougbt to have known, naval races with the best field was unseaworthy. Not only of horses in the Ripublic over wire nol steps taken to make a distance of live and a half (5)
the boat mparatively safe for turlongs.
the jou vey, but with full At the release of the barrier, knowledge of the worn condition La Victoire had a slight advantof ber bull she was deliberately age but was som overtaken by CAPITAL AND LABOUR.
overloaded, to satisfy that Dad. Aend cursed desire of gain, with cargo first furiong, both horses passed and passengers. It is a well the Jue ge Box evenly, but on known fact that this vessel had Teaching the third furlong Dad (Continued From Page 4)
sp ung a leak on many occasions painted ahead and kep in this tribution of the new, that is, jost war, Liberal school of Owing to the advanced age of her order until passing the fifth La Clean. That is the most impressive timbers, and that on the day Viciotre took the lead which she thought in its application to industrial problems, But let she left here on her fatal trip zaintained to the end of the us without further ado outline Messrs. Rowntree scheme.
sbe was leaking. thing about gas! wile. winning by several lengths.
We have written Messrs. Rowntree scheme, but It was the concensus of opinion DUKE OF YORK.
among racing men that Dad in point of the fact the scheme is the outcome of proposals showed very poor racing for drafted by a joint committee representing the firm and Clean Homss. That appeals to the Housewives and was not up to the standard, their employees. Moreover, it enjoys the approval of the two (Continued From Page 1)
but that La Victoire is without trade unions chiefly concerned, which, of course, as matters Clean Work. That appeals to the Servants doubt the superior horse over the stood was covered with rich distance. Time was 144.
stand now is a very important factor making for the carpets.
The first race was won by smooth working of the plan, The scheme proceeds on the ean Food, That appeals to the Husbands.
On either side golden chairs Rosmer, new comer, with principle that after ordinary wages and salaries have been were placed for relativos and Whiskey for second place. paid to Labour, a standard wage shall be paid to Capital, intimate friends. The members Time minute, and any surplus beyond this is to be shared in certain of the Royal Family bad places on the south side, with the King Second Race. Darling, in agreed proportions. The standard wage is fixed at most brilliant finish, ridden by seven and a half per cent which in these and Queen and Queen mother daye of If it is done with heat you can do it better with gas seated tucee kolden Valencia, with Glorita for After PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY thrones. Facing them from the toxond place. Five furlongs. bigher interest does not appear exorbitant.
Time 054.
north sida were the parents of certain reserves bave teen provided for on somewhat AT YOUR SERVICE the bride, the Eurlu and CounThird Race: furlongs, Cau original lines, surplus profit are to be divided in proportion tess of Strathmora and King pall 1st, Checkers 2nd. Time of forty per cent to Capital, ten per cent to Direction, and mm borne. 16. This was a very exciting fifty per cent to Labour. For the purpose of the scheme After a wedding breakfast at race between the two borses out profits are ordinary commercial profits before deducting OLD MIRRORS bride lett for the honeymoen, the FOR SALE the palace, the Duke and his of a field of nine, ordinary income tax. It will thus be seen that in addition Fouth Race. Match race of to its normal remuneration Labour obtains more than balf scene of wbich is being kept seRESILVERED six furlongs for 600. Buck of the ultimate surplus, for the ten per cent allocated to cret.
Dancer won Clemencia.
BRIDE MADE PRINCESS 17 5 winning comfortable.
that London, April 26. It is authoriFifth Race. Distance for present day propaganda. There are, it is said, many in good condition, 1922 model, Apply At: tively announced that the King longs, won by Sonrisa with Long Seit Staners.
last night conferred upon Lady Shot 2nd which borse was reasons behind this somewhat novel feature in the scheme, Will be sold at reasonable No. 37 Calle Espinar, Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, who tothreatened by Chagres for one of the chief being that the directors of the firm are so day became the bride of the place throughout the race. Time largely responsible for the success or failure of a business prices.
King second son, the Duke of 05 85 APPLY TO: that it is both just and expedient in the interests of all Calidonia, Panarra. York, the dignity of Princess.
Sixth Race. furlongs. Won concerned to put them on piece work.
by May Be with Liandro 2nd.
Space will not permit of giving details of the many Creoline Hair Producer is the Londo, April 26 Those who Time 13 Near Silver Clubhjuse, bave been bappy in the belief Seventh Race: match for safe guards to the scheme from the employees point of Gatun, world best hair tor ic and will toat the Duke of York is marry 1000. La Victoire 1st winning view. It must suffice to state that that standpoint will be ing a Scottish girl received somaeasily from Dad the Kentucky represented on a Profit Sharing Committee elected on thing of a shock this morning Distance one the basis of proportional representation. Provision is divided in the same manner as the surplus profits. Arbi when they read in thoroughbred.
the Daily mile. Time 44 made that this Committee shall have a say in the allocation tration is provided for, and power is given to either party Expre sa statement by Arthur In the second race Peter of reserves, an important point in view of difficulties that to terminate the arrangement by giving not less than Fox Davies the Lady Elizabeth is not Scotch bit English.
Williams a very beautiful horse have arisen in the past in other schemes, where it was twelve month notice.
Mr. x Davies trases the new whict tad just made his debut thought that the spirit of the proposal was being defeated Such is this most important co partnership scheme duchess ancestry back to the he went to the front.
by the device of making unduly large reserves. In Messrs. on paper. British industrialists will watch the actual trst Duke of York, who was Chat cellor did well in the same Rowntree case the whole of the reserves, with one minor working out of this experiment with more than usual born in 1241 and from whom the presert Duke of York is also lexception, are ultimately brought back into the pool, and interest.
tace but tell lame.
descended. The Cigarette Without a Fault CLEAN םיפם in the Direction is by all ordinary Labour cannons a distribu Two Ford Jitney Busses TO LOOK LIKE NEW


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