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PRICE Crs. Cy.
Her Twenties.
More Than Half Block Burnt In Jealousy Causes Ex Policeman To Paris Cable despatch dated Cable despatch from Moscow Big Blaze Sunday Morning.
April 17 states that American dated April 22nd states that Shoot Woman And Then Chinese Under Suspicion.
Secret Service operators in r babbed haired young women in many are said to bave diseverei her early twenties, sat as presiKills Himself.
the existence of a giant plot op Moscow District Court yesterday ding Judge at a trial in the the part of the German Guvernsentenced The Barbados Standard of April deceased, who was once a policeIn the still hours of Sunday) water which was brought into ment for the construction of an and in a calm voice morning two disastrous fires oc play saved the lower part of the enormous airship fleet ostensibly seven men to death for robbery 21st states that Oxley Street st man. He used to live at a house cured in Kingston. The first building from destruction. Toe for Russia but availacle for a sud with violence, Michael, was the Scene of a rented by Constance Waithe in took place at No, 85 Love Lane, tailoring establishment of Mr. den onslaught against Franca. She was Citizness Anna double tragedy on Thursday Oxley Street and she considered premises occupied by Mrs, Maxwell was the next build Information gathered in Ger. Glatznan, formerly of Kharkoff, night last at about 11 30 o clock: tb on friendly terms.
Sbe (witHewett. It was about ten minutes ing that caught; although the many and past one o clock when the fire place was saved from total de mitted to Paris and the Amar ed the attention of the Commis: Sobers had shot a woman named into the house occupied by Russia was trans who several month ago so attract Circulation of the news, that an ness) lived quite close expoliceman named Garfield about 10 in the deceased went On hurrying to Love Lane from Lowe Luke lat, was badly dam emplete report to the French decision in her Ukranian Courts and nut cake vendor, brought clothes. She picked them up and Brigade received a summons. struction, the stock, like that of can Embassy here banded over a sariat of Justice by her shrewd Constance Waithe a comtit, sugar Waithe and called to her for his whence the call came it was dis aged by water. Webster G Pernment covered that were on tire. The Brigades Lowe Lake Fat was, however, cans are understood to have been presídium of the Moscow premises Node Shipping Ofice next door to The fact supplied by the Ameri, and became a member of the hundreds of people to the spot, gave them to bim and he left Dis: including a few detectives and her (witnesses. To mykaowquickly attached their fire ao completely destroyed.
policemen. Oa arrival of the limbs ledge, Sobers pliances and a powerful stream largely responsible for the follow trict Court.
of the law the two parties were Waitbe the day before. She of was brought into play.
It was remarkable how quickly ing remarks by premier Puige are in water upar short time the fire spread and the evidence in his speech at Dunkirk on Suu eight highway robbers led by Sobers dead. and face downward The deceased returned about The defendants were a gang of found weltering in their blood was unable to tell his reason the flumes were extinguished but showed that the blaze had its day: on the while four ten ment rooms and outorigin in the premises of Hing Ne have proof that if Germany who, with the aid of several life still remaiced in Waitbe the room the door of which was ajar.
buildings were totally destroyed. Fook Tal Company and then was granted a twc sear mora. chanteurs employed by the female who lay faca upward but she (witness) present.
As far as can be ascartained the spreading to Tung Yick and torium without our holding Moscow Soviet carried out arm breathing heavily. tive cham Walthe was lying across the bed.
premis were not insured and Company with a quantity of security in the Ruhr, at the ex. ed roberies in clothiag factörles ber revolver was found beneath He gagged her on the floor and the origin of the tire was due to ke osene oil and other itamable ration of the time in 1925 the last March.
the dead man with one unemploy gave her a call in the mouth. He stut there were all the ingre German Government would be in some one cooking in a kitchen alenta to add to the all devsuring position to refuse to pay any under eighteen, was ret on with been recently emptied Waithe pocket and aimed two shots at Mironol younger brother, ed shot, the pher shots having then took a revolver from his hip put out flimes.
thing and to defy us.
IN THF COMMERCIAL AREA ten years imprisonment. The was borne to the General Hospital Waitne bead. Waithe who was Superintendent Gud pile and The Fire Brigade hai barely his men workei couragously but contracted for 119 machines from by the men was equalled only by late to secare a vehicle, and was back and the deceased stooped The Lanin Government has bold careless admisson of guilt by four men, as it was rather standing at the time fell on her returned to the station when at when they arrived on the scene British firms and sixty nine from the unperturbed demeanour of detained; while the remains of over her. She (wit auss) then ran a quarter past three o clock the morning another alarm of the fire had gained considerable Italian, but it is seeking 2, 500 the presiding Judge. She is ber partner were conveyed to the ou side, as she was afraid the deceased might have sbot her.
The head way and it was with come from the Germans. The Bolsbs. brown eyed, plainly dressed, not mortuary fire reached the station. The mendable skill that they prevent ki have practically granted the pretty, but keen, and the lawyers was The Scrimmage (which was At that time no one else was when Superintendent ed it from spreading. The tire Kunker concern a monopol, 19 who practiced in her Court the prelude to the shooting, was present. Deceased then sent to aviation Gad pile and his men reached occurred in the early hours of providing material, asserted her judgement Barry and Orange Streets they Sunday morning and consequent stipulating that the delivery of equal to or better than that of both the deceased and Waithe ged for a match, as the lamp bad was alleged by partics who knew a next door neighbor and beg well) was found that the fire was located ly the Police did not have the the vast tleet must be made by ost nen.
the outcome of got upset when the deceased bad the store premises belonging to usual jstling crowd to contend the middle of 1925 alousy Deceased considering fired the first two shots. As soon Hong Fools Tai Company, provi with. Indaed many of the citizens Germany is not confioing its did not hear until about midday bis partner unduly familiar with as the lamp was relighted the MUSICAL a woman for whom he had a deceased locked the bedroom Street. The Fire. Barry that a destructive fire bad occur aviation to conttruction for Bus.
merchants. at Brigade hearty contempt, and whom he door. Waithe calied out and sia Since the Treaty of Versailmen promptly effcted an entrance red in the city.
les limits German aviation, the szered programme will bu stated to a few friends before his asked to call her sister Viola ano and on finding that the fire was BUILDING OWNED BY CHINESE. indussy outside their frontiers and the Choir of the Seventh Darbeter helt to indulge in some fore her sister arrived, she (witGermans are developing the rendered by the School children Weath, bad been encouraging his who lived in Chancery Lane Bo located at the rear of the premis.
es a lairly large flow of water The entire range of buildings In Holland Jonkbeer Fokker con Adventist Church on Sunday pernicious babits of which he ness) beard the deceased asked was brought into play. Aided by destroyed were owned by a tinues to greatly for nig: May 13. All are invited. An disapproved. The manufacture Waitb. Do you love me? To a quantity of kerozine and other Chinese named Lyn Ah Chen German operators.
Wing will b: taken ceased was a young man of light this Waithe replied, yes. He inflamable stuff the fire spri ad who acquired them fron Mr.
complexion his number wh le in then asked her Do you know alarming rap dity The Blwin Cla! y. The premier the Police Force being 30. He you have grieved by spirit To and company to the west was rest; and it is estimated that it AMERICAN BAN ON LIQUOR ON the regular years cou se aderative. By this time Viola of. Yen were all was dismissed before comple tus Waitbe aloo answered in the threatened with destruction. Th: should take fully 10, 000 to re for refuslog to be disciplioed. Waithe sister, had arrived building caught fire pluss the buildings which were ALL VESSELS.
Waltbe is well along with Lee Col. Rawlins of koown ab ut town, as sbe pur. the Det cuire Department and a twice but fortunately the fines constructed of brick and nog and were promptly extinguished by corrugated iron sheets. Mei Eued her daily calling in Broad few others, Viola knocked on a powerful flow of water, Fron Caen carried insurance to the BRITISH SHIPPING INTERESTS TO Street and sat in the store door the door, but deceased refused Or gan Recital At St.
of Miss the building of Hony Fook Tai xtent of 7000, the risk belog CONSIDER PLANS FOR MEETCooper vendiog her to admit the knocker. Viola then sweets Company the flames apt over evered by Jamaic Co operative Paul ING THE NEW SITUATION.
She was known by the burat the door open, and herself to the grocery and dry goods. es: Palatine Insurance Company, the Norwich Uaion and the Sobriquet of Connie. and Lance Corporal Rawlins en tablishment of Messrs. Tung An inquest was held at the tered. Viola on seeing An Organ Recital will be her Yick and Company. In less than d ed it was only a couple of WHAT 15 SUGGESTED.
given at St. Paul Church, public mortuary at 10. 30 yoster bleeding shouted murder twice.
no time the deyou cing flames en weeks ago that the insurance Panama, Whitsunday day morning by Coroner Jack Deceased then ared two more veloped the premises and then was increased to fully 8, 000 NEW LAW TO BE VIGOROUSLY man and a jury when the follow sbots. one at Waithe and then the retail grocery and provision Interviewed, Mr. Chen said he EN FORCED WITHIN ing evidence was given: pointing the revolver at his own shop of Lowe Luke Fat nang it could give no account of the fire silver offering will be taken NEXT 30 DAYS, Llewellyn Chase temple he discharged another at the door, on beirgl fire. Fortunately the flw of (Continued on Page The young ladies of St. Agnes sworá said that she knew the (Continued on page 8) Direet West India cable Guild will agnent the choir a special orchestra will United States Combined British Minister on Vaca despatch iron London. dated and tion.
May 1st Sates that steam ship assist in rendering the music, officials im nediately moved for fine programme is being England Fleets to Hawaii 1924. RETURN OF HON. CONSTAN sion of the Supreme Court gram ne next Saturday.
collective acion against the deci prepared. Look out for pro For Pacific Inspection.
TINE GRAHAM, barriog liquor from foreign vessels tuin the American British Consulate Notice Among the passengers to 01 the Coronado today Hon. stea ship officials are arrangthree mile limit.
The various leave on board the Coronado, Last Thursday evening Secreis Mr. Henry J, Cambrldge, real nounced that the fleets Majesty Minister to possible olt bara border se combined et Durex Bankerste en tot mai Bistema in alto e ting more the aubt colon would be glad of informe merchant of Colone who goes to closit sedmihede States Tae Acting British Consulat estate dealer and Commision tary weeks and the distinguishof the Uaited States Navy will this Republic and Costa Rica, definite policy.
moment adopt a It is believed tion as to the present where prac. ice next year.
go to Hawail for the annual will lave for three months this meeting will be ld in abouts of Mrs. Arabella Law England on a three months trip solons who visited these shores for the benefit of his health, on a tour of inspection sailed Vacation to England. Will arrive Livrpul withia few days, rence Coe: Montegue. a native During the early part of this for the Pacific possesions of the Panama would be very much today also, Hon. Constantine While there is no indication that of Montego Bay. St.
favoured if this decision were Graham who has been appoint the companies would defy the James, Jamaici.
year Mr. Cambridge bas been in great Republic. The visit was otherwise, as the busines con red Consul at Colon and will take ruling, the neeting is expected fui health which necessitated his one continuous strain of business stay in Panama Hospital for over activities.
Tbere was not ditions on the isthmus at present, charge of of the Legation in the make the gobs welcome visitors absence of Mr Percy Bennett. so plan a common policy, for talk of diverting trans oceanic two months. Since convalescing moment of rest nor recreation defending the the liners by way of Halifax and be bas been invited by his broth allowed for the four days they Daring the manoeuvres this Mr. Graham will discharge the British interests.
Canadian ports.
er Mr. A Cambridge burris were in these waters, and we ven.
year, the conduct of the men daties of Charge de Atairs. We were excellent and very much wish Mr, Bennett Tais would result in a great ter at law wa) lives in England to ture to opine that the Party are Officials of the Cunard pleasant Line delay in the voyage, but some come over to the good old coun now on the seas enjoying a well apprclated, while it is the geueral desire to see the fleete Voyage to the Mother Country, informed your correspondent officials balieve it to be ad yis try for a change and at the same learned rest, assimilasing all the tbe and at the same time we extend to day of return as early as possible, con an hearty welsome to Mr. Gra unloading the liquor from time pleasani reunion of the things they have seen and heard; Uolted States Pacitio possession, return once more sidering the extent of the ham and his boony wife on his their boats at the American TO ENFORCE LAW IN 30 DAY3. two brothers after a lapse of 23 amazing over our complex living Washington, to these three mile limit and then loading years not seeing each other.
May it is absolutely necessary that shores, up again on the return trip is nouncement that the Govern The Workman wishes friend The Gold employees had their the guardians of the nation wel.
impracticable and just a bit fan ment in thirty days will begin to Cambridge a pleasant voyage say with Secretary Weeks, but fare should be acquainted with British Consulate Notice tastic. Floating store ships evuld rigorously enforce tha law as across the bring lantic and he has stood put on the rent all the varying conditions which be stationed outside the caree interpreted by the Supreme permanent restoration to health question. This is apparently a contribute to the impregnable mile limit, but it would cost such Court to prohibit Uaited States in the bracing climate of old settled government policy and it defense of the coastal require The Acting British Consul at a sum of money that the scheme and foreiga ships from carrying Eagland and that he will soon is like going up against the ments. It is, however, hoped Colon wɔuld be glad if Abraham probably would not prove pro liquor within the three mile return to us, greatly benefitted that the fleets will again visit Myers of Jamaica would call at itable.
limit, was made to aight by and much invigorated by the armour plate of a British Palama in 1925.
tie Coasulata as soon as possible. There is also revival of the Attorney General Daugherty, dreadnought, de.
with The woman actually on at THE HJ Cambridge, Goes To Secretary Weeks Left a that jdes abla.
here ADchange


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