
PAGE TW THE WORKIAN SATURDAY, MAY 12 1923 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands BARBADOS SS SSXSXSSSSSSSX99228XOSSSSSSSSSSSSS 50. 00 CY. 50. 00 Book Binding!
Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN KAL MOL GEHE Book Binding Departmeni SXSS 4th 93 Raid On Counterfeiters.
Acting on information receised the Police on Saturday last were busy in tounding up two pangs of counterfeiters evidentEnter the KAL MOL word building contest and win a prize.
jy in league, though operating et centres distantly apart The Contest open to everyone on the Isthmus and is confined to the English first raid was made at Samuel or Spanish language only.
Jores at Brittons HillAnarant to Eearch the Diemises bad From the letters contained in the words:been sizned and entrusted to Corpo al Howard of the Detectise Department accompanied by three others of the same de.
partment. Jones was not there but the law officers found James make as many words as you can. Words must be of known signification, Hunte, Wilbert King, Mary Hurte ard Charles King in the CONDITIONS: he use. search resulted in CENTRAL AVENUE the discovery of fifteen counterTo enter this contest, the only condition required is that you send in your feit shillings in the bedroom and all material and paraphernalia list ACCOMPANIED by a label from a tube of KAL MOL Tablets.
and No. G Street for coining in the drawingroom.
The list contaising the greatest number of words wins the FIRST PRIZE, Those found in the house were held under arrest ar placed the next highest, the SECOND PRIZE, etc. In case of two or more contestants before Mr. Lynch later in the having the same number of words, precedence will be given the list received day charged by Sergeant Jones (1) with having counterfeit coin FIRST.
in ther possession and (2) with The same letter cannot be used twice in one werd except the letter appears in the the possession of implements for word more than once; for instance, the letter a pears twice, and it can therefore Creoline Hair Preparations coining purposes. After tbe be used twice in the building of any one word.
Positively Superior to all others on earth.
takicg of some evidence the case was adjournod at the request of The following gentlemen will act as judges:Try them and be convinced.
Sergeant Jones, the accused They are the Master Preparations of the World.
being iemanded to the 14th ulto.
The second raid was aimed at Different from all Others MR. GERALD MARTIN South District, St. George, to Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. which scene Sergeant Jones and REVEREND SURGEON all Foreign countries, 60e.
bis troop of law protectors promptly hastened. Arriving Contest closes May 31st, 1923, and names of winners will be announced Creoline Hair Producer at Stepneys there was a halt, in the Star Herald.
Straight as rough, harsh. kinky hair with or without hot combs, for their coming seem to bave and without ch micals. Nor MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 10 percent mor oil than is possible to be put into any other preparation been expected and the enemy The prizes will be divided as follows: of its kind in a world. Patsho la plagas aal praveai baldaess, decided on taking defensive In ounce tins, action. Here there advance was 1st prize 30. 00 3rd prize 00 Creolinə Day Dandruff Remedy rudely interrupted by a great repelling force armed with 2nd 12. 50 50 very gooi soalp treatment positively removes Dandrufr, Tetter knives. bludgeons, cane bille, and Bozema, it is antiseptie. Grows hair, korps th scalp healthy Mark Envelope KAL MOL CONTEST and mail to:In ounce bottles.
and Every Warring weapon X, available. The police sept for Jackson Manufacturing Co, EUSTACE LEE 455 West Tenth St, Manufacturers and Exporters reit but the struggle All Up to date Drug Stores carry stock of Creoline.
Indianapolis Ind. was begun before their arrival Box 338. Colon The Police were roughly handled and most of the leaders would Sole Agent in the Republic of Panama.
seem to have escaped, but they laid hold on a few women on one went to the estate saddlery las lightning the knite descendof whom was found a spurious KAL MOL where Springer worked and ed, and the blade was thrust into ball crown. The should appear demanded his money from the Ramzinally breast. The unbefore Mr. Justice Bartlett at latter whom he met at the door fortunate man fell forward on to day.
is the surest and safest remedy for:of the saddler shop. Springer his faca with the blood gushing curly informed Ramzinally that from the wound be had been Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia Rheumatism, Gout, Cold, Influenza, he had not a shilling on tiu stabbed to the heart.
Emigration To Cuba and therefore cou. nut repay La Grippe, Menstrual Colic, Alcoholic Intoxication, Etc.
the Daath was instantaneous, and loan then. Ramzanally, however, would not countenance taken charge of and conveyed the body of Ratzinally was We have been informed by Mr.
Samples given away and on sale at all drug stores, Harding that owing to exception a postponement and persisted al drought and accompanying in his demand for repaymeni, to the estate mortuary whare SSVESKS oss selles osasses SSSSSSSocioosocial extraordinary fires, there will be with the result that a quarrel Apist mortem examination was an appreciable shortage of Cane ensued. wordy warfare fol performed on it on lowed until at length the men morning by Dr. Burton in Cuba. Therefore no more O, of the district, while labourers will be accepted until dark. Nobody knew, and there Monday alternoon a shocking who was employed at Plantation began to tight.
Springer was arrest by next crop the principle being not was no guard of honour; not a murder was: perpetrated when Diam nd as a saddler aseist Springer, whose leg bad been Paillipy (watcam in on the to book a single labourer unless sound was beard, not a funeral Charles Spiluger, aged 18 years, all. borrowed a shilling from amputated some yesrs ako. re estate) and taken to Providence good works at goca wages awaits note. It is said he did not evon is alleged to have murdered Rim. bally one of the eatate ceived a severe ihrashing from Police Station where he was him tell the Colonial Secretary le Ramzanally, aged 25 years, as a store keepers, and had not Ramzavally who was the taller detained by the police, The steamers will be thorougb was going until he was actualiy ly overbauled, and repatriation on the point of leaving. Grear result of a quarrel over a shil Fituraed it as promptly as he and tne birger of the two. Then should bave With the Springer became enraged and (Continued On Page 7)
commenced in July.
secrecy observed This has an ling.
obi ct of regalning bis sbilling in a fit of uncontrollable fury It is intended to run larger ominuous look, but the Haddon From information to hand it Ramzinally on Monday aiter he drew a saddler knife from If you like beautiful hair use and better steamers for next Smith and Wilson proposals can that Springer, noon at about o clock its sheath on his person. Swift Preoline hair producer.
season, and to continue the ser only atand if they meet wth the is understood vice each crop, giving the labour wishes of the people concern ers (a) a cheap passage to Cuba. b) the guarantee of good work at good wages; and (c) their reFrom Issue of 3rd Ulto.
patriation after the Crop.
Capital and Surplass 10, 000, 000 The Webster steamers may It should be already understood Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 not return next season, in which by all that the Depuation of the case larger and better steamers GR. A. which was kindly will be placed on the route pog received by the Hon. E, F, Wood sibly by another company.
in Grenada consented only to a change from a proposal of having Offers Submitted.
the wbole island as one elected area to that of dividing the island Head Office: 60 WALL Street, New YORK CITY into five elected districts, The Owned by The NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK Sunnyside, residence Deputation never agreed to the standing on 14 919 quare feet of idea that candidates for election land situate in Frith Avenue, must either be a resident in the Belleyille, was set up for sale particular district. concerned or yesterday at the office of Messrs have property there, for the best Carrington Sealy, solicitors. reason of all that such a question The offers have been submitted was neyer raised. We have no to the owner for consideration, different parochial aspirations We are one small family in Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of The King Birth Day.
small island home, and the proTHE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in posal te be foisted on u3 is calculated to make RepresentaENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY The Governor directs it to be tive Government a failure. We BELGIUM notified for general information are out to fight against it.
CANA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES that the Birth day of His Majesty ARGENTINE BRAZIL CUBA PERU the King will be celebrated this PORTO RICO DEMERARA year on Saturday 2nd June.
URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA Tuesday International Banking Corporation Depository of the PANAMA CANAL CHILE GRENADA Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World Shocking MurderAt Plantation Dtamond ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE His Excellency the Governor is due to return to the Colony from Tibida ou Sunday. We ought to hear soon on what basis and SADDLDER STABS STORE on what terms is the proposed KEEPER THROUGH HEART.
Trinidad Windward Island Association to be discussed. Like at the burial of Sir John Moor, His (Thurday, March 23, 1923)
Excellency left Grenada in the At Plantation Diamond Con INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM


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