
highly ner in whi underdoing; and the To The Elior of The Workman, Sir Kindly permit me spae: UNVEILS CHARTER AND INin yonr widely read paper to STALLS OFFICERS state the following. To aleviate in a degree, however small it may 0o! Sunday last April 29th a be, the depreesing condition very enjoyable evening was among the working class of this spent at Gatun in Mount Gilead city the Workers Union of Colon lodge room. At p. it was a. UNION OBRERA de COLON pretty sight to watch the many have on the 27th ulto, directed friends of this city, also Sisters wid petition to His How and Bros. from the sister lodges our the Mayor of Colon. wending their way to the lodge To His Honour The Mayor. room to witness the ceremonies Your Honour as all oth is musta tendas on the unveiling of at least noticed. altoough the cha At p. Bro.
not teling it as the poorer class Jones District Deputy es) the dreadtul situation we are with bi ait of officers accom now in, economically speaking, panied BO E, Smith, SAVO TE un account of lack of work for and Sister Gooden the working element of the the LK, associate, entered the country, especially the cly of Lodge Hal. The hyma Onward Colon. although the contrary is Coristian Soldiers Was then apparently shown, dus largely sung by the congregation. At the to the artiticial life in which end of which Bro. James those in a commercial city live Supreme Dupty took the chair.
the Workers Union of Colon has the first duty periormed was seen it fit to approve a resolution the dedication this was ably Sosiosxscio to approach you, as is now done carried out by the deputy and by me in their name with the grand officers appointed. The required authorits, to request next duty was Unveiling of the that you order the full com Charter this ceremony was nicely pliance of article 1401 of the done by Mary Suel and Administrative Code which Master Joseph Davis Juvenile of besides being in accordance with the said the city and the commodity of applauded for the fearl ss man the cilaw for the beautifying of applaudedodge. Both which thºy addressed the the tennants, will largely benefit congregation. at o clock the the many needy workers who the lodge room was prepared for wou to obtain the business o Installation this work make reference to the duty was also proformed by Bro branches of Painters and Car James District Deputy panters. Awaiting a favorable acting installing master. Fol reception of our just re lowing is a llst of grat officers quest. Salavarria Corres appointed to fill the various Rudge Whitworth ponding secretary. For further ofices.
enlightmen on the subj et article We are expecting a large shipment of 1401 reads thus: The owners Bro. Cummings Grand PATH RACERS, SPORTING MODEI, SPEED and administrators of house of Conductor. Sister Tomlinson IRON ROADSTERS. LADIES BICYCLES private dwellings, of whatever Grand Conductress Bro.
kind, are compelled to repair Martin Vice Grand, Sis. Toma BOYS AND GIRLS BICYCLES their roofs and walls, to wbits zone asscciste; Bro A. Grant wash or paint them, and also to Recorder, Sis Inceson of We shall be pleased to know your requirements so paint the balconies, doors, and Me Dermott S, Barrett as to be able to reserve one of BRITAIN BEST windows during the month of of In Bro Berry Prelafe, Sis BICYCLES for you.
May each year. As also the Pine Dot Lesson, Bro Burke owners or possessors of biuld Inner Guard Nis Campbell Dof ings in ruins or of unocupled lots Keys, Bro Rodney Treasurer LARGE SUPPLY OF BICYCLE ACCESSORIES KEPT IN STOCK are compelled to oportunely clear Sis Graham of Trust Bro it from the growth of wild vegeta. Gammell of Past. This cereMitchell Outer Guard and Sis Pay us a visit, 3rd and Bolivar Streets, or write through tion, or any other matter or Box 1116, Cristobal, Canal Zone.
rubbish that keeps the place mony was ably performed by the dirty. Those failing to comply Deputy. The effcers installed in 1915 8333 900, so with the above will be find from their various (ffices are namely:TWO to FIFTY balboas accord Bro. Husband, WC AssaAng to article 1410 of the same ciate Sis Blackman; Bro, Code. In view of the above Hope, Sis. Smith, of mentioned petition. als Honor Fount Bro. Gittens, RS.
the Mayar, has this moraing Sis B: Bis tore Deocarderopre of RBros. ordered the compliance of article Cox, Treasurer; 1101 as requested. which will latt; Thompson, Conductor; eventually bring about some Maitland, Outer Guard; work for the poor painters, Worrell, Sentenel: Caliender.
carpenters, and peruaps mäsous. sters Hall.
On The United Fruit Company Steamship HEREDIA a Cargo load Trus. Lotill, of of Model 1923 Foper Eclipse Gas Stoves, equipped with Taybe of Con; dye, Court Atlantic No. 9914, of Paza; Weeks, of Kys.
AUTOMATIC OVEN CONTROL Ancient Order of Foresters At the close of this ceremony, refreshment was served, while As Advertised in the Saturday Evening Post, Liberty Digest, Good Court Atlanie 9914 O. represer tatives from various fraternai will bave an initiation of cand. tine and encouraging addresses Housekeeping and Ladies Home Journal.
societies gave very dates tonight, may 12th, at thair to the newly installed offisers Hall at Gatun. This is the fourth and members of the Mt. Gilead NOW ON DISPLAY initiation of candidates that this Lodge. This brought thep ro: Sold on our usual convenient terms of a small deposit New Court will have. and cona close, all friends sidering that they have been with order and the balance on easy monthly payments.
tablished only since the first of return home feeling very happy the year; it looks quite favorable for the enjoyable time they bad for a steady stream of members. Speat.
Members from all the Sister If it is done with heat you can do it better with gas Courts on the Isthmus, and aid of the bome, when refresh PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY Foresters are cordially invited to ments will be on sale at moderate attend the initiation, as well as prices. AT YOUR SERVICE the regular meetings of Court On Tuesday the boys will be Atlantic.
out in full number soliciting your kindness by way of a donation The public sympathy is asked in Colon Boys Institute 3rd.
a tangible manner by doing inAnniversary May 20th. dividually wbut you can to assist the home.
Plans are being perfected to The celebration of the Colon commence the boy rescue work Boys Institute Anniversary will in the city of Panama. The cotike place the afternoon of operation of all elements in the Sunday 20:h of the prese: community is solicited to assist Many Panamanian in bringing about a permanent BY TAKING and Canal Zone officials and success.
other persons of repute have DR. SANGER CAPSULES signified their willingness to be OLD MIRRORS Baden Powell Boy Scouts, WONDERFUL CURE FOR other leagues and Associations will please take this notice as a RESILVERED BLADDER IRRITATION requesting their attendance and participaTO LOOK LIKE NEW to tion, It Contains East India Oil of Sandal Wood The function will begin pre Apply At: and other gredients Theatre Asplendid program cisely at pm at the America No. 37 Calle Espinar, has been arranged and a very Calidonia, Panana.
Gives Positiye Relief in 24 hours enjoyable evening is anticipated.
On Monday the Boys will engage in almonmoth processioa BUY BOX TO DAY Notice.
at 80 beaded by a band of competent musicians will parade AT THE the principal streets of the city, Professor Jolly, Pianist calling at the various responsible begs to notify his patrons and CHORRILLO DRUG STORE government departments and the Public generally that he bas Consulates to pay their respect. removed his residence and is at No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave.
At night a ball will be given in present located at Nc 8J. Street.
Big Time At Red Death of James Tank Butler.
Community Function Past Grand Master Council Sunday 13th Inst No. 408 U. at its reguler convened meeting paid a fitting The much talked of contest in tribute to the late Worshipful Elocution and Music which is Grand Master Bro. James to come off at Rod Tank on Butler, who departed this life on Sunday 13th Inst. is now creat April 21st at the Santo Tomas ing fever beat all around. The Hospital of this city.
children are seriously preparing their various pieces to be ac the Past Graad diaster Council Bro Batler was a member of credited wioners.
The musi. No, 408, also a member of the cians are taking things seriously, Panama Patriarchy No 223. He and surely will be an exbibi tion of fingering and touch etwas also a faithful member to the ere the winners can deter.
mined by the judges. The The following tribute and Soloists, however seem to be resolutions was presented by the drawing card of the the above named Council: event, Every coaspetitor in this In mournfal attire and with event seems sure of winning. sorrowful hearts we gather this Each is practising in secret, but moment to pay our last tribute bave been able to steal into to one who by his manly trait, some of the traicing camps, and hish and noble ideas of characI predict, it cau only be the ter, had endeared himself to us.
judges of high musical ability Although found in the ordinary who will be able to give a fair and common walks of life, in decision in this particular con principles, character. love and test.
devotion he was a noble brother.
The local PROFONDO BOS a hero to the discharge of duty.
SO. the clarion voiced Caruso of and an armour bearer in faithful Paraiso, the little Teach of Red service He was loved by all Tan the bix Baritone Special who knew him.
from Gmboa, the Young Wesley WHEREAS, it has pleased the parson and a few other dark horses are all deter Supreme Ruler of the Universe, mined to excel one another labour to that of reward and to call him from our midst of for first place. Among the Lady Soloists, ve been told Bro. Butler, our Council has lost In of a Red Tank nightengale, and a Paraiso mocking bird one well one of its devoted members, a knowo on the stage with a few brother and a worthy citizen, an other bluebirds all wbo clain ardent advocate for things, that priority in voice culture to say best serves mankind, and to the nothing of the Empire selection Church a devoted christian: Be it What a toss up: What strains of RESOLVED, that we deeply music on Sunday evening. By mourn the loss of our dear Bro.
the way he ve had a looked at some and whilst we share with his of the prizes, and by jove, they widow and loved ones, the are certainly lovely; positively sorrow and pangs of this life, worth while working zalously let us remember that our recent for. The Committee deserves loss is heaven gain.
credit for securing such a beauti ftl lot of prizes and the respecBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Live donors are to be congratu. for one minute, in token of our that we stand with bowed heads lated for their help, stand that the contest will take appreciation: And be it place in the N. ball RESOLVED, that we extend (kindly ient for the occasion) to his bereaved family, our deepupstairs, by the Red Tank est and heartfelt sympathy, and market That again shɔws that direct them to Him who doeth the Cu in wittee knows what it is all things well and that we imard the public can one can thus plore Gods blessing upon them, be assured of a real good time. aud assure them that, through the The very moderate admission everlasting principles of Friend.
price of 50 cents for Reserve ship, Love and Truth, we will Seats and 25 cents Back Seat ever be near the Widow tear will be charged, so that no one to dry, and the mourners heart to cheer. It is also Everybody is talking about it RESOLVED that our Charter Everpoods is wondering aud be draped in mouralng for 60 gussing who will win. am days, and that a copy of these cused, so will prefer to resolutions be sent to the deawait the judges decision con envy them, the task they spread on our minutes and a ceased family, a copy to be will certatoly have to decide the copy be sent to the local press winners. GOOD for publication.
LUCK to every competitor and Fraternally submitted. HERES Lo the winners. The public should not fall to shox BATSON PGM. RICHARD its appreciation for such enable elevatila ventures, TAYLOR surely it is a credit and honor Conmittee to the entire community alid locality and must predict nothing less than an overcrowd.
British Locomotive ed house, in the ball on Suoday evening Contest starts with Success the chiidren at p. m, be on time if you want a seat for understand that the Panama folks are One of the many British firms going down in bulk to judge for specialising in locomotive prothemselves. will be some time; ductions recently gave special at Go ahead Red Tankers and tention to the design and conParaisoites. wish the venture struction of locomotives adapted every success protisy abun to lines with very heavy gradidant success.
ents and sharp curres. Under such conditions the locomotives bas be in eections, as it were, so that it can adapt itselt to the twists and turns of the track, Several locomotives made by this firm on this principle were recentlr supplied to South Africa, and they have worked so GRAND UNITET ORDER OF admirably that a repeat order ODDFELLOWS.
was recently given to the same firm. This triumph is all the more notable inasmuch as there James Emanuel Butler, is practically, no demand for such after a membership in the order extend. special types of locomotives in ing over twenty eight years, passed from Great Britain itself.
our midst on the 21st of April having been suffering from heart troubles friend we are conscious of our loss, be it for many months He entered the order through the RESOLVED, that wa bow in submis Star of the Isthmus Lodge No. 2166, sion to the will of the Almighty, and and was much devoted to its interest, and that this Patriarchy, through the was an ac ive member up to his death. Reoorder convey his bereaved family His knowledge of the Spanish language our sincere sympathy in this their ssd bas on many occasions facilitated the beresvament, and that the Lord in His lodge in oblicial and leg. Matters Ho mercies provide for their support, and was a charter membe of Coupe be ifur her, No. 408, and enjoyed the esteem of the RESOLVED, that our warrant stanis draped in mourning for tha period Panama Patriarchy of which he was of sixty days, and be it furtber, also a charter member, at their conven RESOLVED, that a copy of these tion succeeding his de tb, ad. pted the resolutions be forwarded this family, a following solution copy sent to the local prese for publicae WHEREAS death has removed from tion, and a copy be recorded in toour small membership our much es minutes of this convocation of the Patri.
teemed and trusted Treasurer, Archy, and, Creoline Hair Producer is the WHEREAS, from intimate knowledge of him as an Oddfellow and world best hair tonic and will ARRIVED WEDNESDAY Anybow ot og and At our offices.
gram to to made Panama Patriarchy No, 223, Treat Yourself month.
present general invitation cuncil masters our

    Union Obrera de ColonWorking Class

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