
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATU DAY MAY 12 1923 What Position Do You Want?
Assail Irish Rebels Hid In Cave Over Sea Laundry. LA ESPERANZA. Soap Factory INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, Ma Address: Box 44, Canal Zane Ofice 46 Central Avenue The Best of Evarything for Everybody.
Fugitives Face Starvation In Crevice in Wild Cliff, 100ft. Above Shannon Coast, THE BEST LAUNDRY SERVICE in the city.
Absolute satisfaction and Quick Service.
THE BEST QUALITY SOAP for Laundry purposes Use it all the time DESPERATE FIGHT.
INSTUCTIONS Clear. Quick and Thorough. 400 COLLEGES buy the Lessons for their Students. VISIT OR WRITE the Schools Office in Panama City.
Technical and Industrial Department. Architect. Automobile Wok. Architectural Drafteman. Airplane Engines Blue Pant Reading. Plumber and Steam Fitter Building Foretan Foreman Plumber Concrete Builder Sheet Metal Worker. nt. ctor and Builder. Steam Engineer Electrical Engineering. Marine Engineer. Electric Wiring. Refrigerating Engineer Electri: Lightinz Chetoistry Electic Car Running. Pharmacy Telegraph Engine. Navigation Telephone Work Outdoor Sign Pelater. Mechanical Engineer. Agriculture Meebsical Daftsman. Fruit Growing Machine Shop Practice Live Stock and Dairying Toolmaker Poultry Farming. Civil Eogineer Matheu stics. Surveying and Mapping Radio. Gas Engine Operating Business Training Department. Salesmanship Business Spanish. Advertising French. Banking and Booking Law. Foreign Trade Higher Accounting Stenography and Typing Certified Pub, Accountant Teacher Bookkeeping. Common School Subjects. Business English High School Subjects. Private Secretary And Many Other Courses.
Dublin. April 18. caye in a perpendicular cliff on the Shannon coast, near the causeway in one of the wildest spots in Count Kerry, is the scene of fierce battle between fugitives rebels and beseiging national troops. In a cave more than one 100 feet from the top of Clasbmeeleon Clift, which rises perpendicular from the Shan non shore, prominent fourgents have made their hiding The approach from the clie is by a precipitous path, which even the venturesome Kerry goat would not have the audacity to descend. This winding path by the cliff side, with a yawning chasm underneath. where one false step would mean instant death, did not deter the rebels from adopting it as a place of security from attack.
National troops attempled a de scent in the early hours of the morning. One officer and three men accomplishingit successfully. Examining the rocks ihe ictreid soldiers discovered crevice barely suficient to admit one man at a time. Two of them ciept through the crevice and Walk Over Shoes ARE THE BEST MADE Then why be satisfied with less than the best Name Age Address Mark the subject you wish to study and write your name and Address Mail the coupon to day for free) Cotalog.
Prohibition Bill Thrown Out In et countered barricade a few Commons BUY PAIR TO DAY AND BE SATISFIED American BazaarStores interiere.
1922 provide a са This surmount ed but a few yards further in they found another barricade, MORTALLY WOUNDED.
While removing it fire was opened on them from the cave and Volun eer Neill of the SECOND READING DEBATED FOR ment was not a success he added, Dublin Guards fell ortally FOUR HOURS AND LOST BY were due to quor trace propa wounded and Lieutenant Pyer som VOTE OF 236 TO 14.
ganda. He addmitted there was of the Engineers was seriously some confustou in America in injared.
evitable in the task of administer DRASTIC MEASURE ing the law, and that this confu tinued and the two soldiers ut.
The firing from the cave cons on was helped by smuggling from abroad side bad to take shelter behind a Fallure of Volstead Act and rock. The sbul. er was a meare UNITED STATES SMUGGLING one, but they wanfully replied tu Growing Disrespect for Dr. Slater expressed surpaise the tire from the cave. See Panama Colon Law cited in Dis that the British Govermert hasing their position the troops cussion.
not takea steps to top this on the crest of the eliti lowerpå ropes and the wound (By JOHN BALDERSTON) smuggliog. He declared many ed efflcer aid the two other brewers acd distillers in th London April 20 The first set House of Lords are nterested men were safely hauted up debate ever held in the House of the traffic and thought this under heavy ore from th: Commons on the Probibition might be the cave. Volunteer Neill body question ended. aiter four hoursland does not reason why Eos as tbrown to the beach beneatt PANAMA CANAL Notice.
and of oratory in defeat on second However, he argued as Ameri beaten oil by a hut tire from the attempts to recover it were leading by a vote of 236 to 14 olcans find ways enforced the NOTES. bereby beg to notify the puoli that my wife Beatrice Blinds a bill il to QUEEN drastic dry law, suurgi from this country régime for Britaip.
will become unprofitabie, Reinforcent o: having left my home and protecNational HAIR DRESSING troups arrived and called on tbe Tolls Collected During tion without my cousent do Edward Scry mgeour, the only Rejection of the bill was men in the cave to surrender Imagine yourself Prohibition inember of Parlianot hold myselt responsible for Month of April ment, who beat Winston Church moved by Sir Arthur Holbrook. An attempt was then made to with long, waving, silken any debt or debts she may hair. Think how attractive tract.
ili at Dundee in the last election Members who listened to argu smoke the garrison out by means you would be. This you can on a dry platform introduced the ments for Prohibition mostly of burning sacks of bay and Signed, According to the Canal Record easily have by using QUEEN This plan being ineffecbill. He delivered on its behalf a had left the House by this time turf.
HAIR DRESSING. This dress the official organ of the Panama WALTER HIND3 remarkable speech of eighty and only fores eight heard him tive, two mines were lowered ing also removes dandruff and stops falling hair. Cost Canal, of May 2nd the tolls colminutes, in which he declared argue that alcohol is a food to be an exploded at the mouth only 25e a large box at lected on tra ic passing through bis election victory was a miracle. taken or left as desired. He as the case.
This also failed to good drug stores and the Canal during April, 1923 esClosa Shave serted there was more drunkeo bring out the occupants ana DIVINE CALL ness and corruption in America machine gun and rifle fire were Brewer Hesse tablished a new high record. The total was 1, 878, 938 15 on oceanHe declared himself the now than before the dry law.
5e to 25e Stores direcied against the strong going ships and 47. 30 on 19 Judge Sucker, of New Jersey, spokesman of Christ in the Viscount bold.
Queen Agents House, and insisted he was Curzon contioued launches, an aggregate of 1, 878. who recently imposed the dealu Throughout the night, lamps 987 45, The Wlls of ocean snips se atenc on a Nigro Ramed obeying the call of Heaven in the debate, attendance by this MON 16. Central Ave Panama City. exceed a by 51 219. 71, the Willian Bati, recalled, yesterbis anti drink crusade. time baving shrunk to thirty tive were lowered from the crest of 109 Bolivar St.
No leader of any party remained the elit to discover any attempt There were only a handful of and even Lady Astor, who has to escape during the darkness amount collected in March, 1923, terday, tense moment in an Colon.
the evious month of high re Atlantic barber chair Tha members in the House when the fought for temperance reform, The lamps were tired on and barber was Ngro, You debate began. The front oppo sentenced my The number of commercial sition was absent. The Viscount, like stoned from the cive without B: Home was empty.
the other speaker ers, quod efi ct. Toere was no attempts by ship: was lass than the 409 ia conversational opening as be Secretary Bridgeman was the Battle, to the chair. was his Orly Minister present.
American statistics, declaring the entrapped irregulars to es. NOTICE March, 1923, the record month. Istood with razor poised above The daily average, Lowever, was Judge Sticker, by an etortut At the outset of Scrywgeour that in twenty leading cities in cape.
the United States. convictions address, members were inclined for drunkenness rose from re explored and machine gun Yesterday morning more mines bigber in April, and the highest will, of record. It was 13. 47 sbips, and, the barber, applying the remained the chair to laugh and cbalt him, but his 112, 000 in 1920 to 256 000 last and rite tre maintained by the opened up temporary offices at and 62. 631. 27 in tolls. The aver raz ir to his chin, continued he intense earnestness and power year.
troops, but the irregulars have No. 107 Central Avenue upstairs are all per commercial ship was was no good anyhow Times.
ful oratory a wed his opponents RESPECT FOR LAW, made no attempt to come from old St. Paul Church bui diog.
into silence, and at the close. 1, 650 84 when the ibir fastness.
House was much Several other members spoke Telephone number 1050.
fuller, be received Iwo applause following this attack on stunt descended the path from the citi ma Canal net, 109, 953 ;tolls, 98, Cross men pluckily Twenty two Comnercial 327 38 and cargo, 1, 970 tons.
from all parties.
Admiral Sir Goy Creoline This tribute to his sincerity Gaunt, in a witty speech, de to shore yesterday morning and straightens and Ships Transited Canal and power came from an almost clared of an American friend recovered the body of Neill, beautifies the hair and pro on April 26 Record Year Assured.
solidly hostile group of mem. The American has broken bis which had been battered about by duces hair on bald heads.
bers. There was also a burst of State laws bus never the Federal the tide and was in danger of Seven Atlantic bound and 15 handclapping from the galleries laws untill they brought in Pro being washed out to sea, or from death from starvation. Pacific bound commercial veswhich is very rare, but this was bibition. Now he will break any The cave where the irregulars At the close of suppressed at once by attend thing.
ere entrenched gives shelter END OF THE sels and a Navy cruiser transit on SIEGE April 30, 1923, ing the Canal on April 26, made marked the tenth which ante.
Dublin, April 16. There was a up one of the heaviest days tral the current fiscal year, the The minority of fourteen that from attack, but there is no moita ol The next speaker to second voted for the bill, included Sir chance of escape from surrender, sensational anding to night to fic through the Canal to date. number of transits had reached the bill was Dr. Alfred Slater, William Allen, Ulster Couservathe rebels Labour from the slum dis live, the only member of his mons seemed to be 16.
the Kerrycare. Two of the beThis is a new record for num 131 and the amount of trille trict of Bermonsey. He did arty to cast such a ballot. Tbe Reports wers current in Lon. sieged men who tried to escape beroof transits of commercial Were 2, 997 aad 12, 573, 407. 11 in the darkness were drowned.
stips in one day.
not introduca any religious or other thirteen were Labourites, don that Scrymgeour was to be during this period.
moral nate, but declared Probi including the House Parson kidnapped by students Lyons, the commander nt the spects the day traffic was Traffic in the corrent fiscal bitiou was relatively successtad he Rev. Campbell Stepben. To rag to prevent him from supo four other men were captured. 10, 1923when, 22 commercial ceeded the fall 12 moaths period cliff topiress, was killed, and liably lower than that of March yes, therefore, has already erin the United States and was to those who voted dry, sbould le porting his motion. He seemed a any preceeding or fiscal.
be recommended on social and added Scrymgeour and Dr. Sla inclined to take the plot serlAmong the listelen, prisoner er transited the Canal, with ag air careed to be the file celen by. ter, who acted as tellers, Bo the ously. However, he was was an Englishman Walter gregate tonnage, etc of the con months of May and June yet to Reports that American enforce total dry strength in the Com molested.
Stephens of London.
wercial vessels as follows: Pana be added.
Wholesale QUEEN HARRISING cord brother, bench nhas in business 83


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