
THE WORKMANSAI BDAY MAY 12 1923 PAGE TARRE The Dopir of Race Horses. ngland PRO. RESIGNS Hinds Soeks New Life.
CASE THAT IS BEING BROUGHT BY TRAINER M, WILLIAM PLATMAN VALUABLE ALL ROUND MAN hesterfield (GARETTES That ad started me smoking the best cigarette ever made!
NEWactior Taste is a matter of tobacco quality a We state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chesterfield are of finer quality and hence of better taste) than in any other cigarette at the price.
Liggett Myers Tobacco Co.
SATION Samuel Hinds, the professional bowler and groundsman of the To The Iniquiry Of The Georgetown Cricket Club has tendered his resignation which Practice There an Beko will take effect from the end of Cuestion.
April, He has decided on this course in In order to seek a more m April Morniug lucrative occupation. The CC.
carable all round man Hinds, undoubtedly looses very Post in connection with the case that is being brought by the although of Barbadian parente trainer, Mr. William Flatmar, in age, was born in this colony 44 Pris for damages on the ground years ago and has been employ it at his license to train has been ed by the for nearly 25 years. He started file ar folly with held from him 29 a 11 will be remembered that it is Shoemaker and in June 1999 ha chly recently, either in this was employed by the couns or in France, that the use bowl at the nets. Later in the of dere has been made an offer ce same year Tom Burton was em.
by the stewards.
ployed as the Club professional The Hon. George Lambton, ore and other pros who met Hinds were Whitehead and D, Wilof the best known trainers at liam two Englishmen, Woods market, wbo trains for Lord and Layne. Hinds was the only Derby among other owners, local professional Woods is xplained to a Morning Post dead while Tom Burton is now yesterday the representative in Colon and Layne in America, exact conditions under which the In the days when Burton and Stewards have decided to take Woods were the two pros. of the Hinds served as forman In the year 1902 and earlier, be of the ground, and on the desail, it was brought to my atten parture of Layne in 1913 be tion by veterinary surgeons that succeeded to the dual position the use of dope was very preof professional bowler and valent. Convinced of the gravity groundsman.
of the abste, urged the CREDITABLE RECORD.
Stewards to take the matter but they were of opinion that the Hinds has seen and played extert of the practice was ex.
very good cricket in the colony aggerated, ar also that deping under several Captains of was very little effected.
namely Messrs B. Clarke, AN EXPERIMENT. Bell. Oscar Webber, King, Weber, Sher Being sell convinced on the lock, Leechman, Bankroft contrary, and having in my deceased, DM Smith, V; stables a certain number of Hunter, and AG. Gomes. He horses that would not or could represented the colony against not produce their best form. the in 1911 and 1918, explained my intention of using keeping, wickets for the Comdope, and at the same time bined West Indian team in the promised 10 warn the Stew1911 tour. He also played for on each cecasion. Koow the GC. and ground against ing nothing of dope, apShepherd team and with plied to a veterinary surgeon Soow and Orellas of the to provide me it in with CU. O, be accompanied Shepanild deses, as did not want herd team Trinidad in 1911 an accident to occur, such as as a pro Hinds also attended Col.
took place on che cccasion when ony teams twice in Barbados in excessive dope bad been ad1908 and 1912 under the Captainministered, and the horse after cy of Messrs Sberlock and finishing the race, continued Simpson respectively in Trin Kalloping until it killed teef by idad in 1910 and 1921 under dashing into a brick wall load Mesers Parker and expected results; but nothing Browne like what attaired. The doped horses won their reces, repreAs a professional bowler, coach ducing the very best of their groundsman or umpire, Hinds form. There is one in particuhas been faithful employee of the G, and enjoys the confi lar, a mean spirited horse thai dence of every cricketer in the none of the best jockeys, bad ever been able to get into a galcolony. The present condition of lop. gave him dope, and be the ground at Bourda bears elowon bis ruce brilliantly with quent testimony to his painstak only a stable boy up.
ing work as a groundsman. His The stewards were convir ced good work on the ground has been commended by Mt Somerby the experiment and next year sett and on the occasion of the doping was declared illegal and last Intercolonial Cricket Tour made an offence involving the lost nament by tbe Hon, HB. Ausof a trainer licence. This wa Ad 449 (4 col. 12. 48 cin, Captain of the Barbados team 1st Scries Npps, 1923 the orly experience ever hao Req. L15463 Job 6488 Iu appreciation of bis services with the subject, and neither the organised a benefit knew them por kow now wba drugs were used. The practice is would be impossible to say, tu match for him ome time in 1914 as the result of which he received now, believe, almost, if not en tirely, obsolete in England. For when the French authorities Important Notice. the sum of 63. Although past his prime Hinds is still an asset instance, in the old days the oper took the matter up in 1913, after experiment with a to a cricket club as a professionadministration of drink, such a laborate port or brandy, was periecly le chemical tist on the berse al bowler. coach, and groundsAdministrator of Estates Office man and as the result of his regal. but even that is barred, saliva, in wi ich was told thas WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT Plymouth, cent holiday in Barbados he has doubt partly because it would be every single exp riment gave a No. 78, New Market Street Montserrat, shown improved form in bowling He has had considerable cricketThe administration of dope is tounded to find at the Steeple.
8th January, 1923.
not the simple metter the public chase Society that per cent of RETAIL DEPARTMENT ing experience and by his unarIn the matter of the Estate o uning disposition merits contiappear to thick it. It beat th she borses had been dup Ouce it became known that any George Skerret late of Panama dence and respect. Demerara co operation No. 107, Bolivar Street of at least was liable to be examined, deceased Argosy.
and the trairer who 80:10 Oi would at once place hiaselt up ed the trainer in the loss of his and that conviction of dope invols. THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY (Unrepresented)
der the power of another man licence; doping for the time being Take Notice tbat you jare to Remarkable Pump There is a great deal of ridicu ceased and there were some very come in and prove your debts lous nonsense talked, as tha remarkable revereals of form.
FULL SUPLY CF against the above Estate on or Information was published Datore the 28th day of July, lately regarding a new type of dope by podermically adminis tered while the borse is walking UNFAIR TO THE PUBLIC.
Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, 1923. And Further take notice British pump designed to deal round. This is absurd. In the that in default of your so doing with fluids in which a large porplace, the horse would vio As to the iniquity of the prac Cabbage, Dairymen Butter sou will be excluded from any tion of solid matter was carried, leotly resent the prick of the ce there can be no questiɔn.
benetits from any benefit arising In that type the pum) had a kind ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES needle, and in the second thi From the point of view of the from such estate. All communi of scicor action which broke up drug would have to be injected public it is grossly unfair be.
sations concerning any debts the solid material and enabled it into some very special part. cause a trainer might dope for one race, omit dope from a series must be sent in to me at the to be carried forward. The inDIFFIFULTY OF DETECTYON above office Call and see us before purchasing of races and redope for a result ventiveness of the British engin.
Detection is a ve y difficult that he thought worthwhile. Sgd. AGAR, eer has, however, produced still matter, partly because it is very would be like playing with loadelsewhere.
Administrator of Estates.
another solution to this problem, hard to keep secret that led dlce. From the standpoint of whicb bulks 80 largely in the sbared by more than one perso the individual horse it is more To all and singular the work of the sewage engineer, and partly because various than uodesirable because the ani Creditors of tbe above Estate The new pump is a centrifugal physical signe in the horses in mal wherbode realviameless. brood British Consulate Notice. Evening School pump in which the solid materidicates dope. mare, is It al is, as it were, by passed. By tion dope unusually induces cot possible to dope with excitFOR SALE a curious arrangement partiviolent sweating, but this is not ants without affecting the con tions the solid material is separainvariably the case. In my own stitution. Finally, from the The British Cupsulate General ted fron the water, which is experiment, the borse with which breeding standpoint irreparable at Panama would be glad of in: CALIDONIA was the most successful did damage can be done. Assume, as Cormation respecting the where in l Condition way, while push not sweat at all, whereas forward the solid matter by a ecurse, there are many horses of dope a mean spirited borse said to have left Jamaica for This that invariably sweat before wins the Derby and is sent to the Panama in the year 1912, Latin, Geometry, Algebra rece, and that are, in fact, unable stud. Invariably be transmit his down.
sewage but in pumping water to produce their best forms un meanness of Fpisit to his off, from weed fouled rivers. In less they do sweat in advance.
sprlog. and doping will bave selected for slre or mare, when TERMS MODERATE For particulars apyly at tests made with this pump atApply to As to how great was the preva talsified the experimenial basis tempts were made to jamm the lence of doping in Englar. up tc on which horse breeding is based the object of the race was to de: Teacher at School. Monday, WORKMAN PRINTERY machine with lumps of coal, 1902; after the practice bad bern and which is its logical justifica. termine the superior animal and Central Ave Street pieces of wood, and balls of cote ton waste; but these were all Wednesday and Friday intioduced from the States, Ittion. The inferior animal will be utilize it for reproduction.
Panama City passed through without damage.
Chesterfield CIGARETTES They Satisfy LYNTON animal first CHRISTIAN MISSION SCHOOL One Stuvessant Piano sucked through in the ordinary 40 is feasible, that by the latluence abouts AdinaWalters. who or English, French, Spanish, No reasonable offer turned adapted not only to handling


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