
DAIRYMEN LEAGUE Pablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applica WA ND. 31 tbe nffice Central Avetion. Correspondence on all matters nue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
kder Box 74, Panama PI All copy for publicstion must te written on one side of paper only, and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOX must be accompanied by the name of Ose Year 40 17 0y the writer, not necessarily for publica Six Months 30 ton but as a mark of good faith.
Three 50e.
We do not undertake to rolur CDO 25e. rejected correspondence.
Purer, Richer, Creamy Milk Stationery 13 e Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1923 DAIRY MEN Balboa Heights, My 1923, Mr. Buder, Acting STANDS FOR British Consnl a Clon, bas advised the Panama Canal that INK he has received a communication from the Colonial Secretary of Antigui to the effect that quarantine restrictions have been imposed by Antigua against arrivals from Guadeloupe, Martinique and Dominica.
AT THE This information is being 11 con.
veyed to those concerned for WORKMAN PRINTERY repatriation British Central Avenue and Corner subj ots to Antigus.
Street, Panama City.
for your home PHONE 454 Acting Executive Secretary.
BARTENS LEAGLE WILKINSON Sweetened Condensed YOU CAN TRUST THE Contractor BLUE AND WHITE from inspected herds and Builder Co DARYMOdus con House No. 20 28th NOV. STREET, SAN MIGUEL Box 411, Panami, and is the SAFEST MILK Poderige on the event of the of SECRETARY OF WAR WEEKS VISITS PANAMA.
WOLI The Hon John Weeks, head of the United States War Department and a party of Congressmen struck the Isthmus Ist nday morning like a whirlwind, creating no little stir in official and social circle and after staying a little over three days departed for San Francisco.
During his brief stay here, the War Secretary badla conference with the President of this Republic, the details of which has not yet leaked out, but it is generally anticiGENERALOVE ASSOCIATION MILK Now smoked Dairymen Label by a million men who love taries will redound to much good for the two countries. Guaranteed by 70, 000 Farmers, a superior.
cigarette LEAOUK INC UTICA, USA 111 Dentist Howell various problems as they affect the economic and political Clearing out!
Clearing out!
6:30 am Vur, and in Plans and Specifications Free future. There are no misgivings as to the possible out.
come of this conference, but on the contrary there seems Sold by ALL GROCERS First class Workmanshlp an air of confidence of a full measure of good and the And PANAMA CANAL COMMISSARIES Guaranteed.
further cementing of the bɔnds of friendship and unity between the greatest and chest republic of the world and the youngest, but most strategic, geographically.
It is a generally accepted axiom that if fair play and dealing with the HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA CANAL ZONE.
life of the communities concerned, a sa isfactory solution cigarettes will be found, removing therefrom all suspicion and lack EVE. ITEM MUST BE SOLD AT COST PRICE of confidence in the relations of the one towards the Office Hours. to p. other.
We present, Rings, Watches, Braclets, DAILY It is understood that principally among the matters La Valliers, Vanity Cases, Links. Broaches, Specializes in all the branches discussed were the revision of the Panama Canal Treaty Ear rings, Chains, Fobs, Rosarles, Knives and of Dentistty and the land defences of the Canal. Considering the imForks, Spoons, and numerous other articles portant and strategic position of the Canal, it is imperative Hueneau four Customers are requested to call for jobs left in my that the great waterway he made impregoable and secure Wanted care not later than April 30th, 1923 against invasion from any hostile attack whether by land, air or sea The safety of commerce, the sovereignity of JAMES LLIAMSON, Jeweler, CHURCH SERVICES responsible wonan seryant.
Panama, and the maintaining of a neutrality ensuring a 167 Bolivar Street, Color. Atnerican Epi«copal Church) Must sleep. Good wages.
state of Peace between the eastern and western bemis(Sunday after Ascension Day) Apply between and 12. Morcpheres, are all important considerations in the discussion, St. Peter Church La Boca. ings to and on these depend largely the measure of protection Choral elebration of Holy Communion MRS, ERIC BARHAM which can be assured this country in case of war, so as to Trinidad Gift to Her discharge the obligations guaranteed in the Panama Canal Indian Girls to be Trained Hly ptism sm Treaty.
At Santo Tomas Hospital. Royal Highness Princess Matins and addres 11 am Friday pm Junior Christian Eadeavour This country regards Secretary Weeks as an Ambas.
Election of Church Committee Meal pn and 30 co Prayer meeting sador of the highest embodiment of justice and fairdealing Rev. A, Odlo, Pastor ia abarg The Panama Government has Sunday School pm Choral Evensong with Saran at 7:30 as is commonly expressed by the representatives of the decided to experiment with Dutch West India Cable des Morning prayer at am on Monday Nazareno Christian United States Government. The message of hope which he three Indian girls at the Santo Church under the patch from London dated April Wednesday and Fritav. Eveding pravi ini dress nd Confirmation Class after Gnuachapali Panama.
will be listened to with rapt and respectful attention, and aidance of Major Bocock, who 24 states that on behall of the daesd av pon the cervion being at 30 11 am ruiag worship may have brought and which has not yet been made public To nas Hospital is always willing to assist those calopy of Trinidad and Tobago, while it is not expected that anything more than is abso lower down in the scale of Mr. Algernon Aspinal to. daj MULCARE. Rector p to Sunday Sebol lutely necessary for the safeguarding of the Panama civil zitioo. It is almost assured, presented to Her Royal Highness it. Barnabas Church Empire 7:30 p, Evanxeliste Service Monday 30 Balievers meeting Canal will be exacted from the Pauamanian people, it that it these girls de monstrate Princess Mary. Ve vantess Li Matias aud ad iras 10. 45 a.
Tucaday 550 Junior Christian Endes is also expected that whatever concessions are needed, tiine be a valuable aset to his tive wahogany by local cratte Choral Evens»ng and address 30 the aptitude required they will in celles a writing sesk de of ni Sunday School com they will be proposed in a spirit of equality and not in that country in assisting to al viate.
7, 30 Senior Christian Eodea your JT MULCARE Pries ig ebarge autocratic air of superiority which heretofore was mani the sufferings of their people With Her Royal Highness sare.
Wedursday Prayer meeting Barth lomews Church Las Thursday 7:30 Choir praoke fested during the construction period. Panama will and in the San Blas regions. tion the surplus fuuds collected Cascadas Friday 7, 30 Open air meeting should remain the centrifugal force in the government The girls will be taught all the in the colony towards tne Morning Prayer ni ad Irs: 11 am to providing a Rev. Neal Pastor in charge of ter internal affairs, and if confidence and the spirit rudiments of domestic, and it are being dev of amity is to be maintained, and it is well that these they prove eficient and capable gold medal and shield to be pres. Sunday School Seventh Day Adventist Church essential elements be constantly kept inview in the dis of assimilating the necessary ented annually to the trained Evening Peaver rod address pm instructions nursing will enter curse passing out of her three MULCARE Priest in sharee cussion of her national affairs.
years training at the Colonial Panama San Miguel Aro semena STREET CALIDONIA ROAD, into their vocational training.
The revision of the Panama Canal Treaty is a neces. near Loch mina Park. PANAMA.
The Panama Goveroment is to Hospital at Port of Spain, with tbe highest distinction.
Street Buiding 25 8sbbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabsity demanded through recent recurrent viscititudes in be commended as this is priBap ism by the ses 30 am bath School; 11. 15 am General Worship economic developments satisfactory change for the two gressive step in the right direcSunday Sehwol pm 30 Spanish Clare; 30 pm.
nations concerned, will undoubtedly be one of the most tion, baving shown that the laudable triumphs of equity in the desire to give justice årst to take serious things mes or beautifies the hair and pro church Of God G St Colon Ay are welowme both young and present administration is the Creoline Young People Meeting; 30 in, straightens and Holy Com audio 8:30 pm Bailav Pastor Vespers.
to smaller nations.
the the aborig of Sunday evening duces hair on bald heads.
It is our ardent wish for the good of all concerned, this country.
11 30 7, 30 spal Sarmon old. 730 Mueal Programu. that the problems which once threatened to disrupt the Sunday School 3p.
Silver Liection will be taken.
peaceful march of progress and a friendly understanding charges. The questions whether betting transactions Sis Brewster Pastor Evang.
will be removed for all times, and that progress and pro3 should be subjected to a tax has been much debated and Now Pravi lenca Christian Mission of Panama perity to this country will be the resultant featu res by the a Parliamentary Committee is to make inquiry into the mat Gospel Serm 11 30. 7, 30 Panama 11 a Msey 7:30.
building of the great waterway.
ter at once. Balwin admitted he was greatly attracted by Sunday Subool p a Sis Elliot, Pastir Ceagweld the proposal, and most people agree with bim, particularly Chorillo 11. m3. Taylor 30 Gitun CZ as the money so obtained might lead to a further reducBurke Supt tion in the income tax, Of course, 4s. 6d. in the is the Gospel Sermon 30 sm 7, 30 La ca 11 am W. Barke 7:30 THE BRITISH BUDGET FOR 1923 24. amount which the middle class man or woman pays on Sunday School pm income. Wealthy persons with an income of say 20, 00 a George Griffith Paraiso II a. 7. 30. Belle Gatun Il am 7;30 Bros Grant year pay upon a graduated super tax rate which reaches Salem Christian Church 3rd St. Colon 11 am is Nichole 7:30 Mills Broadway Colon The British Budget statement this year has been 10s. 6d. in the.
Rev. W, BURKE Supt.
generally regarded as sound and well balanced Sunday Morning Service 11. 30 m effort Sunday Evening Servece 30 The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr.
Monday Believers Praise weet ng 30 The Salvation Army Stanley Balwin, resisted the temptations of epheIMPERIAL STATESMEN. Tuesday young people Lorru 30 a. Prayer meeting meral popularity which might have been his bad he Wednesday Bible reading 7, 30 10 a. Sunday School still further reduced the taxpayers burden. His first Thursday Caoir practice 806 11. Holiness meeting care was to set aside forty million pounds for debt The British Imperial Conference is to openfin London Friday Prayer meeting 30 p. Sunday School reduction and to make provision that this huge ou October 1st and the Prime Ministers of every Dominion Rov R, WILKINS, Pastor in charge 30 Salvatioa meeting amount should be annually increased by five millions until in the Empire, with the unavoidable exception of New GEORGE MORRIS it reached fifty millions a year. Having thus satisfied the Zealand, will be present. At the same time the imperial Ebenzer Church Building No Cimandant claims of sound finance, he devoted 34 millions of his sur Economic Conference will be held, and important results plus to mitigating the taxpayers lot in such a manner that are expected from the meting.
There is a tendeney Sunday. Il am Morning rorship 85, Calidonia Road, Panama Seventh Day Adventist Church par icilly every branch of the community received some manifested in all parts of the Empire for further espais sabo 3rd STREET BROADWAY, COLON sli neure of relief. Income tax was reduced from ordination particularly in view of the unsettled condition, 730 m Ev. ngolistic, service Sabbath (Saturday) 45 sm Sabbath the. beer (with a contribution from the both politi ally and economically, of other parts of the Manday 30 Believers meeting School; 11. 15, Greral Worship a penny a pint, the taxes on cider world. Apart from matters relating to foreign policy, the Tuesday 7, 30 Christain Budaavour 30 Young people mseting e mitigated, the tax on limited three great questions before the Conferences will be those certain prion of the word of God Wednesday 30 on a 30 in Vespers Sunday evening 30 Prose ing Service aalved, and welcome concessions of emigration and Empire settlement, Empire defence and elected for that purpose.
All are invited to attead these service, to reduced telephone and postal Empire trade.
Thursday 30 pm Choir practice and bring a friend.


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