
Only the Best Men Furnishings Was English Woolens White Linen Drills.
But tre only DOMINICA The best Tonic in the World Labourers for Cuba VIGOR TONIC This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommendThe Guardian in its issue of April 5th expresses its view in ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, respect to labourers leaving the Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up island of Dominics for Cuba, a run down constitution.
thus:It promotes digestion, improves the appe Another agency is busy in our midsi exploiting the labour tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system maket, in the interest of a big DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or sugar concern in Cubs Posters times a day.
have been placarded abºut Roseau no ifsing the labourers will be paid at the rate of 20 pe: ton; that an average cutter can cut three tons per day that men are inspected at new quar.
antine stations and hospital at Puerto Padrr; but are not guar antined; that housing, first class hospital and sweet potatoes are all to be given to the labourers free; that the average cost of living is 50 cents per day, and the Capa Sugar Company, OF which require the men, will send them back after crop tinishes, free of cost to them. The Webster Steamsbip Line has been enRaged to take the labourers Interesting West ladian News ed by Dr. Phillips, Ese Specialist, man who a few days ago sot from these islands to Cuba, and carried in stock for eye troubles. We are glad to run over by trucks at Cul De Mr. Alleyne, of the learn from a recent Barbados Sac with the result that his face Sale Room. New Street, is the (Continued from page 2) exchange tha be secured practically wiped off. local agent of the Line, booking MR. MARRY SHOW COM some relief as the result of Nothing dawn ting, the doctor, emigrants, of which we learn.
the passages of the would be fine Selection of the ING TO DEMERARA.
treatment given, and hope that it will not be long before be on tackling the job, promptly good many are already listed.
is on the road to health. Demera cut the man throat, or perhaps Some three years ago, this EDITOR OF THE WEST INDIAN, ra Chronicle March It would be more accurate to same Capara Sugar Company say, made me opening in the recruited labourers from these AND Able Advocate of Represen: throat, through which a tube islands, the majority of whoun tativa Government.
ST. LUCIA returned saddor men, if not was inserted for the purpose of wiser. Many of them had bitter administering chloroform. After tales lo relate, which it might JUST RECEIVED remember at this We learn with pleasure that Dr. Cuff Performs Miracu four hour speration durine be well to Mr, Albert Marryshow. Our lous Operation on Broken removed. new face had been same class of people are again which the man lower jaw was time, when the services of this distinguish colleague of The ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY enlisted by this same Company West Indian, Grenada. will be Face.
remade, the songue, which had it is true, the Capura Company paying a visit to this colony been badly damaged, sutured are now offering better condi SHIRTS TIES COLLARS towards the end of the month.
the pole than on the Marryshow! Oa account of his fame which and the mass of pulp that was ations to previous and able advocate of Represanta has reached the remotest parts tew hours before is once more a ETC. occasions and in this ETC. ETC.
tive Government for the West of the islands and his approach living and presentable man.
they are wise. what we Indian colonies is not been in ing departure. Dr. Cuff is kept the foregoing sounds like a promises, and may perhaps be bare stated above At THE PALAIS ROYAL the best of health recentls, and busily engaged at the operating tale but we are assured it is regarded as too good to be made only a short while ago paid a visit theatre incessantly, The latest PERREIRA to a class of unprotected labour to Barbados where he was treat aboat his ability is the case of a quite tare.
ers, without anything like a CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA pledge or guarantee of the due performance of contracts on either side. Ths Company certainly require men to take off their crop this year, and will offer any thing to get then.
But will they make their Anniversary Of Royal The 50c. Middle premises good to the people We have all contended that Grade School British subjects are not slaves in British soil anywhere, and a good assortment can be had at the are free people to go where ever they like in search of remunera NO. 1010; F, Isthmian 50c. Middle Grade The United Methodist Church tive employment, Already a good many West Indians have School organized for the uplitt of swallowed the new Capara bait, Colored Children here and placed and have lett Barbadus and Ancon Box 799 within the easy reach of all conVincent by the Webster ne Ancon, Canal Zone. ditions, which is opened at 21st Steamers. 1o Trinidad a large Street Guachapali Panama under The fourth Anniversary of the the direction of the Rev.
batch which was about to go was Rwal Primrose Lodge No. Anderson, and efficiently taught stopped by the Authorities wbc 10106 of Panama City took place by his three teachers, bas been immediately found employment on Sunday 22 April 1923 in fairly started.
for them in the island.
their Lodge Room 20th Street Conditions materially diger Central Avenue. Owing to the Mach has been recently extween the different West India funeral of Brother E Butler pended to provide suitable seats islands, but in Dominica, at this (P. V of Star of the Isth and desks and sufficient toilet also a choice selection of time, we see no reasons to sug mus Lodge SCM. The number accomodations for the school.
gest obstacles in the people present at the hour of opening Between May and July next way. The times are bard; there was not according to the expecwe will be stocked with our is no money in circulation and tation, but this was added to the poorer people are suffering the bours passed by, until the special books, when the higher much, Most of the plantations Hall was literally packed. The grade of the school will be rebave reduced expenditure there religious portion of the proceed solved into technical studies.
This being a faithful philantroby throwing a good many labour ings was ably conducted by ers out of work; hence it be Commandant Morris of the Sal phic institution appreciates any that the offer of the Company to vation Army. Taking for his sub donations towards its upkeep made to the superintendent give employment to West Indian j901 Grow in grace (2 Per. 18) Box labourers on the conditions men he gave a very instructive, eleva addressed to Ancɔn 1100, tioned might turn out to be ating and encouraging address blessing in disguise to our own which was listened to with rapt ANDERSON, people, especially if they can save attention, and was greatly appremoney over that way, and on IN SPANISH ENGLISH British Consulate Notice.
their return woald invest in land ciated by all present, in their own homeland of Brothers Tullock AT THE course, the people have beun and for the term introduced The Acting British Consul at othicially warned what they Brother Stevens PG. of may or may not expect at the the s Council as chairman. Colon would be glad of informabands of the Government in this After bis open ng remarks, be ion as to the present wherecolony, so that it in the end they called on Brother Rallen abouts of Herbert Russel Atkinfind the Capara people fail them, Buchner and to read son, a native of Jamaica, who they can blame only their own his report. This was done in a was last heard of in Bocas del selves, but all the same we very clear and intelligible manner, and much prefer that conditions showed a caretal and painstak. Toro.
were such here as to make life ing effort in its getting up. This more agreeable to them, and being the first time the Aaniver City were present as to make them stay at home sary of the Lodge bas been their quota.
and bear with its ills they know publicly observed, the report novel feature of the occasot rather than go abroad to risk brought out in detail (though Of every description those they may not think of. short) the transaction of the Sion was the presence of the Nor does it seems that condi Lodge from its inception years in connection with the Lądge who members of the Juvenile Social tions in Cuba are by any means ago, to the present time. In spite bright, to judge by articles and of many adverse circumstances cave some very fine recitations to the delight of all. Their sing.
letters which appear in tho which the Lodge have passed ing under the leadership of Bro.
Gleaner from time to through, yet the members can Buchner was excellent.
time, warning people against congratulate themselves of the going to that country. Indeed, success achieved. This was the The Primrose Choral Union the feeling is the other way uoanimous theme of all the the recognised best in the City about, viz, that the Jamaica representatives present Toe was in attendance and gave a AT THE Government should make efforts Panswa District was represent good account of themselves.
to get back stranded Jamaicans ed by Brothers, Green very enjoyable and pleasant who have gone there, allured by of Fidelity Lodge No, 10107 time was spent. At the singing of fine promises, in the endeavour and and Connell the doxology the function closed to make better than they could of Loyal Bell No. 10887 and all went away with the losed and Representatives from pression in their countenances nearly every secret Order in the that it was good to be here.
YSTATIONERY Primrose Lodge WORKMAN PRINTERY Wedding Cards, Christening Birthday Cards, Ball Cards and Programs MENU CARDS may House Rent Receipt Books as to WORKMAN PRINTERY and gave JOB. PRINTING Jamaica DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH WORKMAN PRINTÉRY at home.


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