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PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 12 1923 Attempted Murder Big Racing Program at Juan Franco To morrow, What Some of Our Prominent Readers Say performed perform serious 15 (Continued From Page 1)
sbot and fell. When removed to the mortuary he was alieady EXCITEMENT AND ENTHUSIASM dead.
IN ALL EVENTS Nathaniel Forde, a carpettet The Panama Jockey Club of Oxley Street, bore out the aiit one week of respite bas first witness statement presented an excellent and sp.
Cpl Rawlins said that he had parently very enjoyable racing DS. McClymont, vative, Donald James, Jamaican; been drawn to the spot through card for turlites at tomorrow of Jamaica, owns an up toa most reliable chauffeur, bearing a policeman whistle.
meeting The entries disclose date tailoring establishment well known and a real careHe had entered the house, that grent care was exercised in at No. M Street, Celiful driver. In a few words turned on his searchlight an the of the horses in he says enjoy no smoke found deceased and Waithe lying the various classes. From what is donia, is very pleasant in his about leet apart, each in a pool seen on the official entries there manners. He smokes Victor better than Victor Cigarlod. He had given iostru e is lot or e race that can be spot Cigarettes and finds them ettes.
tiuus to convey Waithe to the ar win as you like.
as you a wonderful smoke.
Hospital, while he remained and In races were put down on Juan Batiste, St. Lucian, a reported tha matter to Headthe first list of entries: but it is St.
James McGhan a good and reliable Barber at quarters. The revolver had five tady possible that this large Pedro Obarrio Street, is chambers and was a 32 cal bre.
number of events will be conLucian, residing at Pedro devoted to Victor Cigarettes, Dr. Mortimer Johnson, Govtested, However, it is Obarrio Street, says am a expected erament which he says he smokes Bacteriologist and that at least nine o the events smoker for the past 25 years Pathloxist, who an wil be on the oticial program but the Victor Cigarette is with pleasant comfort.
operation on the deceased for when it makes its appearance to day my constant smoke.
the removal of te bullet stated to norrow Esteban Charles, a native in his evidence that death was The public due to shock aod bemorrhage.
was very much Melbourne, a native of of Bocas del Toro, says enraptured when it was an Jamaica carries on business cannot do without a Victor The bullet was located at the HOULCEat Buck Darcet, La ctoire, Don Juan and Sasafras top of the head and was reat 21st Street and corner Cigarette as they are the nioved.
would meet over the six furlong Avenue, is well patronized best for me.
The coroner in summing up distance; but this expectation because he is obliging to his informad the ja y that the facts seems doomed to disappointment as there customers. He smokes Victor Taylor, Grenadian, were clear and that they could are objac serious Cigarettes and says he is tions to the bandicapping.
arrive at no other conclusion a very energetic and strict Among the other important than that the decaased wilfully never without them.
business man, who has sucevents is a four forlongs in wbich ceeded by steady application set about to accomplish bis own end and that of the woman Chagres, Darling, Doris Mortor, Thomas Nicolas of the to business. Located at Constance Waithe. Tie vordict Glorita, No Se Chanceilor and Danish West Indies a popuCalidonia Road. He says, would therefore be that toe deFlapper will meet. Chagres and lar dancer, and baseball fan. like the Victor Cigarettes ceased did wilfully kill himselt.
Darling will be carrying top says he enjoys a pleasant weights of 128 lbs allowing two although a moderate smoke.
Duath being due (19 abve classic mares as Glorita and Imoke that is why he smokes stated by Dr. Johnson) to shock in price it the best for me.
Flapper 29 lbs. There is no reaVictor Cigarettes.
and hemorrbage. The jury returned a verdict in accordance son considerirg erir the late Clifford Bolton, Trinidadwith the Doctor testimony.
ances of Glorita making nearly William Blackburn, Jaas good a time as Chagres over ian, a most affable and social that distance that this mare meican, a shoemaker keeps companion says When in Concert by Lite and Law should not be an easy winner.
his establishment at 3rd of need of a real, good smoke Benevolent Friendly In race for rative home November Sireet, admired try Victor Cigarettes, they Mountain Boy Society.
under 18 for the neatness of his wo are faultless.
at 131 lbs, his says he is never without a ege and the long sufferings he The Life and Law Benevolent Has endured will containly prove Vicior Cigarette which is his James Sealey, Barl adian, bas requested to announce that himself the best native horse for choice smoke.
kind and well thou, ht of their regular monthly coneert stamina if he passes the Judge among his friends, says.
which will be given on Tuesday Box abead of the others. Ace of Charles Bennett, Ja Since koowing Victor Cigainst. in Liberty Hall, Trumps will again be going over maican, a high class tonrettes smoke no other. Ce a mile with a pretty warm field; will be stricly devoted for but the weight is distinctly in sorialist. always to be found his favor; and it will be to surcharitable purposes ready for business at 25th Stephen Richards, JaA very satisfactory program rise to see him leading his field.
Street, and Calidonia Road, maican, a first class mechanic has been arranged, to consist of On the whole an enjoyable day says am a patron of always gives satisfaction, side splittiog jokes from Laughing Sam and Dancing Ben. je anticipated as the racing with Victor Cigarettes and have smokes Victor Cigarettes variety of songs, duets and the new arrangements will be found them watched with keen interest.
a delightful and says he will not exchange various items to entertain those smoke.
them for any other brand, of a humourous mind.
Rafreshments will be on sale THE SALVATION ARMY and everytbing is being done to make the evening an enjoyabla Commandant Morris Receives and pleasant entertainment.
Fareweil Orders.
THAT TURKEY AND Several Officers in various Divisiors of the West Icdies CHICKEN DINNER Territory are under Marching Orders, and Commandart Morris, who has en in charge of At La Boca Clubhous: To night Entertainment by the Isthmian the Corps of this City for the past five years. has received League of British West Indians Every detail has been complet.
crders from the Territorial Co.
ed for the big Turkey and ir ander to Farewell. The ComA Reunion social entertain. Chicken Dinner at the La Boca matdart bas been appointed to ment will be given by the Isth Clubhouse to night. And by the the Ceit al Huli Corps, Kingston, Jamaica, ar be is likely to leave AT THE mian League of British West way the tickets are going It is 1or his new command the last Indians at Geddes Hall Eastexpected that there is going to 15 Street, on Batarday May be some crowd.
wcek in next month. Easign Al12ch inst.
Martins full orchestra upstairs.
In cobi of Georgetown Corps British Guiana is appointAddresses, vocal and instru Dinner and Jazz hounds in Tenta to succeed the Commandang.
mental selsctions, recitations is Court, and readings will be rendered The Clubhouse has been beautio the occasion.
fully decorated with palms bunt Centre of Kingston ors open at 7, 30 ing and flags for the occasion, also the tennis Court. If it rains the lower floor of the Clubhouse (Continued from page 1) Popular East Indian will be turned into dancing beyond aeserting that he was Died.
Court in full swing, at the same not fully insured.
time with two orchestra plaving, the latest hits from New York The following is a detailed list of the building and stock dam.
We regret to place on record will be something the death of R, Singh a popur this great Darcing pageant Mr.
The following is the line up for Aing Fook Tai Company grolar East Indian business man of cery provision and dry goods.
this city. The deceased was for Greaves and Doctor Russell to 108b Barry St. Loss estimated at many seats a resident on the full charge of sale of tickets. Mr receive Guests. Mr. Waller in 000. Covered partially by in.
Istb us and was very much liked McNully and assistants in full surance for his courtesy and reliability CN Lowe Luke, retail grocery, both in his commercial and so ial charge of dining room. Mr.
provision and general bazaar life. He was a member of F Clan Mckenzi Master of cere covered by inM. and died at his residence monies. Mrs.
Church of Boca surance. Street on Wednesday last. To and assistants in charg: of Maxwell tailoring estab.
the sorrowing family and rela Ladies rest room as chaperones.
tives we tendor our deepest symlicement, 149a Orange Street pathy in their bereavement.
Loss estimated at 1, 000, parCHURCH SERVICES tially covered by insuracce.
LADIES FREE Yen Chong and Company BIRTH.
whole sale grocerr etc. was St. Paul Church, Panama gutted. The loss dould not defi. a. m, Holy Communion nitely be ascertained for the reaBorn to Mr. and Mrs. Cor 10 a. m, Mating son that the premises were lockneliug Seales of Red Tank, a 102. Holy Eucharist and sormon ed up.
baby boy weighing lbs. 12 oz.
FOR SALE Esquires made yesterday failSpecial Meeting Holy Baptiem Anniversary Mass. on May Mother and babe Church School pm ed to ascertain how the fire are getting on well at the Ancon 30 Choral Evensong fermoa originated wbat be Hospital NIGHTENGALE Rector Ap Anniversary Mass will be St. Alban s, Paraiso.
which Companies but the police feel re14, LA on Monday, May. Fancy Fair and Dance.
Ilm Matios and address quire close investigation; and er. In good condition, 1922 model, ard will be held at the for the purpose of the respect p. Church School xulres are being made as to the Sett Starters, Chapter hall on Wednesday of the soul of the late Annie 30 pm Ereusong and address financial posizion of most of the will be sold at reasonable May 28, 1928 for the purpose of Bamsley. Nannie) who departed Don forget the Grand Fancy A, NIGG CENGALE Priest in charge cheese sufferers. Just as stated prices.
the Fair and Dance under the Austhis life on May 13. 1922.
of the benevolent department of above the total luss is estimated nices of Britain Pride Order of St, Matthias Mission Las at fully 20 000 and the insurAPPLY TO: the Chapter. All meuters, finns Faithful an just in all her ways.
Sabanas Druids, which takes place tonight ance Companies affected are the JAMES FORD cial and non financial are invited yaishful and bone it to the last of her ation Hall, Calidonia, Martin Sunday School pm Saturday May 12th to attend. Admission to the meet the Recr. Matins and Address 11 am Jamaica Cooperative the World Near Silver Clubhouse, daye.
Auxiliary, the Palatine, the Roying will be by membership Jazz Band will furnish the 415 pm Evensong and address Gatun, cards.
alſ and the Norwich Union.
HER DAUGHTER. Music, NIGHTENGALE Priest in charg The Cigarette Without a Fault RACES! RACES! RACES. Juan Franco Race Track TO. MORROW Sunday, May 12th, 1923 Commencing at 15 Sharp FINE RACES Listed on the Program RAIN OR SHINE USUAL PRICES inspiring.
aged: orthered there are circumstance. Two Ford Jitney Busses special meeting of the Gua: hold at China Church, colon, ac


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