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PRICE Cts. Cy.
James Woods of Nassau Scores Big Victory in First Shoots and Kills His Wite Trial Match in England THAT NO SHIPS CAN HAVE DRINKS ON BOARD New York, April 25. New Am. London, May 11. The first tri.
sterdam News) Goaded by jeal al match to be played by the tour.
ousy, James Woods, 42, of 98 ing West Indian team took place a. yesterday Osterly Legal Feeling is United States shot and kilied his wife, Ger met and defeated the Indian Claimed To Be Result Of Emtheir Gymkhana eleven, Position is Unassailable: Ship Saturday evening ruos for five wickets when the ployee Carelessness. Five Woods who is a native of Nas following were chief scorers for innings was declared closed. The ping Men are Perturbed.
Persons Injured.
sau, I, arrived in the city on the West Indian team:Saturday last, after being away Challenge Direct West India Cable New York was not to be consid to set the time the appointment to Small (Trinidad) 78, and Brown At Plantation Le Ressouvenir, despite the fact that the brakes (Barbados) 105, At 45 a. in. on Tuesday last tiated the open siding and despatch from London dated ered.
quiet chatboth (Damerara) 47 May 2nd, states that discussion high handed of arrog ince show good will to one another.
East Coast, says the Demerara on the engine had been applied is rife here among shipping men toward foreigners. is the vay Suddenly, without any warning, first the. on the recent decision of the the Star to day chacacterizas it is said. Woods whipped out a khana elevan were all out for 50 Chronicles leidemas abelarming met dit was foroed about 90 ft.
accident when the along decision 32 calibre revolver and fired two and in the second scored 10 for 16 a, passenger train from and then across the north ward In official circles the impression CONFLICTING VIEWS.
shots point blank at his wife, hit three wickets the City left the rails and plung bend of this siding for about ting her in the right side of the gathered that the Mr, Algarnou Aspin al sugo ed into an adjoining rice mente e atas radlikely to take any London: May 2avale manner of breast and lower in the region of gasted buige for the West causing several of the passen deld where the engine canted field 35 feet into an adjoining rice action until the gravo to gayfrom Indian team, to. with a the Supreme Court decision to lively to severe are aired in the gether with a full report from morning news paper in reference on his hat and coat and walked the constellation of Orion, hasbattered and shaken.
Woods than deliberately pat consist of cabbage palm and and others to be more or less 45 per cent and buried her nose the in the field States The inner front reaches Ambassador Gaddes Court liquor ruling, however, put into the street, followed by been accepted.
At the usual time in the morn wheel of the engine disappeared.
Putter in whose apartment he the grave and severe haarecemos lived. He headed for the 135th Lords, and the second trial pulling four passenger cars and wheel was liftede lors from the The team is practicing daily at ing the engine Belbeld (No 11) beneath the earth, and the outer It was pointed out by weer nu merous Among the facetious Street Police Station: Walking up match is fixed to take place at a van with engine driver Willam inner wheel that the view had always been suggestions is one Tue brakes were held that a British ship flying Britain retaiate by placing the revolyet muzzle firat.
Lieut. Laith Woods presented Birkhamstead on the 16th. Aus Quam na (of Betervewagting the British Ensiga still reorainn bun on chewing gum and compa!
tin (tbe captain of the team) who and tireran Bratb waithe (of SOME NARROW ESCAPES British territory in foreign United States ships dump want to give myself up. ve slightly injured his arm during Georgetowo) in the engine cab!
Port. British steamship officials The earth around the scene thought there was still bope that their supply of this commodity just show my wife, he said, ex practice has now almost entirely steamed out of the Georgetowo of the accident presented the in the English Obinnl.
woman going to recovered. Ths team head. Station bound for Mahalca. All solution might be found perhaps by a concession on the part. According to one legal viw of live my money to another ma quarters in Lonnon is the Cosmo went well until the engine was appearance of shell swept and get away with it Hotel about finty yards away from the battlefield, and the railway track of the United States Govern the situation Great Britain is in What er you trying to do?
Toe funds being collected for siding at Le Reg zou venit. Then sleepers of the siding were ment to allow foreign svips to bel bless position and must accept enter United Stases barbours the United States Law, making Shoot me to? demanded Lieut the tour of the West Indian team the driver noticed that the sid crashed, bruised and loosened all around; while a small tin with their liquor stores under the best of it. However judging Letth, as he noted the black muz has now reachad one thousand ing we opened.
mendable promptitude he apground was evidence of the With com: recaptacle rammed into the bond in order to avoid Interna from statement published to day zła was pointing straight at bis pounds.
plied his brakes, but by this üonal complications. It was it will be difficult to make the face, and stated that the suggestion of shipping interests the th Woods at the station declared Members Chapter time bls, engine which luckily narrow escape as foreman platehe didn adopting Halifax or some other travelling public accapt such be had been slowing down pre layer Rogers who had been wife was dead or not, and gave No. 14 Take Notice paratory to running into Beter engaged at work on the spot Canadian port as a substitute for position.
verwagting Station had nego (Continued on page 8)
jealousy as the cause of the shooting The iustallation of oficers of Letter Of Appreciation Organ Recital at St.
Dr. Bessell of Harlem Hospi Chapter No. 14 for the ensuing tal rushed to the scene of the term will take place to morto RAING TO MORROW Labour Riots At. but Sunday May hall Paul To morrow. The foilowing letter has been immediately on his arrival pro Guacuapali commencing at 30 received by James Walford nounced Mrs. Woods dead.
Seven Interesting Events Martinique. pharp Scoutmaster of the Red Tank The dead woman was remarkThe Grand Organ Recital which Trop Baden Powel Boy Scouts, ably beautiful, and is a native of You can live forty days with no usual hour at Juan Franco hypo Novelliste of 28th Feb, To morrow. Sunday) at the An article published in Le has been previously announced in from Secretary Denby of ibe Norfolk, Va. Her body was taken food but you can not possible live drome another Summer race meet. came into our hands on Tuesday which these columns will take place at Navy the reception to the Duncau Brog. undertak four minutes without air. These St. Paul Church, in this city to given; in at the Pedro Miguel ing on the card. Sevea events will last. gives account of the recent this gs being true. It is wise to be contested among the native labour strike in Martinique. It morrow afternoon co nmencing at Locks by the Rd Tank Troop. Woods was arraigned in the stuff ourselves with food and horses and imported thorough appears that not even after blocd o clock on his recent visit to the Is Homicius Court on a charge of starve ourselves for the want of breds. The purses offered at this had been shed would the strikers Fourteen of the young ladies of thmus:murder.
St. Agnes Guild will augment the time of the year are fairly satis agree to give up. The strike was The Secretaryof The Navy regular choir and assist in renderfactory, and sufficiently attractive by field labourers who demanded ing the anthems and choruses; Wasbington to bring a good field of compe better pay for work in the canewhile solos will be sung by four of May, 1923. ROUGHOUSE (WARE STABBED titors.
fields. At one time their number My dear Mr. Walford, KILLED BY HIS PARAMOUR.
Chancellor is listed in one of the reached between four and five fine orchestra composed of the It is better late than never!
events and among those who have hundred, the scene of their following gentlemen will contribute write to thank you for the been visiting the trials it is being activities bring the vicinity of LA musical numbers: Mr. Neilson, bonor your Red Tank Troop, We reproduce from the Dame. called upon his paramour for his whispered that some sensational Trinité. including the fine Basclarionetist; Professor Estrada Baden Powell Boy Marie and Scouts, rara Chronicla tha sad and fatal dinger only to be told that racing will be seen on the track sigoac usines) St. and Senor Angel Casis, violinist did in greeting in the end of Rough House Ware who nothing had been provided for to morrow.
Lorroin. The local anderwerie, and Mr. Samnel Gooding, celloist. Panama The field stand has been com not being strong enough to deal Canal wher our was popularly known in the bim as the id finitesimal sum of Professor Estrada is th: best ship went through Yonr boys sporting circls of Panama aja a sixpence which the young man pleted and this will be a grand with the agitators, were increas.
violinist in the Republic and is made a fiae appearance and we tighter. Ware gained a large stated he had given har at that attraction to the poorer element ed by marines from the warship known in all communities as were all impressed with their number of friends and admirers week end could not as much as of patrons as they will be sheltered Regulus. The mob first Invaded a player of exceptional ability neat equipment and military in his pugilistic carreer, who have provided a meal. state from the sun and rain, the Bassignac, then the Resource Senor Casis is the risteen year old bearing Tell them to guide will no doubt. regret to learn of of sulleaness then settled over plantation, committing outrages son of the well known Sheor Casis, themselves through life by the his sudden death and the circum Wade, but this soon developed and defying the authorities, the Secretary to the Alcalde of Pana good rules of the Scouts and stance by which he lost his life. into wrath, as the young woman BOOTLEGGERS TIN armed men doing their utmost to they will be men useful and Wbile almost all Georgetown began to taunt and laugh at him CORSETS SEIZED IN quell the disturbances, but only An excellent programme is being happy.
were makiag mer:y on Eister in his effort to appease his to be roughly treated in return BOSTON RAID With best wishes to you and Monday aigat at about 80 a boager by partaking of some by menaces and fussilades of prepared for the enjoyment of all terrible tragedy was being en bread; and therefore, it is to the boys, am, stones and other projectiles. The who may attend.
acted Sincerely yours, at loi 36.
Fort Street stated that trouble began to efforts being vain and the situaA Silver colleetion will be taken King too. The actors of this brew. It was not long before Shaped To Body And Held Two tion becoming more perilous, the at the door EDWIN DEN BY.
dreadful act were a young Bar the neighbyurhood was startled Gallons gendarmes fired in the air to see The following is the programme. Scoutmaster James Walford, badian named George by piercing shrieks from the it that would have any effect, Processional Hyma, 153 (A M) 1st Red Tank Troop. P. Wade, tall and able bodi :d and young woman, who eventually bat ia vain. Then they fired into Boston, April 13. Whiskey the inob, killing a young wom un Toe Creed, Versicles and Prayers. better known in local pugilistic fled from the room of her para: bottled in Germany made its aged 18 years, mortally woundRod Tank, Canal Zone, Annun semente, circles as Rough house Ware mour the house of a Olebestra Nunbar. Flower Song who fell a victim to the kalfe, neighbour named Mrs. Hamer, jact run running. It was Scottish three other mer.
appearance here to day as a sub, ing a young man and wounding Dauset When a min dies they who and his reputed wife, a young in order to escape the savage whiskey, put into bottle The incident Solo Dream Of Paradio Mro. survive bin ask what property woman of about eighteen years, blows of the enraged man. Garmany. and throught from created great sensation all over Graldiae 2008 ha bas left behind. The angel short and well built, named Wade is alleged to have pur Hamburg by the crew of the the island, but it did not end the It is stated sued the young woman and steamer West Keba. An hem. They shall Mount Up who bends over the dying man Dorothy Branch.
albeit the stationing strike, Custom Awhich wingo Simper. The Choir asks what good deeds he bas that the couple lived together after dealing her further blows oficers sezad it.
of twenty five soldiers at Basas man and wife in a tenement was eventually Violin Solo Ave Maria Luigi sent before him.
signac persuaded to order.
Latest styles in bootleggers Cane fires were nightly occurLuzzi Seir Casis.
range at the lot above stated and desist by Mrs. Hamer.
corsets were displayed by the rences, and this continued until Orxan Solo March From Athalia 13. Sol Over The Stare There Io for some time past their asso.
Still enraged he returned to polica to day as a result of ciation was marked by Mendelssoon Mr. A; Dttin Rest Franz Abt, Mia Irene Glaize domestic quarrels. Wade a Fernand Clerc (Deputy and is his room and began to throw raid on a tenement house in the Member of Council) himself a 84 He That Koepotha Tareal 14. Anthem Ponder My Wordo said toti cha volunt ft his house on into the yard all the articles be North Ends, where a quantity of large sugar proprietor, interven Schlesſer Mia Justina Armstrong Cully, The Choir Sunday night last and, in longing to Branch. Ora estal Number. Barcarole 15: Clarionet Solo. Mr. Neilson to pick up two modely. Each is a two parti men and their employers. The Och 16. Organ Solo. Abide With Me, Me had a jolly time among his friends her things whereupon Wade uon tin garmant of two rallon result was the adoption of a new keeping with the holiday spirit woman then went Chorus Strike the Cymbals high is said to inave agala reue wed capacits, shaped to the body and varit very touch in favour of Puoitia. Pa Choir.
He returned in fairly 17 Selo Jarutilem Parker, Miss spirits on the evening in ques bis onslaughts. Tarowing his held in position under the coat the labourers. All praise to Hymn 155 (A. Justina Armstrong dreaming tion, littl3 that victim to the ground he strip by shoulder straps, One has Fornand Clerc. Exchange.
10. Bolo. Calvary Redney Orebestrs Number Caratins, pour Wilbelmina Shind Raff night was destined to be bis ped the clothing from her body faucets at the bottom to having her almost nude; and, liquor into gla3s. The other 11 Violin Solo Proffesor Estrada Hymn 22 (A M)
last night on earth. Wade, on bas a rubber hose to siphon the ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO 12; Orchestral Number. Meditation Closing Prayer.
returning home, it is stated (Continued on page 8) stuff through opening in the top. JUAN FRANCO TMO RROW, ua parlor.
them me ma.
man to to maintain frequent Mi IS.


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