
PAGE TWC THR WORDEAN SATURDAY, MAY 19 1923 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands JAMAICA Reports About The West India Electric Company. 50. 00 S. CY. 50. 00 Book Binding!
Cooke Enter the KAL MOL word building contest and win a prize.
Contest open to everyone on the Isthmus and is confined to the English or Spanish language only.
From the letters contained in the words: Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN ASSETS GONE INTO.
KAL MOL GEHE GOVERNMENT ASKED IF THEY WILL AGFEE TO TRANSFER TO ANOTHER CANADIAN CO make as many words as you can. Words must be of known signification, fook Binding Department license 99 named THE LIKELY REPLY.
CONDITIONS:CENTRAL AVENUE The Gleaner has good reason to To enter this contest, the only condition required is that you send in your believe that negotiations are list ACCOMPANIED by a label from a tube of KAL MOL Tablets.
and No. G Street proceeding whereby well known Canadian concern may The list containing the greatest number of words wins the FIRST PRIZE, eventually purchase the tram the next highest, the SECOND PRIZE, etc. In case of two or more contestants service of the West India Electric Light and Power Company, having the same number of words, precedence will be given the list received careful investigation into FIRST.
the assets to be acquired bas been proceeding for the past The same letter cannot be used twice in one word except the letter appears in the Creoline; Hair Preparations few weeks, and it is learnt that word more than once; for instance, the letter appears twice, and it can therefore Positively Superior to all others on earth.
the arrangements have been be used twice in the building of any one word.
Try them and be convinced.
reduced to writing. Before the The following gentlemen will act as judges:They are the Master Preparations of the World, contract can be concluded, howDifferent from all Others ever, it is necessary for the MR. NATHANIEL HILL, SR.
Government sanction to the purchase to be obtained. In the MR. GERALD MARTIN, Prices of all goods in the United Status of America 50c. all Foreign countrios; 60c.
circumstances the Government REVEREND SURGEON have been approached with the Creoline Hair Producer obj. ct of ascertaining as to whether they will be prepared Contest closes May 31st, 1923, and names of winners will be announced Straightens rough, harsh. kinky hair with or without hot combs, and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains lo to allow the transference of the in the Star Herald.
percent more oil than is possibla to be put into any other preparation of its kial in ta world. Patsh) in pla 35 aal praveai baldaess.
of the West India Electric Company In ounce tins, to another The prizes will be divided as follows: Canadian concern.
Creolina Day Dandruif Remedy Th 1st prize 30. 00 3rd prize The 00 Government have not very good scalp treatment positively removes Dan Truff, Tetter and Exa1. It is an is stic. Grows baie kosps tha sealp healthy replied to the query. They are 2nd 12. 50 4th 50 In ouude bottles.
carrying out an investigation as to the true position of the Mark Envelope KAL MOL CONTEST and mail to:Jackson Manufacturing Co.
company, and in case it is con 455 West Tenth St. Manufacturers and Exporters Indianapolis Ind. cuded that the compacy are tot EUSTACE LEE All Up to date Drug Stores carry a stock of Creoline.
fulfilling the terms of the license and could otherwise bave done Box 338. Colon 8o. it is proposed to forfeit the license.
Sole Agent in the Republic of Panama.
truck then got out of control and tons. The first consists of 47 capsz over a bank. man lights encircling 8in Fernando Cleveland who was Hill. The two remaining sections ARREST AT CHAPELTON KAL MOL on the truck with the chauffeur embra ses areas North and Suth was pinned to the earth, and of Harris Promenade The died instantly. The chaufeur es Northern Section stretches as In Connection with Frankis the surest and safest remedy for :caped. The post mortem ex uni tar North as St Vincent Street field Fire.
nation was performed by the and along Mouat Moriah Riau Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia Rheumatism, Gout, Cold, Influenza, District Medical Officer. to connect with the tirst secitoa La Grippe, Menstrual Colic, Alcoholic Intoxication, Etc.
and will contain 61 lgats. In the (irom the Go aner. southern section there will be 72 TRINIDAD Samples given away and on sale at all drug stores.
Chapelton, May TC day at lights in an area with the Clonial Hospital and Broadway on the about two o clock in the afte: nuon, a motor car from Kicg West and Cipro Strect on the Kosteloosoo SexSxSX SC seseos ston arrived here with about Lighting Scheme East which end forms the southfcar Chinese. The car went by poles For San Fernando. to be erected will be about 340 the market square, and passed Leonard de Cordova mer: o cloc yesterday moraing a 800 the Police Station, then curved Banana industry is concerned, fatal accident occurred at Mcaround the triangular squa feet apart Oa Harris Promenade Yesterday a representative of chant.
and went down the St Paul the Gleaner met gentleman It will be ge erally admitted Caulao Spring, about m les THE LIGHTING SCHEME, six la nps will be installed varyStreet into the main Street, and interested in the fruit tradwho that the Governor selections from this village. truck belonging to Mr, Lindo was coming ing from 100 cof15) csadle power stopped in front of the Parade stated that the situation remain are very good ones.
from Riversdale to remove canes Bar Detective Darnells who ed unchanged. There was one The plan for the lighting of each wbile eight lamps will be. was from the Glengoffe property, and the town has just been completed placed along High Street. Fatal Accident was at that section, and imme the fact that some of the banana!
as it reached the above nawed be put up bave been marked off the machinery for the lighting of and the places where lamps will recent telegram advised that diately arrrested one of the growers remained loyal and point, something went wroug The portion of toe town to be occupants of the car, Chin Tom actually refused the increased Glengoffe, May At about with the steering gear. The lighted is divided io lo three secin connection withthe Frankfield price offered them in certain (Continued on page 6)
fire burn case. Chin Tom was directions. As a result we be.
taken to the Police Station, from lieved that good fruit was there to the Clerk of the Courts obtained in the open market this Mr. Burrowes, and got ball week, but if the price here con in the sum of 200, with two tinue at the present rate it will Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 gorenres. The The men who were spell the ruin of certain comarrested days before also got panies.
ball in the um Frankfield. May Two more Chinese bave been arrested in Grievance Board In Concontection with the fire occur. nection with the Railway ring here on April 1st. The names of those arrested up to Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York Crry now are Ab. The Gleaner understands that Owned by THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK Yin Chung alias Phillip Hue, His Excellency the Governor has urge Lee, Chang King alias taken steps to appoint the King Ko and Chin Tecque mak Grievance Board in connection ing fise in all. It is expected with the Railway.
Depository of the PANAMA CANAL more arrests are to follow. The police have made careful investiIt will be remembered that gations, and are, it is alleged took place between Sir Leslie during the conference which possessed of suficient evidence showing that the defendants the men who quitted their jobs, Probyn and the delegates from Direct Representátions through our own Branches and those of were accessories before the act. was pointed out by the chiet THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in It is sad that including the insurance age Executive that the re arrangethere close ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM upon 60 witnesses for the crown. ment of the wages and emoluCHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES Bail is being arranged for ments committee at the Rsilway with was in accordance iefendants.
the ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE CUBA PERU recommendations of the PORTO RICO Serious Situation in ing Commission. The deleta URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA indicated to the Governor the Banana Trade hardships which will be imposud on a number of employees under The Craner of the 3rd inst. Excellency his promised to ap the regrading report; acd His Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World says. few days ago we ad point Grievance Bard to rounced that a serious situation investigate case of hardship was developing in connection with the Banana trade which, There is good reason to be ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE those in the known predict, will lieve that the Board will consist eventually lead to the ruin of the of the following gentleman. smaller companies that create Mr, A, Kingston, late Resident INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM competition, maintain reasonable Magistrate for Kingston and St.
prices, and keep things, so to Andrew; Mr. Altamont DaCosta speak, on the hum where the B. J. merchant; and Mr.
e the same sum, International Banking Corporation


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