
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MAY 19 1923 PAGE TAREE Chesterfield RETTES would. the smack and aroma of costly Turkish tobaccos. the flavor of Burley and other choice Domestic tobaccos.
101. resting West Indian News Important Notice.
Continued from Page 2)
Administrator of Estates Otice the town would be placed on the first available steamer leaving Plymouth, New York for Trinidad during Montserrat, the latte portion of the present month. The work of pre a ine 8th January, 1923, the foundation in Carib Street In the Matter of the Estate of started last week and is being George Skerret late of Panama rapidly pushed abead. The pow deceased er station will be of reinforced (Unrepresented)
concrete with inner dimensions 30 feet bs 52 feet with walls 20 Take Notice that you are to feet high to the er The build come in and prove your debts iry will be of ornamental design against the above Estate on or wi Icy concrete columns.
before the 28th day of July.
1923. And Further take notice that in default of your so doing Great Demand For Trini.
you will be excluded from any dad Gasolene.
benefits from any benefit arising from such estate. All communiThe Canadian Gazette states cations concerning any debis must be sent in to me at the that there is at present a very above ottice.
great demand for Trinidad g180lene through the entire West (Sgd. AGAR, Indies even as far as Bermuda Administrator of Estates.
In consequence of this a number m with em of intercolonial traders bave To all and singular the been secured on time charter by Creditors of the above Estate various oil concerns especially on every count the Trinidad Central Oilfields.
Inspector of Schools tendered who are perbaps the largest it the best good advice to the teachers at shippers. Every available vessel ibeir meeting last Saturday when will be put on this trade in the Lear future in order to meet the he told them not to bother with cigarette ever made!
the remarks made in the House demand. From the above it is of Assembly against them by obvious says Port of Spain Gazette, the motor trattic must one of the members of that Body It is for the Education Board to have increased tremendously in protect the teachers. The teach most of the neighboring islands. r9 are resposible alone to the good deal of this gasolene is Education Board, and can afford also used up on the sugar estates to neglect the views of people and otber industrial concerns.
outside the Board. It is a pity that the sound advice given by the Inspector was neglected by GRENADA some of the teachers who wanted time in fervent speeches which could do no good. In one of Slinger, Grenada First these speeches the orator preIsland Scholar Excells in dicted that he would su er for Football in England bis candour and fearlessness. don think so. No one am sure would lojure a man who From issue of 15 inst.
Lale y to his feelings under Football enthusiasts in Grena.
sense of provocation. We all da will be interested to bear that may wish that he had exhibited E Slinger. Island Scholar has nore restraint, but not a basd awarded bis be Rugby raised been against colours for King College aim. The teachers are doing Hospital. The Times of Jan.
good work. They are not as weli gives the account of a mateb. trained as some other bodies of King vs. Ealing. strong Lonteachers elsewhere but that is don club the result of which aot their fault. They give of was predicted as a foregone conubeir st. ane what more can be clusion in favour of the latter, expec el of them? And knowing especially assayeral of the ha they do their duty they can King regular players were unafford to ignore criticism of a able to play. Their forward aostile kind. Taey must not be (King s) however, proved more ubic. skinned. In our free age all than equal to the occasion, and it public characters are criticised, was largely due to then that sometimes justly, often unfairly.
King. were able to win so easily But people in the limelight know (17 points to 8) The Times La that is what is to be expectaccount ends up with: in public life, and they never After crossing over King whine or bowl. No one is really kep: their opponents al nost ennjured by criticisin.
tirely on the defensive. This was largely due to some clever Grant to Empire Exh! dribbling in which Collins, Slinger and Byning were contion.
spicous. Thyne, Slinger and Smith added further tries, none am pleased to learn that his of which were converted. SlingExcellency the Governor in a er try was due to a fine individ nessage to the House of Assemual etfort in which he dribbled bly has prososed that a grant of the ball from the 25 line near Ad 452 (4 col. 12) 480 I« Series 1923 Nppe Job 6491 3, 000 pounds sterling should be Reg. 15463 post.
made towards the representation Slinger played as a subtitute of Barbados at the British for one of the regular forEmpire Exhibition at Wembly wards but was subsequently has promised 600, and St.
crimes of viole ce. re not much thinkable that an Empire Exhl.
next year. Of course it is un.
awarded his colours for the first Vincent 400. Thus the Wind in evidence. It otherwise Fifteen ward Islands will give 1, 600.
abroad, and the expanation gen oision should be held and BarbaThe Denerara Lexislature has erally given for the numerous dos not be represented. The Friendly Bank In Con promised up to 20 000 and in Trinidad where 10, 000 was murders, and savage a saults it tight little island. which has struction.
WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT big countries is that the war has there. The only question to be Brer been British, must be promised. there is a movemeot upset murals as well as.
to increuse the anount also to No. 78. New Market Street This theory, whether true or money wnich we should expend de discussed is the amount of From issue of 6th ast 20, 000.
not, We gather from Trinidai that evidently does RETAIL DEPARTMENT not on this splendid bit of advertisapply here work on the buildiog to house presenting of this ancient possessioa of Toere Primary School Wants a slump id the Trinidad Cooperative Bank No. 107, Bolivar Street and for this we musted that some of our neighbours, the Crown It will be recollectL is proceeding nicely. Readjustment.
February 16th last the FoundaTHE PEOPLE COMMISSARY be thankful. Cotisidering what Sithough they say that their raw buman nature is capable of finances are in a bad way, have tion Stone was laid by His It is report that the Teach accomplishing, in the path of decided to spend huge sums on Excellency the Governor of irrezular conduct. we cannot this Exhibition business, It is Trlaidad. The building accorders of the Primary Schools inFULL SUPPLY OF send putting in ir grievat ces fairly exo ct that the present therefore a question whether a ing to plan. Will present a before the Secretary of State for favurable record will be beaten bigger sum than 3, 000 pounds fine appearance at the croGroceries, Provisions, Eggs, the Colonies. ibe Cibonial and Charlotte Omce Commission, while in in luture, and we should not be sterling should not be allocated of Duke surprised at a recrudescence of by Barbados, am in favour Streets. This provides a lesson Cabbage, Dairymen Butter hateful crime, in thrift and enterp isu for West Grenada, syu athiz? with the It is orly the of not less than 5, 000 pounds idealist who believes in a condi sterling. The sum however is a Indiaa peoples outside of TriniTeachers and Mr. Wood gave ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES tion of Society as free from matter to be decided by the dad, The Trinidad Co operative certain directions in bis port legal coercion as from daughti House of Assembly, and can Bank Ltd. has been in existence which have not been carried out ness. Erucation has not banish only hope that honourrble memfor sometime and has met much Government is always very ready to act on what be Call and see us before purchasing ed crime in any part of the bers will not be persistent on us It is the creation of success.
world, nor bas moral sqasio and thus disrate Barbados. We certain representative Trinidad Secretary of State says in ians who got together in an sowe things, but not in ochers.
accomplished that feat. Yet should be given as good a show they have done great things forlag erowo hilp themselves and their ain folk. The President New Paper for Grerat a the rac. and we lieve it to be as possible, and it should be brought home to the millions true that the troublers of will visit Wembly that Barbados of the concern is the Hon. Dr. Only seventeen cases were on notice that there were no casee Sciety are every where is an ideal tourist resort as well Mesbine, who, having The Dominica Guardian of the the calender at the sitting of the priscance, charged with setting minority, even should they be as pne of sugar islands of the faith in the development of the 19th April states that a New Court of Grand Session this tire to canes, yet they can ba a an irreduciul minimum Hence people if properly led by wise, Paper shortly to be started in week and only two days were little doubt that many the cane the la armed with its terrible tropics.
honest and sympathetic helpers, Grenada The editor is Mr expended in dealing with them. tires this year were liberatels powers, most ever at hand to has made the building up of the Wiliam Tull who arrived in Gre As usu most of the cases were set. This is an offence of a ser ous strika eviidoers and to protect Back the fondest siin of his life. nada with his family recently.
for that crimimal pastíme of our kind; as it strikes at the prosper society so far as it can ST. LUCIA lower orders, breaking and entarity of our chief crop. pet no Contributions For Enipire BARBADOS with been brought to or stealing. Toere was no charge book. There is therefore crime The Inspector of Exhibition for murder. These statistics are of considerable enormity existing Danger!
no doubt of a careful kind, yet it Schools The West Indian under Criminal Matters.
would be a mistake to puppose in this island wbich is not includ Under the above caption the stands that the Grenada Gurthat virtue has increased enor ed in the criminal statietics of Hands out Sound Advice Voice of St. Lucia of date the 144 mously in a short time in this our chief court at its recent siternment has promised 600 as a To the Teachers April, writes editorially thus:contribution to the British Comenting editorial under the community and that we are on ting. However this may be it is During the past week Castries Empire Exhibition. St. Lucia above caption, the Standard says: the eve of the millenium, We certainly satisfactory to note that think the Rev. J, Nicholls (Continued on page the freshness made possible by an air tight package.
They Satisfy and the blend can be copied!
22 LYNTON at 13 picience, er


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