
CORRECT ASSE SEE THE RACES 01 Juan Franco Park cross will be held at 3p. EVENTS. THE WORKMA. SATURDAY, DECE BLI 15, 1923 PAGE FIVE Sambo Sims Sambo Takes Just One More Chance by Russell Change Means ProDIDN YOU SAY THAT SLOW DOWN WAS THEN, WHY DID FOOL ASN QUESTION.
BY JONES The changes made in the Administration of the Guachapali Chapter No. 14 of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, appear to be not so bad after all.
Without knowing the basic evils which were respousible for the confusing influence that waged an internal and relentless warfare against the progress and harmony of the Chapter, for the past thirty four mouths, the wise and astute diplomat, Commissloner C, Bryan must be given credit for suggesting the ATLANTIC SIDE porters, an assidious worker Miss Bennet and Mrs. Beisy Tha Salvat on Army Ac. Several of the leading churches know how near he has drawn recent changes. Little does ha whose company was a pleasure Alkios, winners of the serond to enjoy, tivities at La Boca in and around Panam will be back the Chapter to its original The Colon Boys In Be Further RESOLVED that Isthmian Amusement Associaand third priz respectively, at represented, among which will be ste of purity and power.
the Nazarene, Baptist, Bible stitute this Lodge now in open session tion Singing Contest held on the In a recent interview with stand in silence for five minutes 11th instant: Miss Lena Maltoa, the Divisional Commander will Ebenezer Church and the Pa To morrow all day Major Bax, Truth, Methodist Episcopal Mr. George Montebelliard, third and our Dispensation be draped bolca place in the Boca Liter conduct the services in the Hall.
holder of gold medal for taking Vice President of the Chapter nama City Corps.
EXTENDS CHRISTMAS was asked for a sketch of its GREETINGS. respect of our departed brother ary Society Singing Contest At 30 pm, there will be Our many friends and well early history. He was amazed to time and we offer to his bereaved some ago; and Mr. pleasant Afternoon. at this service wishers can be assured of a warm bear a few astounding facts, and welcome to these services.
sald; The Chapter must get back We the Officers and members wife and relatives our heart felt McCauley Bayn the talented the Major will occupy the chair.
those sterling founders of which of the Colon Boys Institute, join condolence in this sad hour of baritone of Boca.
you have told me. Continuing their together in wishing the general infinite goodness may bring effort on the part of the Mar a zesorrows and pray that The program is a splendii he said, will talk with Presia merry dent Brathwaite, and advise him happy New Year. We greet yva speedily relief to their burdes ment of the count and should to bave an Ofticial letter sent to heart.
peal to all who are seeking to at this time with our heart full of those gentlemen wbo have been joy; because we appreciate your RESOLVED, that a copy of this carry out our intelliger ce along practically kicked out, through great benevolence toward us Resolution be spread on the face musical lines to a higher standche doa inating and opposing throughout the passing year; and of the minute Book, a copy sent ard.
AT influences Selfishness.
feeling sure that you will ever to the District Lodge of which As present indications point to Insularity, Ignorance and Lucre; stand by us throughout the he was a member a copy sent to a crowded house, it is suggested soliciting their return and cocoming year as you have done his bereaved wife and a copy to that tickets for the occasion be operation in the past.
the WORKMAN Printery.
secured in time in order to avoid a possible rush. Toe program If those men were to be assur Indeed too much congratula. We miss oh what words can tell starts promptly at 30 in.
ed of the confidence of tbe tions cannot be viven to the The loss of him we loved so well American ladies of the Windy While nature whispers what a loss bepalese they will return. Their desire is serve.
City: viz, Old Cristobal, Faith meekly cries bear thou thy want to bestow again some of Cristobal and Colon Beach who Baptist Church Activities. TO MORROW their organizing talent, which has have done and is doing their Until the resurection blest never since been duplicated, level best to put this programe We leave him, Jesus grant him rest.
over the top.
Harvest Thanksgiving services SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16th, 1923 for the uplift of the Chapter will be held at New Providence At any rate the Chapter bas FEELING PROUD CANAL ZONE Lo morrow, Pastor Witt will be de an upward turn and it is We feel extremely proud of the preacher. special service ap to president Brathwaite to NOTES.
ourselves, in claiming the repush it on to prosperity.
An Exciting Time in Store spect of the entire community.
At Red Tank Church Harvest The Mass Meeting last Sup.
Thanksgiving service will be day night was a regular treat.
IT IS NOT AN EASY TASK LA BOCA, held to morrow. Pastor Thrift of Among the contributors to the It takes a man with backbone Colon will preach at 11 a, and programm, were the followand an unflinching determinaing. Miss Adams, Field3 m. At the night service at tion to bring about within the Clubhouse Activities 15 Miss Barnhouse, some TO BE RUN OFF Marshall Smith, of the Boy space of three years; such great time since a missionary in Brigade; Mre. Thomas of the wonders in a community without Chapter choir, Miss Marrie any proper support, and which On Saturday afternoon, De. Columbia, will give an address.
The Corozal Board today is commanding the highest cember 15th, o clock, there will Church Thompson. Miss Lynn Gadsby, Christmas Miss Claudine Thorpe, Mr.
attention of the public.
be a special Christmas Confer. Choir will give. George Montebelliard, Third THE PROMISE OF THE LORD ence of all the Git Rearves on Cantata on 21st at 30. The Fast Track Close Finishes Vice President, Mr. Morris, the Pacific side at this Clubhouse Choirmaster kr. Tait, and How can we forget the pro at which time Miss Corbert, the Musical Director of the Chap friends have been working hara to make this a successful event.
a mise of the Lord? which says, National Secretary DON MISS THEM ter choir, John Rock, Director of the Silver Lilies be not weary in well doing, for will be present. special pro The Empire Sunday School and coir; Miss Beatrice Ford, Mr.
ye shall reap a reward if ye faint gram will be rendered. All the Choir will give a James McPhun, and Mrs. Louise not.
Girls and friends of the Re entertainment on Dec. 26th at First race starts at 00 sharp Thompson, organist for the Many people are enquiring to serves are urged to be present. 30. The proceeds will be used day from what source have we good time in store for all. to give the Sunday School been supported to make such Oar patrons and triends Scholars their annual outing.
Be on Time. Rain or Shine. To morrow night will be the Installation of the Ladies Diviwonderful progress in this move asked to note the following sion, and promises to be an ment. The answer is that we Christmas, activities which will can hardly say, as this work has take place at this Clubhouse 50. 00 Reward.
elaborate affair. The Lady Oldcers of this department are: been carried on not by might or Sunday the 23rd, at 30, le.
Mrs. Aird, Lady Presiby power, but by the mighty bration of Christmas; sazred band of God.
Will be given to person or persons dent, Mrs. Houghton, First program by the Children of La giving informatiun that will lead to Ladies Free President, CeNOT YET ARRIVED. Boca. This program will be the recovery of 250. 00 left in cilia very inspiriog and attractive. Street car No. 32, between 30 and We have not yet arrived at our The music has been specially 3pm. on the 3rd inst Money was Miss Ethlyn Barker, Vice. Lady President, destiny. great deal is left to prepared fer Christmas and will in small bag and consisted of 200 Sick Inspector) and Miss Ágnes be done; we have just began to be well worth your attending. in bills and 50 coins. Finder work, and need your constant All are invited free.
Clarke, Lady general Secretary moralls, physically, returning same to Jacque Acomat, The Trustee Board which will Monday the 24th 3, to o clock 3rd November Street, No. 54, will ritually and financially. Children treat and Picnic get a reward of fifty dollars cash.
also be installed is composed or the following. Mr.
We ask the spmpathizers of the on the grounds. Games etc.
Ward, Chairman, Mr. Charles Colon Boys Institute to pray for us that we throughout the year Christmas Cantata, Santa to the Thursday 27th, at 30 a grand Scott, Secretary, Mr. Perey 1924. may be able to put this Rescue. This is a very fine Downes, Mr. Rouse. Founder) and Mr. George Noel.
programme over the top.
We words suitable will enjyy. Admission 15 and Christmas play which each one An open invitation is therefore thank enough to given the general public to atArosemena whose help during tend to morrow night Mass the past two years has greatly Meeting. It you want a seat alded in fostering the programme Classical Singing rome early, as it is anticipated that the ball is going to be of the Institute. He bas not crowded to hear Mr. Aird and only been a governor to the Contest.
destitute but a father also, others of the newly elected Or.
ficers speak. It is also expected We hereby extend to bis that you will be entertainec as in excellency the compliments of AT LA BOCA CLUBHOUSE the old days by Professor Joseph the season, at the same time TO NIGHT.
and his band.
wishing for greater manifesta Auspices Orpheus Musical Club.
tion to wards the Institute in Dodge Dedication.
the Future.
The Colon Boys League Institu Boca Clubhouse. The Orpheus To night all roads lead to La The dedication of the Loyal Star tion.
Mnsical Club has completed arof Hope lodge and the Loyal Star Total number of boys in rangements whereby the public of Rebecca lodge number 632 and Institute. 100.
will be given a real musical treat.
637 of the Improved Independent The management bas laboured Order of Oddfellows London Unity assidiously in order to guarantee who are working in the Loyal Progress lodge hall, Calidonia rond isten to a well balanced program will take place to morrow, Sunway melodious modulation of Belts, Monograms, Safety Razors, 16th inst, at 30 ROYAL KING GEORGE LODGE volces and accordant combinaThe Rev. Nightengale will deNO. 2, O, OF tion simultation tones. All renliver a sermon.
Military Brushes in Sets, All members and ditlong will be either classical representatiyes are asked to be or semi classical.
December 4th, 1923.
Functual in their attendance.
Among the competitors are Miss Adela Walker of this city, WHEREAS, it has pleased Al winner of the first prize in the REMOVAL NOTICE.
mighty God to remove from our Isthmian Singing Contest held at midst by death our beloved Liberty Hall on the 11th instant, MRS. WILSON begs to brother William Dutton T. under the auspices of the Isthnotify her patrons and the public who has sometimes past worked mian Amusement Association; generally that she has removed her ardently to uphold the principles Mrs. Olga King, winner of the Dressmaking establishment of our order first prize, gold medal, in the PANAMA BE IT RESOLVED, that in the All Isthmian Singing Contest COLON more spacious premises at No. Calidonia, opposite Muller Builddeath of brother William Dutton held at La Boca abɔut two years ing, where she will be in a position our Lodge and order ago; Mr. Charles Lowe, the famto better accommodate her numert has lost one of its staunch sup ous Chinese soprano from Colon; cus customers, Horses trained to the minute Chistmas Literary class.
ADMISSION 50 Vice Godmob, Second Vice Lady President, Third Cand The Panama Jockey Club cannot Bode Governor 25 cents.
Christmas Gifts BEAUTIFUL ARTICLES SUITABLE FOR Christmas Presents Resolution of Sympathy.
OL American Bazaar Stores to


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