
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1923 iboto NEBI Brunswick Phonograples and Records KLIM BRAND POWDERED WHOLE MILK MERRELL SOULE CO SYRACUSE The advantages of KLIM FRESH MILK POWDERED Was UN BUY NILK MILK com10 quarts of good fresh milk in a can tobal Pride of Almiranti. 97. Cambridge, Al cup full of milk or a pitcher full whenever you Box need it Interesting West.
several farewell addresses from District Boards in the island, which go to show that Mr. Continued from page 2)
Haddon Smib in one of the few West Indian Governors who bas been sucesso pear before belp could be given.
of in these days Gaber The survivors were rescued from the water in the launch and natorial blunders to strike. the brought asbore where the mat.
soft spit iahhare o ter was reported Mr. When in town do not forget to take home people over wbou be was placed Cutler, Assistant Collector of to gorero.
Customs, and the Harbour Con with you some of the latest and best In replying to one of tle stabulary.
farewell addresses Governor Superintendent Sergeant Bell DANCE RECORDS Haddon Smith, according to the and nis men went in search of West Iodian made striking the body and shortly after ten bearing in mind that the Brunswick dance reference to the conditions o clock on Thursday nigbt the under which the planters of that body was found about fifty yards records lead all others colony laboured, es follows:from where he went down. It The curse of Grenada was the was brought ashore and taken to dabit and credit system under the public mortuary at the ColcOld records can be exchanged for new ones at a cost which the estates worked. nial Hospital where a post noor planter went to an Advancing tem examination was performed yesterday morning. The body of only 25c. Cy.
House and he got started off with a book: one side debit, the other was not la any way datigured.
credit. He sent in so many bigs The unfortunate yon ng man lived with his of cocoa; the Doceeds were pliemother, two BRUNSWICK phonographs and records can be seen and heard at the ed to his credit. He did not have brothers and sister at 58 Pel.
ba Streut, Imont.
to put bis band into his pocket to AMERÍCAN SUPPLY COMPANY meet certain xpenditure The 123 CENTRAL AVENUE, Panama, Advancing House spoon fed him: and debited his account. Il be Woman Killed by Sole Agents for the Republic and the Canal Zone, wished his son educated in Enge iand, it was all arranged for him: Motor SUB AGENCY, American Beauty Perior, Colon, opposite the Panama Railroad an agent of the Advancing people met his son on the others de and Station, made all arrangements, and the Charlotte Francis, a middle planter account YOXSXSSSSS aged Grenadian of seven day debited with, of course, a charge (it residence in the Colony, met her things were in a healthy state)
death under tragic ciacumstances at Coffee Street. San Ferof 25 per cent by way of CENTRAL AMERICAN DISL.
mission. If a man had to make nando. It appears that Mr.
TRICT, L, Plunkett Resident Engineer, such payments bimsell, if he had Oropouche Lagoon Drainage.
The best Tonic in the World to provide the ready cash without any intermediate assistance, be was driving car 992 West along OFFICE 117 CENTRAL AVENUE, would run his affairs in the most Coffee Street and was approaPANAMA CITY, VIGOR TONIC economical manne he would ling a cab which was travelling in the opposite direction. The Sam Rugless, and more readily realize how ha vehicles met at the corner where This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend stood, and would be careful not Dist. Cor. Sect y.
to get into debt. Wben be was Cipero Street joins Coffee Street Future Hope ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, not himself paying out the cash, and it is said that as they were abune ore 22:01. Trish. Box passing each other, Francis me he was easily led into embarassEfforts. Pierre, Box. 1640. Cris Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up ment and trouble. The existing out from behind the cab in an Primitive. 55, Depass, Bocas del Toro a run down constitution.
system was perhaps, not to be attempt to reach the southern Exelsior, Cocke, P, Box 98 Ancon.
It promotes digestion, improves the appe side of the street. She was quarrelled with when times were struck good and money was plentiful.
the right fender of the Loyal tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system Now, however, that prices were kett vigorously epllied his brakese ordenama car and thrown under. Mr. Plun nedorethan. 9841, Sterline. Box Lel. Lally of Panama, 9756. MWhite. Box DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or down and money was difficult to times a day.
obtain, it was natural that the to save the unfortunate woman Jonathan Daughters. 756. Ernesta Williams purse strings of the Advancing from further injury, and managed neon ROCE Pride of Colon. 2776, Broadhurst Box Houses sbould also be tightened to bring the car to a standstille deistobal. JAIER MORAN American Pharmacy. and the planters were fioding within its length, but not before Ebenezer Hen. Brown. Box 17. Cristobal. themselves in an awkward finanbe woman had been seriously cial position injured. She was taken up in mirant, Bocas, an unconscious state and carried 92. Ancon.
King Georve. 27801, Coward, P, Box The system he referred to bad in the same ve cle to the Colo Star in the East. 73. Hoyte. Box been inherited by the planting pial Hospital where she soon after Aneon. cz conmunity from their fathers Casswillpole, U, Scott. Box 103 wards expired. Constables Wal Cristobal.
lice and Brooks who were on duty to Cristoba. and grandfathers: it had not Loyal Princess, 207. Nicolas, originated with the present genthere accompanied be, and to Loyal Joshua 9817. Jackson. Guabito.
eration. Uotil it is uprooted, ther with the driver of the car Boes His Excellency said, am very Loyal David 2421 Me. Donald, Box they reported the matter to the 1963. Aneon, 0, 2, much afraid that the financial Police Station. post mortem position of the planters will not Pride of be satisfactory.
xamination revealed that death tobulete Gem. 1, David Carlise. Cris They were Pride of Limon: 29 Prancis. Box was tu to nuluple injuries reses. Port Limon, You don want to be out working under a heavy bandicap.
ceived Pride of St. Patrick, 1811, Skeete. Para of the Fashion, do you? There was however no ques.
The woman bad come to the Mt. Glhead. Lodze. Sam Pugles Pas.
tion too dificult of solution, and Colony to visit her daugter, wbooral. Seetry, lived at Undine Street, about a CERTAINLY NOT. that matter, although a hard problem, might be handled in stone throw from the scene ol He lived at such a manner as to lead to a the collision, and she was actual number of years.
Then, Fashion says PLEATS ly making preparations to return No. Harp Place with his wife being found out of the difficulty. He intended bringing the ta ber native land. Mr. Plunkeut and four children two boys and matter to the notice of the Colowho drove the car is in charge of two girls.
nial Office, in tar that consid the reclamation measures being eration might be kiven to it with carried out in the Oropouche Lagoon.
We are offering you the a view to tiading some remedy.
The British Goveroment certain latest styles in Pleats. ly could not allow the agriculturQUARRY TRAGEDY, Accordion, Side, Box and TO DEAL WITH COMMON AFFAIRS al community here to be overDouble Box Pleats.
whelmed or to go to the wall.
Pleated Panels a Specialty Some means of saving the plantLABOURER TERRIBLE END. Onlooker writing in ers would have to be devised.
the After all, one could not deprive a Smashed By Falling Rock. Weekly Guardian of the 24 man of his beritage if they saw ulto. 9ays inter alia :PERFECTION OF HANDIWORK that misfortune had overtaken The Legislative Council passAntoine Fernandez, aged 80 him, and he was manfully striving to right himself. One trouble years, met his death in tragic ed at its last meeting a resolution circumstances at Prime Quarry consider sympathetically expressing its willingness to Was that advances had been which is situated above the Duke Co any The Woman Exchange Dressmakers made one mortgage when land Street bridge on Monday after proposal that might be made by 141, Central Avenue, Panama (Opposite 20th Street)
were noon.
the Secretary of State for the present were. That would be a Colonies that is likely to establish Fernandez was engaged at a ANN THOMAS, Prop difficulty, even if the Governheight of about 30 feet in grubo with the common affairs of the a Standing Conference to deal ment was prepared to make advances. If the Imperial GovernLiag some massive boulders British West Indies. This ment was ever prepared to make on the eastern side of the Br is advances at per cent on first quarry. It appears that while welcome news to all who are mortgage, that difficulty of seSlipper gasted be grubbing bar bonestly looking forward the in arise, owing causing him to lose his foothold management of the asics of the Dairymen League CREAMY MILK depreciated value of real estate.
from He however had great and he fell. At the same time British West Indian Colonies.
hope that a huge mass of rock measuring Indian Federation, or the coming the Secretary of State would taProgress in the direction of West about two cubic yards and ot into existence of a United West vourably consider the whole question, and would give the new approximately two tons in CONDENSED Governor authority to in some weight, was dislodged from the Indies, call it by what name one manner deal with it. Even if upper portion of the pit and would wish. Resolutions along will is much slower than many cocoa went up a few points the on top position would not be improved of Fernandez passing over him such lines as this together with eague and in its descent.
efforts in relation to for there would almost certainly Another rock commercial fell on the unfortunate man as matters and sporte, must be foreclosures, and the vicious circle would be run as before.
his body reached the ground.
eventually create that better Emile Grant, another quarry which will unanimously find that feeling and oneness of thougbt BULUN EVAPORATED man who was engaged on the its one and only correct mode of Talk of slavery being abolished! exciaimed His Excellency.
opposite side was the only one Sweetened Condensed Why, many of the planters now who witnessed the accident. He expression is by means of comare subject to a form of slavery raised an alarm and when the plete unification.
is the more tyranical than existed in other workmen reached the from inspected herds human beings. Even on the GRENADA scene they were confronted by Production Legislative Council some men a gruesome spectacle, the body cannot kive free expression to being terribly shattered. Within SERIAL ORIERS. OTICA, USA VERY BEST their opinion, for fear that the short time crowds of people The Governor Leavcs.
screw will be put on them by from far and near collected on those whose interest they feel the scene.
The Besson Street bound to consider. We must Police took charge of the body REVIEW CONDITIONS UNDER find a cure for this intolerable wbich was viewed by the WHICH PLANTERS OPERATE. Guaranteed by 70, 000 farmers position. It is a matter which 0. who ordered its removal to really intend to discuss in Engthe mortuary.
In relinquishing his office as land, and hope that my sucFernandez wbo was a mulatto Governor of the Windward cessor will receive instructions was native of St. Kitts and Islands, Sir Geo. HaddonSold by ALL GROCERS to deal with it.
bad resided in the colony for a Smith was the recipient of And PANAMA CANAL COMMISSARIES (Continued on Page 7)
so, A Standing Conference Milk that is always fresh fresh supply is only a phone call away Spell it backwards to FRESH MILK POWDERED DISTRIBUTOR Maxwell Kelso Sales Co.


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