
FULL SUPPLY OF Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, Cabbage, Dairymen Butter ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES Go Call and see us before purchasing elsewhere.
Dresent ALBOA EST EER REWED up the paper ather strength of rara Colonisation scheme to the While Allies DisBEFORE MINUTES LATER resident East Indian community bas been printed in English, Tamil, Urdu and Hindi, for discuss Reparation tribution before and at the gene ral meeting of the British Guiana GE MANY IS REPORTED TO East Indian Association held in Just rub a little safe, harmless KINKOUT in your hair and within two BE RECRUITING AND the Town Hall recently time does it. Positively will not turn the hair red. Could not hurt the or three minutes your hair should be lovew, smooth, silky and wavy.
RE ARMING most sensitive scalp. KINKOUT can be used as a hair grower. Full. 1) Regular steamer commu.
SOLD ON MONEY BACK GUARANTEE IF YOU ARE simple, easy directions on each package. Comes only in green and yellow nication every two months and NOT COMPLETELY SATISFIED! NO HOT IRONS! One tubes. Substitutes may be dangerous. Be sure and get the genuine, later monthly at the cheapest Direet West India Cable des cates direct to India and back. GET KINKOUT AT YOUR DRUGGIST 50c and 00, in 2) The entry as free citizens ber 29th says: patch from London dated Novemof 7, 500 East Indian agricultaral Your Druggist Can Get it From any of These Wholesale Dealers. families within about four years. Disturbing information con to take up lund or to work cerning the extent to which Ger.
CAMERON SPRINGER JEANMARIE for employers, whichever they must be es recruiting and re arming, WILLIAMS been received siys a Reuter item. AlBox 605 Box 738 (3) The carrying out of the though the view is taken officially Almirante, Bocas del Toro Government large Cristobal, Canal Zone Cristobal, Canal Zone Rep. of Panama schemes of irrigation, draina ze tential, rather than imminent that this information reveals poand pure drinking water by the danger, the authorities are frankly proposed loan of two million dollars.
concerned over the situation and Interesting West.
requirements (including tho e devoting consilerable attention to. Safeguarding of The its bearing on the peace of Lurope. Continued from page 6)
for marring. and attention to the news item the needs of vernacular educa. in a statement, however, siys the The foreign office BRITISH GUIANA tion. An education come itte has information should not be attrilready been approved ot. buted to any official authority. 5) special Indian Commissioner It is known that rapid military Colony Wants To (6) special land settle training of large numbers of ment commission to deal with men in excess of the Versailles Stand Alone.
requirements as to land. Treaty stipulation had been pro(7) Voting papers to be print gressing says the Reuter article in English, Urdu and Hindi this, it is declared, is more than SAYS INTEREST OF BIG COLONY (also in Tamil and Telegu when ever the case since the Allied miliDEMANDS SEPARATION FROM necessary. Voters having the tary control ceased nearly a year WEST INDIAN GROUP.
property qualification but not ago. Recruiting has been especialable to ifad and write to vote by ly active in Bavaria, where the sedeclaration to the Returning curity police have been engaged in Writing editorially, the DemOfficer with proper safeguards manoeuvres with the army. The erara Argosy of November cor. secrecy.
training of students also is in con3rd says: stant progress. Hitherto, all at It may now be taken as tempts to induce Germany to prothe settled policy of BritBARBADOS duce recruiting returns in order ish Guiana that the interto enable the Allies to check ests of the colony demand the almost entire separation from War Memorial For Barbados German army at any given the West Indian islands, that moment of inspection with the British Guiana must stand alone, The Governor of Barbados bas number of recruits actually distinct and separate, on all pos.
sible occasions accentuating the ient down a message to the trained has been unsuccessful.
House o! Assembly on the sub MORE MEN IN TRAINING.
fact of its isolated position as the ject of the proposed on the South Memorial. It is understood that War Recent information from British American mainland, and that its problems and its aspirations His Excellency deeply feels the observers ia Germany shows that differ from those of the West void which the absence of the more men than ever are being Indies, properly so called. To War Memorial in Barbados trained, and that the police and creates and as his of military societies and regimental our minds there is no reason world find and realize us. It casta service is likely to be soon closed associations are all bigger than why the Islands, or why the no slur or slight whatever upon West India Committee should our good friends of the West In be would not have it to be said ever. British officials here however, after he was gone that nothing feel that Germany is not able at feel in any respect annoyed or dies, and we would like them to slighted by this decision, wbich regard our newly manifested GOOD OPENING had been done during his regime present to arm the large number of of Attached to his message were men she is training in the event was inevitable in the process of spirit of independence with four designs of memorials from mobilization with the necessary the new attitude should not pre or distaste. The increase in im.
evolutionary development and pathy rather than with suspicion Messrs. Underwood, of London. artillery owing to the French being The Executive committee had industrial and munitions area io in possession of every priocipal vent the West Indies and portance which must come to Good openings are rare things mostly stumbled considered the subject and British Guiana acting together British Guiana will bring adfavoured design the estimat, closer relations have been cultivatthe Ruhr. But it is also known that in matters in which their in: vantage rather than disadvantage upon by accident, but mightily satisfying when ed cost of which was 000, and ed terests are more or less identi to the Islands. Thoy, speaking you ve got the goods.
for it a site in Probyn St. The ed by the Krupps with Russia and cal, such, for instance, as the generally, are fully developed, matter was of course for the Sweden. Whether these relations welfare of cable and wireless communice of adolescence, beginning to feel the sugar industry, fully grown. We are at the age House of Assembly to decide. are concerned with the manufacture We don consider we are stretching the point The message was ordered to be and supply of guns, it not yet tion, steamer services and the concious of our desting and like.
printed and circulated without possible to say. It is also pointed The point is that we in aware that there a bit in saying that a man makes a good opening delay, out that up to the time the Allias British Guiana have arrived at much before this control was relaxed the Allies had the stage in life when we feel colony when he buys his first package of occupies the ровіnot succeeded in getting more than Merited Promotion.
it necessary to breast the cur tion in the councils of the half the rifles in the country. Little rent for ourselves. We are Empire which it ought to occupy doubt is entertained by British Hon. Edward Allan Grannum factories in Thuringia and else growing up, but not so fast as by reason of its size and of its officials that the small we would like, and we feel that rich, but as yet almost unexploC. who has been Receiver where are turning out these and our development will be best red resources.
General of Mauritius since 1912, forwarded by leaving the family has been appointed Colonial the necessary cartridges on large party and letting the world Two things have happened Secretary, after a lengthy acting scale.
know that we are in business within the last four months to appointment of that colony. The for ourselves. We have nodrive bome to the realization of salary is 1, 500 per annum. Mr.
quarrel with the family party, the West Indies and of the ImChange to the Cigarette that Grannum entered the but we have come to realize how perial authorities that British Barbados Civil Service in 1885, WILKINSON never changes, ignorant is the poor blundering Guiana intends to branch In 1897 he was appointed Assistworld, and we feel that the out for hersell. First was ant Auditor, Sierra Leone, and world and particularly the our join in the whole of his career since Contractor world of the British Empire, with the West Indies in the then has been in the African cannot be made to understand appointment of a Trade Comservices. He married a second and Builder honum big we are, how much our missioner in London. The refus: the West India Commitee, and stacles to progress. We wou la time some years ago, the only rich interior has been neglected, al was due not so much to our presence alongeide will tend have the West Indies accompany daughter of Sir Francis and what great possibilities of dissatisfaction with the proposed House No. 20 development are existent, so arrangement on its merits, as to to strengthen and not weaken us along the estuary and wish Lady Watts, of the Imperial long as in the world mind the new spirit of thrust, and it their hands. But we have our us God speed when we come to Tropical College of Agriculture.
28th NOV. STREET, we are identified and identifiable would be a pity if the West In own course to follow. In the the separate river which they SAN MIGUEL with the West Indies. dia Committee should unnec estuary both craft may steer have no cause to enter.
British Consulate Notice.
is natural, essarily take offence. The point alike, but we need go far beyond The Acting British Consul at Box 411, Panama, R, Colon would be glad of informathe result of the spirit of enter who will give all his attention to Demerara Colonisation our own river, conquering its Scheme tion as to the present whereabouts Plans and Specifications Free prise and of development that is our special interests and aspiraof Cecil Dehaney Taylor, a native In the air. It means that we are tions and needs. In many cases rapids, nessing with care over finding and realizing ourselves, we can row amicably side by its shallos, avoiding its hidden The following summary of the oi Jamaica, stated to have been First Class Workmanship and that we would also have the side, with the West Indies and rocks and surmounting its ob anticipated benefits of the Deme resident at Colon.
only British syr.
is very to do arms Lucky Strike refusal to This frame of


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