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Bearing signs of timidity, Attorney By France In Proposals for In Intercolonial Cricket Final German Settlement. Match Against Trinldad, Wants Britain to Cede Island of New proposals from France ha ve The Trinidad Chronicle of the Of Comrade at Port Royal BarJamaica For American Cash.
teen received at the British Foreign 1st inst. just to hand, reports Office for a final and full settlement the following: racks on Christmas Day.
of the German Palatinate prob resume of the final play in the The London Sunday Sun lems.
Barbados Trinidad match and dated February 10 says The proposals from Paris, it is other details are given by the o clock on Tuesday it was deter Under the Headings or United Views of Elliott En stated in high diplomatic circles, following telegram received from morning, snya the Jamnica Glenn mined to make a final appear to States Sooritional a.
er of the 6th inst. Rupert Smalling. His Excelleney the Governor to whole Report, the Exchange Teletubb dorsed by Corres peedily.
matter settled equitably and Barbados, February 23rd. The the Private of the West India Regi commmute the sentence of death Company received remarkable mateh between Barbadosand ment, who was sentenced to death on the ground that Rupert Smallmes ge from Paris at 11 o clock It may be taken as certain, says Trinidad was resumed at 11. 30 at the recent session of the Home ing suffered from shell shoek and last night.
the Central News, that the over. a. yesterday on a good wicket. Bombardier Ernest William Park. what he had done.
pondent Circuit Court for the murder of was consequently irresponsible for It discloses proposals said to tures made will be considered with Fraser and Crawford took their er, was executed in accordance have bee made for the payment the utmost good will by the British ture at the wickets and after His Excellency was approached of France debts to the United Government, which has already runs had been added to their over with the sentence of the law. on Sunday by Messrs. Bain Palo Seco, States by the cession of the French night score of 74 runs Fraser played. The stalwart West Indian sol. Alves and Alfred Mends and again West Indies to the American Gov.
March 11, 1924 The proposals have, in fact, been on one of Greaves deliveries to dier, looking nong the worse for on Monday, but the Governor saw ernment WORKMAN PRINTER made in the most friendly spirit yet his wicket lelting in W, st. Hill. his lenghened period of incarcera no reason to alter the decision that But what is of even more senPanama, apparent in the informal negotia. Crawford was dismissed by the tion and the lawful hours he must had been come to in Privy Council sational and vital interest is the tions between the Prime Ministers same bowler and Dewhurst the have spent meditating over his and the execution was duly carried revelation of the message concern allow space for the following article garded as the first fruits of this was ahortly after clean bowled by ioned by the hangman Goslin to two countries, and are re. man filled the. out.
in our own share in these inter and oblige the undersigned STORY OF THE CRIME.
national financial matters.
In a recent article published in now been created.
atmosphere of good will which has Griffiths with the total at 83 bring the gallows, appenling to God for The crime for which the soldier AMERICAN DOLLARS FOR your valuable paper. Mr. Carl At the same time, what is prae and siving Barbados the victory over his head.
ing the Trinidad innings to a close merey as the black cap was drawn paid the extreme penalty was comFRENCH DEBT Elliot without hesitance criticised tically a complete settlement has by 125 runs. The cup was then Nothing less than a hint is given the present attitude of our young been reached in regard to the presented to the Barbados eleven for the past two days. Hitherto Port Royal on Christmas Eve to He had been weeping bitterlying came up to Kingston from mitted on Christmas Day. Small.
that, in return for the payment by women of the race for their ready Cologne railways.
by Major Harragin, the United States of Frances war acceptance and their continual he was apparently composed and purchase things for the mess. He debts to us, Great Britain should practice in the prevailing vices of the protocol of December 14, which The Workman Printery has re became fewer and the moments Port Royal, he ran amuek. He The agreement is on the lines of cedes Jamur car to the American the Community. His article was allowed the Franco Belgian Kegic moved and is now Tocated at 93 raa out in eating heartily, but as bis days drank heavily, and on his return to people, real treth, and should not escape quick succession, the manifested signs of remorse. The first of all, started to smash up the This is the full text of the dis. the attention of the women of the facilities for through trafic in their Central Avenue, opposite wares in the mess, and armed with Reverend Canon Leo. James, a rifle and fixed bayonet he chased zones. London Sunday News) Cecilia Theatre, raca. It might have been conmatch: the prison Chaplain, was constant several of the soldiers.
sidered harsh and cold, but truth PARIS, Saturday Observing in bis ministration to the con his condition, one of his comrades According to Excekier which is never candied. sugar coated)
will publish the information to and even though it may be against demed man, and on Monday His Lordship the Bishop of reported the matter to his superior morning, Officer, Lieut, Richardson. SmallStates Government is now willing workers, yet our judgement of ing then chased the latter, and to accept, in nayment of the justice should always be feir.
90 Tuesday, merrieuthin fipal tlanagekong. of the com.
Minthers stora tigtuten me French debt to the United States completed, among those present bardier Ernest William Parker who the cassinn to the United States of what their jurisdiction on their being Mr. Gear the superintendent, was asleep at the time. Eventual.
the French islands of the West daughters and the young women Dr Blair, Prison Surgeon, In ly he was overpowered and handed Indies. FROM OUR SAN BLAS CORRESPONDENT)
who are beyond motherly control spector M, Sullivan, over to the civil authorities.
It is stated that negotiations on of their lives to see where they and protection should take a stock Leaving out our Indian friends sary branches are being established, and the necessary warders. Canon at the Home some time, and it is reported that every source of business, at the numbering thousands around and plantation need not inconvenience mane until the last when the Justice Anthony LeFrietas, The the subcat bave been goinzon for have gained to retrograded. Ta and co workers on the plantation so that the river divisions of the Jones prayed with the condemned Circuit Court before His Hoa. Mr.
the United States would also pay end of each month or quarter a and others coming from neighbor.
about us, the native, West Indian the people in getting supplies.
wara warders pipioned. to Great Britain the war debt general stock taking develops to TRUCK GARDENING, ETC.
procession to the gallows followed. prosecution was conducted by Mr.
Josephs, KC Acting owed her by France in return for the extent the owner and the gen ing Central American republics General, whilst the of. have Those who have come in with and as stated above, invoked the the French Islands of the West eral management can prove Profit ing the last three months from 300 the honest settlement spirit are merey of Almighty God. second accused was defended by Mr.
or Indies, including Marvinique and Stock taking is necessary. think to nearls 1, 500, men, women and already talking of truck gardening or two intervened, the bolt was te Radelpfence was, that the acother surrounding smaller islands. moreso of human lives an account think children included.
The as necessary to a healthful dietary leased and with a twitch the stalThese islands would be of great of which will be taken at some It is true that many have proven But it is with regret strategical importance to the future date. It becomes necessary themselves unfit in more than one driven to state set that am wart was despatched to another cused was insane at the time he committed the act, and that he right here that world.
United States. Ex. Tel. Co.
The Surgeon examined the body deceased.
no intention of killing the then, that a Stock should be taken way to meet the requirements of agitators and villainous propato see wherein we hava gained in plantation developments, but none The unwily laborer from the West tinet, and at 30 o clock His gandists and parasites who follow and determined that life was exAfter a careful trial, the jury Tomorrow Races and killiness, perlegenerated in something have been discouraged have come to the way in here frota Magistrate, held Coroner in murder, but moderecommended Intelligence. shown a Indies everywhere to rob them, Honour Mr. Lench, Resident found the accused guilty of wilfal him Immorality and Vice.
or taken advantage of.
West Indians like every other The facts are, many are making Canal Zone as well as from Bocas that Rupert Smalling came to The programme for tomorrow this side of the Isthmus and the quest at the Prison, and a verdict strongly to mercy, his afternoon is a most appropriate people domicile here encourage good money and are proving our proude to the grand progremme the opini on that any and all vices claims true regarding the chances del Toro with no good intentions. death by hanging in accordance with the Judge report, and all the with the sentence of the law, was circumstances of the case, of next Sunday Most of the can be practiced abroad to be cast here for honest and willing workers, MORE SHIPS AND BACK TO AFRICA arrived at.
horses who will step in the Presi. aside upon returning to their the excellence of climate and soil fully considered by the Governor dential Handicap are entered in a native lands, but let me here in and so forth.
On Saturday night a meeting and his Privy Council, byl they five furlong sprint ant this will form that according to the best of The hue and cry is again More convened under the auspices of came to the conclusion that the farm a pretty good idea of the writers, that a habit once indulged TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES ships for the Red, Black and the Jamaica Reform Club passed a law should take its course.
speed of our long distance runners will take root and eventually ar DRAWBACK Green and back to Africa.
it is also the hardest programme fruit. like disease. To a great ex. It is also true that with the rush On Sunday afternoon the 24th ever run off at Juan Franco and tent mothers are responsible for of labor to the district from Bocas some christian friends, as Racing Topics.
Delegates of Christain Endeavour to Meet guessing and surprises are bound the weakness of their children. del Toro, Costa Rica and Nica usual tried to hold a religions to be the order of the day.
In the maiden, hine horses are counts for pretofthe weak child ac ragus our capacity for housing meeting which was constanely pretiatal habit developed accommodation has been severely interrupted by New Niggers.
From the humblest beginnings The delegates of all local Socities entered and not even the daily by the mother during this period. getting in building material as fast of the thinking people started to Juan Franco has grown to be an of Christain Endeavour, are remind taxad consequent on the need of At its close, and just when some clockers can suggest a winner.
The general cause for the Theled, of the meeting which is to take All one can do is to take a chance ward trend among a majority of as required; but with building of discuss ways and means to get up to date onibippodrome.
our present day young women, proper roads, track lines, etc. necessary grants from the Manage crawling ponies have given place place at the Panama Baptist races will be delighted as there are and a false pride mirrored in duli vice being brought into operation stepped a stalwart professed leader, thoroughbreds. The patrons next precisely at 30 Those who enjoy long distance constitutes a blunt intelligence, underway, and the steamsnip ser:ment to do truck gardening, up to fleet hnatives and first class School Room, on Thurday evening, three mile races on the programme, consciousness, unwilling to avoid at present will make possible ting a new comer on the plantation, which were counted by the n.
two for imported borses of class the precipice of presumption, be easy the work required for brir. ging with the civil engineers gang, but dreds are now way up in the an old Many persons agitator in Panama against thousands and and one for natives of classes cause their minds are Vacant. The all the necessary intitutions of the such schemes as the Las Cascadas many things have operated to ef for service by patrons is much The veteran present generation are more intent corporation into being.
Johonie Walker has gone dowa to upon personal pleasures, thrn the settlemzat, back to the Zone lands, fectuate this wonderful transfor greater that the supply. CLEARING, SURVEYING AND ete.
mation. The indefatigable Jockey far larger salo of tickets could and should easily dispose of gaining of higher intelligence.
PLANTING. But look! This fellow and one Club, the great spirit of rivalry be effected at the pari mutuel if there his field. lu the native event their minds are blank, imagina more selling and natives are represented ranging tion dall, conception poor, and RO With the very fine weather we or two others like him hailing among the owners, the hearty a sporting public and paying booths. At the present from Ace of Trumps 10 Quaker are driven by passion to the com there wingergut recerea ctiti present from thorcedes civil engineers and the jockeys who in those early time hundreds of patrons who is very with labor is Oats and this should furnish abun pany of those like them, where the work of the civil engineers in good pay in here in said line of days piloted the goats to victory would like to back a favorite dant excitement they make common pursuit of day will be the six furlong for part in sensual casure, amuset tions with extensive roads together bave unsettled the poor ignorant compositev bi remain seve the poor time, whereas it e bere were more de Perhaps the best race of the pastime, consisting for the most aying out the concession into sec work) but with the tactics that have all played their part of this borse are deprived of the chance by podin dgn orand jockey. What has become of bim? these booths not only would the imported horses of class ment of a very degrading hind: with general cleaning, cutting and Inbaring people pocket Cookeople the winnus and Has he growa tired of the game or prospective better bo facilitated Eleven horses are entered, among and finally in the excess of liber: The whole concession is already lother places, stepped forward and is be swept away by the wave Chileno, Chomba Loca, Buck ment, the pleasure depends printhem them being the champion tism, In every kind of enjoy divided up into various farms, each fruptured the good intentions of the success? We should very much but it would also add to the funds Dancer, Tigre, and Wood Girl. cipally upon the individual, every farm, having ita local matador poor people by advising them not like to see some of those dare of the jockey Club.
very long absence, will make their called how much truer it is of with ample power to treat with his Telling them that they would be and should not be side tracked a meat who is ever ready to please Reflejo and Mary Erb after a one admits this in regard to phys under the direction of the general to listen to any settlement scheme devils of the early days in the manager and superintendent, but outside the fatherland. Africa. saddle. They served when none else. It is hoped that the Manage.
rer ppearance and should give a intellectual pleasure.
good account of themselves.
Nature has framed strange fel fast as they come iu to the various have been from the Canal Zone and at the present time.
its patrons along the lines of lows in her time progress will take note and speedily The WORKMAN Printery has re.
sections bringing families and mak Bocas del Toro. That plans are make the necessary improvements Some that will evermore peep ing themselves quite homely.
moved and is now located at 93 underway for an exodus from the Central Auenue, opposite through their eyes, The business at the pari mutuel for the convenience of the nuthe COMMISSARIES. States, Panama and other places booths has greatly increased and it merous fans who frequent Juan Cecilia Theatre. Controued on Page In all of these sections commis. Continued on page 8)
is clear to be seen that the demand Franco every Sunday afternoon.
had no were AGAIN.
were of planting

    Death SentenceFrance

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